NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

- Every MySQL Query should now run async.
- Fixed Unban permissions. networkmanager.punishment.unban & networkmanager.punishment.unmute.
- Rewroted the Permission system. You need to remove your old permission tables.
- Added fully Redis support.
- Fixed some huge bugs with playtime. It is recommended to reset your data.
- Fixed TPS not working.
- When BungeeCord shutsdown CORRECTLY it will upload some cached data to the database before it will shutdown so there won't be any data loss.
- When a player got reported. The id in /reports list won't be 0 anymore but the correct ID.
- Added an setting to set the tabheader refresh time (In Seconds).
- You can now show the live playtime %liveplaytime%.
- Fixed alot errors that might occure random.
- Fixed Maintenance mode permissions when using NMPerms.
- Better MySQL Reconnect handling.
- You can't kick offline players anymore.
- The permission networkmanager.* now works for redisbungeeplugin messages.
- Fixed error when using /lookup [username].
- Moved the events package to the api package. (This is for Developers that hook into NetworkManager).
- Arguments of blockedcommands can't be tabcompleted anymore. This is to prevent others from seeing your plugins on a sneeky way. bypass networkmanager.commandblocker.bypass || networkmanager.*
- Added new Placeholder %pluginprefix% that works in 80% or more of the messages. The Placeholder %pluginprefix% is the message lang_prefix.
- You can now use NetworkManager Placeholders in the /announce command.
- Added /nickname as alias for /nick
- Improved the msg system a bit and the Anti-Caps will now work in the msg system.
- Added option to disable nick command.
- Added seen command. Permission: networkmanager.seen.
- Made AntiCaps Caps percent configureable. Default is 40%.
- Added JSON support for the message lang_reports_list. If this works well more messages will follow. Create JSON messages at: (1st JSON message. JSON support for other messages will follow).
- Recoded Tabcomplete. It now works with and without commands. If you want to use it for commands you can add the command including permission in the webinterface. If you don't enter a permission it will work without. For Chat TabComplete the permission is: networkmanager.tabcompletechat or networkmanager.*. For adding a tabcomplete command with permission enter command!permission.
- If you use RedisBungee and you would punish a player on a bungee server he won't be able to login anymore on the other one because when he gets punished the other bungee server will cache the punishment now.
- If you change the nickname of a player it will update every server right away. (Redis (Not RedisBungee))
- Added NoPermission message (customizable).
- Fixed Online display in /lookup command.
- Fixed errors that might occure when using report, staffchat or someother commands.
- Improved some MySQL Queries at startup.
- Fixed error when creating groups with command and API.
- /nmperms reload global will now use the Bungee Message channel if redis is not connected.
- Fixed error when using group prefix/suffix variable when player has no primary group.
- Fixed issue with double messages when using staffchat and RedisBungee.
- Added AdminChat You can use it like /adminchat or @<message>
- Added StaffChat toggle command /staffchat toggle (Also works for AdminChat).
- The permissions networkmanager.slashserver.* should now work.
- New Setting setting_cache_motd_icon. If you disable this you can use the variable %playername% and %playeruuid% in the link of the motd icon.

- The CustumTablist now updates every 2 seconds. (This doesn't mean the variables will also update every 2 seconds)
- You can now close reports in the reportgui.
- Added NoPermission message (customizable).
- Added an chatformatting system that supports PlaceholderAPI.
- Added fully Redis support.
- Rewroted the Permission system. You need to remove your old permission tables. (If you use this and want per-server permission make sure to set the correct servername in the settings.yml).
- Added LookupGUI. Check information about all players in 1 GUI or a Specific player.
- Recoded the Placeholders for MVdWPlaceholderAPI
- Added Support for Vault Permissions. (This is not tested quite well and might be a bit buggy).
- Added new Placeholders MVdW {networkmanager_primarygroup} PAPI %networkmanager_primarygroup% & %networkmanagergroup<group>_id% & %networkmanagergroup<group>_weight% & %networkmanagergroup<group>_prefix% & %networkmanagergroup<group>_suffix%
- Fixed TPS not working.
- Fixed an error when refreshing refreshTabList while reload cache.
- Player will not be loaded when the login is allowed and not blocked by whitelist or anything else that disallows logging in.
- Improved MySQL Query at starup.
- Might have fixed an error that occures when hooking into Vault.
- Recoded filter check. It will now check if the word is equal to a word in the filter.
- The lang_filter_response message now supports the variable %word% that will be replaced with the filterd word.
- Did more improvements to the MySQL Queries at startup.
- Should have fixed spammy error.
- Fixed Vault error on startup again
- Fixed issue when using redis and changing nickname would not work well.
- If you use the NetworkManagerBridge ChatFormatting system you can use the permission networkmanager.chatcolors to use chatcolors in chat.
- Fixed issue when using redis and changing nickname would not work well.
- The NetworkManagerBridge Chat system now supports JSON. You can create your own JSON messages using this tool:
- Removed a debug messsage I forgot to remove.
- Added /lookupgui <username>
- You can now click on a player to open lookupgui for a specific player.

- Because the Website is down. The default login background is not working. So I added a temporary background.
- Fixed Delete Ban Button text not using the Language file.
- Added Per server group permission suppoprt.
- Added Per server group member support.
- Added "Add Permission" button for groups.
- Added "Add Members" button for groups.
- Added ClearChat button with confirmation.
- Added Playerhead to Helpop -> Requester.
- New Permission to Edit Chat (ClearChat).
- Improved alot MySQL Queries and methods.
- Cleaned up some code.
- Added Configurable search message in the language file.
- Updated English and Nederlands language file. Deutsch is a bit outdated.
- Added TabCompleteCommands page. To add a command just enter /command if you want to add a command that requires a permission to tabcomplete enter /command!permission. Just the ! to seperate.
- Fixed Title not changing (It kept it on Analytics)
- Fixed language name save button for changing language
- Added notes to player page.
- Added nickname to player page.
- Added Online/Offline state to player page.
- Fixed punishments still containing reports.
- Improved loading speed Analytics but is still slow with really big Data. :(
- New Permission system.
- Fixed Issue when filter word gets deleted the list would be empty.
- Fixed issue with switch when setting a group to default or not.
- Fixed Changing settings when using the search function.
- Added a confirmation box for deleting Groups and Users Accounts.
- Added a Settings system that can be managed through the WebInterface.
- Settings has been split in 2. WebInterface and Plugin. You can find the WebInterface Settins under the WebInterface button and the plugin settings under the Plugin button.
- Added option for default-language.
- Added option for date-format.
- Updated the Permission System pages. It now supports the Language system.
- Updated English and Nederlands (Dutch) Languge Files.

NOTE: Delete te old settings.php located at /inc/php/dep/settings.php and make sure the file /inc/json/settings.json has write permissions so you can edit it from the WebInterface.

WebInterface bugs? Clear your browser cache.
----------, Jan 14, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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