I was waiting for 1.16.2 to come out before I release this version.
- Added 1.16.1 and 1.16.2 support.
- Added support for BungeeTabListPlus.
- Fixed error that could occur when tabcompleting kick command of party.
- Added dupeip join notification (networkmanager.notify.dupeip_join)
- Added --reload argument for server create command to reload it after creating it.
- Added announcementsmanager send command.
- Fixed issue with java 11 and extensions.
- Show amount and list all players on a server /sm server <server>
- Tab complete imporvements for NetworkManager commands.
- Added option to only allow local or global msg.
- Added Playtime top header (lang_playtime_top_header).
- Fixed some issues with Filter for Sigs and Books.
- Updated to PlaceholderAPI to 2.10.9.
- Added serverplayercount placeholder to premiumvanish placeholders in NetworkManager.
- Lots of optimizations and code cleanup.