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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

A great update that took a while but now it's here!
It's almost a month ago since the last update and here I'm back with a new great update! It's recommended to back-up your database as always just in case.

The WebInterface and some extensions also received an update because older versions weren't compatible anymore. Check it out on the Discord.


- Fixed wrong socialspy message key usage in msg and reply command.
- Cleaned up lots of code which should shrink the size of the plugin a little and improve the performance.
- Removed Debug message that would appear in the console when unbanning a player.
- Sessions that didn't take longer then 1 second will now be removed and ignored.
- Fixed an issue that could cause missing player data.
- Updated the UltraPermissions hook to the latest version.
- Introducing the new PlaceholderSystem. You can find all working placeholders here:
Found a placeholder that does not work? Just let met know!
- Words that are detected as swearing can now be replaced with a word or sentence.
- Performance improvements in the BAT importer on Bungee.
- Fixed issue with UTF-8 characters not showing up in chat
- ServerManager now supports Forced Hosts! You can now use servernames and servergroups in the BungeeCord config for forced hosts. (Note: Servernames and groupnames are case sensitive).
- Added Silent option in punishment commands. You can use -s before entering the punishment reason. Example: /gban ChimpGamer -s Silent Punishment!
- Fixed issue with Extensions trying to load Placeholders into NetworkManager.
- Fixed weird characters when using %newline% on servers which run on Windows.
- Added support for RabbitMQ.
- Sorted some Events in the API.
- Added User events.
- You can now use /language all <language> to change the language of every player.
- Added CommandSpy. You can enable/disable it in the Settings of the WebInterface. /cmdspy - networkmanager.commandspy
----------, Mar 25, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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