DragonSlayer icon

DragonSlayer -----

The Dragon will rise again.... !! (and bring its brothers!)

This is just a small update to fully support 1.21.4

It also adds some simple WorldGuard support for personal statues...
----------, Jan 10, 2025

This is an update to fully support 1.21.3 !

No other features, yet ;)

Since 1.21.3 had some critical changes, and I don't know if I really made all the necessary changes... please report any bugs ;)
----------, Nov 18, 2024

- fix for dragons that are stuck in phase 1 (strafing)
- placeholder can be used with 'null'-player
- small fix in dragon handling
----------, Oct 3, 2024

With this version, every player who is in the dragon killer list (killed a dragon once...) can place a small dragon-slayer-statue !
The statue is like a small copy of the big one, with the player's name on it :)

2nd: To make the config a little less chaotic, the individual dragon's settings (if present) are moved to a separate section within the config.

Since this update had a lot of internal changes please report any issues in the discussion or via PM! Thanks!
----------, Jul 28, 2024

Another small fix for death event bug in 1.21...

PS: I had to reupload it, since 1st version didn't fix it ;)
----------, Jul 7, 2024

Another small fix for death event bug in 1.21...
----------, Jul 7, 2024

This update adresses some small issues:

- Fix for world reset commands
- Fix for dragon kills with custom plugins like WeaponMechanics
----------, Jul 6, 2024

This is just a small update to fix a bug with paper 1.21 servers...
----------, Jun 18, 2024

This is an update to MC 1.21
and fixes some small NPC texture issues.
----------, Jun 16, 2024

This version is an update to minecraft versions 1.20.5/1.20.6 !

This is only a BETA-release !

Since some dependencies (ProtocolLib) still didn't get any updates, this DSL-update may still have issues...

But I'm done with waiting, even though I don't know if it's working when ProtocolLib update comes out :(
DragonSlayer may need another update then!

Protocollib has updated and seems to work again without me having to change anything ;)

So, if you use the 'NPC' on an 1.20.6 server for the slayer statue, please set 'statue_version' value to 1 for now. You have to use the armorstand statue until ProtocolLib gets an update...
NPC can be used with latest dev build of ProtocolLib, now!

The rest should be ok!
If not -> please let me know! (use the discussion or DM me!)
----------, Jun 2, 2024

This update has the following:
- Additional spawn feature (player's first join -> dragon spawn)
- Fix for timer/scoreboard display on 1.20.4 server.
- some small internal fixes...

The new spawn feature is off by default.
When enabled every player who enters the end for the first time causes a dragon spawn.
This dragon will spawn just a few seconds after the player moved in ;)

If there already is a dragon present in that world, the 'free dragon ticket' will not be used. The player can still spawn a dragon when he enters the end the next time (when there is NO dragon around)...
----------, Dec 12, 2023

This is just a very small fix for ProtocolLib handling (ProtocolLib still isn't working under 1.20.3...)
so... it has 'no' changes... ;)
----------, Dec 7, 2023

This is an update to latest spigot 1.20.3.
It should work... could not be fully tested because ProtocolLib has not been updated yet...
----------, Dec 6, 2023

This update fixes an issue when using TabList (by Toldi / montlikadani) !

Players will no longer get kicked from the server when scoreboard/timers are displayed.

TabList seems to have some issues when another plugin modifies scoreboard's teams' prefix or suffix...
----------, Dec 1, 2023

This fix should remove issues with getting textures from Mojang API...

Since I can't reproduce the issues with this, it's just a test for anyone having those issue!

Please let me know if it works or not!

PS: The API is not used with armorstand anymore, just with NPC statue!
----------, Nov 5, 2023

This release just fixes a texture issue with 1.20.2 servers when using the NPC-statue...
----------, Oct 11, 2023

- important fix for deprecated spawn method when using a server version before 1.20.2 !
- changed/improved the internal routines for the commands a little
- added the possibility to use PAPI placeholders within the commands ...
- fix for glow in versions <1.12
----------, Oct 8, 2023

Update to 0.12.9:
- support for minecraft 1.20.2
- added color to the glow / hit effect...
- some small changes to config handling...
----------, Oct 3, 2023

- hofix for 1.20 bug where a manually spawned dragon has no dragon battle connected to it... this seems to be a bug in Spigot. If this gets fixed in Spigot it will keep working! ;)
- fixed a bug with the dropped XP if alternativereward is set to false
----------, Jun 23, 2023

This update just has
- MC 1.20 support
- removed an obsolete check for worldname "world"...

Since the dragon battle routines seem to have new features in 1.20,
i'm checking if there's any new stuff that can be done with it ;)
But that will be in some future release...
----------, Jun 11, 2023

This small update has only an additional new PAPI placeholder:
%dragonslayer_nexttimems% and %dragonslayer_nexttimems_[mapname]%

See https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/dragonslayer.217432/page-113#post-4561932

Version stays the same ;)
----------, Mar 18, 2023

- compatibility for 1.19.4 !
- Worldrefresh now uses standard API routines instead of NMS
- replaced and optimized some NMS routines with (hopefully) more version independent ones...
- added compatibility for SkinsRestorer plugin for the NPC statue.

And as always: please report any bugs/issues in the discussion section...
----------, Mar 18, 2023

- If ProtocolLib is NOT installed, plugin will not crash anymore :)
- fix of typo: renamed config value 'portalagression' to 'portal_aggression' (why noone told me? :)
- renamed some more config values and sections: 'armorstand' to 'statue', since this is not limited to an armorstand anymore and can also be a NPC statue... The config will automaticaly be changed/converted...
- also renamed commands setarmorstand, getarmorstand and remarmorstand to setstatue, getstatue and remstatue (old commands remain working, but are not mentioned anywhere anymore...)
- improved handling of NPC-statue textures and fixed a bug when the slayer has changed...
- added a new feature: If 'slayerbyrank' is set to true, not the dragon killer or the one who dealed most damage (slayerbypercent) will get the DragonSlayer-title and the statue, but the one with the most dragon kills! You should also change the texts in 'onkill' and 'onrekill' to something like '&6$slayer became the new &9Dragon Slayer!' and '&6$slayer has most kills and still is the &9Dragon Slayer!'
----------, Jan 23, 2023

- Fix for dragon flight level, if portal base is more than +/-16 blocks from default (64) (this is useful for custom worlds...)
- Extended rank commands: Now it's possible to use rankcommand_x_y, where x is the rank (just like before) and y is the dragon number... if the values do not exist the default without dragonnumber is used (if this exists..)
- small add: slayerbypercent can now also be used map based. Has to be edited by hand...(default is server wide, as before)
- small fix for the use of ProtocolLib on 1.19.3 and newer servers...
- small update for deprecated functions...
- Re-add metrics (bStats)
----------, Jan 9, 2023

- Minecraft 1.19.3 support
- setspawn command can now be used in overworld... (be careful!)
- added switchable dragon glow effekt
- added simple dragon hit effect: in addition to minecraft's default hit effect, this turns on the dragon's glow for a short moment (or off if the dragon already IS glowing...)
- some fixes for use of ProtocolLib...
----------, Dec 17, 2022

This small fix should have been added in last release already... here it is :)

The changing of the display name of the dragon can be disabled, by setting an empty name in the config, now!
(For other plugins that have own dragon names, like Evo Dragons or such...)

But: by doing this, DragonSlayer plugin may not be able to determine which dragon is which, in some situations... such as when updating from an old plugin version (or world) without stored dragon values!
----------, Nov 16, 2022

- 1.19.2 Update
- fix for tab complete with non existent argument...

- changing the name of the dragon can be disabled by setting an empty name in config, now... but: by doing this, the plugin may not be able to determine which dragon is which, in some situations..! (as when updating from an old plugin version (or world) without stored dragon values...)
---> ups... will be in next release ;)
----------, Aug 6, 2022

- internal changes and small fixes.
- added some default text for rank placeholders (config values 'noname_ph' , 'unknownname_ph' and 'noscore_ph' .
- the change of dragon's 'health' and 'damage' will be ignored now, if this values in config are set to 0.
- the timing for tablist (changing player's name) is configurable now. Config value 'tablist_time'.
- update to 1.19.1

I had no time to test this intensively, so please double check whether everything works as intended ;)
(and report any issues) ...
----------, Aug 2, 2022

- fix for alternative rewards when a player somehow healed the dragon ;)
- some internal changes/fixes
- support for 1.19 and hotfix for bug in spigot with DragonBattles...

PS: I've tested the changes in this version under 1.18 and 1.19 only, if you have any issues please let me know!

PPS: If you're using the NPC statue, please update ProtocolLib to latest dev-build (for 1.19) !
----------, Jun 17, 2022

- add fix for getting/finding the respawn-world during reset from multiverse if end world's name doesn't end on '_the_end'.
- finaly add TabCompletion to commands...
- small fix for dragon counting
----------, Apr 30, 2022

- fixed bug with crystal spawned dragons
- improved compatibility to PetDragon
----------, Mar 20, 2022

- 1.18.2 support
- removed obsolete old dragon-gateway-fix
- the remove-dragons-command only removes DSL-Dragons, with additional 'force' it will remove ALL dragons it can find in that world!
- improved recognition of original and custom dragons
----------, Mar 6, 2022

- Update of config handling...

- Small fix in bossbar adding...

- Some changed methodes (for increasing performance)

- Removed CS-fix (it's not needed anymore)

- Another fix against portal stacking during crystal-refresh when portal height has been changed (e.g. by water)

- Added a fix for potentially wrong gateway teleport destinations... (must be enabled, off by default) -> new config value 'fixgateways' !

- Fixed a bug with multiportal, if dragon names are not visible (switched off...)

- New routine for dealing with gateway bypass, possible values for bypassdragongateway are now 1,2 and 3! (1: teleport dragons, 2: NEW gateway switching!, 3: old gateway switch on/off routine (will be removed in the next release...))
this new version should be less 'gateway destroying' ;)

- Existing placeholders %dragonslayer_nexttime%, %dragonslayer_nexttimehm% and %dragonslayer_nexttimehms% can now be used to check a specific world ..
e.g. %dragonslayer_nexttimehms_world%

- Spawncommand_n is possible now! (You can have separate commands to be executed at dragon spawn per dragon, based on dragon's name/number... this defaults to 'spawncommand'...

- The config format for commands (command[_n], rankcommand_n, spawncommand[_n], respawncommand) has been changed from ';'-separated strings to StringLists (existing configurations are converted automatically)

- Added new PAPI-placeholder %dragonslayer_myplace% to show the players rank/place in kill-list!

As always: please report bugs!
I hope my testing was good egough, so there arn't any! ;)
----------, Jan 23, 2022

As always: please report any bugs or issues!!

Important: to use NPC-statue this version needs ProtocolLib to be installed!

0.11.3 (internal version only)
- Spawn sound switchable: now you can disable the dragon's global spawn sound. Only players in the dragon's world will be able to hear it now... (if global sound is deactivated)
- update to 1.18
- update to 1.18.1 and rewrite of NPC-statue routines to use ProtocolLib instead of my own internal NMS-routines ! (This makes future updates a little less difficult... i hope...)
- some more small fixes...

-> Info: Paper still needs keepchunks to be on "true" ! (1.17/1.18...)
----------, Dec 18, 2021

- With the fixed entity-bug in Spigot, I now had to change my dragon-check-routine a bit -> having "keepchunks" set to false should work again on latest 1.17.1 servers! (but not on paper, yet!!!? only Spigot!)

- Fix for NPC-statue if the server uses wrong plugin loading order (multiverse seems to load after DSL on a few servers)

- Fix/workaround for armorstand-statue on Paper servers (still the getEntities bug... the fix is still not 100% ! :(

- Fix for dropping dragon eggs: now it uses it's own drop, and not the events drop! So other plugins can no longer cancel the drop !

- Improved scoreboard and NPC-Statue nametag (only if DSL scoreboard is used)

- New feature: if you want to use DragonTimer to respawn DragonSlayer's dragons, you had to set respawndelay to -1.
Now you also can have it set to -2, this will disable DSL's respawntimer but still usees 'maxdragons' for dragon spawns! (DragonSlayers check for dragon count!)
That means:
If you want to disable DSL's check completely (no timer, no maximum dragons) set respawndelay to -1. (this is the same as it was before...)
If you only want to disable the timer only, set respawndelay to -2. The maxdragons value remains active now.
an example :
--> if you want to spawn dragons by DTI with a maximum 1 dragon, but you want to be able to spawn another dragon manually,
set respawndelay to -2 (so no timer will be started), set DSL's maxdragons to 2 (the absolute maximum) and set maxdragon in DTI to 1.
DTI will only spawn one dragon, the second can be spawned manually now!

- New feature: Alternatively you can decide which dragon should be excluded from starting a timer for automatic respawn (DSL's timer -> respawndelay) by manually adding 'noautorespawn_n' to the config.
'noautorespawn_1: true' will disable the start of a timer when dragon #1 is killed. But only when it is killed! Other timers like the automatic fix-timers etc. are NOT changed by this value!
You need to manually add those values!! And you have to use separately named dragons!
Remember: timers are not bound to the dragon that was killed.
A timer will always spawn the next available/missing dragon!
With this feature you can have a maximum of available dragons, but only a few spawned directly by DSL. The rest must be spawned manually or by any other plugin...
----------, Nov 3, 2021

- More text/messages can be used with colorcodes now.
- Fix for situations in which refresh timers will have no effect due to serverrestarts
- Additional little placeholder in message for 'protect' --> $amount (is only used, if it's existing)
- Small fix for new statue version... (console spam..)
----------, Jul 29, 2021

-- 1.17 and 1.17.1 support
-- some source cleanups...
-- changed some internal routines for better API-usage by DTI...
-- fix for spawning of dragons when world is resetting...
-- fix for non existing slayer...
-- additional new feature: NPC-statue with player skin instead of Armorstand-Statue... (you can choose in config which to use)
-- disabling the explosion of beds now only works if a dragon is close enough :) (20 blocks)
-- fix for bug in 1.17 with experience orbs when alternativereward is enabled!

Important info: using this in 1.17/1.17.1 requires 'keepchunks' to be set to 'true'!
Especially if you have set one of your dragonspawns/portals to be not in the center of the end-island!
This is due to a 'bug' (?) in vanilla 1.17 ! (see here for more information: https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-6547)
----------, Jul 15, 2021

- Some changes in kill detection...
- Added ability to deactivate bed explosions in the end ... (beds can kill dragons, but it's still unclear who was the killer!)
New setting: 'denybedexplode: false' (by default explosions are NOT disabled)
- Possibility added to change the armorstand's armor -> new config var 'armorstand_material'. Possible values: diamond, golden, iron, lether, chainmail, netherite !
----------, Apr 3, 2021

-Fix/feature for additional text on armorstand's name. -> new Config-Var for this placeholder: 'armorstand_format'
The placeholder for the slayer's name in there is %slayer% !
-Info: when armorstand_usepapi is set to true, not only the armorstand uses the player's nickname, but also the plugin's messages when new placeholder $slayername is in use (and not $slayer)
if armorstand_usepapi is false, $slayername is just the same as $slayer: the player's name !
$slayername is the nickname if availabe, therefore might NOT be possible to be used in commands... instead, use $slayer in this case!
-Added possibility to disable the display of the dragon's name (the one obove the head...) -> 'displaydragonname' true/false
-New possibility to have the dragonslayer-prefix/-suffix set for the player who did the most damage (and not the one who killed the dragon) -> 'slayerbypercent' false/true (only available if alternativereward is enabled!)
when set to false: the dragonslayer always is the dragon's killer!
when set to true: it depends on the setting for 'alternativereward' if it's the killer or the one who did most damage!
The commands in 'command' will still be run for the killer if $player is used! If $slayer is used it depends...
The one with most damage still has his own command (see rankcommands...). So you can always have commands for both...
-Small fix for timerfunc change, while server is running...
-Improved scoreboard display (unflickered the timers...)
----------, Mar 12, 2021

This update only fixes a bug with TabList prefix/suffix if no slayer was set (with new/fresh configs f.e.)
And getspawn command will return the spawn now, even if it's not in an end world.
----------, Feb 22, 2021

- TabList with Prefix/Suffix...new config var: tablist(true/false)
The nickname is set on Join, dragonkill and every 30 seconds... so if f.e. Essentials changes the Name.. .DSL will change it back...
- Fix for h:m placeholder if player is NOT on the same world where the respawn happens.
- Code optimizations and some internal rewrites...
- Reset and refresh timer are now also saved on serverrestart.
- New PAPI placeholders: %dragonslayer_nextreset%, %dragonslayer_nextresethms%, %dragonslayer_nextresethm% and %dragonslayer_nextresetmap%
- New additional line in internal scoreboard for reset timer...
If no dragon respawn timer is running, but a reset timer: the scoreboard's top line's placeholders will display the reset-Timer aswell... (instead of the respawn...)
- New config vars:
'resetline'(for scoreboard) and 'showreset'(for command),
'resetwarntime' (default is 1 minute)
and 'fixdeathflight': enable or disable the fix for the dragon to fly to the portal when dying... (introduced in 0.10.3)
- Internal fix: if a dragon respawns, old reset-task is canceled (as it is not needed anymore)
- Another small fix for crystal removal after crystal-refresh...

PS: There is a small bug in latest release!
Please set 'tablist' (prefix.tablist) to false, or set 'slayer' (global.slayer) to an existing UUID ...
Fix will be out soon...
----------, Feb 14, 2021

This is a hotfix for 0.10.3 to resolve an issue with dragons spawned by crystals. This includes the refresh function (crystalreset) and the manual spawning of the dragon by placing crystals on the portal. (and the summon command)
Additionaly it has a small update: new placeholder %dragonslayer_nexttimehm% to just display hours:minutes (without seconds)
----------, Feb 2, 2021

- Another fix for refusing crystal placement on portal...
- Switch bossbar on/off depending on the distance to the dragon... (useful in overworld etc. !)
New configuration var: bossbar_distance (default 200): This is the distance from the player to the dragon from wich the bossbar is displayed to the player.
- New internal check for plugin's dragons, to have the possibility to use other plugin's dragons (f.e. ridable ones) in the end ,too...
- The dragons' flight to its portal (when it is dying) was improved ! This was buggy on some MC versions when using multiportal-feature, and the dragon was dying where it was shot...
----------, Jan 31, 2021

1. New feature: some global values like the darkness-value can be set in world's settings to override global value! f.e. to have no darkness when using a dragon in overworld ...
this includes: darkness, blockgrief, trydragonautofix and teleportdragons
You can set those values by command /dsl {valuename} [true/false/default] [worldname]
'default' resets the values and the global one is used again in that world.
2. Fix for multiportal feature: dragons realy fly to their very own portal now! (not on 32bit java only... that was a weird one...)
3. Fix for disabling manual dragonrespawn...(placing crystals on obsidian...)
4. Another fix for 'oldportals' when multiportal is enabled...
5. Fix for remaining crystals after world refresh (crystal reset): crystals will simply be removed (if present) after 5 minutes !
6. Colorcodes can be used in timer now.
----------, Jan 16, 2021

1. Plugin can now be used in overworld together with other plugins that handle dragons, like DragonTravel or such...
2. configurable: crystalls explode without damage (obsidian-tower-respawn still destroys blocks within a 10 block radius from the crystals!)
3. Messages on dragonkill etc. now with correct dragon name when using multidragon...
4. Drop the egg as a block/item even with the first dragon when portaleggchance is set to 0 !
5. Fix for nickchange with essentials when done via the console...
6. Fix for handling addon DragonTimer...
7. Use the player's nickname (if available) in messages and slayer-placeholder when enabled (by setting armorstand_usepapi to true), instead of playername (player must be online!!)
==> 'armorstand_usepapi' switches armorstand usage of nickname AND placeholder usage of nickname now!!!
----------, Dec 20, 2020

As the version number might suggest, this is a big update!

- additional command 'addspawn' for additional dragon/portal spawnpoints....

- additional command to set/get dragons name(s) AND to set the special/additional names!

- additional, to the ability to change normal config vars ingame, you can now set, change or delete the special config var "createportal_X" ingame!
(X = number 1,2...)
/dsl createportal_1 {true/false/null} [worldname] or /dsl createportal_1 [worldname] {true/false/null} can change or set that value (or delete it from config) !!
/dsl createportal_1 [worldname] returns the value that actualy is set in config...
all this needs the .admin permission...

- new config var 'portalagression': this is kind of a replacement for the amount of the active cristal-towers available surrounding the portal. The less crystals the more do the dragons try to protect the portal! (Used when multiportal is enabled)

- additional commands 'command_X' if multidragon feature is used... each dragon can have it's own command executed when it's killed... (gues of different extra rewards or such)
This command -if existing- replaces the default 'command'. (only one is used)

- fix for world reset (keep the seed, place protals...)

- fix for Dragon teleport/move @ End-Gateways...

- additional/alternative method for bypassing the gateways... (switching off/on when a dragon is near)
bypassing the gateways is not needed if your running a paper server (has internal fix)

- new config value for enabling/disabling chunks beeing kept in memory (Servers V1.13+ only). This will result in less lag when chunks are checked, but more memory and CPU-usage!
When switched off the server needs some time here and there to load needed chunks in different situations... but needs less CPU power...!
When switched on, the chunks are always active and there is no lag loading them... but all entities in those chunks are active, too... what results in more CPU power and memory needed...
It depends on your machine, what to use ;)

- added confirm request for 2 critical commands... (reset and remspawn)
You have to enter the same command within 10 seconds to confirm...

- fix for crystals on portal... (protection)

- Fix for dragons at moved portal! Dragons now don't fight each other for the portal anymore...

- Every dragon can now have it's 'own' portal !!

- You can move the portal, so it's no longer in the middle of the center-island.
Or you set the spawn/portal to the endcity!!!
Or you can have multiple spawns for the dragons (and the portal) !!!
e.g.: you can have one dragon with its own spawn and Portal, all other dragons use the default...
Or have all dragons with own portals each...
This needs the global multiportal feature to be enabled (by setiing 'multiportal' to true) and the multidragon-feature !
(if your config still has a "moveportal"-value from 0.9.4 you can remove that... it's called 'multiportal' now!)

A brief explanation of the multidragon feature with multiportals:
Most of multidragon feature have to be set up manualy in the config!
It needs at least an additional name for each dragon that should have it's own spawn/portal...
add name_1, name_2 etc. to your config and give each dragon its own name.
You can use the name command for this now! /dsl name {new name} [world] [dragon number] (e.g. "/dsl name Drago world_the_end 1" -> results in setting name_1 to 'Drago' for that world...)
Now you can add damage_1, health_1, range_1, exp_1, reward_1 etc. to change that dragon's values (according to your needs...)
Missing values are replaced by the defaults.
Set maxdragons to the number of dragons you like to have. If you added a dragon with 'name_5' but maxdragons is set to 4 -> that dragon is NOT used...
==> OK, multidragon is set up now... ;)

Now, If you want one dragon to create its own portal when it's killed, add two more additional values:
createportal_1: true (or createportal_2 etc.)
If this value is set to false this dragon will NEVER create a portal! (even if the default value 'createportal' still is set to true)
If you set this value to true this dragon ALWAYS creates a portal, even if a portal is already placed... (in this case the dragon does not drop an egg, as the portal always gets an new egg when spawned...)
If this value (createportal_X) is missing, the default 'createportal' value is used...

If you use one of this additional createportal_X values, the default value will NOT be changed to 'false' when a portal is activated. This is only done when the default is used!

With all this set up, you may now want to give the dragon its own spawn/portal location, otherwise again the default will be used.
To add additional spawnpoints for your dragons you can use the following commands :
/dsl addspawn {#number} --> e.g. "/dsl addspawn 1" will add the player's position as an additional spawn for dragon in 'name_1'. (and its portal)
/dsl addspawn {x y z} [worldname] {#number} --> e.g. "/dsl addspawn 55 90 -77 world_the_end 3" adds a certain location in that world as spawn and portal coords for dragon 'name_3' !
In the configuration file it looks like this: (this is an excample)
Code (Text):
    x: -20
    y: 105
    z: 25
      x: -80
      y: 105
      z: 100
      x: 55
      y: 90
      z: -77
The dragon with name in name_1 now protects the Portal @ -80/100 instead of -20/25...
Now use the /dsl reload command to activate all new values...

Whith all of this, you could create an end world with multiple stages!
The first dragon protects a portal on the center island, but does not create/activate that portal when it is killed...
Traveling through the gateway the dragon has created, takes the player to the endcity...
Here is a 2nd dragon protecting another 'portal', but it doesn't activate it either...
When that dragon is slain the next endcity-gateway will appear... (or after slaying the 1st dragon again upon reappearance (so, maybe choose a looong respawn time!))
The 2nd gateway teleports the player to another endcity region, with another dragon again, and this one finaly spawns a portal! (Or resets the world .. or resets the crystals... or whatever...)

There are countless new possiblilities you can do with the server now ;)

short summary:
==> multiportal set to true
maxdragons set to number of dragons
add values for multiple dragons
createportal_X to true or false... whatever you need for your world and dragons...
add additional spawnpoint(s)
add additional commands that get executed on killing a dragon
reload config or restart server!

If you disable 'multiportal' all dragons will return to absolut default portal at 0/0 (world's center)
Multidragon remains enabled on...

In theorie you could use this plugin for Dragon-battles in overworld now, aswell... but be warned! Not all features work like in the end as this IS not an end world!! And you have to set up your config by hand for use in overworld!!
When a portal is spawned by a dragon in overworld it will teleport players to the End World ;)

If you enable multiportal and have Multidragons aswell, OneByOne feature could be used to have only one dragon at a time protecting one of multiple portals available...

Placing crystals to respawn the dragon manually is still possible (if not disabled in config), BUT only on the default portal! So, you should keep the default portal on the center island!

PS: (30.12.2020 new Info) There seems to be a bug where the dragons try to fly to the wrong portal again when multiportal is in use...
This seems to depend on the server... i'm still not sure. --> running the server in 32bit Java works!
running it in 64bit Java has the issues!! :(
My old test-server was running without any issues... it was 32 bit!
To prevent these issues, you can set 'onebyone' to true, or use 'oldportals'...
I'm still looking for a fix!
----------, Nov 14, 2020

- Added the possibility of having only one dragon, chosen randomly from the bunch of possible/added multidragons... (name_1, name_2 etc)
(This feature always only spawns ONE dragon! Value maxdragons is NOT the maximum of dragons at the same time here, but the maximum of POSSIBLE dragons to be chosen from at random!)

- change of nickname/displayname will also rename the armorstand if the slayer is the one wo changes nick and if PAPI-placeholder is used for naming the Armorstand...(needs Essentials(X) being installed...)

- VERY experimeltal new feature: if enabled, the portal, the drogon's deathplace and the center-point where it is cyrcling around can be changed.
The location for the portal etc. will be the spawnlocation you set for your world!
It is NOT possible to have multiple dragons in a world with different centers (each dragon with it's own, where it is controlling/patrolling...NOT possible!) The entire server uses the same values for all maps/worlds!! This Plugin 'fakes' the center world-based, so each endworld can have its own center.. but this is not yet 100%...!!!
This is still very experimental, i'm not responsible for any harm or damage ! You have been warned! ;)
Endcity gateways and crystal towers REMAIN in a circle around position 0/0 and will not be moved around the new portal spawn!!!
If you change the spawnpoint (/dsl setspawn), the game recognises this and changes the new internal settings too...

- small fix for gateways again... and some small internal changes and fixes...

- Fix for teleporting players when "respawnplayers" is set to true AND world is beeing reset:
Now, if 'resetworld' is set to true (AND 'respawnplayers' is true), players will NOT be teleported back to end world after it was reset! They will stay where the internal teleport (or the external ->respawncommand) moved them...
----------, Sep 18, 2020

- Additional player based commands, can be used if alternativereward is set to 'true' !
This can be used for showing Kill-Ranks or for extra bonus given to players or whatever you like... hey, it's commands ;)
And you can use multiple commands again, separated by ';'
For using this, your commands must be set in config as 'rankcommand_1', 'rankcommand_2' etc.
The commands defined in 'rankcommand_1' will be run for the player who did most damage to the dragon !
'rankcommand_2' is second place etc. ...
possible special placeholders are $player (playername) and $percent (percentage of damage made to the dragon...) You can also use the other placeholders such as $dragon or $world...
By default the config has settings (commands) for rank #1 and #2 . You can add more by hand, if you like... or disable them by setting them to ''
These new commands are only executed if alternativereward is used!
You could use 'rankcommand_1' to pay the player who did most damage, and 'command' to pay the killer... (if this is not the same person :) )
Since this also works with a random chance of execution (by adding a chance to the command), you can use it to pay your players...
e.g.: 1st rank with ..let's say.. 80% chance, 2nd rank 50% chance etc. :
Code (Text):
  rankcommand_1: '{80}give $player diamond 1;say $player did most damage to $dragon'
  rankcommand_2: '{50}give $player diamond 1;say $player has killer rank $rank'
  rankcommand_3: '{30}give $player banana' #;)
  rankcommand_4: '{100}give $player coal;say $player was 4th place killing $dragon with only $percent% of the damage...'
You could even use the damage percentage itself as a value for the random chance in command execution... :
rankcommand_1: '{$percent}give $player diamond 1'

- Text output from '/dragonslayer showtimer' configurable/translatable (showtime and showtime_n in config)

- Fix for using PlaceholderAPI Dev-Builds...

- The egg spawning on the portal now also has a percentage chance... -> portaleggchance: 1.0 = 100%

- Dragon heads are dropped now, even if it's the 'first' dragon after world refesh/reset ...
The eggs still only get dropped by the 2nd dragon that dies (and the following...) because 1st dragon creates the egg on portal...

- New config var to prevent players from placing endercrystals on the portal to respawn the dragon ...

- Another new config setting for less verbosity (if set to false) (reduces some output... less verbose commands)

- Armorstand's name can now be customized by using PlaceholderAPI... e.g. use %player_displayname%, %player_custom_name% or %player_name% ...
This also needs the expansion 'player' installed in PAPI!!
But: if the player who is the Slayer is not online while the statue(armorstand) is build (e.g. by setting a new location for it... /dsl setarmorstand), the player's displayname cannot be grabbed by PAPI!! So... in this case alternatively the original player name is displayed again!! (like when PAPI placeholder is switched off...)

- Some more small fixes...

PS: a more detailed explanation of all possible config values will be uploaded/updated soon... it's getting a little complicated now... :)
----------, Aug 31, 2020

- 1.16.2 Support
- wordrefesh by command... (/dsl refresh or /dsl worldrefresh) -> respawns the crystalls and towers (any maybe the dragon... depends on config...), permission needed: dragonslayer.worldreset
- new 'showtimer' command to display the next dragon spawn time!! permission: dragonslayer.info (true by default)
----------, Aug 12, 2020

Added compatibility for PlaceholderAPI 2.10.7+

This is just a small update .
It regains compatibility for new versions of PlaceholderAPI (2.10.7 and higher...)

Dragonslayer now supports both, old and new versions of PAPI!
However, this will change in the future and you'll have to update PAPI!
----------, Aug 1, 2020

- Added a fix for darkness while in fight with the dragon, can be switched on/off in config... (only works in version 1.13 and newer! Old versions are dark already!)
- New function and config variables for automatic healing of dragons added! Gives the dragons more power ;) You can change the seconds and the amount of health regained... (seconds are only 99% accurate...). 0 seconds deactivates this function (only available for V1.9+servers)
- Small fix for a Paper-NAG-Message.
- Massively improved chunk handling on 1.13.2+ servers! (Reason for this was that Paper takes a LOT more time to load chunks with each new version of minecraft. In a test version 1.12 took 20 ticks, 1.13 25 ticks, 1.14 50 ticks, 1.15 80 ticks and more, 1.16 took 300+ ticks!!!
If you have issues when starting the plugin, please let me know! I tried to test all possible situations, but i'm sure i missed or overseen some !? ;)
----------, Jul 13, 2020

- 1.16 support added
- PAPI placeholder %dragonslayer_slayer% added (shows the name of the last dragonslayer)
- Added protections for crystal-respawn/world-refresh ! --> spawn of a dragon can not accidently be prevented anymore (f.e. by destroying the crystals)
- Added a check for another possible chunk error...
- rewrote the handling of endcity-gateways to improve behaviour, and to fix ugly 1.16 bug ! -or was it as a feature??- (in 1.16 it seems that all end worlds use the same list for the gateways... if you activate 19 gateways in world 'one', there is only one gateway left for activation in world 'two'... wtf?)
- added configurable custom commands 'spawncommand' that get executed when a dragon spawns! (multiple commands can be seperated by ';' again... can have percentage possibility if needed...)
- some small code rewrites and fixes...
----------, Jul 4, 2020

- Changed PAPI-placeholder %dragonslayer_place_n%: configurable scoreboard formatting... -> 'scoreboard' in DSL's config.yml! This has two placeholders $player and $score ...
If you like to have separate PAPI placeholders instead, you can use %dragonslayer_place_n_name% and %dragonslayer_place_n_score% (n=1,2,3...)

- New command to reset the kill-scoreboard: '/dragonslayer scoreboardreset' or '/dsl scoreres' ...

- Cleartimer command for removing ALL running timers... (/dsl cleartimer)
You can then use the 'respawnall' command to start a clean respawn, if you wish.

- Fixed some minor command issues...

- Player respawn/teleport command ('respawncommand') in config can now have multiple commands, too... (gets executed if existing(not empty) and if respawnplayers is set to true, or when resetworld is true. Look for examples on main page...
Commands containing placeholder $player are executed for every player who is in that end world...
Commands without $player are only executed once (and before the $player-commands...)
f.e. 'ping;pong;say $player is gone;' -> 1st ping, 2nd pong, 3rd player1 is gone, 4th player2 is gone etc...
'say $player is gone;ping;pong;' -> just the same!

- Portal creation 'bug' fix: after serverrestart or end-refresh, no original portal will be created and no portal-stacking anymore! (finaly!, no realy... finaly! (i hope ;)))

- Small gateway bug fix: first/original dragon no longer creates a 2nd gateway...
----------, May 23, 2020

- Split additional orbs the same way as original orbs, when 'world-settings.default.merge-radius.exp' is set to 0 (in spigot.yml) --> multiple orbs are dropped !
- Commands can have a percentage now! If a percentage is given like this: '{66}ping' -> the 'ping' command has a 66% chance of being executed!! Values are from 0 to 100, if no value is given it is 100% (e.g. {1}=1%, {100}=100%, {0} or {} or {bla} or {101} = 0% !!!
- If the dragon respawn timer and the world reset timer have the same values, the reset is not deactivated anymore! This way you can use the dragons countdown as a world countdown now ;)
- New PlaceholderAPI placeholders: %dragonslayer_mykills% -> the players amount of dragon kills
%dragonslayer_place_n% : Scoreboard! Where 'n' is the rank/position! f.e: %dragonslayer_place_1% ist 1st place, %dragonslayer_place_2% is 2nd place etc.
You can use this to create a dragon-killer-scoreboard with HolographicDisplays/HolographicExtension !!
Here is an example, for database.yml (HolographicDisplays) :
Code (Text):
  location: world, 0.5, 68.0, 0.5
  - '&6&n&oHighScores &4&n&oDragon Kills :'
  - '1st Place: {slowest}%dragonslayer_place_1%'
  - '2nd Place: {slowest}%dragonslayer_place_2%'
  - '3rd Place: {slowest}%dragonslayer_place_3%'
  - '4th Place: {slowest}%dragonslayer_place_4%'
  - ''
  - 'Your score: {slowest}{player} : %dragonslayer_mykills%'
  - ''
  - 'Next Spawn: {medium}%dragonslayer_nexttime%'
  - 'On world: {medium}%dragonslayer_nextmap%'
----------, May 1, 2020

- experimental new config var 'range' : this changes the dragon's follow range (default is 16 (but i'm not sure if this has any effect at all...))
- Maximum Health over 2048 possible again, depending on the server's settings...(only for spigot based servers.. (Spigot, Paper etc.)! Have a look into spigot.yml !
----------, Apr 19, 2020

- fix for 1.8 servers with 'sleeping' dragons ;)
- added a new configurable default string for PlaceholderApi if no timers are running... (notimer_ph)
- added a check for Spigot/Paper: max health at 2048!
- when 'teleportdragons' is set to 'true' the dragons will only be teleported when the first player enters the end!
----------, Mar 27, 2020

- Config cleanup :) (incl. autoconverting of old configs... please backup ...)
- new/additional placeholder: %dragonslayer_nexttimehms% (only show h:m:s (without days))
- internal trydragonautofix-fix ;)
- make 'lost' dragons return to the center ('lost' by beeing pushed away by other dragons...)
- fix for BossBars after using trasferportals!
- fix for disappearing BossBars (MC1.13-)
- changed logic/routines for 'bypassdragongateway' -> added new routine that performs much better! BUT: This only works with Paper! Paper users should change config value 'bypassdragongateway' to 'false' to use the new routine only (and not both!)
- some more internal cleanup and fixes...
----------, Feb 25, 2020

0.8.1 (internal) World-Refresh!
- Internal code optimisations and improvements.
- World Refresh by resetting the crystals etc. (as an alternative to the full world-reset!)
-->Info: With this feature enabled portal stacking might happen again.
This is done by Minecraft itself (worldgenerator), and depends on the version (spigot 1.13+)
(it seems this only happens with old worlds ...?)
-->If world-refesh is in use and a player cancels the refresh by destroying the crystals and 'nomcdragonrespawn' is set true the next dragon respawn is canceled ! even if it's a timer that tries to spawn a dragon -> 'trydragonautofix' should be set true!

0.8.2 (internal) Code cleanup!
- Changes in Dragon-counting-logic... 'count' in config is not used anymore!!
- New internal logic for 'trydragonautofix' to fix missing dragons (if any) by starting additional timers...
- Added internal possibility to check remaining duration for timers (when next spawn will happen...)

0.8.3 (internal) The Display!
- Added Timer Dispays.... and 3 new config vars
- New config var 'timerfunc':
-- 0 = Timer Display deactivated for that world
-- 1 = value in the 2nd line shows the countdown's seconds
-- 2 = value in 2nd line shows the number of running respawn timers (default)
- New message texts 'timertext' and 'timerline':
timertext is the first line, timerline is the 2nd.
if 'timerline' is empty internal default values will be used.
config defaults are as follows:
Code (Text):
         timertext: 'Next Respawn in:'
         timerline: '$days Days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds, #'
Both lines accept placeholders: $days, $hours, $minutes and $seconds!

With the defaults it will display two lines with the countdown in the second line and the number of running timers for that world after the '#' .
You can change this to your needs...
Code (Text):
         timertext: 'Next Respawn: Days:$days, $hours:$minutes'
         timerline: 'Seconds:'
with timerfunc set to '1' this will have the contdown in the first line and only the seconds in the second line...

- placeholder changes:
%dragonslayer_timer% -> will return the next time for a dragon respawn in the player's world ... (and that world's name)
If the player is not in an end world (or in an end world without a respawn timer...), the placeholder shows the world and time for the first spawn of any world..
%dragonslayer_nexttime% returns the remaining time for next respawn in the player's world. Or the next spawn in any world if the player is not in an end-world or in an end world without a running timer...
%dragonslayer_nextmap% always returns the world with the first next spawn...

0.8.4 More Values!
- fix for using multiple dragon names when resetting worlds
- fixed forcerespawn command (if the world for respawn is given as 2nd argument)
- code cleanups...
- added possibility for multiple values for health, damage, experience and reward when multiple names are in use
f.e.: A dragon with its name set in 'name' will have the default values as before...
A dragon with its name set in 'name_1' or 'name_2'(etc) will have the health and damage set in 'health_1' and 'damage_1' or 'health_2' and 'damage_2' etc, if available...
Same for experience and reward --> experience_1, reward_1.
If a value is missing in config the default is used.
You need to set this up by hand, if you want to use this MultiValues-Feature!

OK.... i've changed quite a few routines... so please report any bugs ;)
----------, Feb 8, 2020

Alternative Reward-System!

When 'alternativereward' is set to true, the experience and money you will get for killing a dragon will be splittet between all the remaining players in that end world. (Only those that did damage to the dragon!)

If a player (player A) does 80% of the damage and another player (player B) does 20% and kills the dragon:
Player A gets 80% of XP and money, Player B gets 20% XP and money ...

A player who dies before the dragon was killed has bad luck and will get nothing!

The dragons drops (egg, head) will drop as usual...
(if you want to make sure the killer gets a bonus, you can use the commands for that!)
----------, Jan 20, 2020

- Support for 1.15
- Changed functions for teleport during worldreset to fix teleport locations that might be broken by 1.14+ update...
- Dropable DragonHead (see Config...)
- In 'command' the mapname used is not lowercase anymore...
- in 'command' dragonname ($dragon) is the real name if more than one name is in use ...
- multiple commands at dragonkill possible (separated by ';')
- another fix for multiple dragon names in 1.13 and up
- disable trydragonautofix when used with DTI...
- added command to remove all dragons in a world (needs dragonslayer.admin permission)
- version check improved...
- some internal fixes...
----------, Dec 15, 2019

- finaly, the default end-world also generates endgateways (and in right order)!
- changed the default value for 'nomcdragonrespawn' to true
(you still need to edit it if you want to change an already existing value)
- Fix for endgateways if server is running PaperSpigot (fix is a bit ugly, but works) ;)
- Fix for too many dragons after world reset while DSL is set for use with DTI ...
- No dragonrespawn by DSL's worldreset when it's set for DTI to be used (respawndelay set to -1) ), neither own nor Orig!
- Fix for creation of transfergateways after world reset, even if transfergateways were disabled in config
- Finaly added some fixes for stacking portals issue (wich was done by the server itself..)
It takes a little more time for the portal to spawn now!)
- Fixed spawn of additional Dragon, when no dragon should spawn after server restart (with DTI use..)
- added a fix for a possible server crash when a world with a dying dragon gets saved...
- added feature to get the bossbars much faster after joining the end
- some internal fixes and improvements...
----------, Sep 17, 2019

- another fix to check endgateways for dragons...
- small PlaceholderAPI-fix
- fixed long standing bug for EssentialsChat when used together with PAPI !
- fix for non existent worlds (if still present in config...)
- the 'command' feature on dragonkill can now use $player as a variable for the killer and $world for the world...
- Additional fix for getting the right killer of the dragon
----------, Sep 8, 2019

- fixed an end gateway positioning bug on 1.14+ servers
Note: endgateways in MC 1.14 may have slightly different locations ==> if you update from 1.13 world, the existing gateways may not be recognized!
- improved the dragon/gateway handling (less lag, less crashiness) ;)
(1.13 could have caused a Ticking World Bug ...)
----------, Aug 27, 2019

- improved armorstand handling a bit...
- added a bypass for a 'bug' with dragons getting teleported by endgateways:
set 'bypassdragongateway' to 'true' to enable it
(i'm not very happy with this yet... as depending on server version this can lead to lag on slow machines...)
- commands can now be used in console (long missing feature ;))
- fixed a command missing (getarmorstand) --> noone missed / noticed ??? :)
- removed a default value that got created at dragon spawn, but was not needed...
----------, Aug 18, 2019

- Added a new config var: 'nomcdragonrespawn'
Setting this to 'true' will block the server from respawning a dragon at server restart if the dragon has NOT been killed before. (Or if it was killed, but creation of portals was disabled...(endportal and/or gateways)).
This is done by creating a small portal in a hidden place the player can not reach, but which is recognized by the game...

- Added commands for changing config values and a new permission: 'dragonslayer.admin'. Only with this permission (or as an OP) you can change config values for worlds by using this plugin commands.
This permission includes all other permissions...

- Fixed a small bug in dragon counting ;)

- Some more code cleanups and error handling.....
----------, Jul 23, 2019

This is an update to support DragonTimer !!
DragonTimer is an alternative respawn system that respawns dragons at fixed times if enough players are in the end!

If you want to use DragonTimer in one of your end-worlds, you should set respawndelay to -1 in DragonSlayers config for that world!

Fixes in this release:
eggchance can be 0.0
fixed handling for endgateways and bossbars
internal code cleanup...
----------, Jul 13, 2019

- if reward is set to 0 there is no output/message !
- fix for endgateway/endcityportal-behavior within 1.14
- portal creation has been slightly corrected for 1.14
- if you want to disable dragonrespawn for any reason, set it to -1
- removed deprecated routine...
----------, Jul 1, 2019

- Added PAPI-Placeholders %dragonslayer_nexttime% and %dragonslayer_nextmap% .
- small fix for 1.14.2...
----------, May 30, 2019

- Added 1.14 support

- Fixed debug message...

- New feature: you can teleport players back to overworld or to the lobby when the dragon is killed.
if 'respawnplayers' is set to true and 'resetworld' is false the players in end-world will get teleported after the countdown ('resetworlddelay').
Players will be teleported to overworlds spawn (f.e. myworld_the_end --> myworld)
If 'respawncommand' in config is set, this command will get used instead of the default teleport.
You can use this for anything, like teleporting to another world: 'mvtp $player anotherworld'
or teleporting to any place in the end world, etc...
One minute before the command is executed there will be a broadcast! Change this by editing 'playerrespawn'

- Added a way for displaying the remaining time to next dragon respawn by using PlaceholderAPI: %dragonslayer_timer%
This placeholder will return 'worldname: time' (in minutes).
----------, Apr 28, 2019

Added support for another chatsystem: LegendChat .
In Legendchat you can use the new tag : {dragonslayer}
----------, Jan 21, 2019

This fixes a startup-error with latest 1.13.2 build.
Previous 1.13.2 builds may not work anymore, so always use the latest!
Also changed the config handling a little...
----------, Dec 9, 2018

Changes in this version:
-support for Essentials Chat
-changed the statue a little ;)
-some more bug fixes
----------, Oct 1, 2018

This update adds support for new 1.13.1 ,
adds an update-checker
and more improvements ...
----------, Aug 27, 2018

This update adds :
-support for the PlacerholderAPI.
Any plugin that uses PAPI can use the DragonSlayer prefix now!
Just add the placeholder %dragonslayer_prefix% to the configs...

-fix for setting-defaults
-fix for enderdragonphase (dying)
-more minor fixes...
----------, Aug 11, 2018

This update has no new features but the update to 1.13 and some minor bugfixes.
As 1.13 is not yet final, this plugin may break with newer updates to Spigot 1.13 !!!
Handle with care!!! ;)
----------, Aug 5, 2018

- switchable denial of players interacting with dragon-eggs (no teleport and no breaking)
- settings for dragon eggs per world
- multiple dragon names per world
- worldreset for old 1.8-servers,too
- bug fixes...

If you have more than one dragon in your world and want them to have individual names : add name_1, name_2 ... to your config.
Textoutput keeps using "name".
----------, Aug 1, 2018

This update adresses some bugs in 1.8 egg-dropping and adds command-feature to 1.8-servers.

PS: This is the first update after a HDD-crash and loss of my sources ;/
I had to reconstruct a lot, so if there are any bugs please let me know!
----------, Jul 28, 2018

This small update fixes a bug when using UChat!
And when using the command you can use placeholders now!
----------, Jun 4, 2018

This update adds compatibility for UltimateChat...

If you want to use the [DragonSlayer] prefix or suffix together with UChat
you have to add a new tag in your UChat config called: {dragonslayer}.

When using UChat, the value for prefix.assuffix in config no longer has any funktion, because UChat decides where the prefix appears.
----------, May 26, 2018

This update adds a command (per end-map) that gets executed when a dragon is killed...
----------, May 23, 2018

This update fixes a NullPointerException and the dropped experience orbs.
----------, May 19, 2018

This is a small fix to support latest 1.12 !
Version 0.4.8 was working with prerelease version only (tested up to pre5).

Note: version 0.4.9 is NOT compatible with this prerelease versions for 1.12 anymore!
----------, Jun 21, 2017

Just an update to be compatible to current 1.12.pre5 !
----------, May 22, 2017

- You can disable messages by setting them to ''
- The original healthbar now is removed when entering the end by joining the server, too
- the dragons will not be teleportet to the maps center anymore when a player enters the end (configurable)
- The dragons will not fly to the maps center when 'oldportals' is used.
----------, May 14, 2017

Added the armorstand (request by xxtreepuncherxx) !!
Fixed a bug when starting on 1.8 servers.
----------, Apr 8, 2017

- fixed eggdropp percentage chance.
- disabled original end-gateways, if gateways are set to false in config.
- changed default settings for endgateways in 'world_the_end' to false.
(disabled gateways are no longer hard-coded, it's in config now)
- improved the random-check for eggdrop a little.
- dragons configuable per world.
- fixed calls for dragonrespawn (per world).
- added feature to save/restart the dragonrespawn-timers on server restart.
- more bugfixes...

i only had few time to test , if you find any bugs please let me know...
----------, Mar 24, 2017

- Small bugfix for removed worlds .
- New var in config: 'creategateways' to enable/disable the creation of endgateways.
- Disabled creation of endgateways in default end-world (world_the_end) , default-world seems buggy...
----------, Mar 19, 2017

Support for suffix and egg-items,
removed the original healthbar,
added support for endgateways (and added a fix for serverrestart).
----------, Mar 15, 2017

Update to version 0.4.0 :
-More messages/text moved to config for translating...
-new permission dragonslayer.forcerespawn to enable the forcerespawn-commands (default false)
-Fixed 'double portals' when using old portal behavior..
-Added new command to reset/recreate the end-world (this will completely delete all progress in this world!) Needs Multiverse-Core installed!
-new permission dragonslayer.worldreset to enable world resetting by command (default false)
-Added feature for automatic worldreset (same as the reset command) when there is no dragon left (configurable, with Timer...)
-fixed some bugs..
----------, Feb 18, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,911
First Release: Feb 12, 2017
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Find more info at www.spigotmc.org...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings