-Fix/feature for additional text on armorstand's name. -> new Config-Var for this placeholder: 'armorstand_format'
The placeholder for the slayer's name in there is %slayer% !
-Info: when armorstand_usepapi is set to true, not only the armorstand uses the player's nickname, but also the plugin's messages when new placeholder $slayername is in use (and not $slayer)
if armorstand_usepapi is false, $slayername is just the same as $slayer: the player's name !
$slayername is the nickname if availabe, therefore might NOT be possible to be used in commands... instead, use $slayer in this case!
-Added possibility to disable the display of the dragon's name (the one obove the head...) -> 'displaydragonname' true/false
-New possibility to have the dragonslayer-prefix/-suffix set for the player who did the most damage (and not the one who killed the dragon) -> 'slayerbypercent' false/true (only available if alternativereward is enabled!)
when set to false: the dragonslayer always is the dragon's killer!
when set to true: it depends on the setting for 'alternativereward' if it's the killer or the one who did most damage!
The commands in 'command' will still be run for the killer if $player is used! If $slayer is used it depends...
The one with most damage still has his own command (see rankcommands...). So you can always have commands for both...
-Small fix for timerfunc change, while server is running...
-Improved scoreboard display (unflickered the timers...)