Version: 0.10.6
A very good and cool plugin. However, I have a little problem,
skullchance: 0.03 and eggchance: 0.3
I set my own values in these lines, after restart they reset to the basic ones
# ###################### #
# Dragon Slayer v0.10.6 #
# ###################### #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# here are some infos about the sections in this config: #
# prefix: These are some general settings #
# global: Here are more general values #
# dragon._default: Here are some defaults that will be used for newly added worlds #
# messages: you can use placeholders in here: $slayer, $slayername, $world, $dragon, #
# $reward, $baseworld #
# spawnpoint: here are the spawnpoints for the worlds the plugin is working in #
# armorstand: the location where the statue will be placed #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# in 'respawncommand' you can use placeholder $player #
# in 'command' you can use placeholders $slayer, $slayername, $player, $dragon and $world #
# in 'rankcommand_[n]' you can use placeholders $player, $dragon, $rank and $world #
# you can run multiple commands by separating them with a ; #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# placeholders in timertext,timerline,resetline,showtime: $days,$hours,$minutes and $seconds #
# additional placeholder in showtime and showtime_n: $world #
# if timerline, resetline, showtime or showtime_n is empty it will show some defaults. #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# in scoreboard you can use placeholders $player and $score #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# you can add additional dragonvalues like name_1, damage_1, health_1, exp_1, reward_1, #
# createportal_1 and command_1 #
# or name_2 etc. in the world's settings for having individual dragons... #
# ########################################################################################## #
denybedexplode: false
name: '&6&lZaginiony Smok'
maxdragons: 1
onebyone: false
damage: 30.0
health: 2000
regen_seconds: 25
regen_amount: 10
range: 12
bossbar_distance: 200
exp: 14000
reward: 4500.0
eggchance: 10.0
portaleggchance: 1.0
eggasitem: true
skullchance: 5.0
skullitem: true
cancelegg: false
respawndelay: 720
createportal: false
oldportals: false
denycrystalplace: false
denycrystalexplode: false
creategateways: false
alternativereward: false
displaydragonname: true
resetworld: false
resetcrystal: false
resetworlddelay: 300
resetwarntime: 1
timerfunc: 0
respawnplayers: false
respawncommand: ''
spawncommand: ''
command: '{100}ping'
rankcommand_1: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ Gracz $player zrobił $percent% obrażeń w walce ze smokiem!'
rankcommand_2: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ Gracz $player pomógł zabić smoka i zadał $percent%
nomcdragonrespawn: 'true'
name: '&6&lZaginiony Smok'
maxdragons: 1
onebyone: false
damage: 30.0
health: 2000
regen_seconds: 25
regen_amount: 10
range: 12
bossbar_distance: 200
exp: 14000
reward: 4500.0
eggchance: 0.3
portaleggchance: 1.0
eggasitem: true
skullchance: 0.03
skullitem: true
cancelegg: false
respawndelay: 720
createportal: false
oldportals: false
denycrystalplace: false
denycrystalexplode: false
creategateways: false
alternativereward: false
displaydragonname: true
resetworld: false
resetcrystal: false
resetworlddelay: 300
resetwarntime: 1
timerfunc: 0
respawnplayers: false
respawncommand: ''
spawncommand: ''
command: '{100}ping'
rankcommand_1: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ Gracz $player zrobił $percent% obrażeń w walce ze smokiem!'
rankcommand_2: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ Gracz $player pomógł zabić smoka i zadał $percent%
nomcdragonrespawn: 'true'
denybedexplode: 'false'
armorstand_material: diamond
slayer: 44a2ba21-6874-4735-a9a6-9c3a2ccf3c9f
slayerbypercent: true
blockgrief: false
trydragonautofix: false
bypassdragongateway: true
bypassfunc: 2
teleportdragons: false
darkness: true
verbose: true
keepchunks: true
armorstand_usepapi: true
armorstand_placeholder: '%player_displayname%'
armorstand_format: '%slayer%'
multiportal: false
portalagression: 12
fixdeathflight: true
respawn: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ $dragon &6powstał z popiołów!'
onkill: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &6$slayername &7zabił &4$dragon &7i stał się nowym &6mistrzem
onrekill: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &9Mistrz areny &6$slayername &7zabił &4$dragon &7poraz kolejny!'
slayer: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &6$slayername &7jest jedynym &7Mistrzem areny!'
noslayer: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &7Obecnie nie ma gracza, który mógłby nazwać siebie prawdziwym
&6Mistrzem areny!'
reward: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &7Otrzymałeś &6$reward $ &7za zabicie &6$dragon'
xpreward: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &7Otrzymałeś &6$reward XP &7za walkę &6$dragon'
died: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &6Zaginiony Smok został zabity!'
protect: '&7- smoki chroniące portalu tego świata.'
reset: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &cUWAGA! &6Świat $world Zostanie zresetowany za mniej niż minutę!'
playerrespawn: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &cUWAGA! &6Każdy gracz w $world odrodzi się w $baseworld
za mniej niż minutę!'
timertext: 'Next Respawn or Reset :'
timerline: 'Spawn in: $days Days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds, #'
resetline: 'Reset in: $days Days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds, #'
notimer_ph: Smok odrodzony
showtime: 'Next dragon spawn is: $world: $days days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds'
showreset: 'Next world reset is: $world: $days days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds'
showtime_n: No spawn timer found for world $world !
scoreboard: '$player�s kills: $score'
crystaldeny: '&4Placing crystals is not allowed!'
prefix: '&9[Dragon Slayer]&r '
enabled: false
assuffix: false
force: false
tablist: false
x: 0.0
y: 90.0
z: 0.0
world: world
x: 13.469487423909644
y: 70.0
z: -51.49536691922198
yaw: -91.373535
eggchance: 10.0 is not possible...
That would be 1000% ...
PS: please use the discussion for questions like this.. ;)