DragonSlayer icon

DragonSlayer -----

The Dragon will rise again.... !! (and bring its brothers!)

Version: 0.14.3
Hello,I really like this project.Are there any plans to support Folia in the future?
Requesting support for Folia, https://github.com/PaperMC/Folia
I really like this plugin, so it's very important to me. Thank
Author's response
Folia is still on my todo-list... :)

Version: 0.14.1
I really like the plugin, but I want the dragon to be able to apply effects when it dies. For example, when the dragon is killed, a freeze effect is applied, or when the dragon kills the player
Author's response
Already had that idea myself... It's still on my todo list ;)

Version: 0.13.4
nice plugin! Could you add a new feature to enable everyone in battle has status?not just the killer......and i found a problem in 1.21,when i set respawndelay to -1(i want to close auto respawn) ,the onebyone is disabled, no matter i set onebyone to true or false,it always respawn several dragonsat the same time.....

Version: 0.13.3
I got this error

[13:12:39] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event EntityDeathEvent to DragonSlayer v0.13.3_Jeppa
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.getCause()" because "e" is null
at de.jeppa.DragonSlayer.DragonEvents.onDragonDeath(DragonEvents.java:281) ~[DragonSlayer-0.13.3_Jeppa.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor463.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute(EventExecutor.java:77) ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(TimedEventExecutor.java:77) ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:70) ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperEventManager.callEvent(PaperEventManager.java:54) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.callEvent(PaperPluginManagerImpl.java:126) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:617) ~[purpur-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent(CraftEventFactory.java:937) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent(CraftEventFactory.java:929) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent(CraftEventFactory.java:924) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.world.entity.boss.enderdragon.EnderDragon.kill(EnderDragon.java:742) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.commands.KillCommand.kill(KillCommand.java:25) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.commands.KillCommand.register(KillCommand.java:18) ~[?:?]
at com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher.execute(CommandDispatcher.java:265) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.commands.CommandFunction$CommandEntry.execute(CommandFunction.java:134) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.commands.CommandFunction$CommandEntry.execute(CommandFunction.java:128) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.ServerFunctionManager$QueuedCommand.execute(ServerFunctionManager.java:257) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.ServerFunctionManager$ExecutionContext.runTopCommand(ServerFunctionManager.java:195) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.ServerFunctionManager.execute(ServerFunctionManager.java:94) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.ServerFunctionManager.execute(ServerFunctionManager.java:77) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.timers.FunctionCallback.lambda$handle$0(FunctionCallback.java:18) ~[?:?]
at java.util.Optional.ifPresent(Optional.java:178) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.timers.FunctionCallback.lambda$handle$0(FunctionCallback.java:18) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.timers.FunctionCallback.handle(FunctionCallback.java:12) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.world.level.timers.TimerQueue.tick(TimerQueue.java:68) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tickTime(ServerLevel.java:936) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick(ServerLevel.java:829) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(MinecraftServer.java:1585) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:486) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1420) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1191) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:322) ~[purpur-1.20.1.jar:git-Purpur-2062]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1583) ~[?:?]
Author's response
Please DON'T use the reviews for bug reports!!!

Version: 0.13.0
Great plugin. Allows for Dragon competition.
But there doesn't seem to be a placeholder that can be used for leaderboards, etc. Also need a config guide!
Can't figure out how to make the statues NPCs...
Author's response
You can use the 'dragonslayer_mykills' placeholder for leaderboards (ajLeaderboards), or you can use the other placeholders for internal ranks like 'dragonslayer_myplace', 'dragonslayer_place_1' ...

And there is a WIKI page for config explanation. :)

For the NPC staute just set statue_version to 2 (like said in Documentation, the config itself and the WIKI page...

Version: 0.12.15
it says the plugins works with 1,20.4 and it doesn't it keeps going red if he could fix it that would be great thank you
Author's response
It IS working with 1.20.4 !
What is your issue?
And what do you mean by 'going red' ???

by the way: this is not the place for asking for help!
Please use the discussion for that!

PS: If you ask for help, even if done in a plugin's review section..., you should also answer and give some more information if you are asked for it!
No answer in PM/conversation and no message in discussion ... well done *rolleyes*

Version: 0.12.15
config has room for improvement, placeholder must include the amount of days until next respawn instead of just the hours making a big ugly "0 days" on my scoreboard, next dragon fight scoreboard will automatically appear after you defeat the dragon even if you disable it, and the respawn is just automatically 6hrs, no matter how many times i change it in config

Version: 0.12.15
excelente plugin,funciona de 10 en la 1.20.1...
un simple detalle, como hago para girar la estatua?

Version: 0.12.15
I really liked the pl, but how do I leave it in my language? I've tried translating the messages, but the pl always stays in the default language. How do I change? (ps: I'm Brazilian)

Gostei muito do pl, mas como eu deixo na minha linguagem ? Já tentei traduzir as mensagens, mas o pl sempre fica na linguagem padrão. Como altero ? (ps: Eu sou brasileiro)
Author's response
Hi, just edit the config and start the server. Don't edit whil the server is running...

Version: 0.12.13
Good plugin, fast support. Creator helped me out big time! 5/5 stars! Try it out yourself!

Version: 0.12.8
I love this resource but its always been missing one thing IMO.
Multiple atttacks for dragons. Summon minions to fight for it ext
Author's response
Since this plugin does not change the dragon's behavior itself, this is not included (yet)

Version: 0.12.8
Litteraly one of the best plugins for an SMP! Team this up with an end warp and scoreboards and it creates great competition amongst your community! I have it spawning in every 3 hours in my custon end dimension, its epic!

Version: 0.12.8
Very good plugin, very fun and the developer is very helpful :D .
Author's response

Version: 0.12.8
good plugin, although the config is the most horrible ive ever seen haha, hopefully in the future a rewrite will have each world in a separate config file, with a better comment system and without modifying the lines with weird jumps, more sections and no everything with thing_number
Author's response
Yes, the config has grown a little weird ;)
Maybe it's easier for you to use the plugin's config commnds instead of editing the file ? :)

Version: 0.12.4
wow why does the plugin not work ;------------------; ..................................

Version: 0.12.1
I loved that plugin but 1 think i think you forget give dragons glow effects that was awesome then 5 stars
Author's response
I never had glow effect for dragons and i think it looks very strange...(internally i had it once...)
Maybe i'll add it optionally...

PS: added in latest update (switchable) :)

Version: 0.11.10
is it possible to make it so that the ender dragon spawn in the overworld? if it is what will be it behaviour or how will it act??
Author's response
Yes, it is... you have to set it's spawn and activate multiportal feature.
But you have to edit the config by hand. The plugin itself refuses to set the spawn in overworld (will be changed one day , maybe...)
The dragon will protect that location... if you want, you can have a portal that is created after the dragon got killed. This portal will teleport the player into the end!
And please use the 'discussion' for discussions like this ;)

Version: 0.11.10
Good job! Can I share it to www.mcbbs.net? I think it's going to make the server more interesting. (I’m sorry. My English is bad.)
Author's response
Sure, as long as you don't modify it, claim it as your own, or make money off it .
And as long as you provide it with the original link to this page.

Version: 0.11.10
Works great in 1.19 paper and is very customisable in the config file area. Be careful with updating your server from 1.18 to 1.19 though since it did jack up my data files so clone your server so when you do update you can replace them cause updating crippled my data files for this plugin and many others making me think this plugin was messed up.

Version: 0.11.10
So at first everything was great until the world reset, i built a large arena in a mvworld and when the world reset after killing the dragon the stinking plugin spawned in large pillars recking my arena. Not to mention I have to world reset set to false in both default and for the world itself. Until that is fix you get 2 stars since it does let you change a lot with the dragon it actually does spawn the dragon in on time.
Author's response
Sorry to hear, that you have issues with the plugin.

But, first of all you should ask for help, instead of leaving a bad review.
If your world was reset and you did not want it to be reset, there must be something wrong within your config. And i think you are not 'resetting' but 'refreshing' that world by respawning the crystals/pillars only..

If you are 'refreshing' the world, the crystals AND the towers will be recreated!
That is NOT done by the plugin! That is minecraft itself and default behavior ! The plugin is just using this method...

So please don't blame the plugin for things, the server does by default!
Placing the crystals manually to respawn a dragon will just do the same!
Btw: that info about crystals/pillars is on the wiki page.

So, please let me see your config, and i might be able to help you!

--> and please use the discussion for that... ;)

Version: 0.11.8
best plugin!
will there be 1.19 support pls?
as I getting a few errors on paper 1.19.
Author's response
The support for 1.19 will be out soon.

Version: 0.11.8
do you have a discord address i need help
I failed a few things.
great plugin dude
Author's response
There is no discord...
But you can use the discussion forum.

Version: 0.11.7
This is a really cool plugin and I love it. Can you guys add a special reward sword for the Slayer that summons thunder sounds and effects when it kills a mob? and Also make the sword dispawn once the slayer is dethroned? :O
Author's response
Thanks for the reply...
And nice idea :)
Maybe something like that in the future...

Version: 0.11.7
Good Plugin, only problem the dragon if it is not killed in the minute following its spawn in will no longer take any damage and you will have to / kill it and force it to respawn
Author's response
Hi, same review in French was 4 stars?
Anyway: If the dragon doesn't take any damage, this is NOT this plugin...
Maybe you have another plugin running, that is disabling the dragon to get damage? This plugin does NOT disable damage dealt to the dragon!
PS: please use the 'discussion' if you have any issues or questions :)

Version: 0.11.7
Could you make a discord support server or something like that? I've used /dsl setspawn and tried using /dsl force, but the dragon doesnt even spawn, I'd like to reach out to you, I'm on 1.18.1, is it a bug or what is it?
Author's response
There is no discord server, but you can use the forum/discussion.

PS: would be nice if you answer on PM, as it was YOU who wanded to get help ;)

Version: 0.11.5
how can I disable scoreboard when a ender dragon spawns? I don't like that :c pls help me
Author's response
set timerfunc to 0

Version: 0.11.5
The plugin is interesting, I haven't seen any instability issues so I can recommend it!

Version: 0.11.5
pls add a command to reset scores from users, plsss good plugin btw and thanks for being active
Author's response
There already is that command: /dragonslayer scoreboardreset (or /dsl scoreres) ;)

Version: 0.11.4
Is it possible to spawn 3 dragon at the end spawn (0,0)? Will it cause behavior error or something? Thank you for the answer
Author's response
Sure, that's possible!
But you should use the discussion/forum for questions like theese. :)

Version: 0.11.2
An insanely powerful plugin, the developer is active and super helpful. (Use the discussion thread)

It's packed with features and is updated for 1.17.1. Thanks.

Version: 0.11.1
nice plugin
author good person

Version: 0.11.1
I wish I could remove the Scoreboard but I don't see anything in the settings to do it, other than that it's great.
Author's response
This is a question that is asked for over and over again for years now...
And there is always the same answer:
set timerfunc to 0 !! And the scoreboard is gone... :)

Version: 0.11.1
Too hard to config.

I took one hour in the config, then i saved, restarted the server to be sure it's worked and somethings doesn't really saved.

I don't recommand.
Author's response
Please read the infos on the main page and in the WIKI: --> if you change anything in the config manually, you MUST reload the config with the reload command!!!
Otherwise all changes are deletet by the serverrestart if the server was running during the changes!

This is NOT a bug, but intended behavior !!!

Use the forum to ask for help, if you have any issues...

PS: "I don't recommend." ???? Just because you had issues with config because you did not read the instructions??? Nice move.... *rolleyes*

Version: 0.11.1
Good plugin! :3

Version: 0.11.0
Welldone on this plugin, configuring took some time to understand, but once everything is setup it works perfectly fine!

Version: 0.10.6
please add support for 1.17 pls
Author's response

Version: 0.10.6
Absolutely awesome plugin, took me a while to figure out the prefix stuff but that's probably just me being an idiot haha, love the auto world reset feature too. Fast replies from the dev, overall a great plugin :)

Version: 0.10.6
I *really* like where this plugin is trying to go, and the features it takes the time to implement.
However, a lack of organized documentation, useful error feedback, and intuitive settings causes hours of head-scratching trial-and-error finding the *exact* text or format to get it to behave as intended.

Should proper, complete documentation be organized with proper examples of more complex applications, I'd love to recommend this plugin!
(Some examples of setups that took far too long to find *how* to configure would include spawning 1 out of several possible dragons, configuring each dragon's unique stats, alternative reward commands and their percentage chance to roll, etc)

This plugin is like 90% of the way there, but only 40% documented or so. Once we found out how to make boasted features finally work in the config, I've been really impressed with the results!
Author's response
Thanks for your feadback!
You are right, the documentation still lacks same information... this plugin grows and it gets more and more features! The documentation realy needs an update/overhaul :)
The feature for several unique dragons , chosen randomly is in the WIKI (onebyone).
alternative reward and reankcommands with some examples are in the WIKI, too.

Version: 0.10.6
Makes "end-game" a little bit less of the end of the game. Installation and setup is extremely easy.
Author's response
Thumbs up ;)

Version: 0.10.6
no esta funcionando en 1.16.5, el dragon no revive de forma automatica, me gustaria que me diera alguna solucion y cambio mi nota

Version: 0.10.6
excellent plugin, just a doubt, I am adding placeholder to holographic displays but it does not detect it, I already use the config they have in updates but it does not add values
Author's response
maybe you also need HolographicExtension ?

Version: 0.10.6
A very good and cool plugin. However, I have a little problem,
skullchance: 0.03 and eggchance: 0.3
I set my own values in these lines, after restart they reset to the basic ones

# ###################### #
# Dragon Slayer v0.10.6 #
# ###################### #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# here are some infos about the sections in this config: #
# prefix: These are some general settings #
# global: Here are more general values #
# dragon._default: Here are some defaults that will be used for newly added worlds #
# messages: you can use placeholders in here: $slayer, $slayername, $world, $dragon, #
# $reward, $baseworld #
# spawnpoint: here are the spawnpoints for the worlds the plugin is working in #
# armorstand: the location where the statue will be placed #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# in 'respawncommand' you can use placeholder $player #
# in 'command' you can use placeholders $slayer, $slayername, $player, $dragon and $world #
# in 'rankcommand_[n]' you can use placeholders $player, $dragon, $rank and $world #
# you can run multiple commands by separating them with a ; #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# placeholders in timertext,timerline,resetline,showtime: $days,$hours,$minutes and $seconds #
# additional placeholder in showtime and showtime_n: $world #
# if timerline, resetline, showtime or showtime_n is empty it will show some defaults. #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# in scoreboard you can use placeholders $player and $score #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# you can add additional dragonvalues like name_1, damage_1, health_1, exp_1, reward_1, #
# createportal_1 and command_1 #
# or name_2 etc. in the world's settings for having individual dragons... #
# ########################################################################################## #

denybedexplode: false
name: '&6&lZaginiony Smok'
maxdragons: 1
onebyone: false
damage: 30.0
health: 2000
regen_seconds: 25
regen_amount: 10
range: 12
bossbar_distance: 200
exp: 14000
reward: 4500.0
eggchance: 10.0
portaleggchance: 1.0
eggasitem: true
skullchance: 5.0
skullitem: true
cancelegg: false
respawndelay: 720
createportal: false
oldportals: false
denycrystalplace: false
denycrystalexplode: false
creategateways: false
alternativereward: false
displaydragonname: true
resetworld: false
resetcrystal: false
resetworlddelay: 300
resetwarntime: 1
timerfunc: 0
respawnplayers: false
respawncommand: ''
spawncommand: ''
command: '{100}ping'
rankcommand_1: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ Gracz $player zrobił $percent% obrażeń w walce ze smokiem!'
rankcommand_2: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ Gracz $player pomógł zabić smoka i zadał $percent%
nomcdragonrespawn: 'true'
name: '&6&lZaginiony Smok'
maxdragons: 1
onebyone: false
damage: 30.0
health: 2000
regen_seconds: 25
regen_amount: 10
range: 12
bossbar_distance: 200
exp: 14000
reward: 4500.0
eggchance: 0.3
portaleggchance: 1.0
eggasitem: true
skullchance: 0.03
skullitem: true
cancelegg: false
respawndelay: 720
createportal: false
oldportals: false
denycrystalplace: false
denycrystalexplode: false
creategateways: false
alternativereward: false
displaydragonname: true
resetworld: false
resetcrystal: false
resetworlddelay: 300
resetwarntime: 1
timerfunc: 0
respawnplayers: false
respawncommand: ''
spawncommand: ''
command: '{100}ping'
rankcommand_1: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ Gracz $player zrobił $percent% obrażeń w walce ze smokiem!'
rankcommand_2: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ Gracz $player pomógł zabić smoka i zadał $percent%
nomcdragonrespawn: 'true'
denybedexplode: 'false'
armorstand_material: diamond
slayer: 44a2ba21-6874-4735-a9a6-9c3a2ccf3c9f
slayerbypercent: true
blockgrief: false
trydragonautofix: false
bypassdragongateway: true
bypassfunc: 2
teleportdragons: false
darkness: true
verbose: true
keepchunks: true
armorstand_usepapi: true
armorstand_placeholder: '%player_displayname%'
armorstand_format: '%slayer%'
multiportal: false
portalagression: 12
fixdeathflight: true
respawn: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ $dragon &6powstał z popiołów!'
onkill: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &6$slayername &7zabił &4$dragon &7i stał się nowym &6mistrzem
onrekill: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &9Mistrz areny &6$slayername &7zabił &4$dragon &7poraz kolejny!'
slayer: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &6$slayername &7jest jedynym &7Mistrzem areny!'
noslayer: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &7Obecnie nie ma gracza, który mógłby nazwać siebie prawdziwym
&6Mistrzem areny!'
reward: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &7Otrzymałeś &6$reward $ &7za zabicie &6$dragon'
xpreward: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &7Otrzymałeś &6$reward XP &7za walkę &6$dragon'
died: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &6Zaginiony Smok został zabity!'
protect: '&7- smoki chroniące portalu tego świata.'
reset: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &cUWAGA! &6Świat $world Zostanie zresetowany za mniej niż minutę!'
playerrespawn: '&bZ&3Ś &8❙ &cUWAGA! &6Każdy gracz w $world odrodzi się w $baseworld
za mniej niż minutę!'
timertext: 'Next Respawn or Reset :'
timerline: 'Spawn in: $days Days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds, #'
resetline: 'Reset in: $days Days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds, #'
notimer_ph: Smok odrodzony
showtime: 'Next dragon spawn is: $world: $days days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds'
showreset: 'Next world reset is: $world: $days days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds'
showtime_n: No spawn timer found for world $world !
scoreboard: '$player�s kills: $score'
crystaldeny: '&4Placing crystals is not allowed!'
prefix: '&9[Dragon Slayer]&r '
enabled: false
assuffix: false
force: false
tablist: false
x: 0.0
y: 90.0
z: 0.0
world: world
x: 13.469487423909644
y: 70.0
z: -51.49536691922198
yaw: -91.373535
Author's response
eggchance: 10.0 is not possible...
That would be 1000% ...

PS: please use the discussion for questions like this.. ;)

Version: 0.10.6
This plugin is excellent but, need add support to npc and citizens, using armor stand is not cool.
Author's response
Using NPCs is much more complicated than an armorstand ;)
But maybe i'll add that ,too ...

Version: 0.10.6
when I edit the config.yml it does not save the configuration, and when using reaload, the default configuration reappears ...
Author's response
As mentioned over and over again and again .... Here is NOT the place for bug reports!!
If you need any help please use the forum (discussion) !!!!
This (here) is for reviews and yours is NOT a review, but an issue in plugin handling...
so.. PLEASE remove this 'review' and ask again in the discussion, so i can help you....

Version: 0.10.4
Easy to get going, very (and easily) configurable!

The visual/audible effect when the dragon respawns is a simple, but incredibly awesome feature for the players to know when there's a new dragon!

Version: 0.10.2
This is a amazing plugin. But if possible can you add a system like if a player have kind of items he have to put them on the end portal then the dradon will spawn . It is like hypixel l also if you can leave it's source code I'll try to make it possible for me
Thank you.
Author's response
The original dragon respawn in the end IS done by putting crystals on the end portal...
This CAN be disabled by this plugin.. but default it is on. ;)

Version: 0.10.1
resetcrystal: false #refresh the world after a delay when all dragons are gone, this is default value, refresh the crystal no?
Author's response
Sorry, but is this a review???
Please use the review section only for reviews!
And yes, by default only the dragon respawns...

Version: 0.10.1
This a really cool plugin :)
We use it for nearly a month on our multiplayer survival server and set the timer up on 1 hour. So that is a great event occuring hourly with that nice chat message and the dragons voice when he respawns :)

Some of the best features in my opinion are:
-setting up the name of the dragon (it would be nice to write more names and pick on randomly)
-The Armorstand with the last killer of the dragon
-The Timer
-The Setspawn location
-And the fact that you can get XP based on how much damage you do
-Spawning multiple dragons
-The Placeholder API

Overall a very great plugin we will use on my server 5/5
Author's response
Thank you ! ;)
"it would be nice to write more names and pick on randomly" --> That IS possible already with 'onebyone' feature if you only want to have one dragon at a time. :)

Version: 0.10.0
i killed a dragon and the world does not regenerate. ok the dragon respawn but the end world and the cystals are still griefed. and yes, i have enabled to reset world in config. please help if you can
Author's response
This is NOT the correct place to ask for help!
THIS is for reviews....

PS: If you realy want to get any help, you need to give more information!

Version: 0.10.0
10/10 Great plugin and great dev, highly recommend!!
Adds great features to the Dragons

Version: 0.9.4
very fun adittion for survival servers, it would be nice to have command to configure some things ingame as well as a detailed example of how to use multi dragons feature
Author's response
Detailed example of how to use multi dragons feature is on its way... next update will use it even more ...

Version: 0.9.4
Just 5 stars for the author is active. Also the plugin has very cool features it really fit the needs for my server's features thank you author!

Version: 0.9.3
A good plugin for those servers who want to stick to a more vanilla feel, but make things more exciting. Very helpful developer too! 5 stars!

Version: 0.9.2
Great plugin! Keep going dude <3
But there is one prb (not sure, might am wrong).. I put every 3 days should the dragon relive again, but when it spawn for first time and we kill him, after 3 days it doesnt relive again automatically..

PD: I recommend you to create a discord group to discuss easly ^^
Author's response
Please post your config in the discussion, let's see what's wrong...

Version: 0.9.2
Hello im have problem with Commands its wont work please help
Author's response
1st: This is NOT the place to ask for help or to report bugs...!
2nd: Why only 2 stars??? The issue can't be that big... anyway.. what IS the issue???
3rd: IF you have any problems, please use the forum/discussion for any questions or bug reports...
4th: would you mind removing THIS rewiev? Maybe i can help you in the discussion....

Excellent plugin, nice for survivals server!! but i have a question how i can disable the timer in the end world?
Author's response
set timerfunc to 0 and the timer display is disabled...

Version: 0.9.1
Awesome plugin! Can you create the same plugin for the wither? I will be very thankful for that.

Version: 0.9.0
Love this and my players love it! Keep up the good work. My upon killing the dragon my players are getting a token to exchange for rewards :)

Version: 0.8.8
Awesome plugin.Does exactly what I want it to do.It adds lots of useful functions and placeholders too

Version: 0.8.6
I personally like it, works great on my skyblock server, the plugin developer is also really great since he/she answered all of my discussions usually pretty fast.

Version: 0.8.5
Beautiful plugin !!! Very well done. Nice work to you sir author. Continue like this again thank you.

Version: 0.8.4
Hey, i set the armorstand with /dsl setas, and it popsup and disapers instantly. Can you give me advise?
Author's response
please ask for help in the discussion forum ;)

Version: 0.8.0
The plugin works perfectly in 1.12.2! :3
Thanks! But there are one issue.. and is Im usign EssentialsX .. so de prefix {DRAGONSLAYER }for the EssentialsXChat is not working.. could you add it please to support?
Author's response
EssentialsXChat already is supported. Did you set up the server correctly?
You need to change chat format in config.yml (Essentials)

Version: 0.7.6
amazin plugin, one question tho, how do i remove a prefix from someone i am using luck perms
Author's response
remove a prefix??

Version: 0.7.5
Amazing plugin! Thank you so much for making this beautiful work of art.
A suggestion: Wither Slayer

P.s.: I'm brazilian, my english isn't good :/

Version: 0.7.1
It's impossible to kill the drgaon because it keeps flying through the ground and never comes up.
And that's kind annoying
Author's response
Would you mind to remove this review, as the way how the dragon flies is done by the server/game itself and has absolutely nothing to do with this plugin...
If the dragon flies through the ground, this is a default minecraft issue/feature!
Anyway, your review is NOT a review at all, but rather a bug report... and belongs to the discussion!

Version: 0.7.1
Thanks a lot for fixing the issue, very nice and useful plugin. It works fine on Spigot 1.14.4

Version: 0.7.0
Works good but I have the respawn delay at 432000 and in one day the dragon respawned. How can I fix it? I would like to respawn the dragon every 5 days
Author's response
as mentioned before please use the "discussion" for questions...
PS: added a fix for your issue...

Version: 0.6.5
Very useful plugin for handling the Ender Dragon on SMP servers like my own. Thank you and please continue to support this.

Version: 0.6.3
Originally was really mad because things were not working, after restarting the server everything performed as advertised! Very Good Plugin!

Version: 0.6.3
Kinda funny. I like it. Good job with it.
Little difficult reading through all the features, maybe you can organize it.
Author's response
Thanks for the review,
yes the features need to get organized ...
It's kinda 'grown' disarranged ;)

Version: 0.6.3
the plugin is so good, congratulations! ------------------------------------------------------

Version: 0.6.2
add support legendchat ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Author's response
Thanks for the 'review'.
But, is this a request?
Please use the discussion for such..
P.S: DONE ;)

Version: 0.6.2
I was waiting for 1.13.2 of this plugin, and finally here it is!
Just installed and waiting for a player to kill the Dragon!
I'll let you know, but I really like this plugin!
Thank you!
Author's response
Thanks ;)

Version: 0.6.2
Really good idea for plugin, even with working support for 1.13.2. The only negative that I still get long error code upon respawning and slaying dragon, but athor of the plugin is fortunately very active in repairing those bugs and is very quick too. That's why I give 5 stars.
Thank you very much, continue in your work ;)
Author's response
Hi, Thanks for the review.
I'm still looking after your issue.. still can't reproduce it.

Version: 0.6.0
Does not work. i set spawn but the world did not come up in config anf after tringt to forcerespawn, i just got a message "thats not necessenry for this world"....
Author's response
This section is for reviews!
If you have bugreports or problems setting this up please ask for help in discussion forum.
If it's not working for you, there must be something wrong with your setup ...

Version: 0.5.4
I love this plugin, I played in a 1.8 server for a year with this plugin and is awesome. Very fun. Recommended.
Author's response
;) Thanks

Version: 0.5.3
Hi!! I have installed this plugin on my minecraft 1.8 server and the part of putting a command doesn't go, I put the comand /give kire_sreggo diamond_sword (kire_sreggo is my nick of minecraft), and it doesn't go, is that a problem of the plugin or what problem is this? (I use the 0.5.3 version of this plugin). Sorry for my english, I'm from Spain.
Author's response
This feature is not included in version 1.8 yet.
I'll add this with the next release...

PS: Done! Please retry with Ver. 0.5.4 ! ;)

And: please use the discussion for bug-reports, not the reviews, thanks.

Version: 0.5.3
Hi, good plugin, but where can I send errors?

Can i add more types dragon? Not only Smaug? :)
Author's response
For errors use the discussion ! ... (or PM)

The dragon can have one name per world.
Maybe i'll add more names if there are more than one dragon in a world in a future release.

PS: Version 0.5.5+ now has the feature for multiple Dragonnames per world!!

Version: 0.5.3
Great plugin and a very friendly author, using it on my production server without any issue! Thanks for your fine work!

Version: 0.5.2
The execute of a command works exellent but is it possible to use placeholders like $slayer? It seems like its not possible.
Author's response
Hm, good idea... i'll have a look into this...
PS: Done ;)

Version: 0.5.0
Would be nice if it would be possible to let the server execute a command at the dragonkill that e.g. gives the slayer a new permission node.
Author's response

Version: 0.4.8
works great! love this plugin! new fav!
msg me or dev for any help!

Version: 0.4.4
Very good plugin! Resolved my doubts for many years!
Now I can refresh the dragon at the server! Players will no longer because I do not have time to manually generate a dragon and complain!
But I hope to be able to carry out a ceremony to summon the shadow dragon!
Let the dragon eggs have a real hatching meaning!
Thanks for the author! Really thanks!

Version: 0.4.2
Amazing Update !!!. Tnks for the adding support suffix.
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars
Author's response
Thanks ;)

Version: 0.4.0
Nice plugin.
Can u add Suffix [DragonSlayer] Options ?
5 Stars
Author's response
i'll have a look into this ;)

Version: 0.3.8
Works fine in 1.11 except the messages. I cant translate it. I hope you'll fix this and the double actionbar. I give you 5 stars anyway for your good work.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,911
First Release: Feb 12, 2017
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Find more info at www.spigotmc.org...
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