1. Plugin can now be used in overworld together with other plugins that handle dragons, like DragonTravel or such...
2. configurable: crystalls explode without damage (obsidian-tower-respawn still destroys blocks within a 10 block radius from the crystals!)
3. Messages on dragonkill etc. now with correct dragon name when using multidragon...
4. Drop the egg as a block/item even with the first dragon when portaleggchance is set to 0 !
5. Fix for nickchange with essentials when done via the console...
6. Fix for handling addon DragonTimer...
7. Use the player's nickname (if available) in messages and slayer-placeholder when enabled (by setting armorstand_usepapi to true), instead of playername (player must be online!!)
==> 'armorstand_usepapi' switches armorstand usage of nickname AND placeholder usage of nickname now!!!