0.12.5 Another ProtocolLib fix and some more improvements...
- If ProtocolLib is NOT installed, plugin will not crash anymore
- fix of typo: renamed config value 'portalagression' to 'portal_aggression' (why noone told me?
- renamed some more config values and sections: 'armorstand' to 'statue', since this is not limited to an armorstand anymore and can also be a NPC statue... The config will automaticaly be changed/converted...
- also renamed commands setarmorstand, getarmorstand and remarmorstand to setstatue, getstatue and remstatue (old commands remain working, but are not mentioned anywhere anymore...)
- improved handling of NPC-statue textures and fixed a bug when the slayer has changed...
- added a new feature: If 'slayerbyrank' is set to true, not the dragon killer or the one who dealed most damage (slayerbypercent) will get the DragonSlayer-title and the statue, but the one with the most dragon kills! You should also change the texts in 'onkill' and 'onrekill' to something like '&6$slayer became the new &9Dragon Slayer!' and '&6$slayer has most kills and still is the &9Dragon Slayer!'