1. New feature: some global values like the darkness-value can be set in world's settings to override global value! f.e. to have no darkness when using a dragon in overworld ...
this includes: darkness, blockgrief, trydragonautofix and teleportdragons
You can set those values by command /dsl {valuename} [true/false/default] [worldname]
'default' resets the values and the global one is used again in that world.
2. Fix for multiportal feature: dragons realy fly to their very own portal now! (not on 32bit java only... that was a weird one...)
3. Fix for disabling manual dragonrespawn...(placing crystals on obsidian...)
4. Another fix for 'oldportals' when multiportal is enabled...
5. Fix for remaining crystals after world refresh (crystal reset): crystals will simply be removed (if present) after 5 minutes !
6. Colorcodes can be used in timer now.