- TabList with Prefix/Suffix...new config var: tablist(true/false)
The nickname is set on Join, dragonkill and every 30 seconds... so if f.e. Essentials changes the Name.. .DSL will change it back...
- Fix for h:m placeholder if player is NOT on the same world where the respawn happens.
- Code optimizations and some internal rewrites...
- Reset and refresh timer are now also saved on serverrestart.
- New PAPI placeholders: %dragonslayer_nextreset%, %dragonslayer_nextresethms%, %dragonslayer_nextresethm% and %dragonslayer_nextresetmap%
- New additional line in internal scoreboard for reset timer...
If no dragon respawn timer is running, but a reset timer: the scoreboard's top line's placeholders will display the reset-Timer aswell... (instead of the respawn...)
- New config vars:
'resetline'(for scoreboard) and 'showreset'(for command),
'resetwarntime' (default is 1 minute)
and 'fixdeathflight': enable or disable the fix for the dragon to fly to the portal when dying... (introduced in 0.10.3)
- Internal fix: if a dragon respawns, old reset-task is canceled (as it is not needed anymore)
- Another small fix for crystal removal after crystal-refresh...
PS: There is a small bug in latest release!
Please set 'tablist' (prefix.tablist) to false, or set 'slayer' (global.slayer) to an existing UUID ...
Fix will be out soon...