- With the fixed entity-bug in Spigot, I now had to change my dragon-check-routine a bit -> having "keepchunks" set to false should work again on latest 1.17.1 servers! (but not on paper, yet!!!? only Spigot!)
- Fix for NPC-statue if the server uses wrong plugin loading order (multiverse seems to load after DSL on a few servers)
- Fix/workaround for armorstand-statue on Paper servers (still the getEntities bug... the fix is still not 100% !
- Fix for dropping dragon eggs: now it uses it's own drop, and not the events drop! So other plugins can no longer cancel the drop !
- Improved scoreboard and NPC-Statue nametag (only if DSL scoreboard is used)
- New feature: if you want to use DragonTimer to respawn DragonSlayer's dragons, you had to set respawndelay to -1.
Now you also can have it set to -2, this will disable DSL's respawntimer but still usees 'maxdragons' for dragon spawns! (DragonSlayers check for dragon count!)
That means:
If you want to disable DSL's check completely (no timer, no maximum dragons) set respawndelay to -1. (this is the same as it was before...)
If you only want to disable the timer only, set respawndelay to -2. The maxdragons value remains active now.
an example :
--> if you want to spawn dragons by DTI with a maximum 1 dragon, but you want to be able to spawn another dragon manually,
set respawndelay to -2 (so no timer will be started), set DSL's maxdragons to 2 (the absolute maximum) and set maxdragon in DTI to 1.
DTI will only spawn one dragon, the second can be spawned manually now!
- New feature: Alternatively you can decide which dragon should be excluded from starting a timer for automatic respawn (DSL's timer -> respawndelay) by manually adding 'noautorespawn_n' to the config.
'noautorespawn_1: true' will disable the start of a timer when dragon #1 is killed. But only when it is killed! Other timers like the automatic fix-timers etc. are NOT changed by this value!
You need to manually add those values!! And you have to use separately named dragons!
Remember: timers are not bound to the dragon that was killed.
A timer will always spawn the next available/missing dragon!
With this feature you can have a maximum of available dragons, but only a few spawned directly by DSL. The rest must be spawned manually or by any other plugin...