DragonSlayer icon

DragonSlayer -----

The Dragon will rise again.... !! (and bring its brothers!)

Scoreboard placeholders etc.
- Split additional orbs the same way as original orbs, when 'world-settings.default.merge-radius.exp' is set to 0 (in spigot.yml) --> multiple orbs are dropped !
- Commands can have a percentage now! If a percentage is given like this: '{66}ping' -> the 'ping' command has a 66% chance of being executed!! Values are from 0 to 100, if no value is given it is 100% (e.g. {1}=1%, {100}=100%, {0} or {} or {bla} or {101} = 0% !!!
- If the dragon respawn timer and the world reset timer have the same values, the reset is not deactivated anymore! This way you can use the dragons countdown as a world countdown now ;)
- New PlaceholderAPI placeholders: %dragonslayer_mykills% -> the players amount of dragon kills
%dragonslayer_place_n% : Scoreboard! Where 'n' is the rank/position! f.e: %dragonslayer_place_1% ist 1st place, %dragonslayer_place_2% is 2nd place etc.
You can use this to create a dragon-killer-scoreboard with HolographicDisplays/HolographicExtension !!
Here is an example, for database.yml (HolographicDisplays) :
Code (Text):
  location: world, 0.5, 68.0, 0.5
  - '&6&n&oHighScores &4&n&oDragon Kills :'
  - '1st Place: {slowest}%dragonslayer_place_1%'
  - '2nd Place: {slowest}%dragonslayer_place_2%'
  - '3rd Place: {slowest}%dragonslayer_place_3%'
  - '4th Place: {slowest}%dragonslayer_place_4%'
  - ''
  - 'Your score: {slowest}{player} : %dragonslayer_mykills%'
  - ''
  - 'Next Spawn: {medium}%dragonslayer_nexttime%'
  - 'On world: {medium}%dragonslayer_nextmap%'
----------, May 1, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,911
First Release: Feb 12, 2017
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Find more info at www.spigotmc.org...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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