Use the setspawn command to add a world to this plugin.
Use the commands to change settings and/or edit the config file (see Configuration)
Use plugin's reload command or restart the server again...
Configuration (v0.14.0 and newer)
Code (Text):
prefix: '&9[Dragon Slayer]&r ' #prefix the Dragon Slayer gets
enabled: true #Enable the prefix: true/false
assuffix: false #Use suffix instead of prefix: true/false (no function with UChat)
force: false #if you have UChat or PAPI installed but don't want to use it for DragonSlayer set this to true
tablist: true # if the prefix should show up in player tablist.
tablist_time: 15 #after how many seconds the prefix should be set, default every 15 secs. (possible values 1 to 30)
slayer: Jeppa #saves the UUID of the Dragon Slayer
slayerbypercent: false #if the killer is the slayer or the top damager.
slayerbyrank: false #whether the slayer is selected by number of dragon kills. (will override default and 'slayerbypercent' functions...)
blockgrief: false #is the dragon allowed to destroy non end blocks (can be overridden by world-setting)
trydragonautofix: false #can be used to try spawning missing dragons on map enter (can be overridden by world-setting). This will also fix phase-1-stuck dragons...
first_join_dragonspawn: false #can be used to have a free dragonspawn for new players when they enter the end the first time. (can be overridden by world's-settings)
bypassdragongateway: true #if set to true dragons will not enter the gateways (used as a bugfix..)
bypassfunc: 2 # 1: Dragons 'jump' over the gateways, 2: gateways get switched off/on
teleportdragons: false #teleport the dragons to map center when entering the end (can be overridden by world-setting)
darkness: true #darkness while in battle with the dragon? (can be overridden by world-setting)
verbose: true #switch verbosity of some textoutput
keepchunks: true #keep chunks with dragons in memory, or not.
statue_usepapi: false #enable statue's name to use PlaceholderAPI (and in messages...)
statue_placeholder: '%player_displayname%' #the PAPI-placeholder for the statue and the personal statue (this is displayname)
statue_format: '%slayer%' #can be used for additional text to the slayer statue (NOT for the personal one)...
statue_material: diamond #possible values: diamond, golden, iron, lether, chainmail, netherite
statue_version: 1 # 1: ArmorStand, 2: NPC-Statue
personal_statue_base_material: stone #any material that has a SLAB block: stone, brick, acacia, oak, prismarine...
personal_statue_with_name: true #if the personal statue is named. (only available on servers 1.19+)
multiportal: false #multiportal and multispawn feature
portal_aggression: 12 #the less, the more the dragon guards the portal (only when multiportal is used)
fixdeathflight: true #If the plugin should fix that the dragon is dying at its portal...
disable_global_spawnsound: false # deactivates the dragon's spawn sound, can only be heared in its world when on "true"
_default: # default values that get copied to any world that is added by setting a spawn
name: '&5Smaug&r' #default value, to disable just set an empty name like ''
displaydragonname: true #enable the name to be displayed above the dragon head.
damage: 10.0 #default value (if set to 0 -> dragon is not changed...)
health: 200 #default value (must be 1 - 2048 (2048 is value from spigot.yml)) (if set to 0 -> dragon is not changed...)
regen_seconds: 0 # how long it takes to automatically heal the dragon (0 = off)
regen_amount: 10 # how much the dragon heals itself...
glow_effect: false #if dragons have glow effect.
hit_indicator: false #if the dragon should 'blink' when hit.
bossbar_distance: 200 #min distance player to dragon to display the bossbar (in blocks)
range: 16 #default, follow range (experimental!)
exp: 12000 #default value
reward: 2500.0 #requires vault, gives the player a certain amount of money, this is default value
eggchance: 0.3 #make sure to use numbers from 0 to 1 (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ... ,0.9 , 1) , this is default value
eggasitem: false #drop the egg as an item, not as a block: true/false (default value)
skullchance: 0.03 #chance for skull drop
skullitem: false #skull drop enabled?
portaleggchance: 1.0 #same as eggchance, but for the portal's egg itself
cancelegg: false #turn off player interaction with eggs: true/false (default value)
alternativereward: false #if the alternative reward system should be used
respawndelay: 360 #in minutes, how long it should take for the dragon to respawn once it gets killed, this is default value. -1 for deactivation. -2 for deactivation but keeping maxdragons active.
maxdragons: 1 #maximal amount of dragons per world (this is the default)
onebyone: false #only spawn one dragon of the possible multidragons (randomly)
noautorespawn_1: false # optional value (must be added by hand), will disable automatic respawn of dragon_1'.
createportal: true #if an exit portal should be created after dragon's death
oldportals: false #use old portal spawn behavior instead of portal at location 0/0 , this is default value
denycrystalplace: false #deny players from placing crystals at the portal
denycrystalexplode: false #deny crystals from making damage when expoding.
denybedexplode: false #disable bed explosions in the end, beds will just drop.. (only when the dragon is close...)
creategateways: true #create end-gateways to 'endcity' or not, this is the default value.
fixgateways: false #fix/reset 'damaged' end city gateways
resetworld: false #reset the world after a delay when all dragons are gone, this is default value
resetcrystal: false #refresh the world after a delay when all dragons are gone, this is default value
resetworlddelay: 300 #minutes, default value
resetwarntime: 1 #amount of minutes when the warning is displayed before reset/refresh
respawnplayers: false #if true players will be teleported after resetworlddelay
nomcdragonrespawn: true#set to true will disable the servers internal dragonrespawn/dragonremove at server restart. So, this will disable the original portal from being spawned aswell...
command: '{100}ping' #command at dragonkill, you can use $player, $slayer, $slayername, $dragon and $world here (separate multiple commands by ;), {100}=percentage
spawncommand: '' #command at dragonrespawn, you can use $player, $dragon and $world here (separate multiple commands by ;),you can use percentage here,too.
respawncommand: '' #alternative command after dragonkill for player teleport etc.
rankcommand_1: '' #commands that get executed for the best player when the dragon got killed
rankcommand_2: '' #commands for 2nd placed fighter...
timerfunc: 2 #what to display in timerdisplay/scoreboard: 1 seconds, 2 timercount, 0 nothing (completely disable scoreboard)
respawn: '$dragon &4has risen from its ashes!'
onkill: '&6$slayername &fkilled &4$dragon &rand became the new &9Dragon Slayer!'
onrekill: '&9Dragon Slayer &6$slayername &fkilled &4$dragon &ronce again!'
slayer: '&6$slayername &fis the one and only &9Dragon Slayer!'
noslayer: 'There currently is no hero who can call himself the true &9Dragon Slayer!'
reward: 'You received &6$reward coins &rfor killing &4$dragon'
xpreward: 'You received &6$reward XP &rfor fighting &4$dragon'
died: '&4The Dragon in world $world died. Maybe it was too old... or is was the'
protect: '$amount dragons found protecting this world`s portal!'
reset: 'Warning! The world $world may reset in less than one minute!!!'
playerrespawn: 'Warning! Every player in world $world will respawn to world $baseworld in less than one minute!!!'
timertext: 'Next Respawn or Reset:' # 'Next Respawn: Days:$days, $hours:$minutes'
timerline: 'Spawn in: $days Days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds, #' #max 32 chars in 1.8-1.12, 128 chars 1.13+
resetline: 'Reset in: $days Days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds, #'#max 32 chars in 1.8-1.12, 128 chars 1.13+
notimer_ph: 'not yet'
noname_ph: 'none'
unknownname_ph: 'Unknown'
noscore_ph: '-'
showtime: 'Next dragon spawn is: $world: $days days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds' #text for the showtimer command
showreset: 'Next world reset is: $world: $days days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds'
showtime_n: 'No spawn timer found for world $world !' #text for the showtimer command
scoreboard: '$player´s kills: $score'
crystaldeny: '&4Placing crystals is not allowed!'
personalstatue_placed: 'Statue set to: {x} {y} {z} in {world}' # This is with placeholders {x} {y} {z} and {world}
personalstatue_notplaced: 'Statue not placed! You are not a DragonSlayer!'
personalstatue_removed: "If there was an old statue, it's been removed ..."
personalstatue_notremoved: "You can't remove your statue! You are not a DragonSlayer!"
no_permission: "You don't have permission"
world_the_end: # this is the default spawn for world : 'world_the_end'
x: 0
y: 96
z: 0
dragon_1: # alternative spawn for first dragon in world 'world_the_end'
x: 20.0
y: 90.0
z: 20.0
dragon_2: # alternative spawn for 2nd dragon ...
x: -20.0
y: 90.0
z: -20.0
More detailed Configuration Explanation and examples : Config WIKI
Using Prefix and Placeholders for other plugins Prefix/Suffix:
UltimateChat: {dragonslayer}
add like this in UChat's config:
format: '{playername}{dragonslayer}'
Legendchat: {dragonslayer}
add like this in Legendchat's config:
default: '{color}[{nick}]{dragonslayer} {groupprefix}{prefix}{bprefix2}{bprefix}&f{sender}{bsuffix}{suffix}{groupsuffix}{color}: {msg}'
EssentialsChat: {DRAGONSLAYER}
add like this in Essentials' config:
%dragonslayer_slayer% --> last slayer's name
%dragonslayer_prefix% --> the prefix/suffix
%dragonslayer_timer% --> remaining time to next respawn and world where it happens
%dragonslayer_nexttime% --> remaining time to next respawn (d days, h:m:s), can be used with world name like this: %dragonslayer_nexttime_worldname%
%dragonslayer_nexttimehms% --> remaining time to next respawn (h:m:s), can be used with world name like this: %dragonslayer_nexttimehms_worldname%
%dragonslayer_nexttimehm% --> remaining time to next respawn (h:m), can be used with world name like this: %dragonslayer_nexttimehm_worldname%
%dragonslayer_nexttimems% --> remaining time to next respawn (m:s), can be used with world name like this: %dragonslayer_nexttimems_worldname%
%dragonslayer_nextreset% --> remaining time to next reset/refresh (d days, h:m:s)
%dragonslayer_nextresethms% --> remaining time to next reset/refresh (h:m:s)
%dragonslayer_nextresethm% --> remaining time to next reset/refresh (h:m)
%dragonslayer_nextmap% --> world for next respawn (it doesn't matter where the player is atm.)
%dragonslayer_nextresetmap% --> world for next reset/refresh (it doesn't matter where the player is atm.)
%dragonslayer_mykills% --> players amount of dragon kills
%dragonslayer_myplace% --> shows the players rank/place in kill-list!
%dragonslayer_place_n% (n=1,2...n) --> scoreboard rank!! (e.g. %dragonslayer_place_1% gives who is 1st place...)
%dragonslayer_place_n_name% (n=1,2,3...)
%dragonslayer_place_n_score% (n=1,2,3...)
Info: %dragonslayer_nexttime%, %dragonslayer_nexttimehms% and %dragonslayer_nexttimehm% will display the time for the world the player is in, or for the next world if the player is not in a world that is used by the plugin! Same for %dragonslayer_nextreset%, %dragonslayer_nextresethms% and %dragonslayer_nextresethm% !