DragonSlayer icon

DragonSlayer -----

The Dragon will rise again.... !! (and bring its brothers!)

0.10.1 Some fixes and features etc.
1. Plugin can now be used in overworld together with other plugins that handle dragons, like DragonTravel or such...
2. configurable: crystalls explode without damage (obsidian-tower-respawn still destroys blocks within a 10 block radius from the crystals!)
3. Messages on dragonkill etc. now with correct dragon name when using multidragon...
4. Drop the egg as a block/item even with the first dragon when portaleggchance is set to 0 !
5. Fix for nickchange with essentials when done via the console...
6. Fix for handling addon DragonTimer...
7. Use the player's nickname (if available) in messages and slayer-placeholder when enabled (by setting armorstand_usepapi to true), instead of playername (player must be online!!)
==> 'armorstand_usepapi' switches armorstand usage of nickname AND placeholder usage of nickname now!!!
----------, Dec 20, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,911
First Release: Feb 12, 2017
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Find more info at www.spigotmc.org...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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