DragonSlayer icon

DragonSlayer -----

The Dragon will rise again.... !! (and bring its brothers!)

0.9.4: Move It... OneByOne ;)
- Added the possibility of having only one dragon, chosen randomly from the bunch of possible/added multidragons... (name_1, name_2 etc)
(This feature always only spawns ONE dragon! Value maxdragons is NOT the maximum of dragons at the same time here, but the maximum of POSSIBLE dragons to be chosen from at random!)

- change of nickname/displayname will also rename the armorstand if the slayer is the one wo changes nick and if PAPI-placeholder is used for naming the Armorstand...(needs Essentials(X) being installed...)

- VERY experimeltal new feature: if enabled, the portal, the drogon's deathplace and the center-point where it is cyrcling around can be changed.
The location for the portal etc. will be the spawnlocation you set for your world!
It is NOT possible to have multiple dragons in a world with different centers (each dragon with it's own, where it is controlling/patrolling...NOT possible!) The entire server uses the same values for all maps/worlds!! This Plugin 'fakes' the center world-based, so each endworld can have its own center.. but this is not yet 100%...!!!
This is still very experimental, i'm not responsible for any harm or damage ! You have been warned! ;)
Endcity gateways and crystal towers REMAIN in a circle around position 0/0 and will not be moved around the new portal spawn!!!
If you change the spawnpoint (/dsl setspawn), the game recognises this and changes the new internal settings too...

- small fix for gateways again... and some small internal changes and fixes...

- Fix for teleporting players when "respawnplayers" is set to true AND world is beeing reset:
Now, if 'resetworld' is set to true (AND 'respawnplayers' is true), players will NOT be teleported back to end world after it was reset! They will stay where the internal teleport (or the external ->respawncommand) moved them...
----------, Sep 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,911
First Release: Feb 12, 2017
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Find more info at www.spigotmc.org...
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