The even more fixes update...
- finaly, the default end-world also generates endgateways (and in right order)!
- changed the default value for 'nomcdragonrespawn' to true
(you still need to edit it if you want to change an already existing value)
- Fix for endgateways if server is running PaperSpigot (fix is a bit ugly, but works)
- Fix for too many dragons after world reset while DSL is set for use with DTI ...
- No dragonrespawn by DSL's worldreset when it's set for DTI to be used (respawndelay set to -1) ), neither own nor Orig!
- Fix for creation of transfergateways after world reset, even if transfergateways were disabled in config
- Finaly added some fixes for stacking portals issue (wich was done by the server itself..)
It takes a little more time for the portal to spawn now!)
- Fixed spawn of additional Dragon, when no dragon should spawn after server restart (with DTI use..)
- added a fix for a possible server crash when a world with a dying dragon gets saved...
- added feature to get the bossbars much faster after joining the end
- some internal fixes and improvements...