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DragonSlayer -----

The Dragon will rise again.... !! (and bring its brothers!)

0.10.0 The Multiportal Update!
As the version number might suggest, this is a big update!

- additional command 'addspawn' for additional dragon/portal spawnpoints....

- additional command to set/get dragons name(s) AND to set the special/additional names!

- additional, to the ability to change normal config vars ingame, you can now set, change or delete the special config var "createportal_X" ingame!
(X = number 1,2...)
/dsl createportal_1 {true/false/null} [worldname] or /dsl createportal_1 [worldname] {true/false/null} can change or set that value (or delete it from config) !!
/dsl createportal_1 [worldname] returns the value that actualy is set in config...
all this needs the .admin permission...

- new config var 'portalagression': this is kind of a replacement for the amount of the active cristal-towers available surrounding the portal. The less crystals the more do the dragons try to protect the portal! (Used when multiportal is enabled)

- additional commands 'command_X' if multidragon feature is used... each dragon can have it's own command executed when it's killed... (gues of different extra rewards or such)
This command -if existing- replaces the default 'command'. (only one is used)

- fix for world reset (keep the seed, place protals...)

- fix for Dragon teleport/move @ End-Gateways...

- additional/alternative method for bypassing the gateways... (switching off/on when a dragon is near)
bypassing the gateways is not needed if your running a paper server (has internal fix)

- new config value for enabling/disabling chunks beeing kept in memory (Servers V1.13+ only). This will result in less lag when chunks are checked, but more memory and CPU-usage!
When switched off the server needs some time here and there to load needed chunks in different situations... but needs less CPU power...!
When switched on, the chunks are always active and there is no lag loading them... but all entities in those chunks are active, too... what results in more CPU power and memory needed...
It depends on your machine, what to use ;)

- added confirm request for 2 critical commands... (reset and remspawn)
You have to enter the same command within 10 seconds to confirm...

- fix for crystals on portal... (protection)

- Fix for dragons at moved portal! Dragons now don't fight each other for the portal anymore...

- Every dragon can now have it's 'own' portal !!

- You can move the portal, so it's no longer in the middle of the center-island.
Or you set the spawn/portal to the endcity!!!
Or you can have multiple spawns for the dragons (and the portal) !!!
e.g.: you can have one dragon with its own spawn and Portal, all other dragons use the default...
Or have all dragons with own portals each...
This needs the global multiportal feature to be enabled (by setiing 'multiportal' to true) and the multidragon-feature !
(if your config still has a "moveportal"-value from 0.9.4 you can remove that... it's called 'multiportal' now!)

A brief explanation of the multidragon feature with multiportals:
Most of multidragon feature have to be set up manualy in the config!
It needs at least an additional name for each dragon that should have it's own spawn/portal...
add name_1, name_2 etc. to your config and give each dragon its own name.
You can use the name command for this now! /dsl name {new name} [world] [dragon number] (e.g. "/dsl name Drago world_the_end 1" -> results in setting name_1 to 'Drago' for that world...)
Now you can add damage_1, health_1, range_1, exp_1, reward_1 etc. to change that dragon's values (according to your needs...)
Missing values are replaced by the defaults.
Set maxdragons to the number of dragons you like to have. If you added a dragon with 'name_5' but maxdragons is set to 4 -> that dragon is NOT used...
==> OK, multidragon is set up now... ;)

Now, If you want one dragon to create its own portal when it's killed, add two more additional values:
createportal_1: true (or createportal_2 etc.)
If this value is set to false this dragon will NEVER create a portal! (even if the default value 'createportal' still is set to true)
If you set this value to true this dragon ALWAYS creates a portal, even if a portal is already placed... (in this case the dragon does not drop an egg, as the portal always gets an new egg when spawned...)
If this value (createportal_X) is missing, the default 'createportal' value is used...

If you use one of this additional createportal_X values, the default value will NOT be changed to 'false' when a portal is activated. This is only done when the default is used!

With all this set up, you may now want to give the dragon its own spawn/portal location, otherwise again the default will be used.
To add additional spawnpoints for your dragons you can use the following commands :
/dsl addspawn {#number} --> e.g. "/dsl addspawn 1" will add the player's position as an additional spawn for dragon in 'name_1'. (and its portal)
/dsl addspawn {x y z} [worldname] {#number} --> e.g. "/dsl addspawn 55 90 -77 world_the_end 3" adds a certain location in that world as spawn and portal coords for dragon 'name_3' !
In the configuration file it looks like this: (this is an excample)
Code (Text):
    x: -20
    y: 105
    z: 25
      x: -80
      y: 105
      z: 100
      x: 55
      y: 90
      z: -77
The dragon with name in name_1 now protects the Portal @ -80/100 instead of -20/25...
Now use the /dsl reload command to activate all new values...

Whith all of this, you could create an end world with multiple stages!
The first dragon protects a portal on the center island, but does not create/activate that portal when it is killed...
Traveling through the gateway the dragon has created, takes the player to the endcity...
Here is a 2nd dragon protecting another 'portal', but it doesn't activate it either...
When that dragon is slain the next endcity-gateway will appear... (or after slaying the 1st dragon again upon reappearance (so, maybe choose a looong respawn time!))
The 2nd gateway teleports the player to another endcity region, with another dragon again, and this one finaly spawns a portal! (Or resets the world .. or resets the crystals... or whatever...)

There are countless new possiblilities you can do with the server now ;)

short summary:
==> multiportal set to true
maxdragons set to number of dragons
add values for multiple dragons
createportal_X to true or false... whatever you need for your world and dragons...
add additional spawnpoint(s)
add additional commands that get executed on killing a dragon
reload config or restart server!

If you disable 'multiportal' all dragons will return to absolut default portal at 0/0 (world's center)
Multidragon remains enabled on...

In theorie you could use this plugin for Dragon-battles in overworld now, aswell... but be warned! Not all features work like in the end as this IS not an end world!! And you have to set up your config by hand for use in overworld!!
When a portal is spawned by a dragon in overworld it will teleport players to the End World ;)

If you enable multiportal and have Multidragons aswell, OneByOne feature could be used to have only one dragon at a time protecting one of multiple portals available...

Placing crystals to respawn the dragon manually is still possible (if not disabled in config), BUT only on the default portal! So, you should keep the default portal on the center island!

PS: (30.12.2020 new Info) There seems to be a bug where the dragons try to fly to the wrong portal again when multiportal is in use...
This seems to depend on the server... i'm still not sure. --> running the server in 32bit Java works!
running it in 64bit Java has the issues!! :(
My old test-server was running without any issues... it was 32 bit!
To prevent these issues, you can set 'onebyone' to true, or use 'oldportals'...
I'm still looking for a fix!
----------, Nov 14, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,911
First Release: Feb 12, 2017
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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