DragonSlayer icon

DragonSlayer -----

The Dragon will rise again.... !! (and bring its brothers!)

0.9.3 with more features...
- Additional player based commands, can be used if alternativereward is set to 'true' !
This can be used for showing Kill-Ranks or for extra bonus given to players or whatever you like... hey, it's commands ;)
And you can use multiple commands again, separated by ';'
For using this, your commands must be set in config as 'rankcommand_1', 'rankcommand_2' etc.
The commands defined in 'rankcommand_1' will be run for the player who did most damage to the dragon !
'rankcommand_2' is second place etc. ...
possible special placeholders are $player (playername) and $percent (percentage of damage made to the dragon...) You can also use the other placeholders such as $dragon or $world...
By default the config has settings (commands) for rank #1 and #2 . You can add more by hand, if you like... or disable them by setting them to ''
These new commands are only executed if alternativereward is used!
You could use 'rankcommand_1' to pay the player who did most damage, and 'command' to pay the killer... (if this is not the same person :) )
Since this also works with a random chance of execution (by adding a chance to the command), you can use it to pay your players...
e.g.: 1st rank with ..let's say.. 80% chance, 2nd rank 50% chance etc. :
Code (Text):
  rankcommand_1: '{80}give $player diamond 1;say $player did most damage to $dragon'
  rankcommand_2: '{50}give $player diamond 1;say $player has killer rank $rank'
  rankcommand_3: '{30}give $player banana' #;)
  rankcommand_4: '{100}give $player coal;say $player was 4th place killing $dragon with only $percent% of the damage...'
You could even use the damage percentage itself as a value for the random chance in command execution... :
rankcommand_1: '{$percent}give $player diamond 1'

- Text output from '/dragonslayer showtimer' configurable/translatable (showtime and showtime_n in config)

- Fix for using PlaceholderAPI Dev-Builds...

- The egg spawning on the portal now also has a percentage chance... -> portaleggchance: 1.0 = 100%

- Dragon heads are dropped now, even if it's the 'first' dragon after world refesh/reset ...
The eggs still only get dropped by the 2nd dragon that dies (and the following...) because 1st dragon creates the egg on portal...

- New config var to prevent players from placing endercrystals on the portal to respawn the dragon ...

- Another new config setting for less verbosity (if set to false) (reduces some output... less verbose commands)

- Armorstand's name can now be customized by using PlaceholderAPI... e.g. use %player_displayname%, %player_custom_name% or %player_name% ...
This also needs the expansion 'player' installed in PAPI!!
But: if the player who is the Slayer is not online while the statue(armorstand) is build (e.g. by setting a new location for it... /dsl setarmorstand), the player's displayname cannot be grabbed by PAPI!! So... in this case alternatively the original player name is displayed again!! (like when PAPI placeholder is switched off...)

- Some more small fixes...

PS: a more detailed explanation of all possible config values will be uploaded/updated soon... it's getting a little complicated now... :)
----------, Aug 31, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,911
First Release: Feb 12, 2017
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Find more info at www.spigotmc.org...
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