DragonSlayer icon

DragonSlayer -----

The Dragon will rise again.... !! (and bring its brothers!)

0.11.5 - The January Update ;)
- Update of config handling...

- Small fix in bossbar adding...

- Some changed methodes (for increasing performance)

- Removed CS-fix (it's not needed anymore)

- Another fix against portal stacking during crystal-refresh when portal height has been changed (e.g. by water)

- Added a fix for potentially wrong gateway teleport destinations... (must be enabled, off by default) -> new config value 'fixgateways' !

- Fixed a bug with multiportal, if dragon names are not visible (switched off...)

- New routine for dealing with gateway bypass, possible values for bypassdragongateway are now 1,2 and 3! (1: teleport dragons, 2: NEW gateway switching!, 3: old gateway switch on/off routine (will be removed in the next release...))
this new version should be less 'gateway destroying' ;)

- Existing placeholders %dragonslayer_nexttime%, %dragonslayer_nexttimehm% and %dragonslayer_nexttimehms% can now be used to check a specific world ..
e.g. %dragonslayer_nexttimehms_world%

- Spawncommand_n is possible now! (You can have separate commands to be executed at dragon spawn per dragon, based on dragon's name/number... this defaults to 'spawncommand'...

- The config format for commands (command[_n], rankcommand_n, spawncommand[_n], respawncommand) has been changed from ';'-separated strings to StringLists (existing configurations are converted automatically)

- Added new PAPI-placeholder %dragonslayer_myplace% to show the players rank/place in kill-list!

As always: please report bugs!
I hope my testing was good egough, so there arn't any! ;)
----------, Jan 23, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,911
First Release: Feb 12, 2017
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Find more info at www.spigotmc.org...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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