HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

6e7fcd4 chore: remove usage of multiple DB connections - Thatsmusic99
b8676ab fix: add ratelimit protection from grabUUID - Thatsmusic99
4b5ea53 fix: startup error in 1.21 from recent API changes - Thatsmusic99
12229b1 fix: other changes to 1.21 - Thatsmusic99
b3f8674 fix: close statement early to avoid db locking - Thatsmusic99
----------, Jul 22, 2024

Yeah, this version is literally just silencing that warning that tells you you're using an unsupported server version when on 1.21. Yeah, 7.1.3 works on 1.21.

That being said though, speaking of versions, HeadsPlus' current build system causes issues for testing, version updating and also CI/CD. Because of this, I'll be looking to change this build system to what its sister plugin, AdvancedTeleport, uses in v6. However, a consequence of that will be losing 1.15.2-1.17.1 support. This probably won't apply next update, but probably in the near future - after that point, it should be easier for me to maintain and work on the plugin, so it doesn't look like AT is my favourite child. Tchau.
----------, Jun 21, 2024

dadad25 feat: add head option to allow for per-head/per-player challenges - Thatsmusic99
7fd5528 fix: server version mistake - Thatsmusic99

Link embedding stays broken here yike
----------, Jun 11, 2024

whoop whoop, thank you for the patience on 1.20.6, it came out right before my exams started :)) (SpigotMC won't let me add links so rip)

Please note that Spigot 1.20.5/1.20.6 made changes to entity names. If you use a custom configuration for mobs.yml, keep a backup of the file to transfer any mob configuration made when updating to 1.20.6.

4ede9d9 fix: everything wrong with the Spigot profile handler - Thatsmusic99
311667f fix: you don't need to add a head multiple times - Thatsmusic99
a27692b fix: index out of bounds when price lore is removed - Thatsmusic99
dde4e3f fix: set heads to player names where necessary - Thatsmusic99
2ffa2eb chore(mc): update to 1.20.5 - Thatsmusic99
b40016e feat: add unique option - Thatsmusic99
016cd80 fix: wrong placeholder parsed in stats - Thatsmusic99
d460f24 chore: use the registry - Thatsmusic99
4ef10e9 feat: piglin heads (safe implementation) - Thatsmusic99
14debc7 chore(version): bump to 7.1.2 - Thatsmusic99
----------, May 7, 2024

6e4b923 fix: NPE when masks are disabled - Thatsmusic99
116334b fix: NPE with problematic head options - Thatsmusic99
1fe68cf fix: cheeky and sneaky, paper method in spigot handler - Thatsmusic99
dfd5b62 fix: regex sucks - Thatsmusic99
30eb8a3 fix: wrong group being fetched - Thatsmusic99
0a81a4b fix: how textures in player death listener is handled - Thatsmusic99
97c1793 fix: texture handling in /head and /myhead - Thatsmusic99
2c5ddfe fix: why did I do this again? - Thatsmusic99
2e6c8b9 chore: add breeze head - Thatsmusic99
74bd38f chore(paper-api & spigot-api): update to 1.20.4... - Thatsmusic99
----------, Feb 11, 2024

12513dd fix: 1.20.2 issues (#115) - Thatsmusic99
fb70194 chore: move sections to heads.yml (#113) - Thatsmusic99
e0a4065 feat: add ShopGUI+ support (#112) - Thatsmusic99
46be996 fix: reward multipliers not showing - Thatsmusic99
59b8ba9 fix: error when trying to drop entity heads - Thatsmusic99
ce7c270 chore: formatting - Thatsmusic99
ce9004a chore(deps): bump configurationmaster to 2.0.0-... - Thatsmusic99
c4e8912 fix: levels being restored after a restart - Thatsmusic99
61eea87 fix: don't enforce too-short limit on /head - Thatsmusic99
e00871c fix: blank messages on /head - Thatsmusic99
096b0a0 fix: heads.yml wrong section - Thatsmusic99
a4f6e9e fix: wrong section being saved to with /heads s... - Thatsmusic99
478f0b9 fix: add section access if headsplus.section.* ... - Thatsmusic99

In ShopGUI+, you can now configure a custom head item to be sold/bought, just like this in the plugin's config files:

Code (YAML):
: HP #bee_pollinated_angry
----------, Nov 1, 2023

4e7cfa0 chore: remove SPAWNER_EGG as a default blocked spawn cause - Thatsmusic99
e082f07 fix: /reload wiping player information - Thatsmusic99
6286e38 chore: better mobs.yml config clarification - Thatsmusic99
----------, Aug 24, 2023

9511329 fix: extra safety checks to avoid unexpected glitch item removal - Thatsmusic99
a4afdd9 fix: bump CM version - Thatsmusic99
dfe5081 fix: customheads.yml not exporting - Thatsmusic99

I can't link stuff apparently so no links today :(
----------, Aug 9, 2023

f209e6e chore(deps): bump CM to 2.0.0-BETA-9 - Thatsmusic99
5abb1e7 fix: heads-selector getting wiped and not being very lenient - Thatsmusic99
----------, Jul 3, 2023

a41c1c8 fix: &x not working due to tellraw usage - Thatsmusic99
5cdc217 fix: don't listen for FileNotFoundException in autograbbing - Thatsmusic99
1b752da fix: add headsplus.section.* to /heads default - Thatsmusic99
162fdcf chore(deps): bump CM - Thatsmusic99
6219216 chore(deps): bump CM, again - Thatsmusic99
097b26f fix: async UUID grabbing in offline mode - Thatsmusic99

The change does cover the full fix for 1.20 support but may have some hiccups in configuration handling. If something doesn't look right or work correctly, let me know, and I'll take a look into it.
----------, Jun 26, 2023

Fixed an API issue that popped up in the update after an internal library was updated (which is used for managing the configuration files). This is largely a hotfix and has been confirmed to work on 1.15-1.20, a more permanent solution is being sought after. Please let me know if there are any behavioural issues with config files.

(Also added new mob heads :D)

In light of concerns about Fractureiser, I have made scans on my PC to ensure and avoid infection from the malware, which is not present on my machine. The SHA256 hash of the compiled build is D220CA3B19276A251FBFCA04459238000D214ED689A1B72064D088B232CAEB23. If the plugin starts behaving strangely, please confirm the hashes match up, and if you have any concerns about this, DM me on Spigot or open a ticket on Discord.
----------, Jun 8, 2023

dcdaf4e feat: functional placeholders and %headsplus_next_level%/%headsplus_next_level_xp% - Thatsmusic99
0ac2671 fix: null pointer exception on copying - Thatsmusic99
1339d4d chore(deps): update - Thatsmusic99
1a1a626 fix: NPE in placeholders when reaching the maximum level - Thatsmusic99
8cd45d7 fix: use of apache commons lang - Thatsmusic99
7f3307b fix: removing imports may actually be a good idea - Thatsmusic99
a882aa7 feat: add command triggers when heads are dropped - Thatsmusic99
70a2b88 fix: only grab UUIDs in forceSetProfile when the username is valid - Thatsmusic99
959a176 fix: translate colour codes in inventory titles - Thatsmusic99
ceb9b9a fix: heads in /sellhead looping when using /hp reload - Thatsmusic99
c95ab4e fix: lore not being added to sellable heads - Thatsmusic99
----------, May 22, 2023

Happy 100k! I can confirm, I am indeed still alive. I've just got more work-related shenanigans going down.

6fad6e7 I need TWO backslashes, not one - Thatsmusic99
8b5c28a Fix NPE when processing the second group - Thatsmusic99
3486106 Use N/A instead of -1 - Thatsmusic99
218cdca Add player death event debugging - Thatsmusic99
2453da7 Fix NPE when using debug verbose - Thatsmusic99
005688a Extra debugging - Thatsmusic99
33aca3a Return 0 if the economy is null - Thatsmusic99
39ff992 Update repositories - Thatsmusic99
58b4737 Don't freak out when the config fails to reload - Thatsmusic99
a3a6bdc Add illusioner head - Thatsmusic99
216f4aa Point out heads not being registered - Thatsmusic99
e1a88b2 Fixed the killer balance option being completely ignored - Thatsmusic99
e52f401 Add HP# head to the item reward - Thatsmusic99
efed59f Fix "POWERED" creeper state instead of "CHARGED" - Thatsmusic99
a08e7ba raccoon. - Thatsmusic99
45669ee fix: /heads section permissions not applying - Thatsmusic99
66d7b8c fix: issue in /hp tests always returning 0 if not using the default chance - Thatsmusic99
b1e0811 fix: placeholder regex being faulty - Thatsmusic99
02cdd72 feat: add placeholder forcing by default - Thatsmusic99
a10554e fix: silly me forgot this - Thatsmusic99
bf5f75e fix: hunting and crafting placeholder not parsing - Thatsmusic99
140606b chore: duplicated code cleanup - Thatsmusic99
ff965c1 chore: use strings instead of UUIDs in the HPPl... - Thatsmusic99 435d1dc chore: code documentation and comments - Thatsmusic99
0ec97be chore: update the maven shade plugin - Thatsmusic99
----------, Feb 17, 2023

Please don't break anything else, I'm gone for another week

a944342 Fix challenge lore not getting formatted properly - Thatsmusic99
335ee5a Use 1.19.2 - Thatsmusic99
97a88cf I forgot the tadpole, it is now part of the squad - Thatsmusic99
73b47e8 Fixed heads not updating - Thatsmusic99
24e1b52 Fixed 1.19 mobs not having their heads assigned - whenever a full entity section is removed, it re-adds default options - Thatsmusic99
----------, Aug 7, 2022

e24042b fix inventory size check when cancelling inventory item move - steve4744
c65674b Made {player} use the actual player name, {name} uses display name - Thatsmusic99
68bf54e Made player head prices respond to config reloads - Thatsmusic99
55f9fb3 It's taken me almost a month to change two characters - Thatsmusic99
90f8800 Update versions in the warning - Thatsmusic99
----------, Jul 29, 2022

3d2da52 Add heads that can be ignored in interactions - Thatsmusic99
48381cd Cancel InventoryMoveItemEvent - Thatsmusic99
ce8038b Cancel inventory item movement - Thatsmusic99 (again lmao)
d019617 Fix NoSuchMethodError for Spigot - Thatsmusic99
e41cfdb Bump version - Thatsmusic99
14eef93 Fix lore message with no placeholders not being added - Thatsmusic99
ae8a4e6 Add proper lore detection - Thatsmusic99
ea2938e Add Spigot API for 1.19 - Thatsmusic99
d2bd928 Add frog support because we love frogs - Thatsmusic99
3c7f74c Fix placeholders not removing - Thatsmusic99

skedaddle skadoodle
1.19 has not killed me yet
----------, Jun 7, 2022

As the title says, it's been five years since the plugin was first published! With this being my first plugin, I couldn't be more proud of how far it's come. Unfortunately, I haven't had the same time for it as I used to (I have a few assignments to catch up on right now...), and consequently, this update - as well as the re-implementation of crafting XP - would not be possible without the work of @steve4744, so a massive thank you for what you've contributed to the plugin. <3

54a0e69 Fix NoSuchMethodError in Spigot - Thatsmusic99
6692137 fix HeadCraftEvent not firing - steve4744
2a797dc get amount of craftable heads when shift-clicking the output slot - steve4744
aa29d3f add xp on crafting head - steve4744
6eb6b45 add persistent data to crafted heads in CraftingManager - steve4744
5f7fd5b add per-head crafting XP option - steve4744
10d2025 Updated CM - Thatsmusic99
342e08c reset level to zero when resetting xp (#103) - steve4744
3b27aea Fixed index out of bounds error - Thatsmusic99
bb5fd68 Fix bad UUIDs stopping the plugin from fully starting - Thatsmusic99
0cc4028 Adding more exceptional catching - Thatsmusic99
f2e00b9 Adding xp to a player is not always setting the correct level - steve4744
2c7b070 Add {killer} placeholder for mob heads - Thatsmusic99
2f09605 Subtracting xp from a player is not always setting the correct level - steve4744
aea0086 Make /hplb crafting more user-friendly - Thatsmusic99
----------, Apr 30, 2022

Don't worry, I'm still alive, I swear!

07f5246 Fix out of bounds exceptions with leveling - Thatsmusic99
5ed984a Fix incorrect XP representation in /hp xp add - Thatsmusic99
208212c Fixed the incorrect player head price being used - Thatsmusic99
50ba944 Fix /addhead not working properly - Thatsmusic99
9a2044b Fix /addhead a second time - Thatsmusic99
f29e171 Fix #96 - Thatsmusic99
c269712 Fix interaction errors - Thatsmusic99
8cbd13f Address #95 as much as possible - Thatsmusic99
3d24117 Fixed foreign key constraints being incorrectly formed - Thatsmusic99
160fc58 Enforce default lore and display name - Thatsmusic99
b019bad Added lore support - Thatsmusic99
f2eb3d9 Fixed colour codes not being translated for lore on heads - Thatsmusic99
4efd5a2 Add head lore to paid heads - Thatsmusic99
1084a15 Use HP# and HPM# IDs in /hp conjure - Thatsmusic99
9d2d18d Register HPM# heads in the heads selector - Thatsmusic99
c8b6c96 mental gymnastics are my passion - Thatsmusic99
a66e9a6 Allow /hp conjure and /heads to stack - Thatsmusic99
499e12c Properly implement /hplb, mostly - Thatsmusic99
937a9eb Fix transfer being done incorrectly - Thatsmusic99
a38595d Why? (Updated MythicMobs) - Thatsmusic99
a87d281 Create an empty MaskManager instance if it's ever requested - Thatsmusic99
----------, Mar 17, 2022

I was made aware of a seemingly harmless bug that I originally laughed over then immediately panicked over, I have not directly pushed the fix to Github as of right now but will go ahead with doing so in a few days or so when everything is updated properly.

This happens from the very start of v7 up to v7.0.3. If your server hasn't really got HP set up properly with permissions and you have trustworthy admins, it's not a problem but I would heavily advise updating regardless. Thankfully it is not as impactful as I originally determined.

Now I can just go back to panicking over WTF Amazon is doing over my package delivery.
----------, Jan 14, 2022

fc9dcc9 Fixed statistic data being fetched wrongly - Thatsmusic99
991331e Bump version - Thatsmusic99
c0a3df1 Attempt to resolve SQLite locks - Thatsmusic99
7525863 Synchronise prepared statement creation with execution ( #86) - Thatsmusic99
a066d49 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' - Thatsmusic99
134c11c Fixed player heads not being put under headsplus.drops.* - Thatsmusic99
94475f9 Fix balancing format on mob heads - Thatsmusic99
73dbe41 Remove mystery debug code - Thatsmusic99
2dd4de7 "however" not - Thatsmusic99
2e88401 if I needed to close this set imma scream - Thatsmusic99
eacc6ec Synchronised ALL database connections - Thatsmusic99
d4bdc5c whoops - Thatsmusic99
cc36660 Add persistence - Thatsmusic99
fe63a5e #85 - fix incorrect lore for players being used - Thatsmusic99
b80bd43 Fix /sellhead GUI not working properly ( #92) - Thatsmusic99
1c625a8 Fix /hp profile not displaying stats properly ( #91) - Thatsmusic99
----------, Jan 6, 2022

544912b create inventories.yml - steve4744
a08ba6e correct typo in transferOldData method - steve4744
ba1c2b9 Reload messages when doing /hp reload - Thatsmusic99
----------, Dec 11, 2021

c2cd192 oh yeah 1.18 is out lmao whoops - Thatsmusic99
6337bb6 Fixed {type} heads in /head and /myhead - Thatsmusic99
7cc1252 Fix per-head prices not being applied; only def... - Thatsmusic99
e0715fe Fixed NPE when clicking an "empty" head - Thatsmusic99
10c1b5e Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException if levels are empty - Thatsmusic99
5def359 Add /hp debug mask <Mask ID> which fixes masks - Thatsmusic99
1edd8cf wazzat - Thatsmusic99
4d2fb54 oh I remember now - Thatsmusic99
ce73808 Fixed masks getting wiped every restart - Thatsmusic99
862070e Make head creation failures for entities specific to the head - produce more detailed errors too - Thatsmusic99
c3df47d Oh yeah, add build numbers to the v7 versions - Thatsmusic99
25375a4 Fix crashes from using placeholders - Thatsmusic99
bd88c4b Added messages for /hp debug fix and /hp debug mask - Thatsmusic99
f59e587 Added /hp debug mask to the autocompletion thingie - Thatsmusic99
4c176c3 How about no? - Thatsmusic99
3a2cbaa Fixed NPE relating to masks - Thatsmusic99
d639fce don't check this commit - Thatsmusic99
614ca4f Bump API version being compiled against - Thatsmusic99
7f77455 Declare the instance in case something in front fails - Thatsmusic99
10fe8a7 Bump version - Thatsmusic99
2e4d2c5 Fixed bad config syntax breaking the whole ass plugin - Thatsmusic99
179a309 Don't crash due to null icons - Thatsmusic99

Thanks to everyone for keeping me up to date with existing issues in v7, I am trying to keep up but am struggling with workload a bit, and this is the main reason I've held off this version for a bit. Got some people being assholes elsewhere too and it's knocked my motivation a bit. Be nice, you gremlins.
----------, Dec 9, 2021

No, seriously. Take a backup of your HeadsPlus folder. You can do it by zipping the folder and keeping it handy in your plugins folder. It takes, what, 5 seconds? Surreal. It takes me 10 minutes to build Spigot. Don't you dare tell me you screwed up the folder and say it would take too long to back up. Customer support loves you, BTW. Have a kiss. Mwah.


1.8 to 1.14 support got tanked in this version. Cry. :)

Feel free to ask any config questions you have because quite frankly I don't know what the hell I've done either.

+ Completely overhauled the config.yml file, with configuration comments included and a far neater, more readable layout.
+ Removed selling challenges in challenges.yml because they suck.
+ Rehauled crafting.yml so more recipes are possible.
+ This includes furnace, smoking, blasting, campfire, merchant, smithing and stonecutting recipes.
+ I can't remember how any of these work help
+ customheads.yml is gone
+ Re-added heads.yml, the reincarnation of customheads.yml.
+ Controls the custom lore, display name and texture
+ Added heads-selector.yml, which controls what heads are added and what sections are enabled/disabled.
+ yes, you can have permissions for head sections and enable/disable sections. Stop complaining.
+ Added interactions.yml to control how the plugin reacts when specific heads are clicked/interacted with.
+ This includes player-specific heads, texture-specific heads and location-specific heads.
+ Added masks.yml, which handles masks individually.
+ Reformed mobs.yml to make it more confusing and more annoying to deal with.
+ It allows custom chances and display names between heads dropped by a single mob.
+ All data storage is now SQL-based instead of a mixture between SQL and JSON.
+ SQL data is no longer stored in 0NF.
+ Mob drops and player drops are now considered largely separate options.
+ Because I'm so glad I did this I have to repeat it, 1.8 to 1.14 support is gone.
+ Tanked blacklists and whitelists so they're replaced with the restrictions system.
+ API got rehauled for the most part.
+ Added a default permissions list.
+ Parts of the plugin shut off completely if not enabled
+ Significant performance improvements in some areas.

9/10 the changelog isn't finished, but all the work over the last 4 months gone into the update can be found here: https://github.com/Errored-Innovations/HeadsPlus/commits/master

The update is not 100% finished but this is the minimum I wanted done because I could no longer build v6 on my PC.

In all seriousness, I do want to give a massive thank you to the community on HeadsPlus for finding a good hunk of breaking bugs and providing me with feedback on the update, I do greatly appreciate it and it's helped v7 become the update it has despite being incomplete.

With contributions from YouHaveTrouble and several bugs with their causes found by Kedavlar (as well as moral/backing support from SKJOLBERG and Broken-arrow) - I'm incredibly proud of where this has come, and I do feel like I can comfortably work on HeadsPlus again... when I have the time. Guess who's in university, baby! (Along with a few other plugin developers in the same place, apparently)

Not sure what else I need to confirm, so uh, toodles
----------, Nov 30, 2021

15a629d Forgot to apply exception for getItemStackFuture - Thatsmusic99
adc8d3e Bumped version, early this time - Thatsmusic99
f9976be Might be stupid. - Thatsmusic99
----------, Sep 16, 2021

e902155 I'm a little stupid (fixes #48)
c149915 Backport v7 fix for /head not working - Thatsmusic99
4f52ff1 Also backport the fix for paper, whoops - Thatsmusic99
a29f028 Fix FileNotFoundException when using {mob-default} - Thatsmusic99

An attempt to fix looting for entities was also attempted but apparently that didn't work and I can't test it right now lmao

HeadsPlus v7 BETA builds are now available for testing here! Only 1.15.2 to 1.17.1 is supported and it is not recommended to use the BETA build on production servers at this time.
----------, Sep 3, 2021

2159d0 Fixed some heads not loading.
b0336b8 Exploit checker now runs async (temporary solution to performance problems, confirmed to still work)
15649b Changed default witherskeleton drop chance to 0 so it doesn't work in tandem with Vanilla.
43cad50 Fixed NPE (not sure what this was caused by to be fair)
037799e Fixed price format not being adjusted in head lore.
3798928 Added mob drops permission (headsplus.drops).
----------, Jul 1, 2021

As it turns out, I messed up with one of the methods in the plugin and didn't update it as appropriate. Whilst it was apparently mildly broken in 1.16.5 (see https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-6575 for all the technical jargon), this only started being problematic for 1.17, so I went through the codebase and replaced all instances of the problematic code HP had that would result in errors and even crashes. Whilst this only affected /head and /myhead, all bits and pieces that use similar codebase have been replaced.

If you are on 1.17, please update to this version ASAP.

I'd also like to use this as a opportunity to mention that some people have been bringing up performance complaints of which I've failed to reproduce or pinpoint as of so far. Unfortunately, timings have failed to give me any extra information as well, so for the time being, please use spark to report performance problems so I can pinpoint the exact cause of the lag.

Thank you in advance!
----------, Jun 17, 2021

No major update yet I'm still partially suffering

However, speaking of that, I have removed anvil menu support in 1.17. It still works on other versions, but I plan on removing support for this feature overall in the next major update regardless.

Paper 1.16.5 will remain the main testing version for HeadsPlus until the majority of plugins have been updated for 1.17 and Paper 1.17 has been released as well.

b5f5b12 Re-added the leaderboards config check to /hplb - Thatsmusic99
28bcd65 Added 1.17 support - Thatsmusic99
----------, Jun 11, 2021

8652750 Fixed MySQL not working on newer versions of Paper - Thatsmusic99
891b0a0 Added zh_TW (courtesy of andy3559167, thank you!) - Thatsmusic99
f67ff9c Fixed all locale versions being on the wrong version - Thatsmusic99

finished school today feeling okay
----------, May 20, 2021

Welp, AT and ConfigurationMaster got their updates yesterday, HP has a few pending fixes so I may as well dish them out...

So everyone knows, quick access to these fixes can now be found on Jenkins, lovingly provided by brainsynder, the SimplePets developer!

d0b878 Fixed error thrown when MythicMobs is disabled - Error
6427d9 Fixed exception in 1.8 versions - Error
deec09 Fixed potential NPE when adding XP - Error
2495bc Fixed head data not refreshing after using /hp headinfo setters - Error

It doesn't look like much but I do want to confirm now that I do have a major update for HeadsPlus in the works! Part of this update can be found here. However, since I am juggling school and other projects, I have no ETA on this update nor the opening of the head packs repo (I just need to finalise some stuff though).

I hope you're now as hyped as I am. You better be. :)
----------, Apr 19, 2021

Still busy with school, expecting all the rubbish to calm down a bit more in a week or so, but just want to get this update out.

[ + ] HeadsPlus head drops now works more efficiently with Paper, reducing the likelihood of holding up the server due to Mojang's servers not working. Thank you to @PaulBGD for adding this change!

[ + ] Fixed the tab complete for /hp debug verbose throwing errors.

[ + ] Fixed /hp debug verbose requiring more arguments than what is intended.

[ + ] Fixed the crafting.yml file not filling itself completely. If you're affected by this, please reset the file.

[ + ] Added option for modularity when using /addhead and search.
(i.e. whether or not messages should appear in chat whilst using the features)

[ + ] Fixed 1.8.x error in relation to masks. Now, PvP fanatics, wear a mask.

I apologise in advance to anyone to who I've come off as harsh to, my mental health hasn't been too great recently and stress has caught up to me a lot more than usual. I'm hoping to be able to move my attention back onto HeadsPlus and AdvancedTeleport soon tm

That being said as well, if you are going to report problems within the plugin to me, please do try and work with me. I can't get problems fixed effectively if minimal information is provided. Cheers.

By the way, thank you for 1000 servers on Stats
----------, Feb 27, 2021

This update mostly had me reviewing my code and rethinking my life choices.

[ + ] The base item on shapeless crafting is now optional, but if please be careful with this as it can override Vanilla recipes when disabled.

[ + ] Fixed crafting.yml resetting when a single recipe was removed.

[ + ] Added better error checking to crafting.yml.

[ + ] Fixed a conflict with Geyser.

[ + ] Fixed the texture used on the Facebook head
(do "/hp restore facebook" to fix this).

[ + ] Fixed the search menu throwing an error if one head had a malformed display name.

[ + ] Fixed a weird NPE to do with head (/heads) prices.

[ + ] Added /hp restore <head>
, which restores a head which may have been manually added by the plugin.
----------, Jan 20, 2021

Still suffering from university processes, computing NEA and COVID anxiety at school so yeah nothing's really changed since 6.11 lmao

This version still supports legacy versions; it is the following major update that removes such support.

[ + ] Added 1.16.4 support.

[ + ] Fixed the search GUI in 1.16.2 having an existential crisis.

[ + ] The April Fools' joke is now visual rather than actually trying to kill people. (I'm surprised this got a complaint in October)

[ + ] PvP price percentages lost are now actually percentages - you may need to review your configuration for this one. ("plugin.perks.pvp.percentage-lost" and "plugin.perks.pvp.percentage-balance-for-head")

[ + ] You can choose between using the killer's balance or victim's balance in the PvP options.
----------, Nov 2, 2020

hey are you the date cos you're 10/10

It's been a good while, apologies. I'll explain myself after I've done this changelog. By the way, thank you for 30k as well!!

On the other note, I have decided that this will be the last major update that supports 1.8 to 1.12.2. The majority of HP's servers have now moved off these versions. Please note that this will not mean the plugin will disable, but you must be prepared for the plugin to not function properly.

[ + ] Added the debugging verbose, making bug-squashing an easier task. As of currently, the syntax is /hp debug verbose <Event Name|off> <Arguments>, where the argument syntax is KEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2. This will all appear in the tab autocomplete, so don't worry if you find yourself confused. I will be including some improvements to this verbose in the future.

[ + ] Fixed invisible players appearing in the tab autocomplete. This is a biggie if you're using vanish plugins.

[ + ] Rewrote some of the "trigger" messages in the plugin. This includes messages for AdvancedTeleport, SimplePets and AdvancedOreGenerator (I don't know why it sounded hilarious to do at first)

[ + ] Timing results are no longer duplicated on Paper. Stop complaining about the plugin's performance. It's doing fine.*

* If the plugin does actually perform badly then please let me know.

[ + ] Fixed /head not tab completing correctly.

[ + ] The plugin only hooks into WorldGuard v7 now.

[ + ] Fixed problems caused by funky level configuration.

[ + ] Fixed a typo in mobs.yml which stopped the MAGMA_CUBE head from working (doesn't remove the error, just change HP#magmacube to HP#magma_cube).

In the meantime, what's been up with me? Well, uh - to start off, I just passed a GIAC exam, took over the AdvancedTeleport project, became a Discord mod on MCProHosting's community server (I know they're not the best in everyone's book but the community is the best <3), and last but not least, I'm an adult (lol oh no)! I've had less time for HeadsPlus as well because I'm working on my first JavaFX application - named VRTX Visual Coder, which is my own crappy IDE - as a school project, and time is running out aAHHH

But I figured I'd squeeze in this update for HP. You lot deserve it. Thank you once again for the massive 30k - we just hit 20k in April this year, and 10k back in March 2019. HeadsPlus has been growing bigger than ever and it would've never been possible without you guys. Thank you. <3

~ TM
----------, Oct 10, 2020

And this time, some more major bug fixes, so, uh... Merry Christmas?

[ + ] Fixed an error printed in console when people crafted. This also required WorldGuard to occur.

[ + ] When HeadsPlus finds an inventory icon in a player's inventory, it attempts to remove it as a form of exploit protection.

[ + ] Moved most events over to the new debugging system.
Next update, they should all utilise the feature properly.

[ + ] Debuffed looting changes, any percentage before 1% will be multiplied by the Looting level instead of incrementing by 1%.

[ + ] Fixed the looting option not being able to become disabled.

[ + ] Updated the Discord link in the debug errors.

[ + ] Re-organised crafting mechanics,
they should be more orderly and prevent issues in the future.
----------, Aug 25, 2020

v6.11-SNAPSHOT-2 didn't end up being the brightest update out there so here's an update that fixes (hopefully) everything I broke.

[ + ] Added the Chinese language - thank you @VICBIECK for this!

[ + ] Made some internal changes to how player statistics are calculated inside the plugin - they should be more resource-friendly and faster.

[ + ] Fixed some errors with MySQL.

[ + ] Player head drops are back, whoops

[ + ] Levels now update properly when skipping some levels.

[ + ] Levels use rewards like challenges do,
meaning that you can use multiple commands in a level reward again.

[ + ] Fixed the piglin brute head not loading.

[ + ] Head drops grant XP again.

[ + ] Fixed head crafting not working when WorldGuard is not installed or disabled.

This is still a snapshot but should be more stable than the last update, please do let me know if you run into any issues with it. Thanks!
----------, Aug 21, 2020

So, after three weeks of taking a cybersec course, developing RSI in my wrist, ten tonnes of stress and having 1.16.2 release whilst I was on holiday (thanks, Mojang!). I am very exhausted right now so please do bear with me, there is a breaking change in this update, especially with Looting (again).

Unless you're insanely desperate and banging on my door for 1.16.2 support, I don't recommend updating to this build yet, but if you want to help debug this update, please do help me out. You're free to give me feedback on any of the new features that have been implemented.

I do want to additionally announce that I now have HeadsPlus available for download on PolyMart!

[ + ] Added WorldGuard flags for HeadsPlus - flags include head-drop (whether heads should drop in a region), head-craft (whether heads should be crafted in a region), allow-mask-use (whether mask effects should be applied in a region or not), head-denied-ids (denied entity IDs to be dropped in a region) and head-allowed-ids (allowed entity IDs to be dropped in a region, overrides denied IDs)

[ + ] Added 1.16.2 support.

[ + ] Implemented a new feature which should enhance event debugging. This is still half-finished however.

[ + ] Any errors caused in other plugins by HeadsPlus when using the anvil GUI are now gone.

[ + ] Bossbar tracking now uses UUIDs instead of entities/players.

[ + ] Changed the looting system to comply more with Minecraft's looting system - this includes common thresholds (always increases the drop amount), uncommon thresholds (attempts to drop a second time with a higher chance depending on the level) and rare thresholds (only increases the chance by 1%). For more information, see here.

[ + ] Fixed the HeadsPlus API not working properly.

[ + ] Attempting to use /hp headinfo remove <Entity> lore no longer kicks you from the server, but is still slightly bugged.

[ + ] Fixed problems with case insensitive masks not working.

[ + ] Fixed a weird NPE which appeared in inventory navigation for literally no reason.

[ + ] As of now, /hp headinfo is available to OPs and console again.
----------, Aug 14, 2020

Only proper change is that I've removed the Paper warning that appears upon startup for 1.16.1 users, and also re-enabled /head and /myhead. I'm not quite out of the woods with my other projects and choices I have to make for my future (university, all that) but I should be able to devote more time to HeadsPlus in the near future.
----------, Jul 11, 2020

HeadsPlus does not function correctly on the latest Paper builds for 1.16.1 as of right now. As a result, custom head textures can not be applied, and the commands /head and /myhead have been disabled in this version to prevent damage that can be caused by this to your server. This is not HeadsPlus exclusive.

For more information, please read https://github.com/PaperMC/Paper/issues/3667

Once the issue is fixed, you can either revert back to v6.10.9 temporarily or wait for me to remove the warning.

So yes, I included a warning in the plugin about Paper and also hopefully fixed the updater thinking 6.10.8 was the latest version, dumb machine​
----------, Jun 28, 2020

[ + ] Added support for 1.16.1. All new mobs can drop their own heads and striders can drop different heads depending on whether they are hot or cold. Please note that zombie pigmen and zombified piglins are considered separate entities.

[ + ] Fixed some typos in /hp info.
This includes the language placeholder and the expired Discord invite.

[ + ] Some background changes in general - please notify me if these cause any issues!

I hope you lot are enjoying the Nether Update! Here's a new HeadsPlus version to works with 1.16.1. Please do let me know if you run into any issues with it.
----------, Jun 25, 2020

Sorry, another small update.

[ + ] Changed how the internals of the Condition-Dependent system worked (when dropping heads) - it is now far more resource-friendly and should be smoother if it wasn't already.

[ + ] The plugin will display a warning if a custom head ID is not found.

[ + ] Fixed /hp debug not working in legacy versions.

I'm still very busy with other projects but do be assured, I'll be working on 1.16 as soon as it's out.
----------, Jun 12, 2020

[ + ] Fixed /sellhead not working properly.

Sadly my only fix for now. A simple explanation would be that for the past week I've been concentrating primarily on my server (Lucid) and mentally preparing myself for abandoning AOG. Also, MCPH's situation is bad for the mental health :)))
----------, May 30, 2020

Originally uploaded this onto Github but figured all the things wrong with the last version justifies releasing this now since I want to do a few more changes in the future.

[ + ] Fixed masks not working when sellhead cases were not being ignored.

[ + ] Fixed /sellhead acting in a similar fashion as above.

[ + ] Also fixed /sellhead (in general) printing an error when a transaction is complete;
this is just in printing the error itself, you still received money even if the plugin stole all the heads from your inventory.

[ + ] Fixed some commands throwing errors if you have the tellraw option enabled.

[ + ] Fixed the debug reporter having an existential crisis;
it will now print the original exception when it runs into an exception itself.

[ + ] Running /sellhead will no longer remove heads from your own head
- this is useful if you're using heads as masks.

[ + ] Added subpermissions to /hp headinfo, /hp xp and /hp debug for extra security. I will be including these in the wiki following a brief break.

[ + ] Enhancing the plugin.yml and including descriptions for the majority of HP's permissions, still a work in progress but due to the urgency of this update, may not be finished in the final release.
----------, May 22, 2020

More of a hotfix/improvement update, my maths teacher won't stop giving me tests to do someone help-

[ + ] Allowed masks to have configurable timestamps, check intervals and how many intervals it takes for the mask to be refreshed. This can be found in the config.yml > Mechanics section. Additionally, this fixes exploits and problems caused by masks (e.g. night vision, nausea, and health boosts)

[ + ] Added JSON message support for the locale files, but not textmenus.yml yet. This is so that you should be able to use your own colours and fonts in 1.16! (Enable this in config.yml > Mechanics > use-tellraw)

[ + ] Fixed the RUN_COMMAND reward type not behaving appropriately, but it can now run more than one command:

Code (Text):
    - 'eco give {player} 100'
    - 'msg {player} hi!'
[ + ] Fixed the wandering trader and trader llama masks not working.

[ + ] When a challenge was finished, its lore is now translated correctly

[ + ] Fixed an NPE when using RUN_COMMAND as a reward value

[ + ] Added fail-safes so that when registering challenges and levels,
missing data that can result in the plugin not functioning is pointed out and the challenge/level is skipped.

[ + ] Sellhead IDs can now be case insensitive (can be switched on and off in the config.yml)

[ + ] Fixed a NPE that would be thrown if a head is wrongly set up, and is attempted to be dropped

[ + ] The error thrown when creating heads no longer prints its stacktrace as it is redundant.

[ + ] Crafted heads no longer need sellhead IDs, and thus will not be sellable

[ + ] A notice is made when HeadsPlus hooks its PAPI placeholders.

[ + ] Challenges for the elder guardian, ender dragon and wither have been nerfed so fewer heads are required to complete the challenges

[ + ] Fixed /hp profile returning its usage when used

[ + ] Fixed /hp headinfo view <Entity> mask being weird

[ + ] Added several challenge placeholders
(where CHALLENGE-ID is the ID of the challenge in the config, e.g. starter, BAT-1-crafting):

- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_header% (gets the header of the challenge shown on the challenge's item)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_name% (gets the actual name of the challenge used when a message is broadcasted saying the player has completed said challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_description% (the description of the challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_min-heads% (the minimum number of heads required to complete the challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_progress% (how many heads required the user has currently)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_difficulty% (the difficulty of the challenge, sometimes used to determine the rewards)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_type% (the type of head required to complete the challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_reward% (the reward string used in the challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_completed% (if the challenge has been complete, may require some testing?)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_xp% (how much XP is gained from it)

[ + ] Deprecated placeholder formats now send a warning into console, noting that they are intended to be deprecated soon. However, measures have been taken to ensure this only warns you once and won't flood your console, as important as it is.
----------, May 18, 2020

[ + ] Fixed masks not applying effects due to the previous system overhaul.

[ + ] Fixed some mask effects being infinite(?).

[ + ] Fixed shift-clicking to place a mask on you not applying the effects.

[ + ] Fixed errors being thrown when a player leaves with a mask on.

[ + ] When switching masks, effects are now replaced instantly.

[ + ] Fixed masks failing after being switched.

[ + ] Fixed customheads.yml not updating properly

[ + ] Fixed a typo or more

[ + ] Fixed mob-default heads not being able to be used as masks.

[ + ] Fixed stupid MySQL error.

[ + ] Empty recipes no longer have results built.
----------, May 7, 2020





[ + ] Overhauled the crafting system completely. In addition, this also fixes previous problems with crafting in older versions. (Further details about this further down)

[ + ] Overhauled the /sellhead command so that it can function with planned v7 features, and is also more server friendly.

[ + ] Moved all mob heads from MHF to custom textures. Remember you are still free to use player-based heads, but there are several problems using these as stated below.

[ + ] Fixed the blaze head only being configurable previously.

[ + ] Crafting now sets its recipes up asynchronously again so it doesn't clog up the main thread.

[ + ] Crafted heads can have their own unique lores, textures and display names.

[ + ] Crafted heads are no longer tired strictly to their mob counterparts, meaning you are now free to create custom head crafting recipes! These can also be used in challenges if you aren't sold yet.

[ + ] Recipes can now be shaped, including 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 shapes.

[ + ] Rather than some mobs having a "default" list in the names section, all mobs have it to make setting up easier.

[ + ] Zombies, skeletons, creepers, wither skeletons and the ender dragon also use the "{mob-default}" by default due to popular demand.

[ + ] Made it so that all mobs now use custom textures by default. This fixes a plethora of problems, including:
- Some mob heads cannot be stacked.
- There is interference with plugins such as ChestShop.
- The incredible amount of time it can sometimes take to open the sellhead menu (this is due to the Mojang session server rate-limiting the plugin).
- Problems when Mojang session servers experience outages.

[ + ] Added a {default} placeholder for chance, meaning you can easily change the chances of mob heads dropping entirely. This is automatically set to 5 right now.

[ + ] Added the Giant mob, ahaha.

[ + ] Oops, /hp debug fix vanished out of nowhere. I don't know where the hell it went, but it's back! Especially important for this update.

[ + ] Changed the syntax for /hplb - it is now /hplb [Hunting|Selling|Crafting|Page Number] [ID|Page Number] [Page Number], where ID is either the entity name or sellhead ID of a craftable head.

[ + ] Fixed the plugin dropping heads for MythicMobs mobs but not vice versa, even with the option enabled

[ + ] Added the headsplus.sellhead.gui permission, allowing access to the sellhead GUI - provided by default

[ + ] (hopefully) fixed sounds in the GUI being heard by other players

[ + ] Fixed heads being free in the /heads GUI

[ + ] Changed slightly how commands are handled in the /hp command but this is more of a background change.

[ + ] Fixed errors being thrown when a player levelled up, lovely

[ + ] Placeholders can now use a full mob name,
for example, you can use %headsplus_top_crafting_CAVE_SPIDER_0_player% rather than cavespider.

[ + ] Fixed some placeholders breaking when used on an offline player.

[ + ] Fixed placeholders not updating until the leaderboard cache has been updated.

This update did require a lot of last-minute bug fixes yesterday but sadly didn't make it so here it is today. Please let me know if you have any problems with it!

Thank you to everyone who's stuck with me for the past three years - HeadsPlus would never be what it is today without you all. <3
----------, May 1, 2020

Please note that any problems with HeadsPlus as of currently (21:50am BST 23/04/2020) are due to Mojang's session servers being down. You can check Mojang's status here: https://mccommunity.net/mojangstatus

I will be looking to mitigate the problem when I get the time.

[ + ] Fixed several startup errors that did not stop the plugin from loading, but would result in some problems with configuration.

[ + ] Fixed an unusual NPE that would happen on random occasions.

[ + ] Fixed an error which would cause problems with inventory management

[ + ] Fixed the faulty startup configuration of levels.yml, it is recommended you reset this config if you started on v6.10.1 and haven't modified it.
----------, Apr 23, 2020

Happy 200th update!

[ + ] Fixed a major exploit which allowed players to pull items out of GUIs.
This is most commonly achieved with the sellhead GUI due to its high response times (I'm not sure as to why that happens though).

[ + ] Added error codes which aim to help make error diagnostics a bit easier. The Github page for this is still being set up to deal with this.

[ + ] Better configuration handling, so that if there is a syntax error in your config, the faulty config will be temporarily renamed for you to inspect and correct. In addition to that, the default configuration will be reloaded to avoid problems.

[ + ] Fixed possible compatibility problems with Ultimate Economy and errors associated with Citizens.

[ + ] Added 5 new levels to levels.yml (Netherite)
----------, Apr 22, 2020

Sadly didn't get as much as I wanted to be done, I've run out of time and I have (online) school again soon. I'll be looking to implement the rest of the update throughout the next few weeks or so. Because this update also fixes a lot of things wrong with the plugin, I thought it'd be best to release it now.

The only known issue with this update is that a fresh (re)start requires a second /hp reload for lores to start appearing in GUIs. This is a small and fixable problem that I will be looking into in my own time.

Oh yeah. And thank you for 20k! <3

[ + ] Completely overhauled the inventory system, meaning it is more efficient and easier to modify in the future. With this, it is also easier for me to allow custom icons, which I will be working on.

[ + ] Fixed the nl_nl.yml file breaking when it is modified - this may throw an error at first, but it will recover afterwards.

[ + ] Added the "suppress-gui-warnings" option in config.yml, so you don't get bothered by the classic "texture for HP#players_1 not found!" warning.

[ + ] Added pinnable challenges - these can be pinned by right-clicking a challenge and will be sorted into a separate inventory you can keep track of.

[ + ] Added challenge progress - this needs to be applied manually in old configurations, with the default configuration below (inventories.yml):

Code (Text):
       - '{challenge-lore}'
       - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.reward}'
       - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.xp}'
       - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.progress}'
       - '{completed}'
       - '{pinned}'
[ + ] Added some new heads to /heads as a teaser for v7!!11!1

[ + ] Fixed challenge sections not being in order.

[ + ] Fixed hex codes not being applied to mob head textures.

[ + ] heads.yml has been renamed to mobs.yml in preparation for v7.

[ + ] Fixed looting amounts not being applied when multiple heads are dropped.

[ + ] Fixed the AT easter egg not working on newer AT versions :(

[ + ] Fixed the leaderboard for hunting not updating or recording itself.

[ + ] Fixed death-messages in config.yml never firing (related to the issue above).

[ + ] customheads.yml now stores texture hashes by default rather than the base64 encoded values, reduces file size.

[ + ] Fixed masks not replenishing when the player relogs.

[ + ] Fixed the /hplb command returning a blank response.

[ + ] Fixed rewards showing $infinity and 0 XP.

[ + ] The sections prepare option has been removed as sections must be prepared before regardless.

[ + ] Default challenge headers now appear a little more friendly.

[ + ] Updated the contributors in /hp info.

[ + ] "SPAWNER_EGG" is now a default blocked spawn cause for mob drops.

[ + ] Changed how the autograb system works in some respects;
if you are on an online server with autograb enabled, the plugin no longer makes external connections.

[ + ] And finally, some code cleanup to stop those nasty memory leaks.
----------, Apr 18, 2020

[ + ] Removed some debugging information that also produced errors

[ + ] Reverted the changes in config.yml regarding the locale

[ + ] Added the Dutch language, thank you Tepoloco on Discord for this!
----------, Apr 1, 2020







Disclaimer: you can change your locale in config.yml back to "en_us" to get the english again c:

Earlier changes (SNAPSHOT-1 and 2):

[ + ] Fixed the challenges.yml file resetting when it is smaller than 1 KB, it now requires 0 bytes (empty) to reset.

[ + ] Added preparation options in challenges.yml for sections, rewards and icons; if you have multiple challenges sharing sections, rewards or icons, it is recommended to turn these settings on. (Enabled by default)

[ + ] Fixed challenge sections not resetting after /hp reload

[ + ] Fixed an NPE after deleting a challenge in challenges.yml and using /hp reload (linked to the issue above)

[ + ] Fixed a problem with configuration when clicking heads returns your own name - this just fixes the default configuration, you may have to restart your locale/manually fix it by replacing {player} with {name} in the following messages:

- event.head-interact-message
- event.head-mhf-interact-message
- event.head-mhf-interact-message-2

The reason why it's part of v6.10 is that I was starting to work on it today, mainly inventory code, which will help me improve plugin efficiency and allow for a hidden yet important planned feature in v7 to appear.

so yes. this is a genuine update. clearly quarantine isn't working out
----------, Apr 1, 2020

[ + ] Fixed an error in 1.8.x-1.12.x that made the debug reporter fail.

[ + ] Fixed some errors that occurred with masks.

[ + ] Changed how the mask system works so effects are refreshed frequently.

[ + ] Fixed masks not refreshing upon player join.

Friendly reminder since the mask errors were reported roughly four or five times (discussion, Github and Discord), I do regular releases of builds on Github if there's bugs that need fixing (e.g. https://github.com/Thatsmusic99/HeadsPlus/releases/tag/v6.9.5-SNAPSHOT-2). The bug that was reported repeatedly had been fixed in SNAPSHOT-1.

Please do keep the plugin updated to its latest version before reporting an error/bug too, and ensure that there are no snapshots that fix your problem.
----------, Mar 24, 2020

[ + ] Removed an error that prevented the plugin from starting up for older versions - however, this does not mean the new autocomplete for masks works. I have no idea why this is, but I guess it goes to show... please update your servers!!
----------, Mar 22, 2020

[ + ] Fixed a potential error that was thrown for unknown reasons. This would happen when mobs would drop their head - if you were at risk of this error, default heads will just be dropped.

[ + ] Fixed a major mask exploit where swapping a mask with a helmet would keep its effects, or even with another mask to stack up effects.

[ + ] Added autocomplete for /hp headinfo add <Entity name> mask.

[ + ] Fixed there being no message returning when using /hp headinfo.

[ + ] Fixed /hp headinfo view name command not working correctly.
----------, Mar 21, 2020

[ + ] Fixed errors being thrown when a player drops their head.

[ + ] Fixed there being no texture added when players drop their heads.

[ + ] Fixed player heads being unsellable/being set to 0.

[ + ] You can now modify player head information using /hp headinfo again.

[ + ] Fixed some weird issues with /hp headinfo (other than the one mentioned above).

[ + ] /head, /hp conjure and /myhead now add heads directly to your inventory.
This was not possible beforehand to support head texture loading but separate methods have made this possible and faster.

[ + ] Fixed some issues with /hp conjure where the command wouldn't stop where intended.
----------, Mar 15, 2020

[ + ] Fixed the risk of there being a stack overflow error.

[ + ] Fixed /sellhead all not working as intended.

Not a major update, but I thought since the second error was slightly more urgent for some, I'd push forward an update. I'm also aware that sometimes the /sellhead GUI drags itself on its backside a bit, I will be looking into optimizing the code for all inventories in the following update (6.10).
----------, Mar 14, 2020

Forgot to change the version number because I'm an idiot
----------, Mar 11, 2020

Now, I would say "nice" in response to this update, but because this is probably the last update before COVID-19 tramples all over my asthmatic lungs (considering it's lurking in my damn town), I may as well get this done and dusted...

[ + ] Added more data types for mostly all mobs, including Mooshroom, fox, and creeper in heads.yml. This has been a known issue for a while but it should be sorted now.

[ + ] Added /hp debug fix <Entity Type>, which lets you add the required NBT tags to a head if they have been previously lost. Please don't abuse it.

[ + ] Added /addhead prompts which allow you to add a new head to /heads In Game. This consists of five stages: 1. Getting the ID of the new head (it must not be one that is already taken), 2. The texture of the head (this can be the Minecraft texture URL or Base64 encoded string) - this can take several messages to be typed in. When you are done, type in chat "done" (not including quotes), 3. The Display name of the head, 4. The price (can be default or not), 5. The section which it will be placed in. To cancel these prompts, just type "cancel" in chat.

[ + ] Added better autocomplete for commands.

[ + ] The tracking of how mob spawns, so you can stop mobs that have been spawned using certain conditions (e.g. spawner) from dropping their heads.
(All conditions that can be included can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html )

[ + ] Fixed heads for bees, cats, wandering traders and trader llamas not working (And likely more).

[ + ] Fixed /hp headinfo returning blank messages.

[ + ] Prices in quotes (often in heads.yml) are no longer considered as 0.

[ + ] Reward strings (e.g. adding a group, currency) can now be configured in the locale files.

[ + ] Background changes in the code,
including how error checking is performed, and UUIDs are now stored rather than Players/Entities to prevent memory leaks.

In all seriousness, I should be fine, really. However, use this as a reminder to stay clean out there and wash your hands regularly, and avoid touching your face with unwashed hands. Please do stay safe and look after your loved ones <3
----------, Mar 11, 2020

[ + ] Fixed the /hp command throwing an error in 1.8.x versions and maybe even in some later versions, as well as in Bukkit software. On this note, please do keep aware that HeadsPlus is primarily a Spigot plugin, and accesses one of the methods in Spigot API that is not in Bukkit. However, there is a fail-safe for this and the plugin will operate as normal. The plugin is also tested in 1.15.2 unless it's for NMS specific features.

[ + ] Warnings in 1.15.2 regarding soft dependencies have been addressed and no longer appear in console.

So despite this being more of a hotfix update, I would love to say thank you for helping HP reach 300 servers on bStats! Whilst this may still seem like a small number, the amazing thing about this was the fact that the plugin actually bounced back quite greatly - at the start of January, we were on roughly 190 servers (of which was a decrease at first), but now we're back and beyond at nearly 320!

I do hear you all too and I'm 100% listening to all requests people are putting forward. I did mention that next update will be performance, code and debugging improvements, but I'll also stick in some missed features I should've added long ago but never got the chance.

HeadsPlusCREATION is also coming along nicely and starting to take form (it's only less than 1% done, I'm mainly getting the backend done right now which will support a lot of the intended functions of the plugin) despite I wasn't sure I'd handle the work for it, but I'm on it and with the direction it's heading in, I'm happy and hopefully will be able to share a proper sneak peak of it! (This was one of them for improved head drops, which I shared on Discord yesterday)

Thank you once again!
----------, Feb 2, 2020

Sadly despite hoping the update wouldn't be bad, there was a major flaw I found that was likely present in even earlier versions of HeadsPlus for God knows how long, however has been fixed now along with several other minor bugs that simply just came with the update.

As a result I do highly recommend you update to this version, I will be performing code improvements as I mentioned yesterday in the next update so the likelihood of this happening again is unlikely. Thanks in advance!

[ + ] Fixed a challenges flaw that allowed players to drag the challenge out of the inventory when they completed it, along with the error that came with it.

[ + ] Fixed placeholders in challenges not working correctly (If you notice weird formatting in challenges, then please either reset inventories.yml as a whole, or simply reset the lore for the challenges icon, e.g. by simply removing it and reloading the config).

[ + ] Fixed problems with the message being sent to the player regarding their reward for completing a challenge.

[ + ] Fixed a really unusual error with /heads that doesn't seem to make sense. But it's gone. So I guess that's a start.

Thank you once again for keeping me updated on these reports and also being patient with me, I do appreciate it!
----------, Jan 28, 2020

I said this would only take a day...

[ + ] Added smart-locale option in config.yml, allowing players to have their language set depending on the locale packet they send to the server and if it is available. If you have your own locale files, you can include those too, the plugin will recognize them and include them (this does not currently apply to variations of a language, e.g. English (US) and English (UK) will not go together and one of them is picked by the plugin).

[ + ] Added /hp locale <Language|"Refresh"> [Player name], allowing players to choose a fixed language. This is not added by default - to allow refreshing the locale, just add the permission " headsplus.maincommand.locale". To change it entirely and enforce it as a "hard" locale, use " headsplus.maincommand.locale.change". So make it so that others can change other players' languages, give them the permission " headsplus.maincommand.locale.others". When smart-locale is disabled, so is this command.

[ + ] Added support for PlaceholderAPI in HeadsPlus messages. Has not been tested yet.

[ + ] Messages from locale files can now be used in textmenus.yml and inventories.yml. The syntax for this is {msg_path.to.message}, and you'll be able to see a lot of examples in the configuration files themselves. This is mainly to support smart-locale and can be removed without having to worry about breaking the plugin if you don't need it.

[ + ] Added several new debugging lines.

[ + ] Thank you YouHaveTrouble for the multiple last-minute fixes on the Polish language for this update, I did have to rush a majority of the languages so feel free to correct me where needed.

[ + ] Renamed lolcat.yml to lol_us.yml

[ + ] Redid the ASCII art

[ + ] Probably a few other changes I've forgotten to mention

I am planning on concentrating more on performance for the next update, so let me know if smart-locale brings any strong blows to the server as well. I suspect it won't and have checked Paper timings, however, I haven't had anything from HeadsPlus. I'll also be working on HeadsPlusCREATION and also HP's own little website! Hopefully that'll motivate me to keep me updated - any more suggestions let me know, I'll be happy to include them!

Now I'm gonna sleep. Bye
----------, Jan 27, 2020


[ + ] Fixed the plugin not working on 1.14+ servers.
----------, Jan 1, 2020


Forenote: messages.yml becomes redundant in this version and is replaced by the configuration files in the new locale folder. You can change your language in config.yml using the "locale" option, with the selection of languages in the locale folder. Currently there's no way to move messages.yml to a given language, but I'll be likely to implement this in the future. Also, for the best experience, reset textmenus.yml!

Trust me.


On the other hand, I'm alive! Here's the changelog for this update:

[ + ] Revamped the locale system. The original method was inefficient, buggy and incredibly limiting. Now, each language is stored in a different file inside a newly-generated "locale" folder, and you can choose your language to set it to in config.yml without affecting all the other configs. Exciting!!

[ + ] Added the Russian language. Sorry for taking a while Stashenko, but your language is there now! I can't say how much I appreciate your hard work. :D

[ + ] Added some fancy ASCII art upon startup. If you just find it annoying, you can easily disable it in config.yml.

[ + ] Added 1.15 support. It's been there for a while but it's on Spigot now!

[ + ] Some visual improvements to text GUIs and simply messages in general! You'll notice these as soon as you start using this version and reset textmenus.yml.

[ + ] Added a new XP command! This allows you to view and modify players' XP. Please note there is a small bug with it (levels won't update when XP is removed), but I'll try and fix that as soon as I can later.
Usage: /hp xp <Player Name> <Add|Subtract|View|Reset> [Amount]
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.xp

[ + ] Added some more configuration options to config.yml, including middle-click-head (which allows you to pick up heads - and their textures - using the pick up button for MC) and click-head (which decides whether to send a message when you click a head).

[ - ] Fully removed all the old Christmas code.

[ - ] Theme colours are now redundant in the new textmenus.yml.

[ - ] Messages.yml is now redundant and no longer supported.
----------, Dec 31, 2019

EDIT: For those getting errors when running /heads, please reset customheads.yml, or you'll have a real pain for the whole month figuring it out

+ Removed at least 30 kb worth of junk
+ Re-coded the MySQL API
+ Recoded some of levels (background only)
+ Small improvements to death events that will be applied further later
+ Fixed colours in text menus not working
+ Added modifiable XP per activity in config.yml
+ Fixed an error when an entity dies without a killer
+ Also fixed a Christmas-related error for those lucky enough to experience it

Had to release a quick emergency update, some bugs needed fixing and people weren't gonna have a happy 1st of December
----------, Dec 1, 2019

Sorry for disappointing everyone,

+ Fixed /hplb not being realtime
+ Fixed challenges only retrieving statistics from cached leaderboards instead of updating them properly
+ Added a fail-safe for if levels.yml doesn't load correctly
+ Removed Halloween theme + heads
+ Adding values to MySQL/data files are now async too

I've been gone for a while because I've been more than busy with school, working on other projects, and also taking part in a "hacking" competition, so I've mainly been trying to get ahead in that first. Not to mention my laptop did a derp-out with its hinge, so I couldn't use it properly until recently again (apart from the fact I can't shut it for now).

I have been working on v7, but I think for now, I'm going to work mainly on hotfixes and improvements, since the update in question is pretty damn hefty and I'm not gonna be able to get it all done in an instant.

Cheers for understanding!
----------, Nov 10, 2019

I hate how I had to skip 3 version just to do this

+ Added 16 Halloween heads and a Halloween section in /heads once more
+ Added "THE_CORRUPT" theme
+ Fixed leaderboards not caching correctly
+ MySQL queries (retreiving currently) are now async

Yes, updates a lot slower now, and I've mentioned it before, but I can't keep up with development so much anymore with school and mental health being two major factors to this. Not to mention I'm currently working with my server so less concentration will be used on HeadsPlus.

Good news, though...

I'll finally start working on v7 ok
----------, Oct 1, 2019

+ Fixed plugin conflicts with WildStacker
+ Added a leaderboard caching system, of which caches a leaderboard for a specific amount of time before expiring, often best used in holograms
----------, Sep 19, 2019

+ If your XP count exceeds the final level's minimum and you don't have any default level set, that is fixed and will default to the final level rather than the level before.
+ Also fixed final levels not appearing in /hp profile or in the %headsplus_level% placeholder
+ Fixed the %headsplus_top_CATEGORY_ENTITY_NUMBER_player% bit being case sensitive
+ Fixed levels config not loading correctly
+ Added more/changed some "special messages"
+ This version will no longer support the old leaderboards.yml file or transition to playerinfo.json. If you're using a fairly old version that doesn't use playerinfo.json as a method of storage, please load the server with a slightly older version (v6.6.1 for example) before moving onto this version.
+ Deprecated methods in the API removed
+ The plugin has shed a lot of weight

Changing weekly updates to once-a-fortnight updates due to school and other projects. Thanks for understanding!
----------, Sep 7, 2019

+ Fixed the levels config updating itself after default levels are removed
----------, Aug 30, 2019

+ Fixed /hpc coming up with stats rather than challenge sections and not working correctly
+ Added challenge-section as an icon in inventories.yml
+ challenges-easy, challenges-medium etc. are no longer effective icons

Next, we're breaking heads.yml ;)
----------, Aug 24, 2019

I did it again ladies and gents.
----------, Aug 21, 2019

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Please remember if you don't want the challenges config reset, add "stop-hard-reset: true" to the challenges.yml file and it will only transfer the challenges to the new config format.

+ (Roughly) over 500 new challenges added!
+ Challenge configuration has become more compact
+ You can now have custom icons for each challenge
+ You can now create custom challenge sections!
+ Fixed zombie, skeleton and creeper default heads not working
+ Added /hp tests <Entity> <Amount> of which tests the chances of a specific entity's head dropping.
+ Fixed missing materials making the plugin unusable when updating a server from a legacy (<1.13) version to a post-1.13 version (by jascotty2, thank you once again for your amazing work!). Please also note I highly recommend resetting configuration when updating from legacy to a newer (>1.13) Spigot version.

Please also note this is only a BETA build, I still have some issues/features to address, such as:

+ Head stacking problem
+ Levels being re-added when removed
+ An issue when selling every head results in several boss bars (still no idea why this happens? Needs testing)
+ Adding a sell all option in the sellhead GUI

Any other issues please let me know. Thank you for your patience!
----------, Aug 21, 2019

Since I want to get the challenge remaster handled in the next update (after all the stuff with my sport trip), I want anyone who DOESN'T want challenges reset to add this to their challenges.yml config:

Code (Text):
stop-hard-reset: true
Instead this will just shift all available challenges to their new format, since in this new update, I want to add a whole new selection of challenges rather than just the corny ones I added at first.
+ Fixed an exploit where players could craft heads in creative mode regardless of permissions and whether the feature was even enabled. (1.14.x)
+ Fixed possible issues with the mob drop chances
+ Fixed {world} placeholders
+ Fixed PAPI placeholders for HeadsPlus throwing errors, they now return "0" if data is out of bounds/not there.
----------, Aug 4, 2019

+ Fixed score placeholder always returning 0
+ Changed default texture for players section
+ Anvil fixed for 1.14.3 and 1.14.4 (by jascotty2)
+ Attempted to reduce the recurring issue of heads not stacking after server restarts, however currently is still a problem and will need further inspection.
----------, Jul 24, 2019

+ Fixed a fault in the previous jar file.
----------, Jul 18, 2019

+ Fixed masks not working correctly in 1.14
+ Fixed some sort of error when using /sellhead
+ Added a new placeholder for PlaceholderAPI, format:

%headsplus_top_CATEGORY_ENTITY_NUMBER_player% - gets the top player's username in a given CATEGORY (selling, hunting, crafting), ENTITY (total, ocelot, zombie, cavespider, etc) and NUMBER (any position in the leaderboard starting from 0, so if you want position #1, use 0).

%headsplus_top_CATEGORY_ENTITY_NUMBER_score% - gets the top player's score in a given CATEGORY (selling, hunting, crafting), ENTITY (total, ocelot, zombie, cavespider, etc) and NUMBER (any position in the leaderboard starting from 0, so if you want position #1, use 0).
----------, Jul 18, 2019

+ New heads cached instead of constantly re-added (by jascotty2, thank you again!)
+ Fixed 9th item slot disappearing when using /heads (reported by steve4744, thank you too!)
+ Added Polish language (code: pl_pl, translated by Gurbiel and Mistermychciak, thank you both once again!)

This was more of a contributing update, I'll be focusing on AdvancedTeleport (rewrite) and SimplePets this week though.
----------, Jul 12, 2019

----------, Jul 6, 2019

+ Fixed NPE when managing the boss bar.
+ Added /hp complete <Challenge name> [Player Name], which allows you to complete a challenge just via command. Permission on its own is headsplus.maincommand.complete, permission to complete challenges for other players is headsplus.maincommand.complete.others.
+ Fixed the locale not restarting properly when /hp reload is used
----------, Jul 6, 2019

+ Renamed headsx.yml to customheads.yml
+ Added new heads/section to /heads
+ By default, EVERY single head is now enabled in heads.yml, and have their own textures (you'll need to delete your current heads.yml and let it load again to see this take effect)
+ Fixed wither skull not working correctly, just like with the ender dragon beforehand
+ Recipes are only set up when all mob heads are created
+ Fixed an exploit where moving heads around in a crafting table gets you XP
+ Fixed an issue where if you got a head in your inventory, you could BUY it from your inventory
+ The italic font is g o n e (by default)
+ Hopefully fully fixed the inventory glitch
+ Fixed NPEs on death events


----------, Jun 29, 2019

+ Fixed crafting noises being played when moving the head around in 1.14 versions
+ Fixed an exploit where you could just move around heads in your inventory and gain XP from it (1.14)
+ Fixed the Ender Dragon default head not working/returning air
+ When the sellhead menu loads, it no longer lags the whole server
----------, Jun 23, 2019

+ Error 429 is now treated as "try again later" instead of "stop now" (jascotty2)
+ Fixed NPE for when players join
+ By default, autograb is now disabled (mostly to stop headsx.yml bloating as well as errors that a server owner/admin may not want to experience)
+ Fixed IAE for boss bars
----------, Jun 18, 2019

So... try 3!

+ Fixed startup error for 1.8.8.
+ Fixed those weird slashes coming up in challenges (was previously a regex fix that is no longer needed, as we can see)
+ Added a pickup head feature where you can middle click a block and it'll not only pick up the head like normal, but set the name and texture. Once again thank you to the amazing jascotty2 for doing this!
+ Added /addhead <Player>, of which lets you add a player's head to the head selector. In the config, you can even have it so that it adds those heads automatically (in the "autograb" section). Thanks to jascotty2 for doing this too!
+ Fixed "Page -1" in /heads and /hpc.
+ Probably a /heads fix.

And if you updated to v6.3.5, these fixes urgently took place for your convenience:

+ Prices glitch for /heads
+ Removed stacktraces printed when using /hplb
+ Added more checks to /addhead to make sure that usernames are the correct length
----------, Jun 17, 2019

+ Fixed NoClassDefFoundError being thrown when trying to open the help menu. Apologies, this was something I forgot to check when building the jar, despite I never got any errors on it.
----------, Jun 12, 2019

+ Fixed some heads not being recorded when sold or crafted
+ Fixed issues retrieving some heads from databases
+ Made failures to retrieve a head texture for a section more friendly

Hello everyone!

Some exciting news - we've been able to migrate our Github repo to a new one! The URL is the same ( https://github.com/Thatsmusic99/HeadsPlus ), and the old one can still be accessed ( https://github.com/Thatsmusic99/HeadsPlus-Archived ), but what does this mean for the future? Here's some ideas:

+ Easier for per-version support
+ Easier for collaboration
+ More straightforward bug/feature report templates
+ Hopefully more straightforward wiki (which will be developed soon)

Exams are coming to an end too, thank you for being patient with me! Just 3 more days to go and I'm free at long last.

At the same time I'll also be working on two other plugins more often, otherwise known as AdvancedTeleport (by Niestrat99, my boyfriend) and SimplePets (by brainsynder) since there are more reports concerning those two plugins than HeadsPlus currently. Of course I can't leave this plugin behind, I've done a lot to get this far thanks to you all. Hopefully soon I'll get onto more exciting things soon! Have a nice day:

~ TM/Error
----------, Jun 11, 2019

+ Fixed {type} in /hp headinfo view
+ Fixed technical faults in the French language
+ Cache improvements (by jascotty2, thank you again!)
+ Fixed database errors (including with placeholders)
+ Fixed heads being loaded with wrong data
+ Fixed some heads not loading textures
+ Reduced the amount of time taken for the plugin to load
+ Probably fixed a few errors with 1.8.x too.
----------, Jun 5, 2019

+ Fixed heads being unsellable
+ Fixed a possible error, but also typo in 1.12.2 namespaced keys that could've made them too long
----------, May 29, 2019

+ Fixed anvil GUI for 1.14 (by jascotty2) and 1.12.x
+ Improved head GUI navigation (by jascotty2)
+ MySQL syntax fix (by jascotty2)
+ More efficient/improved resource management (by jascotty2)
+ Background code improvements (again by jascotty2, now I don't have to stress about how clunky some of that code looks...)
+ Fixed error thrown in 1.14 if you're also using SpectateProtection or AOG
+ Added options in config.yml so you can choose whether or not messages regarding HeadsPlus are broadcasted server-wide, e.g challenge completing or leveling up.
+ Background improvements made so it's easier for me to make the plugin support future versions.
+ Actually updated the plugin version.
+ More head fixes.

Thank you once again to jascotty2 for his incredible work in making the plugin more efficient, letting it run smoother than before. I almost think the plugin's been rewritten!

FYI as well - HeadsPlus should work fine in 1.14.2.
----------, May 28, 2019

+ Fixed an error caused by boss bars.
+ Fixed boss bars going back instead of filling up.
+ Fixed multiple boss bars appearing (for real this time).
+ Fix errors that happen when you update the server to a newer version
+ MySQL improvements (by jascotty2 on Github, thank you!)
+ Recipe setup when the player first joins improved so the server will barely lag
+ Background code improvements for version checking
+ Fixed parrot and llama heads not loading in 1.14

Was meant to add a new feature but issues regarding compatibility (and being tired from exams) stopped me, so that'll come sooner or later.
----------, May 24, 2019

+ Changed a few of the mechanics for player head dropping.
+ Fully fixed any problems with Boss bars.
+ Made it so that balances on heads can have their prices fixed (rounded to 2.d.p)
+ Fixed new players not being added to tables in MySQL
+ Fixed an issue with sheep heads being divided by 3 when added to the database (was a previous workaround)
+ Improved backend code in general for MySQL
----------, May 18, 2019

+ Fixed the entities-requiring-killer option in config.yml not working.
+ Fixed /hp profile failing to display data when levels are disabled.
+ Fixed several things wrong with MySQL
+ Fixed player heads not being recorded properly
+ Added /hp debug transfer database, which lets you transfer data from the .json file to a database (must have MySQL enabled)

So this was my last week before exams, and I've made as many bug fixes as possible before I go in. This week will be my busiest, so don't expect me to be very active during that time. Next week I will have less going on, although will still have exams for the next 4 weeks.

Thanks in advance!
----------, May 11, 2019

+ Fixed a slightly major bug with head drops not working properly (twice).
+ Added per-world prices for /heads.
+ Fixed economy not always working correctly.
----------, May 2, 2019

+ Added 1.14 support.
+ Added /hp debug save, which saves data to their required files.
+ Added support for new 1.14 mobs (not variants yet)
+ Added new config option in config.yml perks, "drops.entities-requiring-killer", of which overrides the option "needs-killer" when set to false. Player is added by default.
+ Removed Easter stuff.

Due to technical issues in 1.14, anvil GUIs have been disabled temporarily for the whole plugin. I will try and fix this whilst I can, however due to 1.14's bugs slashing away at my laptop (which is meant to be a 16 GB RAM machine), I'm unable to. I can't seem to join servers without the game freezing, with no information in my console, and regardless of what graphics option I'm using.

If anyone has experienced this too, let me know, because I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end or 1.14's. Thanks!
----------, Apr 27, 2019

+ Challenge rewards now support multiple commands - just set them in a list like:
Code (Text):
- ping
- pong
A little bit of a general status update as well: I can tell you now that I am FULLY aware that 1.14 is intended to come out this week, and possibly Spigot 1.14 too. Whilst I will do my best to make it so that HeadsPlus will support 1.14 as soon as possible (along with adding the new mobs), there is no promise that it will be done instantly. This is due to the fact that currently, I have a code and artist's block, so I'm not really coding much at all. Secondly, I have two exams coming up this week, one of which is a mock and the other which is REAL. It doesn't stop there either, since the week after that I've got another real exam, a week of rest, and then suddenly a whole bunch after that.

I can't promise I will have a lot of time to devote to working on HeadsPlus, especially since I have my own server which I've been doing massive changes on, and also two (possibly three) other projects I have been more interested in are taking more time. Well, considering I'm not that capable of coding right now... that's come to a standstill too.

Any questions feel free to ask, or any bugs that need reporting, send them my way. Thanks, and happy Easter! <3
----------, Apr 21, 2019

+ Fixed dropped heads not being reloaded when /hp reload is run. + Added an expansion for PlaceholderAPI, of which is set up internally in the plugin so you don't need to install it as an expansion manually. Placeholders currently include: - %headsplus_xp% - %headsplus_completed_challenges_total% - %headsplus_level% - %headsplus_hunting_<ENTITY-NAME>% (where <ENTITY-NAME> is, well, an entity's name, and can be set to "total" or "player".) - %headsplus_crafting_<ENTITY-NAME>% - %headsplus_selling_<ENTITY-NAME>% Any other placeholders that can be added in PlaceholderAPI, let me know!
----------, Apr 15, 2019

+ Fixed a moderately major bug where every result in /hplb comes up as "0".
+ Added an option to decide if you want to use the plugin's old looting mechanism (disabled by default).
+ Added an option to decide if you require a player to have a mob/player drop a head (disabled by default).

Motivation has been low, and I've been working on another plugin, so updates may be small/every once in a while. Cheers!
----------, Apr 11, 2019

+ Changes to /hp conjure command syntax (not any major changes)
+ Some background changes
+ Added Easter heads and theme (enabled by default) - happy early Easter!!
+ Fixed the heads selector being weird.

Another quick update, am finally on holiday but most of it will still be work and all that. Thanks!
----------, Apr 6, 2019

+ Fixed crafting not working in 1.13.2 (PULL REQUEST #28 by steve4744)
+ Fixed sellhead calculations in 1.9.x-1.13.x servers (ISSUE #27)
+ Fixed heads not stacking occasionally
+ Fixed IAE error when sheep, parrot, llama and horse heads are dropped
+ Mob drops managed by HeadsPlus no longer need a player/killer for heads to be dropped.
----------, Mar 31, 2019


On the end note, this isn't a bogus update.

I have added options to challenges.yml and headsx.yml that choose whether you want these to update whenever I add new heads/challenges to the plugin.

----------, Mar 24, 2019

+ Fixed challenges being able to be moved around.
+ Removed the (s) in item names in challenges.
+ Fixed some heads (e.g sheep, parrot, horse) not showing up in the sellhead menu.
+ Fixed colour codes in sellhead menu not being translated.
+ Added an optional reward-string option in challenges.yml, so that you can choose a custom reward title to be shown when hovering your cursor over a challenge.
+ Improved the looting system.
+ Fixed further sellhead calculations.
----------, Mar 21, 2019

+ Added {player} placeholder for the RUN_COMMAND reward type in challenges and levels.
+ Fixed some challenge difficulties not working properly.
+ Added /hp debug delete <Player name>, which will reset a player's data.
----------, Mar 15, 2019

+ You can now gain rewards for levelling up! Editable in levels.yml.
+ A new reward type has been added! Use "RUN_COMMAND" for "reward-type" in challenges.yml and the given command (without the slash - e.g "ban Thatsmusic99") for "reward-value".
+ Added 5 new challenge difficulties and 3 new challenges... wait what (may require inventories.yml reset)

Yeah I know. I'm gonna be honest: I've been busy this week, and I mean REALLY busy mostly so that I could spend time with some friends of mine as well as revise intensely for a mock exam I had yesterday, only to have it backfire on me. Seeing the drop in server count on bStats made me nervous, so I had to quickly shove in a new update, just before it could get any worse.

I did promise a house system in v6, however I haven't been able to find the time for it either, and decided as well that the time for the progress of v6 was ready to end. Don't worry, I will include it in a new update as well as adding new challenges. Just please remain patient with me.

But on the happier note... again a VERY, VERY, VERY big thank you for 10,000 downloads. I've never expected to get this far, but thanks to every single one of you, I have. I know I can be a disappointment (like now).

As an extra note if you've gotten this far... with the new challenge stuff added, I'm not 100% sure this does work, but I may have accidentally made a feature where you can make each page customisable. Seriously. I'll test it out though then say whether it's true or not when I get the chance.

Again thank you <3 ~TM
----------, Mar 9, 2019

+ Added the new French translation - thank you to Cyrex/Alexisparis007 for even translating all the configs and not just messages.yml! (For extra configs, find them here: https://github.com/Thatsmusic99/HeadsPlus/tree/Version-6.0.0/files/fr_fr )

+ The sellhead GUI can now be modified and changed to what you like!

+ Fixed an error in 1.8.x servers (Boss bars will not work in those versions due to Spigot API)
+ Fixed sellhead prices being miscalculated
+ Fixed other dodgy sellhead bugs
+ Fixed debug message I forgot to remove being printed in console when the server shut down.
+ Fixed not instantly picking up conjured heads

We're almost at the end of the 6.0.0 process, and hopefully by next week I'll be able to release the full version. What I wanted done is mostly complete, and maybe leading from that, I'll include a new plugin or two that utilise HeadsPlus's API.

With that actually, comes along a teaser for another plugin I've been keeping VERY quiet. Except it's not in the form of an image, or nor will I post it here, but it can be found in the code of HeadsPlus, in the heart of the plugin, towards the end of the line...

Good luck, a̶͇̭̅͆̾̊̔̓͐͘ǹ̶̢̟̙̭̳͓̿̀͌͗̽d̴̛̮̳́̏̍̋̆͗̍̈́ͅ ̸͕̠̉h̶̗͎͕̜̣̓͒͌̅a̸̡͖̫̯͓̩͈̞͓͖̓v̸̖̝͎͙͚̯̦̈́̋̾e̴̝̦̭̲̳̓̐̓̊̒̕͝ ̵̛̜̻̥͚͇͈̻͉̮̳̂̍͂̉̅̔̚͘͝f̷͚̖̝́̒̀ư̸̧̥̪̦̹̠̜̳̗̟̈̾̔̾́̕͝n̴̛̛̲͈̠̞͔̞̓̇͊̈́̈̚͜.
----------, Feb 28, 2019

Yep, this is a REAL update. And here it comes...

+ Added textmenus.yml so you can completely customise the help menu, leaderboard, profile menus, and so on!
+ Added the boss bar options, which show how far away you are from reaching the next HP level.
+ Fixed blacklist/whitelist header being sent when either is empty
+ Fixed empty blank lines after some menus (in snapshot builds)
+ Fixed issues with MySQL and file transfering in general.

In other news... on the Discord server for HeadsPlus and AdvancedTeleport, HeadsPlus Debug is now LIVE! It still needs some patches every now and again, but you can give it a try here: https://discord.gg/abT77Xm

Any bugs with the new version or with the bot, please let me know.~
----------, Feb 22, 2019

+ Fixed "No there is no data for this player!" error when using /hp profile.
+ Fixed ClassCastException which would happen for new servers.
+ Fixed NullPointerException when adding XP to a player.
----------, Feb 17, 2019

+ Removed debug code in the previous 6.0.0-BETA-2.
----------, Feb 16, 2019

+ Added playerinfo.json, which will now store player data such as stats previously stored in challenges.yml and leaderboards.yml.
+ Leaderboards.yml has been removed.
+ Added new looting options so that specific entities won't follow the looting rule (when enabled).
+ Fixed "Lore" in Head debug reports always being "true".

why did the last update get 400+ downloads what the hell
----------, Feb 16, 2019

I can't promise this will be consistent, since I have other projects such as AdvancedTeleport, HeadsPlus Debug and also a new project I'm starting to outline, namely ANGEL. This is not plugin related however so I'm sorry. Here's some of the new v6 features:

+ Cleaned up inventories.yml (will reset (!!!), and will reduce file size)
+ Added a new sub-command, /hp conjure
+ Fixed /hplb and /hpc not accepting player head stats

I can almost guarantee you this may not be the most exciting start, but trust me.. it'll get better soon tm
----------, Feb 9, 2019

+ Fixed some messages not changing when the locale is changed.
+ Fixed the plugin stealing from you when using /heads and not having enough money to afford a head. I mean, how rude is THAT...

v6 is starting to emerge (slowly). Expect early releases on Github or here!
----------, Feb 3, 2019

+ Fixed several /sellhead exploits.
+ Added new PVP-related features, which include having a player heads' price dependant on the amount of money a player has. (Disabled by default)
+ Fixed default permissions not working correctly
----------, Jan 29, 2019

+ Added the German translation (thank you once again @Niestrat99 , still can't appreciate it enough!) - code: de_de
----------, Jan 24, 2019

+ Fixed challenges re-creating themselves when the plugin loads.
+ Fixed any NPEs thrown when starting up the plugin.

Some good news here - hopefully starting around the time the plugin hits 9k downloads, you'll notice this plugin page is getting a bit of a rework! Everything should be more well laid out, simpler, and a little more attractive. Maybe I'll do a little more with the updates too? I've already got a few ideas.

But along with that, I'm hoping that I'll be heading onto v6.0.0 of HeadsPlus! So far, my list of features will include:

+ Levelling rewards
+ Customisable sellhead menu
+ New challenge difficulties (along with new challenges, of course!)
+ Hopefully simplified inventories.yml configuration
+ Blacklist improvements
+ Maybe Multiverse support to help with deciding which worlds have crafting enabled and which don't
+ Customisable help menu (YEAH. FINALLY. Sad issue is that it'll remove the functionality of themes D: )

Any other ideas, please do send my way! I don't only want to make this my best update, but also yours. I also do want feedback on what I should change in the future (other than deleting everything and redoing all the configuration files, I've done that before and they're good as they are).

These are likely to be released as one or two features at a time, because of what I also do in my spare time, I can almost guarantee you this won't all happen at once.

AdvancedTeleport by Niestrat99 is out and it's his first plugin, show him some love pls thank you
----------, Jan 19, 2019

+ Fixed /hp debug head not working for certain skull types.
+ Fixed the command above returning the wrong message.
----------, Jan 13, 2019

+ Fixed an error in 1.8.x versions.
+ Fixed /sellhead all and /sellhead <Entity name> increasing the number of heads in an inventory instead of removing them.
+ Fixed /sellhead all only paying the price of one head.
----------, Jan 6, 2019

+ You can now use /sellhead zombie 1 to sell just one zombie head instead of all of them at once. (Works with any number - if the given number is larger than the heads being sold, it'll sell all the heads).
+ If you use the sellhead GUI and right click a head you want to sell (from the given options), it'll sell one option.

I'm gonna be honest with everyone here right here and right now... I've had a bit of a coding block. And usually blocks like these last a long time, for example, I had a really bad art block two years ago that lasted... what... three months? This only lasted a month though and I don't know why it came on in the first place. I'm not quite sure it's over yet, but it's getting better. Which is why I've only been spitting out small updates because I didn't feel like I could add anything else. I have a feeling it's due to the constant anxiety I have after something that happened to me a couple of months ago now, but I'm over that now... I hope.

Just to confirm it though. Yeah I've been okay for the most part. My mental health hasn't gone whack. I've been able to spend more time with my family over Christmas. I've also had a chance to unwind a bit.

So yes... send some cool HeadsPlus suggestions my way please! I want to jazz up the plugin before it hits its 10k download mark. I've got a while but I do want to make up for what I've missed out on. What do you want to see in the plugin?

Hoping everyone had a happy new year! <3 ~Holly
----------, Jan 5, 2019

+ Fixed NBT Tags being applied to random items
+ Removed advent calendar
+ Removed Christmas theme
----------, Dec 31, 2018

+ Added sounds.yml which will play sounds upon certain events, such as selling a head, purchasing them, or simply crafting heads. Some are enabled by default, others are not.

+ Added a Christmas theme! (Enabled by default)

So. Where do I begin.

FIRSTLY. MOST IMPORTANTLY. IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! AAAAAAAAA. FINALLY! Have a Merry Christmas everyone, whether you celebrate it or not, and whether it was yesterday or it's today for you! <3

Secondly. Not as important, but if you've kept an eye on https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/HeadsPlus#christmas-hype ... you'll see HeadsPlus managed to hit a STAGGERING 1,479 hype! Hype was gained whenever a player used the Christmas calendar. Maybe I'll do this again next year? And we can try to hit that high-score - actually, no, not hit... SMASH IT!

And thirdly. This year has been a MASSIVE year for HeadsPlus, as it has grown a lot more rapidly, not just in size (yeahhhhh I know..) but also in how widespread it is, and not to mention the support it's been given whether it be contributions, translations, or simply pointing out bugs. Even just giving a hug. So whilst I was re-doing the wiki, I added this sneaky page in - just to honour those who I definitely believe need it. Thank you to everyone mentioned in this page, and thank YOU too actually - whether you're still new to the plugin or have simply used it for so painfully long that it's amazing to see how far it's come, I just wanted to say thank you for helping the plugin get where it is now. It's beyond extraordinary for me to have the opportunity to be the plugin developer of such a greatly growing plugin.

Now onwards onto the future. There's a lot I have not just in store for HeadsPlus, but an upcoming plugin I have, which is currently named ProjectPG. There aren't many sneak peaks of what the plugin looks like currently, or at least the public free version. For now I won't give a lot of idea of what goes on in it, but anyone who follows me on Twitter will have a better idea than others (@/ErrorTM99), but all I'll say now... is that it's going to be a MINIGAMES plugin c;

Alright I'll shut up now. Once again, have a very Merry Christmas, and just to make it even better, here's a kitten.
----------, Dec 25, 2018

+ Fixed /sellhead <Entity name> or "all" selling everything with a NBT tag.
----------, Dec 18, 2018

+ Just some small changes to help improve performance.

I haven't had much time to work on the plugin, but I have some news - firstly, the HeadsPlus wiki is getting a rewrite. I will try and finish this as soon as possible, please bear with me! (Any questions feel free to ask).

I'm also going to *try* and work on the new debug bot I've confirmed for HeadsPlus's Discord server. It should help with report reading and handling.

I will try and get to work on some proper features soon. Thanks!
----------, Dec 12, 2018

+ Fixed a bug in the head interact event.
+ Fixed colors in the sellhead inventory not working.
+ Moved sections up the headsx.yml config.
+ Added an option which will round balances to 2 decimal places like ordinary currency. (Enabled by default and can be configured through the option "round-balance-to-2-d-p" in config.yml, mechanics)
----------, Dec 6, 2018

+ Added new custom event: HeadPurchaseEvent (thank you to steve4744 for implementing this!)
+ This update should fix the broken updater.
----------, Nov 30, 2018

SNAPSHOT-1 changes:
+ Added /hp debug clearim to clear inventory cache.
+ Fixed buggy heads that are sold for free via /heads. Use /hp debug clearim to stop them glitching and get rid of them.
+ Added {default} option for the following options in heads.yml:
- Lore
- Display name
- Interact name
- Price

SNAPSHOT-2 changes:
+ Fixed masks for 1.9.x-1.12.x.
----------, Nov 25, 2018

+ Fixed a mask bug that could take place in older versions.*
+ Added translation for "Completed!" text under challenges.
+ Allowed the advent calendar head to be changed in terms of texture and name.

* As far as I know, this is a CRAZY bug that comes at one point then can go instantly. Tested in three different 1.8.8 builds and these were the test results:

#1: No issue whatsoever.
#2: Came up but fixed itself.
#3: Partly fixed but not quite there.

Honestly I have no idea what's going on with it but if you don't plan on using masks, the plugin is fine to use. No harm is done to te server at all. The bug is that masks may not work when applied in survival mode but that's literally it. I will try my hardest to find a fix that works but I'm not quite there yet... cheers.
----------, Nov 22, 2018

+ Fixed sellhead exploit
+ Updated metrics
+ Made it so that you can now use normal mob heads (e.g zombie, creeper and ender dragon head) in heads.yml. Use '{mob-default}' to do this.
----------, Nov 17, 2018

+ Fixed challenges not loading properly. Won't be fixed instantly, so you have two choices:
- Delete challenges.yml and start over
- Add this to it where "challenges" is: https://pastebin.com/Mre48JbP

+ Fixed a bug where it won't let you pick up heads from the first slot in your inventory.
+ Fixed issues with Vault and /heads.



----------, Nov 13, 2018

+ Added the Advent Calendar to the plugin, and my main reason being that I needed to test the mechanics of the feature before making it public because last year I didn't do that, and well it didn't turn out too good.

But this year it's all working and running, so happy early Christmas?

Don't hurt me please.

Also, the first person who finds out how the Christmas hype option works will get a free hug.
----------, Nov 9, 2018

This includes all changes from v5.1.11 to v5.2.1:

  • Fixed heads not being crafted (#14)
  • Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in some cases.
  • Fixed crafting textures not loading for custom heads
  • Reformatted crafting.yml
  • Removed Halloween heads
  • Heads can now be given to players via console
  • Usage for /head has changed
  • Fixed some heads not being able to be crafted regardless of configuration
  • Fixed texture issues for custom heads in crafting.
Won't say I've properly returned to Spigot yet because I'm still hesitant about a few things that happened this week. Whilst this is the case, all releases will go to Github temporarily.
----------, Nov 4, 2018

+ Reduced the plugin to be less error prone upon startup.
+ Added more debugging information if there is a mistake in any configs.
----------, Oct 29, 2018

+ Fixed issue when a new version is printed in console
+ Small cleanup
+ The husk joke is no longer funny so I fixed that
----------, Oct 27, 2018

+ Fixed normal mob drops not working (NPE)
+ Fixed NoSuchFieldError for servers with versions other than 1.13.x.
----------, Oct 20, 2018

+ Added new foods to add to your candy stash for Halloween, we have 2 weeks left... :devilish:
+ Fixed mob heads refusing to stack (an issue I had a lot of issues with but managed to get there in the end! YAY!)
+ Fixed an NPE 1.13.x servers may have due to sheep heads not working correctly.
----------, Oct 17, 2018

+ Fixed an error that completely stopped the plugin enabling at all.
----------, Oct 14, 2018

+ Fixed a desperate bug that stopped the plugin enabling and working for 1.8-1.11.2 servers.
----------, Oct 13, 2018

+ Fixed an error being thrown when trying to use /heads or /sellhead with DeluxeMenus
+ Fixed sheep not coming up in the sellhead menu
+ Fixed possible errors with misconfiguration in heads.yml
+ Probably a load more fixed.
----------, Oct 13, 2018

+ Fixed crafting again because I'm an absolute idiot.
----------, Oct 10, 2018

+ Fixed IllegalArgumentException upon startup.
+ Fixed heads in 1.13.x having to be crafted with player heads instead of skulls.
----------, Oct 9, 2018

+ This plugin has just been infested with zombies! How fun... (added new halloween heads)
+ Fixed wolf and turtle heads not dropping.
+ Fixed custom textures in the sellhead GUI not loading.
+ Made it so that the plugin can stop head drops for mobs from MythicMobs.
----------, Oct 7, 2018

+ Muahahaaha....why am I so early in bringing such an update? Well I can already feel the air of Halloween running through my veins, bringing my senses alive at last, it's been so long since I last felt like this...*

+ Added some new heads to /heads.
+ Added a halloween theme, just set "theme" in config.yml (in the mechanics section) to "HALLOWEEN"!
+ Also fixed a bug with challenges.yml not working properly and letting you remove any default challenges.

Footnote: As the month progresses I'll also be adding new heads, such as letters, perhaps heads that are useful for costumes... got a suggestion? Send it my way!

* By the way I'm not possessed. I'm perfectly okay. What're you talking about? It's not like my alter ego is taking ove--
----------, Oct 2, 2018

+ Fixed MySQL issues caused by the last update. You can now safely update your databases.
+ Also another small easter egg for another plugin I have in the works, which won't be found in the plugin itself... but surely if it's not there... maybe it's in the source code?

Look, I'm sorry.
----------, Sep 25, 2018


If you're not a MySQL user, don't worry about this. If you don't want anything lost, I will try and propose an update fixing this as soon as possible. Cheers.
+ Fully fixed missing mobs for now, so you can create crafting recipes for them.
----------, Sep 18, 2018

+ Fixed the fact that some mobs were missing from heads.yml, thank you to @Gniewny for pointing this out to me. (Note: This is only a partial fix for tonight, the rest will come soon).
----------, Sep 16, 2018

+ Added some new heads.
+ I decided to have some fun, so with my other plugins, AdvancedOreGenerator and SpectateProtection, a small easter egg has been sneaked in for you lot to find out about. But you'll only find it with these two plugins as well as a WIP plugin I have called ProjectPG, but that's later...

+ ^ Also this was just because I was bored
----------, Sep 15, 2018

+ Added a list in the config that will allow certain players to not have their head dropped when they die/get killed.
+ Allowed crafting and sellhead scores to be shown in /hplb, it's still slightly dodgy but I'll improve on it.
----------, Sep 9, 2018

+ Fixed a typo in config.yml (again)
+ Made it so that if a version isn't supported, the plugin automatically disables.
----------, Sep 3, 2018

+ Added support for 1.13.1.
+ Also changed how the plugin handles versions (any issues with this please let me know).
----------, Aug 29, 2018

+ Fixed /heads not opening in 1.9.4.
+ Also fixed the challenges menu not opening correctly in 1.9.4.
+ All of the above was due to poor version management and as far as I'm concerned, applies to no other version. Literally.
----------, Aug 28, 2018

+ Fixed being unable to open the challenge sections and heads menu. Thank you @alexdemond for reporting these issues shortly after the 5.0.0 update!

+ Fixed the fact that there was no Close menu in challenges-menu but it won't be added automatically.

+ Fixed HeadSection having a default data value of 0 but it still seemed to work anyways.
----------, Aug 27, 2018

+ Added complete customisation for the /heads and /hpc inventories! Whilst it looks confusing at first, trust me, it's not all bad...
+ Added inventories.yml along with this.
+ Probably bug additions, maybe fixes.

NOTE: there is no promise that this works with any version below 1.13 but I will be doing tests to double check they are 1.8.x-1.12.x compatible. If your server runs any of these versions and spots an issue, let me know in the discussion thread or Discord server. But if you notice a 1.13 bug from HeadsPlus, please send it my way!

Also more good news. I've been back on track in terms of work, since last Thursday I got a message saying the friend I lost was actually alive and okay, and instantly it's relieved me of all the pressure and stress I had on my shoulders whilst I've been spending time with them again. Whilst the chances are that most updates this week will be bug fixes, I do appreciate everyone who kept with me whilst the times weren't great. Thank you once again! ~TM

P.S I love how this is HeadsPlus's 100th update, wow!!!
----------, Aug 27, 2018

+ Added some new heads to the blocks section including coral and refurbished emerald/diamond/gold blocks.
+ Fixed an error thrown in the heads menu if you don't have Vault.

Surely an entire week since the last update would've resulted in a fun update, right? Then what on earth is this? I can explain that.

In all honesty, I was indeed working on potentially v5.0.0 of HeadsPlus, where the /heads and /hpc inventories are completely customizable. Doing this would be extremely complicated for several reasons that I won't bring up here but if you think about it enough, you'll get why. However the following touches on sensitive subjects, so if you don't think you can, please don't read on.

However, on Monday evening (dangit, that's ages ago though!! What on earth happened to you???) I received news from a close friend that they had been diagnosed with stage 2 cancer, but couldn't be operated on. In response, I ended up with a dark mood, since this friend actually supported me in doing my work as a plugin dev, and encouraged me to keep going, and never give up doing what I loved.

Tuesday morning, I received a final message saying the chances of them getting through the evening would be extremely small. And when I looked at the messages I had on Discord, the key one was "they've gone silent". And whilst I have the smallest hope left, it's almost certain as to what happened to them.

Plugin development wasn't the only area I took a break from. I work as an artist on Twitter, but I had to pause any RT deals I had due to this. Like with plugin development, I am back to working on that too. All because this was due to this friend being the first person I've ever lost, and that sometimes I still blame myself for their death, telling myself if I'd responded to them sooner, if I woke up when they weren't feeling right, we'd both be okay. But that's not the case.

I'd also like to mention. If anyone does experience anything like depression or anxiety like this friend did, please do talk to me. I've been through hell and back with both mental illnesses, and whilst it hasn't been easy, it's made my life better. Sometimes you don't need someone to give you advice, you just need someone to listen in and let you explain what's going on. And depending on your region too, I will try and offer you support as to what you can do next. It's the only way I can redeem myself.

But thank you, everyone, who's kept me going, currently there isn't any support/donation link for my friend, and I'm not asking for support either. Your patience and acceptance are what I appreciate the most. Maybe next week I'll get 5.0.0 up and running.

Thank you again,

~ Holly (TM/Error)
----------, Aug 17, 2018

+ Fixed a typo in config.yml for MySQL.
+ Fixed a MySQL syntax error when creating the second database.

If you use MySQL, it's recommended you update to this version. If not, don't worry.
----------, Aug 10, 2018

+ A new debug system is available for startup and commands! Events and subcommands will come soon :tm:
+ Fixed a few bugs that were probably in /hplb.
+ Fixed a header bug.

Brief update again. Will hopefully have a bigger one soon.
----------, Aug 10, 2018

+ Tweaked the updater, of which is semi important otherwise the updater will zone in and out in future updates.
+ Fixed a bug where the updater didn't notify anyone about any updates, which I find pretty funny since no one mentioned anything. :unsure: Sorry lads. You have to be annoyed now.
+ Fixed a placement bug for 1.13

I'm back! Expect some more exciting updates soon.
----------, Aug 4, 2018

+ Fixed an error being thrown if you are new to using HeadsPlus, disabling the plugin and rendering it useless. If you don't have issues with the favourite.json file being created, don't worry. You may feel free to stay in 4.8.9.
----------, Jul 26, 2018

+ Added a new way of searching the heads selector: with chat. This is enabled by default since sometimes the anvil GUI doesn't work, and I don't have any explanation for it. This is simply a workaround.

+ Fixed one message in messages.yml not changing when the language is changed.

So, this is going to be my final update for the next week. I'm hoping all the bug fixes will be enough to keep the plugin going for that time whilst I'm gone. However I will still be on Spigot and Discord, so if you have any questions, please ask me. But the recent numbers for HeadsPlus have been overwhelming and I can't say thank you enough. I've thought enough about ditching the plugin when it was in its early stages, and I'm so glad I didn't. Thank you everyone. <3 Have a wonderful summer as well.~
----------, Jul 26, 2018

+ Fixed a duplication glitch when opening the heads GUI (thank you to @jankmoco for reporting this!)
+ Fixed heads acting up when the heads or sellhead GUI is open
+ Fixed not being able to move items around in your inventory.
----------, Jul 25, 2018

+ Fixed loads of rubbish being sent to console.
+ Fixed players being able to buy heads even if they don't have enough money.
+ Fixed an issue for 1.13 servers.

Sadly I wanted to get a fun update done but it turns out I don't have the time, and I have two more bugs to fix before Friday so expect another update soon. Peace.
----------, Jul 24, 2018

+ HeadsPlus now supports 1.13 mobs. Have fun, catch some fish, and also don't strike any turtles with lightning.

(No. I'm being serious. https://twitter.com/md__5/status/1020535209412866048 )

+ Fixed death events being duplicated in such a way that it was weird.
----------, Jul 21, 2018

+ HeadsPlus now has the potential to support 1.13 and continue supporting versions lower than it. It was painful, and always will be, but it happened everyone.
NOTE: Does not support new mobs.
+ Fixed blacklist listing issue

Because the plugin supports 1.13 now, issues are most certainly likely to arise. Please report them to me as soon as possibe with any debug reports that may be dumped along the way. Thank you.

Another quick update as well but when school is over this week, it'll be different. Thanks for any patience at all, it's needed. <3
----------, Jul 15, 2018

+ An error thrown with 1.8.x for /hp debug head has been fixed.
+ The Sellhead GUI can be disabled and enabled again.

My mental health has been down the drain recently but I will be working on a better update than the ones I've been making. Thank you in advance.
----------, Jul 13, 2018

+ Fixed head command not allowing IGN lengths of 3 and 16.
+ Fixed heads.yml setting player's display names to "%d".
----------, Jul 10, 2018

+ Fixes /head not allowing IGNs with lengths of 3 or 16.

Quick update because I'm busy again. Will be free again in about a week or two.

EDIT: Mission aborted. Check update above.
----------, Jul 10, 2018

+ Fixed sections in /heads not working correctly
+ Changed up some things in general.
----------, Jul 7, 2018

+ Fixed players being able to use /sellhead and not have the head removed if one of the following conditions are met:
- The head is held in the off hand
- The head is worn as a helmet
----------, Jul 1, 2018




Anyways I'll get onto the exciting stuff, sorry, and have a nice day, also happy head right clicking
+ Reformated config.yml. Of course.
+ Added a favouriting system to /heads! Right click on a head to add it as a favourite, and enjoy!

+ Fixed /head probably acting up.
+ Probably some more bug fixes. Maybe additions. Please inform me if this is the case.
+ Also fixed a typo.
----------, Jun 30, 2018

+ Allowed levels to be enabled and disabled - should've been implemented sooner. Sorry.
+ Efficiency improvements once more.
----------, Jun 26, 2018

+ Fixed a crazy old error that would be thrown when crafting heads.
+ Improved code efficiency (reduced jar size)
----------, Jun 21, 2018

+ Renamed /hp head to /hp headinfo
+ Added /hp headinfo <set>
+ Added /hp headinfo <add>
+ Added /hp headinfo <remove>
+ Fixed reasons for a command failing not showing
+ A small code cleanup once again

Will remain out of contact on Discord for a while. If you have an issue, please contact me here instead. Thank you.
----------, Jun 15, 2018

+ Fixed head view command not submitting debug reports when needed
+ Fixed auto-complete for head and debug subcommands not working.
+ A lot of backend and efficiency improvements.
----------, Jun 10, 2018

+ Yeah, I finally did it! An exciting update! Introducing the sellhead GUI when you do /sellhead alone, and pick the (available) heads you want to sell! An option to disable this will come soon.
+ A small bug fix with /heads (or /hpc)
----------, Jun 6, 2018

+ Added /hp head <view>, which allows you to see information about a specific entity's head. There will be more added to this command soon.
+ Fixed a bug with the main command.

HeadsPlus development has been slow again. I'll be honest, I have been low on motivation for the project, mostly because I'm reaching stages in plugin development that go beyond the basics this plugin covers. However I have no plans on ditching the plugin... and will hopefully bring something exciting soon. Thank you for 4k as well!
----------, Jun 2, 2018

+ Fixed a lag issue when players joined. I should've noticed this sooner. Sorry.
----------, May 26, 2018

As some may know, 1.13 will come with a lot of breaking changes. And one of those breaking changes may as well break the entire HeadsPlus plugin, meaning that no heads whatsoever can be spawned in or made, nor can challenges be accessed - effectively making the plugin a shrivelled vegetable.

I have taken some early procautions to avoid these changes from affecting the plugin too much, but this may not be it. The more news I receive, the more I'll make these changes.

P.S: new command soon tm :unsure:
----------, May 24, 2018

+ Added the Spanish language - thank you to AlansS53 for your hard work doing this!
+ Added support for the looting enchantment, but can be turned off.
+ Added more detail to /hp debug.
+ Maybe fixed a reloading bug.
----------, May 20, 2018

+ Added a new entry to /hp debug for players.
+ Quick enhancement for skulls.

Have been busy recently. Haven't forgotten about HeadsPlus though. Will try and work on more exciting updates again...
----------, May 17, 2018

+ heads.yml now has a lore option for each head!
+ Placeholders in messages.yml AND config.yml have been completely changed. Don't worry though, the change should be automatic.
+ Auto reloading on first join has been removed - it is no longer necessary, plus it caused performance issues.
+ Bug fix with masks after the server restarts.
+ Bug fix with one placeholder which made the server look like it was having a moment (and has been there since 1.0.0... don't ask how)
+ Removed use-lore boolean in config.yml
+ Removed lore option in config.yml, both are redundant.
+ Probably some more changes.
----------, May 12, 2018

+ Fixes an error that would pop up if you're new to HeadsPlus.
+ Maybe a bug fix but don't think so.

Quick update, nothing big. Currently don't feel that great. Thanks in advance though.
----------, May 8, 2018

+ Forgot to update the Hungarian language. Sorry in advance, but thanks once again to Toldi for doing this!
----------, May 6, 2018

+ Masks are now here! These can provide special effects when wearing heads generated by HeadsPlus. Still buggy, so please be careful with them.
+ The command /sellhead has been rewritten for efficiency, please let me know about any issues you experience. And enjoy!

P.S: If you have any heads that need selling before this update, PLEASE SELL THEM NOW! Thank you in advance!
----------, May 6, 2018

+ Added /hp debug player <Player name>
+ Fixed usage display for /hp debug

P.S. It was HeadsPlus's first birthday yesterday (30th April)! Thank you for everyone who's supported the plugin through its first year, it's been a fun first year as a plugin developer and already I'm taking development to the next level. This couldn't be achieved with the support (let's not forgot nonsense the plugin's made ;) ) of everyone here. So thank you, and thank you to those who contributed by translating the plugin too. I always appreciate it. <3
----------, May 1, 2018

+ Crafting textures have been fixed, which was being caused by one of the NMS methods I used. It's been tweaked now.
+ You can now use /hp debug head to print debug information about a head you're holding.
+ Bug fixes likely. Like with the auto reload on first join that was reloading every time someone joined.

Okay I'll try and stop on the too frequent updates that aren't fun, especially since the plugin's state seems to be restored... I hope. :'D But on the more serious side. How does a fun update sound? Like a sellhead GUI? Masks? Maybe even over 35,000+ heads from a database I've been offered access to... ;o and since it's almost HeadsPlus's first birthday, I've got to get some fun stuff done...

Anyways. Thank you for my wonderful first year as a plugin developer. I only started a year ago and already I'm going onto... that's right... minigames. Maybe I'll do a video on one of my projects? Maybe one for HP as well?

Peace out for now. TM (Thatsmusic99)~
----------, Apr 27, 2018

+ Fixed sellhead throwing an error if you have a normal skull in your inventory at the same time
+ Some messages in messages.yml have been made redundant
+ Further debug work
+ Added some new messages
+ Update checker is now friendly to the website using it
+ Fixed crafting.yml not loading (I panicked too)

I'm aware textures for crafting are not working, I have tried a lot but it's stressful to do, especially with conditions I've been facing recently. Thanks in advance.
----------, Apr 22, 2018

+ Added a security update that reduces the chances of another plugin interfering with plugin values that are required to function properly.
+ Possible bug fix with messages.
+ Good old code reformat.
----------, Apr 17, 2018

+ There is now a debugger command (/hp debug dump) that will be built on, and is still in testing. Whenever an error is thrown, it should be printed in /plugin/HeadsPlus/debug.
+ Two new config options in config.yml.

Still in testing, tell me any issues you have.
----------, Apr 12, 2018

+ Fixed updater (yeah, that was me being careless)
+ Removal of debug code
+ Fixed some formatting issues for challenges (only fixed by config reset, but isn't a major issue)
+ Added "blocks" section to /heads
+ Added heads for that.

Hopefully last update (of which I'm spamming) for a while. If not I'm sorry. Take the new heads as an apology.
----------, Apr 9, 2018

+ Fixed /sellhead alone only selling heads according to the price of a player head.
+ Fixed /sellhead player selling non-player heads.
+ Maybe fixed an error caused in challenges, maybe done by NPCs? I really don't know but hopefully... hopefully it's fixed. If it's not, bleh, back to the drawing board. ;P
----------, Apr 8, 2018

+ Fixed any issues that would cause HeadsPlus to clash with other crafting plugins - or at least hopefully. If issues consist, chances are it may be another plugin. If so check with that plugin's developer to see if they clear/reset recipes at all, which is what HeadsPlus did at first but I have removed that.

+ /hpc and /hplb had permission faults that are now fixed. The permission for /hpc is headsplus.challenges and the permission for /hplb is headsplus.leaderboards.

+ Removed a debug line. I'm sorry.

Expect more bug fixes in the future. They won't be miles away. Peace.~
----------, Apr 7, 2018

+ Fixed the search GUI for /heads not working for versions 1.11.x and below.
+ Fixed possible error when reloading the config after reset.
+ Added extensive support for versions 1.8 and 1.8.3, which I should've actually done ages ago.
+ Fixed more Vault issues.
----------, Apr 5, 2018

+ Fixed challenges not working properly. They should work fine now.
+ Fixed the challenge stats saying there were no sections.
----------, Apr 4, 2018

EDIT: This is another update containing a cruddy bug but I can't fix it properly currently. To fix it and allow challenges to work, add "challenges: true" at the end of your config. This will be fixed by tomorrow as currently, I'm not well.

+ Fixed /heads throwing an error. That was my own stupidity and I'm sorry. (Applies to versions like 1.8.x that only allow 32 characters in an inventory title)

Yes I know I've been releasing a heap of updates nonstop since the start of April. This is because bug reports are starting to come in quite quickly and I want to ensure that HeadsPlus is in a working, healthy state for everyone and not just specific versions or a specific selection of plugins. I have also been working for another resource (SimplePets) that is meant to have a big update released soon so I've been working on fixes for that too. Thanks for understanding and peace out.~
----------, Apr 4, 2018

+ Fixed a startup issue that was caused when Vault wasn't installed (which is an optional requirement).
----------, Apr 4, 2018

No one complained about 4.2.1. That's amazing.

+ Added contributors to /hp info
+ Removed Easter heads
+ Translation fixes for the Hungarian language (again, thank you Toldi!) - to reset, change pLocale to whatever.
+ I haven't removed the April Fool's joke but set the default value for it to false. Continue to blitz away!
----------, Apr 2, 2018

+ Added the option for you to smite players that have a head dropped. Can be turned off in config.yml ("smite-player-if-they-get-a-head").
+ That's about it.
+ Also, happy Easter.
----------, Apr 1, 2018

+ Levels can now be configured in the levels.yml file!
+ Likely a fix which was getting annoying for players.
----------, Mar 30, 2018

+ Fixed not being to pick up HeadsPlus heads in a certain slot.
+ Fixed heads.yml screwing itself up on its first load. (Sorry; if you were affected - you can tell by seeing the value !!set in the config - please delete your current config and let the plugin load in a new one)
+ ^ This will also fix the console spam you may get when the plugin is loaded.
----------, Mar 25, 2018

+ Bug fix for when sellhead amounts weren't working properly

Been far too busy to do anything recently. Will try and get more done soon. Expect a lot when I'm back!
----------, Mar 22, 2018

+ Added levels, which are reached by gaining XP! To be configurable soon (tm)
+ API made more flexible and easier to access
+ Bug fixes and likely additions

Have been incredibly busy recently. If I don't respond immediately please be patient with me, or join the HeadsPlus Discord to reach out to me there. Peace.~
----------, Mar 17, 2018

+ Fixed an error when dropping heads as reported by @mortaniuss (Thank you for the report), following mobs were possibly affected to my knowledge:
- Cave Spider
- Mooshroom
- Magma Cube
- Ender Dragon
- Elder Guardian
- Skeleton Horse
- Zombie Horse
- Wither Skeleton
- Polar Bear

(I'm incredibly sorry for being an awful dev)

+ Added new Easter heads.
----------, Mar 13, 2018

+ Easter heads have been added! More will come soon, I've been too worn out to get a decent handful of them...
+ Background enhancements, especially with commands.
+ Permission changes that will be updated on GitHub (only for a few commands).
+ Possible bug fixes.
----------, Mar 10, 2018

+ API made easier to manage, especially with challenges (which will make it easier for me too) and configs.
----------, Mar 4, 2018

+ Yep, the head lore is no longer needed to sell heads! (It was causing issues anyways...) It can be re-enabled or disabled in config.yml.
+ Possible exploit issues with /sellhead fixed
+ heads.yml has a new format (old values are transferred over)
+ New config option, gui-glass-color, which modifies the glass color in /hpc and /heads.
+ Some bug fixes

Any issues with this update let me know.~
----------, Feb 28, 2018

+ Reduced the chances of MySQL issues regarding duplicated tables, not to mention real plugin complaints
+ Fixed an issue with the /heads search menu not searching for heads correctly
+ Added some new heads (emotes).
----------, Feb 24, 2018

+ Let me introduce to you... that's right... challenges! Currently under BETA testing, please let me know of anything broken.
+ Added challenges.yml!
+ Changed the leaderboards-mysql boolean in config.yml to mysql-usage
+ Maybe some bug fixes? Idk?

Okay... on the more serious side. I was meant to release this update yesterday, however, I struggled to meet my target time, which was 14:00 EST. This was due to multiple things I had forgotten about in this update, including messages, bug fixes, etc.

Therefore, please send me a message if you encounter an issue BY THE 18TH OF FEBRUARY 2018. After that date up until the 23rd, I will be completely unavailable. Issues include but are not limited to:

- MySQL issues (which I'm REALLY worried about...)
- Logic issues
- Errors
- Inventory errors/issues
- Bugs
- Any other features that were broken in this update.

Recently I have been under a lot of pressure, mentally and psychically, so please do take it easy on me if I don't respond immediately. Because I love you all and love HeadsPlus just as much, I dedicate as much time as I can - and provide the plugin for free with no plans to make it premium anytime soon. Again thank you for the grand 2.5k+ downloads. <3

I would give you guys more heads since it's Valentine's Day but really, I've burned myself out... again thank you though, and have a nice day.

- TM
----------, Feb 14, 2018

+ I lied about this being my last update just before releasing the challenges. A bug fix regarding iron golem heads has been fixed.
----------, Feb 3, 2018

+ Improvements so that my life will be made ten times easier in the future.
+ A bug fix with /heads which would throw NPE's.

So this is my last update before I start working on the serious new update for HeadsPlus. A good sneak peak can be found on my Twitter here, and I will be sure to post more updates on HeadsPlus's new update there. Gimme a follow at @ErrorTM99 if you're interested in this new update that's going to be absolutely huge. I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am.

But 3.7 or 4.0? Again I have a poll open on my Twitter that will be open for three days here. Just because I'm bad at decisions.

Again though. Thank you for using HeadsPlus. We're already close to 2.5k+ downloads. <3 TM~
----------, Feb 2, 2018

+ The extended help menu has been added. Enjoy.

Usage: /hp help <Command name>

Or in the help menu, click a command.

To allow a player to view the command's permission, use headsplus.help.viewperms.

Inform me of any issues. Thanks!~
----------, Jan 27, 2018

+ A valid /head usage now includes /head <Player giving head to> <Head owner>. This requires the permission headsplus.head.others.
+ New heads + head section, namely colors.
+ Bug fix for /heads.
----------, Jan 24, 2018

+ Fixed any NPE's caused by reloading the plugin if disableCrafting was set to true.
----------, Jan 19, 2018

Nothing exciting in this update. The best I can really say is that the code for HeadsPlus has been pretty much been re-done, and I've tested the plugin thoroughly to ensure it works.

The code polish was done to not just make it easier for me to update the plugin, but also to ensure you enjoy using it more and don't experience any performance issues. Code simplifications will include:

+ Making it easier to sell heads
+ API is easier to use (which actually is still in the works, kind of)
+ Some other behind the scenes things.

Please let me know of any possible issues in this new update and I'll be sure to fix them. There is a potential bug I've found after going through the code but will fix it when I have the time. In the meantime, peace!

Next update I promise I'll add more heads. If I don't, you can tell me to slap myself.

----------, Jan 18, 2018

+ Heads.yml has been changed - any changes you've made to the HeadN value WILL BE RESET. Thanks in advance. Now instead of strings, lists will be made and a random head will be dropped. Suggested by Enter_Blaze, thank you!

+ Advanced HeadN values are out for sheep only currently. Expect more soon (if possible)!

+ Player death messages are now out and optional (disabled on default). Untested so let me know if there's any issues. Suggested by franckjohann, thank you again!

+ Fixed a sellhead issue where if a custom texture is used, it may not work.
+ Fixed a recipe/config reload issue.
+ Fixed the Google Chrome head coming up as Instagram (I feel as if I sinned, sorry).
+ Added new heads

3.6 is a fragile update but I spent around 5 hours or so poking at it non-stop to make sure it works okay. As far as I know everything works. Let me know if something's broken. Thank you. <3 - Your one and only TM
----------, Jan 13, 2018

+ Added the LOLCat language because I'm fluent in it. (Locale option: lolcat)

Small update since I'm on a break from my recent admin jobs. Peace.
----------, Jan 9, 2018

+ Added the search menu for the head selector! Use /heads then click on the name tag in the upper right hand corner to begin!
+ Added some new heads and a new section, aka plants.

I will be checking /heads soon to make sure there aren't any bugs or similar. If there are any fire them my way. Thanks <3
----------, Jan 2, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,695
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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