HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

1.16.2 support, WorldGuard support, Debug Changes, Looting Changes and Bug Fixes
So, after three weeks of taking a cybersec course, developing RSI in my wrist, ten tonnes of stress and having 1.16.2 release whilst I was on holiday (thanks, Mojang!). I am very exhausted right now so please do bear with me, there is a breaking change in this update, especially with Looting (again).

Unless you're insanely desperate and banging on my door for 1.16.2 support, I don't recommend updating to this build yet, but if you want to help debug this update, please do help me out. You're free to give me feedback on any of the new features that have been implemented.

I do want to additionally announce that I now have HeadsPlus available for download on PolyMart!

[ + ] Added WorldGuard flags for HeadsPlus - flags include head-drop (whether heads should drop in a region), head-craft (whether heads should be crafted in a region), allow-mask-use (whether mask effects should be applied in a region or not), head-denied-ids (denied entity IDs to be dropped in a region) and head-allowed-ids (allowed entity IDs to be dropped in a region, overrides denied IDs)

[ + ] Added 1.16.2 support.

[ + ] Implemented a new feature which should enhance event debugging. This is still half-finished however.

[ + ] Any errors caused in other plugins by HeadsPlus when using the anvil GUI are now gone.

[ + ] Bossbar tracking now uses UUIDs instead of entities/players.

[ + ] Changed the looting system to comply more with Minecraft's looting system - this includes common thresholds (always increases the drop amount), uncommon thresholds (attempts to drop a second time with a higher chance depending on the level) and rare thresholds (only increases the chance by 1%). For more information, see here.

[ + ] Fixed the HeadsPlus API not working properly.

[ + ] Attempting to use /hp headinfo remove <Entity> lore no longer kicks you from the server, but is still slightly bugged.

[ + ] Fixed problems with case insensitive masks not working.

[ + ] Fixed a weird NPE which appeared in inventory navigation for literally no reason.

[ + ] As of now, /hp headinfo is available to OPs and console again.
----------, Aug 14, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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