HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

v7 part one: i ruin everyone's configuration files
No, seriously. Take a backup of your HeadsPlus folder. You can do it by zipping the folder and keeping it handy in your plugins folder. It takes, what, 5 seconds? Surreal. It takes me 10 minutes to build Spigot. Don't you dare tell me you screwed up the folder and say it would take too long to back up. Customer support loves you, BTW. Have a kiss. Mwah.


1.8 to 1.14 support got tanked in this version. Cry. :)

Feel free to ask any config questions you have because quite frankly I don't know what the hell I've done either.

+ Completely overhauled the config.yml file, with configuration comments included and a far neater, more readable layout.
+ Removed selling challenges in challenges.yml because they suck.
+ Rehauled crafting.yml so more recipes are possible.
+ This includes furnace, smoking, blasting, campfire, merchant, smithing and stonecutting recipes.
+ I can't remember how any of these work help
+ customheads.yml is gone
+ Re-added heads.yml, the reincarnation of customheads.yml.
+ Controls the custom lore, display name and texture
+ Added heads-selector.yml, which controls what heads are added and what sections are enabled/disabled.
+ yes, you can have permissions for head sections and enable/disable sections. Stop complaining.
+ Added interactions.yml to control how the plugin reacts when specific heads are clicked/interacted with.
+ This includes player-specific heads, texture-specific heads and location-specific heads.
+ Added masks.yml, which handles masks individually.
+ Reformed mobs.yml to make it more confusing and more annoying to deal with.
+ It allows custom chances and display names between heads dropped by a single mob.
+ All data storage is now SQL-based instead of a mixture between SQL and JSON.
+ SQL data is no longer stored in 0NF.
+ Mob drops and player drops are now considered largely separate options.
+ Because I'm so glad I did this I have to repeat it, 1.8 to 1.14 support is gone.
+ Tanked blacklists and whitelists so they're replaced with the restrictions system.
+ API got rehauled for the most part.
+ Added a default permissions list.
+ Parts of the plugin shut off completely if not enabled
+ Significant performance improvements in some areas.

9/10 the changelog isn't finished, but all the work over the last 4 months gone into the update can be found here: https://github.com/Errored-Innovations/HeadsPlus/commits/master

The update is not 100% finished but this is the minimum I wanted done because I could no longer build v6 on my PC.

In all seriousness, I do want to give a massive thank you to the community on HeadsPlus for finding a good hunk of breaking bugs and providing me with feedback on the update, I do greatly appreciate it and it's helped v7 become the update it has despite being incomplete.

With contributions from YouHaveTrouble and several bugs with their causes found by Kedavlar (as well as moral/backing support from SKJOLBERG and Broken-arrow) - I'm incredibly proud of where this has come, and I do feel like I can comfortably work on HeadsPlus again... when I have the time. Guess who's in university, baby! (Along with a few other plugin developers in the same place, apparently)

Not sure what else I need to confirm, so uh, toodles
----------, Nov 30, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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