HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

Inventory Overhaul, New Challenge features and a load of bugs squashed
Sadly didn't get as much as I wanted to be done, I've run out of time and I have (online) school again soon. I'll be looking to implement the rest of the update throughout the next few weeks or so. Because this update also fixes a lot of things wrong with the plugin, I thought it'd be best to release it now.

The only known issue with this update is that a fresh (re)start requires a second /hp reload for lores to start appearing in GUIs. This is a small and fixable problem that I will be looking into in my own time.

Oh yeah. And thank you for 20k! <3

[ + ] Completely overhauled the inventory system, meaning it is more efficient and easier to modify in the future. With this, it is also easier for me to allow custom icons, which I will be working on.

[ + ] Fixed the nl_nl.yml file breaking when it is modified - this may throw an error at first, but it will recover afterwards.

[ + ] Added the "suppress-gui-warnings" option in config.yml, so you don't get bothered by the classic "texture for HP#players_1 not found!" warning.

[ + ] Added pinnable challenges - these can be pinned by right-clicking a challenge and will be sorted into a separate inventory you can keep track of.

[ + ] Added challenge progress - this needs to be applied manually in old configurations, with the default configuration below (inventories.yml):

Code (Text):
       - '{challenge-lore}'
       - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.reward}'
       - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.xp}'
       - '{msg_inventory.icon.challenge.progress}'
       - '{completed}'
       - '{pinned}'
[ + ] Added some new heads to /heads as a teaser for v7!!11!1

[ + ] Fixed challenge sections not being in order.

[ + ] Fixed hex codes not being applied to mob head textures.

[ + ] heads.yml has been renamed to mobs.yml in preparation for v7.

[ + ] Fixed looting amounts not being applied when multiple heads are dropped.

[ + ] Fixed the AT easter egg not working on newer AT versions :(

[ + ] Fixed the leaderboard for hunting not updating or recording itself.

[ + ] Fixed death-messages in config.yml never firing (related to the issue above).

[ + ] customheads.yml now stores texture hashes by default rather than the base64 encoded values, reduces file size.

[ + ] Fixed masks not replenishing when the player relogs.

[ + ] Fixed the /hplb command returning a blank response.

[ + ] Fixed rewards showing $infinity and 0 XP.

[ + ] The sections prepare option has been removed as sections must be prepared before regardless.

[ + ] Default challenge headers now appear a little more friendly.

[ + ] Updated the contributors in /hp info.

[ + ] "SPAWNER_EGG" is now a default blocked spawn cause for mob drops.

[ + ] Changed how the autograb system works in some respects;
if you are on an online server with autograb enabled, the plugin no longer makes external connections.

[ + ] And finally, some code cleanup to stop those nasty memory leaks.
----------, Apr 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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