HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

Finally pulled this off!!! (Improvements + Config changes)

Forenote: messages.yml becomes redundant in this version and is replaced by the configuration files in the new locale folder. You can change your language in config.yml using the "locale" option, with the selection of languages in the locale folder. Currently there's no way to move messages.yml to a given language, but I'll be likely to implement this in the future. Also, for the best experience, reset textmenus.yml!

Trust me.


On the other hand, I'm alive! Here's the changelog for this update:

[ + ] Revamped the locale system. The original method was inefficient, buggy and incredibly limiting. Now, each language is stored in a different file inside a newly-generated "locale" folder, and you can choose your language to set it to in config.yml without affecting all the other configs. Exciting!!

[ + ] Added the Russian language. Sorry for taking a while Stashenko, but your language is there now! I can't say how much I appreciate your hard work. :D

[ + ] Added some fancy ASCII art upon startup. If you just find it annoying, you can easily disable it in config.yml.

[ + ] Added 1.15 support. It's been there for a while but it's on Spigot now!

[ + ] Some visual improvements to text GUIs and simply messages in general! You'll notice these as soon as you start using this version and reset textmenus.yml.

[ + ] Added a new XP command! This allows you to view and modify players' XP. Please note there is a small bug with it (levels won't update when XP is removed), but I'll try and fix that as soon as I can later.
Usage: /hp xp <Player Name> <Add|Subtract|View|Reset> [Amount]
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.xp

[ + ] Added some more configuration options to config.yml, including middle-click-head (which allows you to pick up heads - and their textures - using the pick up button for MC) and click-head (which decides whether to send a message when you click a head).

[ - ] Fully removed all the old Christmas code.

[ - ] Theme colours are now redundant in the new textmenus.yml.

[ - ] Messages.yml is now redundant and no longer supported.
----------, Dec 31, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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