Welp, AT and ConfigurationMaster got their updates yesterday, HP has a few pending fixes so I may as well dish them out...
So everyone knows, quick access to these fixes can now be found on
Jenkins, lovingly provided by brainsynder, the SimplePets developer!
Fixed error thrown when MythicMobs is disabled - Error
Fixed exception in 1.8 versions - Error
Fixed potential NPE when adding XP - Error
Fixed head data not refreshing after using /hp headinfo setters - Error
It doesn't look like much but I do want to confirm now that I do have a major update for HeadsPlus in the works! Part of this update can be found
here. However, since I am juggling school and other projects, I have no ETA on this update nor the opening of the head packs repo (I just need to finalise some stuff though).
I hope you're now as hyped as I am. You better be.