HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

Debug Verbose and Bug Fixes
hey are you the date cos you're 10/10

It's been a good while, apologies. I'll explain myself after I've done this changelog. By the way, thank you for 30k as well!!

On the other note, I have decided that this will be the last major update that supports 1.8 to 1.12.2. The majority of HP's servers have now moved off these versions. Please note that this will not mean the plugin will disable, but you must be prepared for the plugin to not function properly.

[ + ] Added the debugging verbose, making bug-squashing an easier task. As of currently, the syntax is /hp debug verbose <Event Name|off> <Arguments>, where the argument syntax is KEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2. This will all appear in the tab autocomplete, so don't worry if you find yourself confused. I will be including some improvements to this verbose in the future.

[ + ] Fixed invisible players appearing in the tab autocomplete. This is a biggie if you're using vanish plugins.

[ + ] Rewrote some of the "trigger" messages in the plugin. This includes messages for AdvancedTeleport, SimplePets and AdvancedOreGenerator (I don't know why it sounded hilarious to do at first)

[ + ] Timing results are no longer duplicated on Paper. Stop complaining about the plugin's performance. It's doing fine.*

* If the plugin does actually perform badly then please let me know.

[ + ] Fixed /head not tab completing correctly.

[ + ] The plugin only hooks into WorldGuard v7 now.

[ + ] Fixed problems caused by funky level configuration.

[ + ] Fixed a typo in mobs.yml which stopped the MAGMA_CUBE head from working (doesn't remove the error, just change HP#magmacube to HP#magma_cube).

In the meantime, what's been up with me? Well, uh - to start off, I just passed a GIAC exam, took over the AdvancedTeleport project, became a Discord mod on MCProHosting's community server (I know they're not the best in everyone's book but the community is the best <3), and last but not least, I'm an adult (lol oh no)! I've had less time for HeadsPlus as well because I'm working on my first JavaFX application - named VRTX Visual Coder, which is my own crappy IDE - as a school project, and time is running out aAHHH

But I figured I'd squeeze in this update for HP. You lot deserve it. Thank you once again for the massive 30k - we just hit 20k in April this year, and 10k back in March 2019. HeadsPlus has been growing bigger than ever and it would've never been possible without you guys. Thank you. <3

~ TM
----------, Oct 10, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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