HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

Added new heads + bug fix (status update here...)
+ Added some new heads to the blocks section including coral and refurbished emerald/diamond/gold blocks.
+ Fixed an error thrown in the heads menu if you don't have Vault.

Surely an entire week since the last update would've resulted in a fun update, right? Then what on earth is this? I can explain that.

In all honesty, I was indeed working on potentially v5.0.0 of HeadsPlus, where the /heads and /hpc inventories are completely customizable. Doing this would be extremely complicated for several reasons that I won't bring up here but if you think about it enough, you'll get why. However the following touches on sensitive subjects, so if you don't think you can, please don't read on.

However, on Monday evening (dangit, that's ages ago though!! What on earth happened to you???) I received news from a close friend that they had been diagnosed with stage 2 cancer, but couldn't be operated on. In response, I ended up with a dark mood, since this friend actually supported me in doing my work as a plugin dev, and encouraged me to keep going, and never give up doing what I loved.

Tuesday morning, I received a final message saying the chances of them getting through the evening would be extremely small. And when I looked at the messages I had on Discord, the key one was "they've gone silent". And whilst I have the smallest hope left, it's almost certain as to what happened to them.

Plugin development wasn't the only area I took a break from. I work as an artist on Twitter, but I had to pause any RT deals I had due to this. Like with plugin development, I am back to working on that too. All because this was due to this friend being the first person I've ever lost, and that sometimes I still blame myself for their death, telling myself if I'd responded to them sooner, if I woke up when they weren't feeling right, we'd both be okay. But that's not the case.

I'd also like to mention. If anyone does experience anything like depression or anxiety like this friend did, please do talk to me. I've been through hell and back with both mental illnesses, and whilst it hasn't been easy, it's made my life better. Sometimes you don't need someone to give you advice, you just need someone to listen in and let you explain what's going on. And depending on your region too, I will try and offer you support as to what you can do next. It's the only way I can redeem myself.

But thank you, everyone, who's kept me going, currently there isn't any support/donation link for my friend, and I'm not asking for support either. Your patience and acceptance are what I appreciate the most. Maybe next week I'll get 5.0.0 up and running.

Thank you again,

~ Holly (TM/Error)
----------, Aug 17, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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