+ Fixed masks not working correctly in 1.14
+ Fixed some sort of error when using /sellhead
+ Added a new placeholder for PlaceholderAPI, format:
%headsplus_top_CATEGORY_ENTITY_NUMBER_player% - gets the top player's username in a given CATEGORY (selling, hunting, crafting), ENTITY (total, ocelot, zombie, cavespider, etc) and NUMBER (any position in the leaderboard starting from 0, so if you want position #1, use 0).
%headsplus_top_CATEGORY_ENTITY_NUMBER_score% - gets the top player's score in a given CATEGORY (selling, hunting, crafting), ENTITY (total, ocelot, zombie, cavespider, etc) and NUMBER (any position in the leaderboard starting from 0, so if you want position #1, use 0).