HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

It's here - (almost) complete inventory customisation!
+ Added complete customisation for the /heads and /hpc inventories! Whilst it looks confusing at first, trust me, it's not all bad...
+ Added inventories.yml along with this.
+ Probably bug additions, maybe fixes.

NOTE: there is no promise that this works with any version below 1.13 but I will be doing tests to double check they are 1.8.x-1.12.x compatible. If your server runs any of these versions and spots an issue, let me know in the discussion thread or Discord server. But if you notice a 1.13 bug from HeadsPlus, please send it my way!

Also more good news. I've been back on track in terms of work, since last Thursday I got a message saying the friend I lost was actually alive and okay, and instantly it's relieved me of all the pressure and stress I had on my shoulders whilst I've been spending time with them again. Whilst the chances are that most updates this week will be bug fixes, I do appreciate everyone who kept with me whilst the times weren't great. Thank you once again! ~TM

P.S I love how this is HeadsPlus's 100th update, wow!!!
----------, Aug 27, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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