HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

It's here! (New challenge difficulties + Level rewards)
+ You can now gain rewards for levelling up! Editable in levels.yml.
+ A new reward type has been added! Use "RUN_COMMAND" for "reward-type" in challenges.yml and the given command (without the slash - e.g "ban Thatsmusic99") for "reward-value".
+ Added 5 new challenge difficulties and 3 new challenges... wait what (may require inventories.yml reset)

Yeah I know. I'm gonna be honest: I've been busy this week, and I mean REALLY busy mostly so that I could spend time with some friends of mine as well as revise intensely for a mock exam I had yesterday, only to have it backfire on me. Seeing the drop in server count on bStats made me nervous, so I had to quickly shove in a new update, just before it could get any worse.

I did promise a house system in v6, however I haven't been able to find the time for it either, and decided as well that the time for the progress of v6 was ready to end. Don't worry, I will include it in a new update as well as adding new challenges. Just please remain patient with me.

But on the happier note... again a VERY, VERY, VERY big thank you for 10,000 downloads. I've never expected to get this far, but thanks to every single one of you, I have. I know I can be a disappointment (like now).

As an extra note if you've gotten this far... with the new challenge stuff added, I'm not 100% sure this does work, but I may have accidentally made a feature where you can make each page customisable. Seriously. I'll test it out though then say whether it's true or not when I get the chance.

Again thank you <3 ~TM
----------, Mar 9, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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