HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

Hotfixes and QoL improvements
More of a hotfix/improvement update, my maths teacher won't stop giving me tests to do someone help-

[ + ] Allowed masks to have configurable timestamps, check intervals and how many intervals it takes for the mask to be refreshed. This can be found in the config.yml > Mechanics section. Additionally, this fixes exploits and problems caused by masks (e.g. night vision, nausea, and health boosts)

[ + ] Added JSON message support for the locale files, but not textmenus.yml yet. This is so that you should be able to use your own colours and fonts in 1.16! (Enable this in config.yml > Mechanics > use-tellraw)

[ + ] Fixed the RUN_COMMAND reward type not behaving appropriately, but it can now run more than one command:

Code (Text):
    - 'eco give {player} 100'
    - 'msg {player} hi!'
[ + ] Fixed the wandering trader and trader llama masks not working.

[ + ] When a challenge was finished, its lore is now translated correctly

[ + ] Fixed an NPE when using RUN_COMMAND as a reward value

[ + ] Added fail-safes so that when registering challenges and levels,
missing data that can result in the plugin not functioning is pointed out and the challenge/level is skipped.

[ + ] Sellhead IDs can now be case insensitive (can be switched on and off in the config.yml)

[ + ] Fixed a NPE that would be thrown if a head is wrongly set up, and is attempted to be dropped

[ + ] The error thrown when creating heads no longer prints its stacktrace as it is redundant.

[ + ] Crafted heads no longer need sellhead IDs, and thus will not be sellable

[ + ] A notice is made when HeadsPlus hooks its PAPI placeholders.

[ + ] Challenges for the elder guardian, ender dragon and wither have been nerfed so fewer heads are required to complete the challenges

[ + ] Fixed /hp profile returning its usage when used

[ + ] Fixed /hp headinfo view <Entity> mask being weird

[ + ] Added several challenge placeholders
(where CHALLENGE-ID is the ID of the challenge in the config, e.g. starter, BAT-1-crafting):

- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_header% (gets the header of the challenge shown on the challenge's item)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_name% (gets the actual name of the challenge used when a message is broadcasted saying the player has completed said challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_description% (the description of the challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_min-heads% (the minimum number of heads required to complete the challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_progress% (how many heads required the user has currently)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_difficulty% (the difficulty of the challenge, sometimes used to determine the rewards)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_type% (the type of head required to complete the challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_reward% (the reward string used in the challenge)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_completed% (if the challenge has been complete, may require some testing?)
- %headsplus_challenge_CHALLENGE-ID_xp% (how much XP is gained from it)

[ + ] Deprecated placeholder formats now send a warning into console, noting that they are intended to be deprecated soon. However, measures have been taken to ensure this only warns you once and won't flood your console, as important as it is.
----------, May 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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