HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

Smart Locale update
I said this would only take a day...

[ + ] Added smart-locale option in config.yml, allowing players to have their language set depending on the locale packet they send to the server and if it is available. If you have your own locale files, you can include those too, the plugin will recognize them and include them (this does not currently apply to variations of a language, e.g. English (US) and English (UK) will not go together and one of them is picked by the plugin).

[ + ] Added /hp locale <Language|"Refresh"> [Player name], allowing players to choose a fixed language. This is not added by default - to allow refreshing the locale, just add the permission " headsplus.maincommand.locale". To change it entirely and enforce it as a "hard" locale, use " headsplus.maincommand.locale.change". So make it so that others can change other players' languages, give them the permission " headsplus.maincommand.locale.others". When smart-locale is disabled, so is this command.

[ + ] Added support for PlaceholderAPI in HeadsPlus messages. Has not been tested yet.

[ + ] Messages from locale files can now be used in textmenus.yml and inventories.yml. The syntax for this is {msg_path.to.message}, and you'll be able to see a lot of examples in the configuration files themselves. This is mainly to support smart-locale and can be removed without having to worry about breaking the plugin if you don't need it.

[ + ] Added several new debugging lines.

[ + ] Thank you YouHaveTrouble for the multiple last-minute fixes on the Polish language for this update, I did have to rush a majority of the languages so feel free to correct me where needed.

[ + ] Renamed lolcat.yml to lol_us.yml

[ + ] Redid the ASCII art

[ + ] Probably a few other changes I've forgotten to mention

I am planning on concentrating more on performance for the next update, so let me know if smart-locale brings any strong blows to the server as well. I suspect it won't and have checked Paper timings, however, I haven't had anything from HeadsPlus. I'll also be working on HeadsPlusCREATION and also HP's own little website! Hopefully that'll motivate me to keep me updated - any more suggestions let me know, I'll be happy to include them!

Now I'm gonna sleep. Bye
----------, Jan 27, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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