Sale ✅ 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭕ SpecializedCrates ⭐ 25+ Custom Crate Animations ⭐ Create Custom Animations ✅ icon

Sale ✅ 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭕ SpecializedCrates ⭐ 25+ Custom Crate Animations ⭐ Create Custom Animations ✅ -----

ItemsAdder, MMOItems, Oraxen Supported! ⭐ Find Crates By Mining ✅ Save Items From In-Game To Rewards

  • Fixed duplication bug

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 18, 2025

  • Fixed hologram not spawning on 1.21.1

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 11, 2025

  • Fixed %specializedcrates_last_reward_[cratename]% placeholder
  • Fixed %specializedcrates_last_reward_name_[cratename]% placeholder

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 31, 2025

  • Lag fix with GiveKey command and minor adjustments

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 29, 2025

  • Fixed issues with multi crate (open command & too many lines error in chat)
  • Some additional small bug fixes

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 26, 2025

  • Fixed sound issue which resulted for minority of users for the plugin to not start

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 31, 2024

  • Added version support up to 1.21.4

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 30, 2024

  • Updated NBT API to a more recent version
  • Fixed the 'glow' setting, which was not working
  • Added inventory space check to open crate command
  • Fixed Particle issue with 1.8.x
  • Updated XSeries to v11.3.0
  • Fixed NPM while interacting with crates
  • Added a basic anti-dupe system for multi crate

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 19, 2024

  • Fixed FIREWORK entity for multi versions
  • Optimized #getOfflinePlayer in PlayerUtil
  • Fix a NBT issue causing stack to be null
  • Fixed Open sub-command issue with player name
  • Hide Enchant Item Flag fix for 1.21.1 Paper
  • Removed nbtapi dependency

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 7, 2024

  • Fixed issue with embedded resources not loading properly
  • Added support up to 1.21.1
  • Fixed issue with ParticleEffect (cross-version issue)
  • Fixed NBT API and updated to latest version
  • Fixed compatibility with 1.19.4+
  • Fixed the issue with Hide attribute item flag
  • Fixed key & crate disappearing into thin air
  • Fixed issue with Hide Attribute not working
  • Added KeyGiveEvent, called when a give is given.
  • Added "repeatChance" for rewards configuration
  • Fixed issue with rewards repeating in DiscoverAnimation
  • Fixed KeyUseEvent for Discord SRV
  • Added key click commands
  • Fixed a bug related to require NBT Tag for crate keys
  • Added the ability to use ListHistory for offline players
  • Fixed issue with repeatChance & maxRepeat
  • Fixed issue with Player Data while they're offline
  • Fixed CMI holograms not working properly with the plugin

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Aug 29, 2024

  • Fixed console error adding new items with the in game editor

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 4, 2024

  • Added support for 1.20.6 and 1.21

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 23, 2024

  • Added a crate rewards preview command to the plugin. /sc preview cratename {player} - player optional

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 10, 2024

  • Changed it so multicrate's don't "push" the player if they don't have the needed key to open the crate

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 4, 2024

  • Fixed "Can't open a CRAFTING inventory!" console error

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 22, 2024

  • Fixed shift opening crates opening too many crates making rewards drop on the ground
  • Fixed key removing issue

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 30, 2024

  • Fixed 1.20.2 plugin loading error
  • Added require key in hand
  • Added the above mentioned feature to the in game editor (config.yml -> key settings)
  • Added ability to use UUID on the player argument for the command *takekey*

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 23, 2024

  • Fixed custom animation reward giving issue

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 21, 2024

  • Added 1.20.4 support
  • Fixed rewards not being given out when spamming the esc button while opening custom animations

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 19, 2023

  • Fixed 1.20.2 adding new items causing plugin to disable

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 8, 2023

  • Added 1.20.2 support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 14, 2023

  • Fixed creating a new crate console error and disappearing after a restart for 1.13
  • Fixed takekey virtual key flag "-v" not working as intended

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Aug 3, 2023

  • Fixed issue with placeholders not working for DecentHolograms and CMI ( reminder available placeholders:
  • Fixed console error when player disconnects

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 27, 2023

  • Fixes towards API

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 26, 2023

  • Fixed 1.20 items not saving correctly through the in game editor
  • Fixed console error when reward preview items would have the configuration "glow" in them

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 19, 2023

  • Added 1.20.1 support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 15, 2023

  • Added 1.19.4 support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 17, 2023

  • Fixed IN_ORDER_MULTIPAGE display type

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 3, 2023

  • Fixed console error with NBTItem
  • Fixed console error when clicking on a NPC crate

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 7, 2023

  • Fixed being able to take out rewards out of animation with mod clients

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 1, 2023

  • Fixed preview having x3 times the rewards added
  • Fixed plugin not loading for some users

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 30, 2023

  • Added a new default reward preview type - In_order_multipage. This creates a multipage preview screen that automatically fills in all of the available rewards. Best used to replace the in_order preview type when having more than 54 rewards.
  • Added sneaking-for-open-in-hand configuration to config.yml. This configuration works directly with the open-in-hand configuration which allows players to open a crate while holding it in hand by right clicking the air. Changes the feature to either require the player to be shifting when opening the crate this way or not.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 27, 2023

  • Fixed saving with drag and drop lore lines not transferring with colors
  • Fixed plugin enabling issue on 1.8

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 19, 2023

  • Fixed in game editor not working as intended with mod items

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 10, 2023

  • Fixed not being able to add new rewards with the in game editor if the rewards configuration section is missing from the file

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 5, 2023

  • Fixed console error when opening a custom animation on 1.14

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 4, 2023

  • Fixed in game editor reward's material changing configuration not working

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 28, 2022

  • Added final-panel-tick-length configuration for CSGO animation. This sets the tick delay between the won reward screen and the inventory closing (indicating the end of the animation)
  • Added an in game editor configuration section for the above mentioned configuration. Path: /sc config -> CrateConfig.yml -> CSGO Animation -> final-panel-tick-length

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 27, 2022

  • Fixed NBT NMS error on 1.19.3

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 21, 2022

  • Added 1.19.3 support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 16, 2022

  • Fixed plugin saving issue when one of the rewards is a mushroom cow spawn egg
  • Fixed plugin saving issue when one of the rewards is a zombie pigman spawn egg

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 5, 2022

  • Fixed %chance% placeholder being replaced with an incorrectly calculated chance

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 28, 2022

  • Fixed console error when end_actions.sound in custom animations is not set

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 24, 2022

  • Fixed console error when users leave the server
  • Fixed all action configurations not working when using a custom animation

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 23, 2022

  • Fixed when using the in-game editors drag and drop some rewards being overridden if their item name is the same as of one of the existing rewards. Example would be saving multiple enchantment books.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 22, 2022

  • Fixes to saving playerheads on 1.9-1.11 versions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 21, 2022

  • Fixed console error when end_actions.sound in custom animations is not set
  • Added wiki (not fully finished yet)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 18, 2022

  • Fixed console errors when using custom animations and having slots set as AIR symbols from the air_symbol configuration
  • Changed the symbol from selected random reward to random reward in custom animation animation_3 and animation_1
  • Fixed default configuration typo in configurations animation_6, animation_7, animation_8, animation_9, example_animation, great_box, lootbox_animation_1, nightmare_animation

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 17, 2022

  • Fixed not being able to move anything in containers after opening a custom animation

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 14, 2022

  • Fixes not being able to set the reward display type to a Zombie

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Nov 9, 2022

  • Fixes to QueuedCommand not working due to instance variable NPE.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 26, 2022

  • Improved in game editor when saving mod items

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 21, 2022

  • Fixed console error that happened when saving items with the in-game editor resulting in a server crash

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 18, 2022

  • Fixed animation skipping not working for hardcoded animations
  • Fixed custom animations not giving out rewards

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 10, 2022

  • Removed inventory-name configurations character limit

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 4, 2022

  • Numerous fixes all over the plugin for 1.19 version

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 3, 2022

  • Tweaks to latest update
  • Fixed issue when converting files and a multicrate is present
  • Fixed last crate not converting properly
  • Fixed virtualcrates menu not opening custom animations

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 30, 2022

  • Fixed crate holograms being offset since the DecentHolograms-2.5.3 version

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 27, 2022

  • Fixed console error when reloading the plugin on server version 1.8

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 24, 2022

  • Improvements to the converter from v2 to v3

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 22, 2022

  • Fixed give-configurated-item values not being transferred over when converting from v2 to v3

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 21, 2022

  • Fixed console error when opening a custom animation on 1.12.2

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 20, 2022

  • Fixed when sudo'ing a player to execute the crates claim command, any open inventory would possibly drop its contents on the ground

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 19, 2022

  • Fixed sc forceopen command not working for non custom yml animation crates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 18, 2022

  • Fixed Lucky Chests spawning without custom player head skin

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 18, 2022

  • Fixed plugin not loading for 1.8-1.16 unless the user would remove animation_9 file

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 16, 2022

  • Fixed using the in game editor EDIT EVERYTHING function, the item name not being transferred
  • Fixed particle type REDSTONE for crate animations not working for 1.19

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 15, 2022

  • Fixed converter from v2 to v3 not transferring over give-display-item configurations
  • Fixed 1.8 plugin loading error with firework rewards

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 15, 2022

  • Vastly improved plugin loading and reloading time

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 14, 2022

  • Fixes to saving playerheads on 1.9-1.11 versions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 14, 2022

  • Fixed Fallback rewards not working
  • Added a new configuration fallback-reward.value -> if set to true the reward won't be visible in the reward preview as well as it won't be possible to win that reward (only by it getting picked as a fallback reward).
  • Added new configuration to the in game editor regarding the above mentioned feature located in the fallback reward settings of a reward

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 12, 2022

  • Fixed Console error exception when using the block open animation

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Aug 27, 2022

  • Fixed NMS error on 1.11

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Aug 26, 2022

  • Tweaks to internal file handling

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Aug 24, 2022

  • Fixed hologram alignment issue with HolographicDisplays

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Aug 18, 2022


Please mind that the SpecializedCrates jar uploaded to this winrar is a Beta V3 version,
although many fixes were done it may still not be stable for production servers,
make sure to test it out throughtly and decide on your own.

V3 as a reminder introduces the ability to use customly made animations and brings in a lot of new animations by default.
V3 also AUTOMATICALLY CONVERTS V2 TO V3 REWARDS FILE, so make sure to have a backup ready just in case!
This means that if you were using the V2 version of the plugin (Example SpecializedCrates-2.30.0) your rewards file won't be the main
rewards file, rather each reward will go individually to the crates file itself.

Depending on the results and stability of V3, we are likely to update the V2 version of the plugin to 1.19.2 too, so users can choose
wether to use the more stable V2 or the new V3.

  • Added 1.19.2 support
  • Nullpointer Exception fixes
  • Lucky Chest permission configuration default being set to true

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Aug 15, 2022

  • Added 1.19 support to the stable V2 version (1.19 support for the pre-release V3 version will be coming later)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 28, 2022

  • Fixed drag and drop feature not functioning as intended

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 20, 2022

  • Possible fixes towards some characters turning to "?"

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 19, 2022

  • Fixed 2 console errors when converting the files from V2 to beta V3
  • Fixed in game editor when changing animation in game console error

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 14, 2022

  • Fixed not reward related items showing up when in the preview reward selector
  • Fixed rewards not being given in custom animations if the reward is very simple (Example - default diamonds with nothing set to them)
  • Fixed rewards not being after removing them with the in game editor, saving and reloading (rewards were being brought back)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 12, 2022

  • Fixed console error when end_actions.sound in custom animations is not set

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 10, 2022

  • Fixed plugin startup error

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 9, 2022

  • Changed crate rewards to be saved in individual crate files rather than in the standalone Rewards.yml file. It is recommended for live servers to wait until the "Preview" version is dropped (for the official 3.0.0 release)
The rewards converting process is automatic.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 7, 2022

  • Fixed hologram updating issue with holographic displays

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 5, 2022

  • Improvements to custom animations

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 4, 2022

  • Fixed multicrate shift clicking opening crates taking away a single key and not giving out any rewards
  • Fixed plugin loading issue on 1.8 due to 1.13+ materials being used in some default custom animations
  • Fixed console error when missing the debug value

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 3, 2022

  • Fixed issue with multicrates giving an extra reward
  • Changed default crate files animations to original ones

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 2, 2022

  • Fixed animation_7 not loading due to a missed space
  • Fixed some 1.18 materials not working

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 1, 2022

  • Fixed plugin loading issue with the latest version

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, May 1, 2022

Pre-release of the v3 SpecializedCrates release, Pre release tag will be held for a week.

  • Added 17 new animations
  • Added an animation builder - you can now configure and create crate animations yourself

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 30, 2022

  • Fixed issue where players could take out rewards from an animation
  • Fixed issue that didn't allow players to use economy when opening crates.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 24, 2022

  • Fixes to saving playerheads on 1.9-1.11 versions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 23, 2022

  • Fixed a console error when saving spawn eggs with the in game editor

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 18, 2022

  • Fixed not being able to open the messages configurator in the in game editor
  • Added a second page to the messages configurator in the in game editor

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 16, 2022

  • Fixed physical keys not being recognized when trying to open virtual crates
  • Fixed issue that let players send more virtual keys than they had
  • Fixed not being able to set rewards/keys etc. display name through the in game editor

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 13, 2022

  • Added configuration option to specify the maximum amount of keys a player can use when shift click opening (config option "max-shift-click-opening").
  • Fixed the issue where the configuration option "shift-click-open-all" did not have an effect on virtual crates.
  • Made optimizations to opening crates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 12, 2022

  • Added the ability for players to be able to open crates via right-clicking with a crate in their hand. This feature can be removed by setting the new config setting "open-in-hand" to false.
  • Changed it so where players have to shift and right click to open a chest in their hand instead of just right-clicking. This prevents players from opening crates on accident.
  • Fixed multi crate opening when holding the crate in hand and you try to open it.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 11, 2022

  • Added configuration option to specify the maximum amount of keys a player can use when shift click opening (config option "max-shift-click-opening").
  • Fixed the issue where the configuration option "shift-click-open-all" did not have an effect on virtual crates.
  • Made optimizations to opening crates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 10, 2022

  • Added %reward% placeholder to reward commands, it will be replaced with the rewards custom name.
  • Added the ability for lucky crates to be directly given to the player instead of spawned (configurable option [path in config.yml: luckychest-give-chest-item-instead ]).
  • Fixed error that occurred when you tried to preview a crate with a multicrate key in your hand.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 7, 2022

  • Fixed players unable to move items in their inventory after shift click opening virtual crates.
  • Fixed items dropping on the floor when you shift-click to open virtual crates and your inventory is full
  • Fixed when shift opening crates, the amount of crates opened is depended on the amount of items you had in your hand

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Apr 5, 2022

  • Fixed custom preview menu editor not opening

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 31, 2022

  • Fixed Items dropping on the floor when inventory is full & the opener is shift-right clicking chest with key
  • Fixed issue that prevented players from opening the messages menu.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 30, 2022

  • Fixed the issue that caused the placing of crates to just be regular chests instead of crates.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 23, 2022

  • Fixes to QueuedCommand not working due to instance variable NPE.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 23, 2022

  • NBT Tag fixes - all newly saved custom items should be working fine now
  • Added support to ItemsAdder
  • Added support to MMOItems
  • Added exitpreviewitem configuration editing to the in game editor
  • Added TakeKey command (its permission is "specializedcrates.take") works both for physical and virtual keys
  • Added option to edit the "left click preview" option in the in game editor
  • Added new aliases to /sc virtualcrates - "/sc vc", "/sc vcrates", "/sc virtualc", "/sc vcs"
  • Added option to open all keys at once within the virtual crates menu

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 20, 2022

  • Changed it so if the cooldown for a crate is less than 1 second, the "you have <1 second left in your cooldown" message does not show up anymore. Having less than 1 second of cooldown equates to 0 now.
  • Fixed shift clicking not working (multiple keys not being used on the opening)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 16, 2022

  • Tweaks to NBTAPI

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 8, 2022

  • Added 1.18.2 support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 5, 2022

  • Removed the "this crate can't be previewed message"

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 3, 2022

  • Fixed custom item attributes not being saved when using drag and drop

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 1, 2022

  • Fixed minechests spawning when mining in protected land
  • Fixed crate block item not being removed from inventory in world guard protected areas
  • Fixed CustomCrafting items not working when saving through the in game editor

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Mar 1, 2022

  • Values (like "left-click-key-preview") that are not found in the configuration file are now automatically saved to crate configuration files. You may find that there are new entries at the bottom of your crate configuration files. This is normal.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 28, 2022

  • Added an option that allows you to choose the hologram plugin you want SpecializedCrates to use (add the entry "hologram-handler: <value>" to your config.yml). If this value isn't specified, the plugin will look for any of it's supported hologram handlers such as DecentHolograms, CMI, etc.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 28, 2022

  • Fixed reward dupe bug regarding crate cooldowns

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 27, 2022

  • Changed key left click preview is now per crate and not a global setting.
  • Added possibility - You can now give yourself a reward in the reward menu if you shift-click the item.
  • Changed it so when you are trying to add a shulker box reward to your specified crate, the shulker box will have it's reward contents in the lore.
  • Changed it so shulker boxes in the rewards menu now show the contents/rewards that are inside of it via the lore.
  • Added a new message to the enum: Messages#PLACING_DYNAMIC_CRATE_INCORRECTLY.
  • Fixed issue where a hologram would spawn in the place of where a crate was placed, but worldguard cancelled the spawning of the crate (meaning hologram shouldn't have been spawned)
  • Fixed console error when the reward preview of a crate hadn't any rewards set to it

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 27, 2022

  • Fixed DecentHolograms bug with it reloading the DecentHologram crate upon opening crates and spawning in more holograms

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 25, 2022

  • Changed it so you now can't rename an item to a SpecializedCrates key via essentials.
  • Fixed the NPE that occurred in Reward#giveRewardToPlayer on Paper 1.18.1(null Reward object).
  • Added the message CANT_RENAME_ESSENTIALS to the Messages.yml config as well as the enum.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 18, 2022

  • Fixed duplication bug involving virtual crates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 14, 2022

  • Fixed CrateOpen animation not opening the chest in 1.17-1.18

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 13, 2022

  • Fixes to citizens npcs

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Feb 7, 2022

  • Fixed DecentHolograms issues

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 31, 2022

  • Crate placeholders have been reworked

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 22, 2022

  • Fixes to FireworkStars and regular Fireworks while saving with the in game editor

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 17, 2022

  • Fixed console error on 1.13 regarding customModelData rewards
  • Fixed minor issue with crate actions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 15, 2022

  • Fixed issues regarding the placing, and destroying of crates
  • Fixed setting the mob type via the essentials menu
  • Fixed saving of display.type property in CrateSettings#saveIndividualValues

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jan 13, 2022

  • Fixed again decentholograms crates holograms not working when holographicdisplays plugin is not on the server

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 16, 2021

  • Fixed decentholograms crates holograms not working when holographicdisplays plugin is not on the server
  • Added “/sc setcrate <crateName>” command - sets the block the user is looking at to be the specified crate

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 15, 2021

  • Fixed some issues regarding particle errors
  • Added support for DecentHolograms plugin to be used as the main holograms plugin

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 12, 2021

  • Fixed console error regarding particle animations
  • Fixed error when reloading the plugin with NPC crates
  • Added /sc open <crate> {player} command, for the command without {player} specification (command will open the crate for the command executor) permission : "specializedcrates.openindividual" ; permission for the command with specifying who will open the crate ""

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 6, 2021

  • Added support for 1.18

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Dec 3, 2021

  • Fixed plugin loading issues on some servers which are using old java instances

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 20, 2021

  • Fixed some issues regarding NBT tags
  • Fixed coloring issues

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Oct 14, 2021

  • Improved plugin performance that was caused by particle handing for static crates
  • Changed replacing of special characters ruining some hex codes when saving the item

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 6, 2021

  • Fixed mysql loading issue on latest plugin version

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Sep 6, 2021

  • Added cooldown-per-location configuration to individual crates. This setting when set to true bypasses the enabled cooldown setting for the crate and only sets the cooldown for the crate block that the crate was opened at, meaning if two of the same crate's are next to each other, both will have unique cooldowns (dependent on when they were opened)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Aug 4, 2021

  • Changed priority for internal item building regarding base64 texture and NBT tags. Previously old NBT tags would change the existing texture despite base64 texture value being set

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 29, 2021

  • Fixes to some 1.17 materials causing console errors for crate items

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 29, 2021

  • Fixed potions not being given with multiple effects if such settings are applied to the item
  • Fixed drag and drop not saving multiple effects for potions with multiple effects

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 28, 2021

  • Added %cooldown% placeholder to Messages.yml
  • Replaced %days% %hours% etc placeholders in default cooldown messages
  • Changed %cooldown% placeholder to not include time values if the time's value is equal to 0, meaning that it will no longer show 3 hours, 0 minutes, 50 seconds but rather 3 hours, 50 seconds

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 26, 2021

  • Fixed minecrates not being removed instantly after being opened in protected grounds set by lands plugin

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 25, 2021

  • Fixed custom textured crate skulls not having texture on 1.9-1.12 server versions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 24, 2021

  • Fixed plugin startup error on 1.17, 1.17.1 no changes made

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 23, 2021

  • Fixed crate rewards special rarity opening sounds not playing on 1.10-1.11 versions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 22, 2021

  • Fixed and polished latest update which fixes 1.17 issues when saving custom textured heads via drag and drop

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 21, 2021

  • Fixed player head textures being not saved on 1.17 server version

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 20, 2021

  • Internal improvements within the rewards, fixes for linked and shucker items

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 20, 2021

  • Fixed shulker box connected items being reset

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 19, 2021

  • Improved reward processing in means for performance

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 18, 2021

  • Fixed plugin loading issues for 1.8-1.10 versions after latest plugin update regarding shulkerboxes

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 17, 2021

  • Fixed shulkerboxes when being saved via drag and drop not saving its contents to the reward, meaning that once won the shulkerbox would have no items in it

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 17, 2021

  • Fixed SQL connecting issues

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 16, 2021

  • Fixed plugin not loading on older java systems

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 15, 2021

  • Changes to mine crate spawning checks

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 14, 2021

  • Fixed BLOCK_CRATEOPEN not closing the chest after the animation ends

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 14, 2021

  • Fixed plugin not enabling issue
  • Added max-opening-same-time configuration setting to config.yml ; This sets a limit to what should be the max amount of crates that can be opening at the same time
  • Added max-crate-opening-same-time configuration to Messages.yml to be the message that is sent out once the limit has been reached

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 11, 2021

  • Fixed latest versions of EliteEnchantments enchants not being saved via drag and drop

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 10, 2021

  • Fixed NBT reward loading error
  • Added 1.17.1 Support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 8, 2021

  • Updated how time is formatted, from example "02 days" to "2 days", "09 hours" to "9 hours" etc

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 5, 2021

  • Fixed XMaterial error when searching for mod item materials

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jul 1, 2021

  • Fixed block_crateopen animation not working on mine crates
  • Fixed block_crateopen animation not opening chest (causing error) on 1.17

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 30, 2021

  • Fixed Mod items support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 29, 2021

  • Updated XSeries to better support 1.17

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 26, 2021

  • Fixed CMI hooking issues when using newer versions on older minecraft server jars

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 25, 2021

  • Fixed CMI plugin holograms not being registered since CMI 9.0.0 version

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 24, 2021

  • Fixed crate holograms sometimes not being removed (causing console error) after disabling the plugin

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 22, 2021

  • Fixed incorrect formatting in the ActiveCrates.db file causing the plugin not to load on server startup

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 21, 2021

  • Fixed NBT console error to some rewards on the 1.17 version

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 20, 2021

  • Added plugin support for 1.17

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 20, 2021

  • Fixed pixelmon (mod) item error causing plugin not to launch
1.17 support coming this weekend

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 18, 2021

  • Fixed 1.7 server version NBT reward error

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 10, 2021

  • Added Java 16 support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord
----------, Jun 9, 2021

  • Fixed console error when closing a crate preview in virtual crates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Jun 8, 2021

  • Performance update to Lucky crates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Jun 8, 2021

  • Fixed error for 1.8 servers which was causing for some users for the plugin not load

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Jun 4, 2021

  • Added %specializedcrates_last_reward_name_[cratename]% placeholder to holograms above crates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Jun 2, 2021

  • Improvements to block breaking listener

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Jun 1, 2021

  • NMS changes to particles in particle animations

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 30, 2021

  • CustomModelData issues fixed

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 29, 2021

  • Changed default guaranteed rewards example configuration value to false as it may raise confusion with new users

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 29, 2021

  • Fixed flatfile-save-interval counting in ticks rather than seconds

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 28, 2021

  • Added guaranteed-reward configuration option to rewards Screenshot_25.png

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 27, 2021

  • Improvements to reflections

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 27, 2021

  • Fixed some issues with using vault and keys

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 26, 2021

  • Internal improvements to virtual keys

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 25, 2021

  • Fixed when a user opens a crate's contents (from the /crate menu), then clicks escape, an error happening

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 24, 2021

  • NMS particle improvements

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 23, 2021

  • Fixed key issues causing a open chest animation error in the recent version

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 22, 2021

  • Fixed crate always taking economy first even though player has a key to open the crate

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 22, 2021

  • Fixed in-game editor console error on 1.8-1.12 versions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 21, 2021

  • Added an in-game editor configurating button for crate setting essentials - require-key-or-economy configuration

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 20, 2021

  • Added require-key-or-economy configuration value as to when set to true the plugin will check if a player has a key to the crate, if so it will not take the money, otherwise it will only require for the player to have eco to be able to open the crate (not both as when set to false)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 20, 2021

  • Internal changes with Vault

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 19, 2021

  • Added a message for when a player opens a crate using money notifying the player that a set sum was used to open the crate. Message is configurable in the Messages.yml file

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 18, 2021

  • Internal Lucky Chest (Mine Crates) changes

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 18, 2021

  • Tweaks to Dynamic Crate type

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 17, 2021

  • Fixed MineCrates by default require a permission even though none have been set in the crate config file
  • Fixed pigman spawn egg material not being recognized in 1.13-1.15 versions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 16, 2021

  • Removed GUI flickering on reward preview close

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 16, 2021

  • Fixed Errors when using Lucky Crates
  • Fixed Block List not working for Lucky Crates in the in game editor

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 15, 2021

  • Fixed console error when creating new crate
  • Fixed TextChangeAnimation console error when the text is empty
  • Fixed NBT console error while in the Rewards in game editor menu clicking on empty slots
  • Fixed console error on mine crates when the chance is set to 0

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 15, 2021

  • NPC changes with Citizens plugin

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 14, 2021

  • Fixed NMS particle issues for 1.8

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 13, 2021

  • Fixed XSeries hooking into other plugins classes and sometimes using outdated classes resulting in errors

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 12, 2021

  • Changed settings in /sc config preview builder

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 11, 2021

  • Fixed %key% placeholder being replaced to the crate's name rather to the crate's key's item's name

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 10, 2021

  • Internal changes to NBT

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 9, 2021

  • Fixed latest update causing an error for some of the spigot forks

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 8, 2021

  • Fixed multicrate in game GUI editor causing an error due to NBT checks

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 8, 2021

  • Fixed titles and subtitles not working for 1.7-1.12

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 6, 2021

  • Changed sounds previously only accepting integer values for volume and pitch configurations to float values

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 5, 2021

  • Internal changes to NPCs

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 4, 2021

  • Added new reward configurations for the in game editor

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 3, 2021

  • Added protection from WildTools Cuboid tool-mode removing the crates when mined a block next to them. Useful in particular to when combined with Mine Crates (Lucky Chests)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, May 2, 2021

  • Fixed EcoEnchants some of the enchants not registering

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 29, 2021

  • Added %rarity% placeholder to crate actions to display a rewards rarity

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 27, 2021

  • Added Base64 texture support to player heads

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 27, 2021

  • Internal player management changes on plugin disable

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 26, 2021

  • Improvements to internal NBT key handling

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 25, 2021

  • Added an exit special item to custom preview menu on user suggestion

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 24, 2021

  • Improvements to internal NPC handling

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 24, 2021

  • Fixed Dynamic Crates not being used up when placing in protected lands / world regions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 23, 2021

  • Fixed players receiving the message "You have received 0x keys" (when the received amount is 0)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 22, 2021

  • Changes to internal potion effect saving

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 22, 2021

  • Fixed Success messages not being sent to executing command players

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 21, 2021

  • Added a possibility to make End Crystals as crates for versions 1.9-1.16, this features support for 1.8 will be added later

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 20, 2021

  • Added a possibility to make End Crystals as crates for versions 1.9-1.16, this features support for 1.8 will be added later

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 20, 2021

  • Fixed hex colors very rarely adding multiple '&' to names/holograms

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 19, 2021

  • Added an automatic hex color conversion to item lores when the crate file is being saved

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 18, 2021

  • Added an automatic hex color code conversion to file when saving / making new rewards

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 18, 2021

  • Fixed additional nbt tags being added to crates / keys after saving the crate file. (Any unnecessary back-end nbt tags will be automatically removed on the next crate file save)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 17, 2021

  • Added user requested feature - console-gets-status-messages configuration value to config.yml. With this setting set to false the console will not receive status (Success / Error) messages after sending commands in console. Useful for not having the console flooded with messages if a lot of the crates have commands to give away keys in crates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 17, 2021

  • Fixed issue with AdvancedEnchantments custom enchantment book

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 16, 2021

  • Added auto tab-complete commands for console

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 14, 2021

  • Fixed crates not working and throwing a console error for older server versions when being placed as a crate block without a custom name set to the item

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 14, 2021

  • Fixed Dynamic Crates with GiveKey animation and auto-close setting being false the crates bugging out and completely not working

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 13, 2021

  • Fixed a bug with which it is possible to infinitely open crates. The bug won't be disclosed in the update log to prevent any abuse. If information on the bug is needed and you have bought the plugin you are free to message me about it.

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 12, 2021

  • Fixed SQL not working if there is no present hologram plugin for the plugin as the plugin, after being loaded, reloads itself in search for the hologram plugin. This is a fix for /sc reload too, as this command uses the same reload method

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 11, 2021

  • Added a %key% placeholder which changes to the crates key's display name for Messages.yml on user request

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 10, 2021

  • Changed some settings in the default configs

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 10, 2021

  • Fixed Hex color issues with item saving / adding '&' characters to key names
  • Fixed key not working after doing /sc reload when the key has hex color

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 9, 2021

  • Fixed dependencies not hooking properly to the plugin for some users

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 8, 2021

  • Fixed crates breaking when the worlds name has a dot character in the name

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 7, 2021

  • Lowered the default pitch value by multiple user request

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 6, 2021

  • Added linked rewards. This means you can now crate a reward that gives out multiple rewards at the same time (as if its a kit consisting of custom made other rewards) Reward example has been added as a default reward to Rewards.yml
Example of such reward:

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 5, 2021

  • Fixed plugin not loading for older spigot versions (ex: 1.8.1)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 4, 2021

  • Fixed placed crates not being recognized as crates if they don't have a custom name set to them (crates given via "/sc givecrate" command)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 4, 2021

  • Added a check to see if lucky chests are enabled or not, if the following, it will save server resources on not keeping track of placed blocks

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 3, 2021

  • Added require-key-NBT configuration value to config.yml (default set to false), this setting gives the most security to keys for any remaking possibilities (Be careful setting this setting to true as if you still have keys in your world from old versions those keys will no longer work)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 2, 2021

  • Fixed rewards rarity when won sound issue

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Apr 1, 2021

  • Fixed 2 premade NBT tags being applied to SC crates and keys by default (rather than 1)
  • Small optimizations

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 31, 2021

  • Fixed in game editor freezing when adding custom potions on older versions

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 30, 2021

  • Optimized reflections for particles

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 29, 2021

  • Fixed particle issue for versions 1.8-1.10

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 28, 2021

  • Fixed vanilla enchantments loading issue

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 27, 2021

  • Fixed /sc config errors with missing configurations

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 26, 2021

  • Fixed Quick_Charge enchantment not being recognized in the plugin

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 26, 2021

  • Changed Hex color code formatting for [ffffff] to [#ffffff], apologies if this will cause any temporary issues / configurating again, but this will save any unintended text being translated with the new formatting

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 25, 2021

  • Added Hex color code support to the plugin

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 24, 2021

  • Plugin API changes

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 23, 2021

  • Fixed latest update not working properly, apologies to all and any inconveniences

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 23, 2021

  • Added require-key-enchants to config.yml on user request. - Once enabled, the plugin checks if the keys enchants match the crate's enchants

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 22, 2021

  • Added some missing error messages

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 22, 2021

  • Fixed compatibility issues with a custom Spigot jar

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 21, 2021

  • Improved player data storage inside the plugin performance wise

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 21, 2021

  • Added new placeholder - "%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_total%" to PlaceholderAPI

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 20, 2021

  • Fixed FLATFILE interval save feature not working

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 19, 2021

  • Added missing class check

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 19, 2021

  • Added NBT tag to keys, so in the future there would be NBT protection for keys (in replication stopping purposes)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 18, 2021

  • Added NBT protection so crate blocks couldn't be replicated (when placed)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 18, 2021

  • Added missing PAPI support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 17, 2021

  • Added EcoEnchants enchantments support

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 16, 2021

  • Fixed a typo in a particle type making it not work

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 16, 2021

  • Fixed console command errors

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 15, 2021

  • Backend player handling changes

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 15, 2021

  • Fixed packet issue with particles for 1.8-1.10

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 14, 2021

  • Fixed scrates command not working in console
  • Plugin performance updates

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 14, 2021

  • Fixed a memory leak for Lucky Chests

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 12, 2021

  • Fixed NMS issue for BLOCK_CRATEOPEN animation
  • Added an ignore-cooldown-permission configuration value to individual crate files on user request.

    I remind that people are free to suggest new features/animations to the plugin in the discord down below :)

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 12, 2021

  • Performance update

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 11, 2021

  • Players in adventure mode will now be able to check the contents (possible rewards) of the crate
  • Upped holograms y by 1 block

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 10, 2021


Hello dear SpecializedCrates community,

Ztowne13 has kindly given me the opportunity to further take care of this plugin and I will do my best to live up to the plugins name!
As some may have noticed, the SpecializedCrates discord server has been removed, so I kindly invite everyone to join my public discord server:
I also worry that after all this time people could have experienced some bugs, so you all are welcome to report them in the same discord server by making a ticket in this channel:
All support for this plugin will also be given only in tickets in the channel mentioned above.



  • Added a recognition system for enchantments. Now users will be able to write such enchants like PROTECTION rather than

Note: If you have any bugs that need to be fixed or features that you wish to be added please open a ticket in the plugins public discord or add me directly: PM2#5811
----------, Mar 9, 2021

» New Features

Added support for 1.16 materials
+ Added support for 1.16 entities for NPC/Mob crates

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue introduced in v2.12.6 that caused lag when using the FLATFILE data handler.
----------, Jun 27, 2020

» Changes

If a crate has no rewards and is attempted to be opened, it will now show an error message.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an error in console when invalid item names were used
+ Fixed an issue that caused 2 of the same crate to load
+ Fixed disabled crates still working in multicrates
+ Fixed disabled crates still being openable
+ Updated the messaged shown to admins when a crate is disabled
+ Fixed an issue that allowed crates in a multicrate to be opened when inside the preview menu
----------, Jun 22, 2020

» New Features

+ Added COMMAND and PRE_COMMAND actions so that commands can be run when opening a crate without having to add it manually to each reward

» Changes

Updated actions in-game config menu to have better placeholder items and descriptions of each value.
+ Changed some event priorities to address some issues with world protection plugins
+ Removed requirement to have a crate hologram when using Holograms by SaintX
+ Changed the SQL to now make the initial database connection asynchronous to prevent server crashes when invalid SQL data was entered (note: all database reads/writes have always been asynchronous, it was only the initial connection that remained synchronous)
+ Removed default to FLATFILE data handler if SQL did not load properly so that administration would be aware that the database didn't load properly
+ 'loading-from-database' message now cancels opening the chest
+ Updated CrateOpenEvent to get called once with the quantity of crates instead of individually, numerous times for shift-click to open all

» Bug Fixes

Fixed issue with virtual keys not saving properly especially with larger amounts of people online (so so sorry...)
+ Fixed permission check for multicrates not working
+ Fixed inventory check for mulicrates not working
+ Fixed animation skipping not working with multicrates
+ Fixed SQL port not working
+ Fixed items occasionally not loading properly
----------, Jun 10, 2020

» New Features

Added CrateOpenEvent to the (nonexistent) plugin API. There is now a plugin API consisting of only this event.

» Changes

+ Disabled NBT Tags for writable books for the meantime because they were causing issues and were challenging to fix.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where removing crates from the multi-crate editor in-game wouldn't work
+ Fixed some issues with various NBT Tags not working with custom potion effects, shulkers with custom items, etc.
+ Fixed an error in console if an inventory title was too long
+ Fixed an issue with color codes not saving properly on some servers
----------, May 17, 2020

» New Features

Multicrates to now support names, enchantments, etc. using the same format as rewards/crates. The old format should automatically convert to the new format.
+ Added sorting ability to in-game config rewards.yml menu and the reward adder for crates. Just click the hopper in the top right hand corner of either menu to sort the rewards by creation, alphabetically, or by chance.
+ Added 'use-crate-name-for-display' value to config.yml that, when set to true, all %crate% variables will be replaced with the crate item's name opposed to simply the crate's file name (this allows you to use custom names for your crates in most messages)

» Changes

Improved %chance% placeholder to support displaying chances that have a lesser chance that 0.01% (because before, anything lower would just show 0.00%)
+ Updated Messages.YML to reflect chances to the %crate% change
+ Re-enabled colors for messages/commands in console

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue causing some materials to save improperly (i.e. stone saving as andesite slab instead)
+ Fixed an error that prevented editing rewards in-game if a crate was loaded improperly
+ Fixed an issue that caused holograms to stay when a DYNAMIC crate with require-key set to false was placed (and, inevitably, opened)
+ Fixed an issue with metrics in 1.8
----------, May 16, 2020

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused NBT tag lists to not work.
----------, May 11, 2020

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that prevented the creation of new rewards in-game
----------, May 9, 2020

» New Features

Added 'fallback-reward.permission' and 'fallback-reward.reward-name' values to rewards. When both of those values are set to something and a player has the fallback-reward.permission permission, they will receive the fallback-reward.reward-name reward instead of the reward they've won. (Also added to the in-game config)
+ Added the 'lucky-chest.require-permission' value to crates. When set to true, players won't find crates unless they have the crate's permission. (Also added to the in-game config)
+ When a reward menu is opened from a multicrate, and then closed, it will now reopen the multicrate instead of just closing the inventory.

» Changes

Updated default denied-use-crate message

» Bug Fixes

Fixed a duplication glitch with multicrates if you close the inventory and shift-clicked an item out simulatenously
+ Fixed an issue that was thrown into console when reloading, occasionally.
+ Fixed DYNAMIC crates not opening immediately when placed
+ Fixed STATIC crates being placeable even without the proper permissions
----------, May 9, 2020

» New Features

Added %key% placeholder to the 'fail-open' message in the Messages.yml

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue of placing crates sometimes not being cancelled properly
+ Fixed an issue that caused creating new crates to work
+ Fixed an issue that caused the reward preview menu type to not sav e
----------, May 6, 2020

» New Features

Added a LOT of missing NPC mobs from 1.8-1.15 versions.
+ Added the 'left-click-key-preview' value to the config.yml which, when enabled, allows left-clicking a key anywhere in the world to open the reward preview menu for that crate.
+ Added 'reward-displayer.require-key-permission' value to the crate configuration and in-game config for crates. When set to true, it requires that the user have the crate permission to preview the rewards, in addition to simply opening the crate.
+ Added the %amount% placeholder for the 'receive-key' and 'receive-virtual-key' messages that displays the amount of keys they were given.
+ Added the %nickname% placeholder for all ACTIONS and reward holograms to show the player's nickname.
+ Added many aliases to the existing action/reward hologram placeholders.
+ Added the /scrates toggleparticles command which temporarily disables all particles from the crates until reload/restart.
+ Added a plethora of command aliases (such as /scrates c - scrates config, /scrates e - scrates edit, /scrates gk - scrates givekey, etc.)

» Changes

NPCs no longer delete and respawn ever reload/restart. They remain placed which means that they can be modified with traits, etc. and they will persist through reload/restart.
+ Updated the IGC config.yml editor to be a bit nicer.
+ NPCs/Mobs now spawn one block lower to more accurately reflect where they'll end up.
+ Deleting a reward in the Rewards.YML in-game config will also delete it from all crates it is in now.
+ Made hologram information in the in-game config less misleading.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused the inv-reward-item-lore value to not be editable in-game.
+ Fixed a dupe bug where if the "next page" button was clicked while the inventory was closed at the same time, it would open the "next page" but allow all items to be taken out.
+ Fixed a dupe bug where, if you shift-clicked and closed the preview menu fast enough, you would get to keep the item.
+ Fixed a bug in multicrates where permissions would be ignored.
+ Fixed a bug in multicrates where items could be taken out of the menu.
----------, May 3, 2020

» New Features

Added 1.15 support to all features
+ Added 1.15 blocks
+ Added the ability to create multicrates from in-game. Simply use the 'new crate' button as usual, and select multicrate instead of the classic crate!
+ Added /rewards command which is used /rewards [crate]. This allows you to open the reward preview menu for a specific crate. This is intended for players to use, not just admins. The permission is customcrates.rewards.
+ For the /rewards command, added the command-rewards-usage, command-rewards-opening, and command-rewards-invalid-crate messages to the Messages.YML.
+ Added %crate% placeholder to fail-open message so you can have a message like: "You do not have the proper key for the %crate%!"
+ Added /scrates forceopen [crate] [player] command to force a player to open a crate. It does not require them to have a key or the correct permissions. It (as it says in the name) forces the player to open the crate. This DOES work for 'all' players. Simply use /scrates forceopen [crate] all.
+ Added 'virtual-key-instead-of-drop' value to config.yml (also customizable in-game). When set to true, the player will be given a virtual key instead of the extra keys being dropped on the floor when their inventory is full.

» Changes

Fireworks launched from the crate no longer do damage.
+ Reconnecting 'error' no longer is put in the console when reconnecting.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused items to be shift-left or shift-right clicked into reward display inventories and animations.
+ Fixed an issue causing sounds to not be deleted when using the in-game config.
+ Fixed an issue causing the 'cost' editor in the in-game config to open when trying to edit the require-key value.
+ Fixed an issue that caused default messages when updating the plugin to not propagate immediately.
----------, Dec 19, 2019

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused the IGC for particles to not work at all.
----------, Nov 30, 2019

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused the unbreaking enchantment to not work if glow was set to false.
----------, Nov 28, 2019

» New Features

Added economy support using Vault. Use the 'cost' value in the crate's config file to specify the cost it is to open the crate. This works for normal opening, multi-crates, and shift-clicking to open all. AGAIN, this REQUIRES Vault.
+ Added the ability to color the REDSTONE, SPELL_MOB, SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT, and NOTE particles! To do this in-file, see the example below. Use the,, and values to specify the RGB of the color. (NOTE: The redstone only works on 1.13+)
+ Added ability to resize redstone particle. Use redstone-size to specify the redstone dust size.
Code (Text):

          type: REDSTONE
          range-x: 1.0
          range-y: 1.0
          range-z: 1.0
          speed: 0.01
          amount: 1
          animation: NONE
          center-x: 0.0
          center-y: 0.0
          center-z: 0.0
            red: 123
            green: 255
            blue: 0
            enabled: true
          redstone-size: 1
+ Added in-game config to all the coloring and redstone sizes.
+ Added ability to strip the display-name of an item when it's won as a reward similarly to how the lore can be stripped. Also added in-game config for this.

» Changes

Reload messages now display the time to reload in ms.
+ Reloads are no longer delayed and should be faster.
+ Added a little more detail to the reward displayer error in console.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused some crates to not load when placed in a different world (typically created with multiverse).
+ Fixed an issue that caused a sorta 'refresh' when selecting an item from a list selector in the in-game config.
+ Fixed an issue that caused some config.yml values to have their color stripped when inputted into the in-game config.
----------, Nov 24, 2019

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that spammed console with "failed to get nbt tag"
+ Fixed an issue that caused custom player heads (most notably using Head Database) to not work)
+ Fixed an issue that caused NBT Tag chains to not work - could only add tags like 'SkullOwner Ztowne13.' Now can add 'SkullOwner {id:'test',texture:'test'}', etc.
+ Fixed an issue that caused the drag and drop menu to not add the default lore to items.
+ Fixed an issue where creating a new particle effect wouldn't use the particle selector, it would use the outdated chat input menu.
----------, Nov 8, 2019

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused the unbreakable NBT Tag to not work in versions lower than 1.14
----------, Nov 4, 2019

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused Item Flags to not work (Especially HIDE_ENCHANTS).
----------, Nov 4, 2019


» New Features

+ Added support to add ANY item flags to an item. This is under the 'item-flags' value and works for rewards, crates, keys, etc.
+ Added support for item flags in-game.
+ Added (fixed, maybe) thorough NBT tag support (Advanced Enchantments works!) Also, this should allow the use of custom model data. Tags are formatted TYPE VALUE. So an example would be EntityType "Zombie" for a spawner or ae;blindness 1 for advanced enchantments enchant. Also, the IGC has been updated to support these.

» Changes

All reward items are now displayed under 'display-item' in the Rewards.YML instead of just being part of the reward (This is to make adding item-editing features a lot easier in the future).
+ Changed drag-and-drop rewards from defaulting 'give-lore' to true, instead of false.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused the plugin to fail to load if a placed crate was attempted to be created (by the plugin) in a world that no longer existed or never existed.
+ Fixed an issue causing spawn eggs to not work in 1.8
+ Fixed an issue causing the soft-depend to not work sometimes for holograms... (lol, why it did not work, I do not know.)
----------, Nov 3, 2019

» New Features

Added customization to the cooldown placeholder by adding 'placeholder-seconds,' 'placeholder-minutes,' 'placeholder-hours,' and 'placeholder-days' to the Messages.YML to customize the word that reflects those values. This is only for the %specializedcrate_cooldown_[crate]% placeholder.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused the crate-cooldown placeholder to broadcast random numbers into the chat.
+ Fixed an issue that caused /scrates edit {crate} to say 'invalid crate' even if the command executed successfully.
+ Even though spaces in reward names is frowned up, fixed an issue that caused rewards with spaces from being loaded properly into the preview menu.
----------, Oct 21, 2019

If you need any help setting up any of the new features, join the discord and ask for help!

» New Features

+ ADDED COMPLETE CUSTOMIZATION TO THE REWARD PREVIEW MENU! THIS INCLUDES MULTIPLE PAGE SUPPORT, ADDING REWARDS, ADDING ANY ITEMS (FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE LIKE REWARDS: NAME, LORE, ENCHANTS, ETC.) To see how to customize this, please look at it in the in-game config and read the "help" message that explains how to set it up.
+ Added all of this to be customized in the in-game config under the "Rewards" tab for that specific crate.
+ Added 4 preview menu types: in order, sorted high to low chance, sorted low to high chance and CUSTOM.
+ Added the ability to custom the reward preview menu inventory name.
+ Added a new list selector feature! Any lists (besides sounds or materials) are now click to select instead of having to type out the value you want! This includes selecting particles, particle animations, display type, Citizens v2 mob type, obtain type, animation type, hologram animation type, action type, and the (new) preview menu type. This should speed up in-game editing.

» Changes

Some big performance tweaks! Opening crates and especially opening mass amounts of crates should be far less resource or lag intensive.
+ Changed file encoding to UTF-8 so accented symbols and Chinese characters are supported!
+ Creating a crate in the in-game config now automatically sets a crate type and saves it to the folder so, when it's created, it's immediately ready-to-go.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed the drag and drop menu not saving the name of a reward correctly.
+ Fixed some placeholderapi bugs (occasionally not displaying a value).
+ Fixed an issue that caused the reward display menu to not work with NPCs
+ Fixed an issue causing there to be random white space at the end of an action that built up over time.
+ Fixed an issue causing a crate to not be able to be deleted if there was a qued command waiting for it.
----------, Oct 17, 2019

SORRY FOR THE SPAM IN UPDATES AND NOT ANY EXCITING FEATURES. Implementing a lot of this SQL support and connecting to external sources took a lot of effort. Relevant features that most of you will care about a lot more will come out soon!

» Changes

Changed a bit about how the fraud protection works.
----------, Oct 2, 2019

» New Features

+ Added anti-fraud protection. Should be absolutely no noticeable difference in any use cases! (Unless of course the plugin is being fraudulently used).

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue causing the SQL server to disconnect after a while if not in use, and it wouldn't reconnect.
----------, Oct 1, 2019

» New Features

+ Added MySQL support for cooldowns, virtual crates/keys, and player crate history! You must have your own SQL database but other than that it just works: creates the table for you and all. (NOTE: This feature is in beta. So it should work but there may be slight issues with it because there's only so much I can test on my own. Although I did do some rigorous testing.)
Few notes: All of the code is run in a different thread except the initial database connection. So, on startup, there may be a 1s lag but other than that it should have no effect on server performance.
+ Added 'loading-from-database' message which is displayed to players when they try to interact with a crate and their information hasn't yet been loaded from the database.
+ Added SQL.YML file which includes MySQL database login information.

» Changes

Few minor performance improvements
+ Renamed "The Defaults" to "The Essentials"
+ A few minor in-game config improvements
+ Moved hologram-offset from "The Essentials" to "Holograms" section of the config.

» Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue causing PRE actions to not work
+ Fixed reload button on the main menu of in-game config to not work
----------, Sep 30, 2019

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue causing the "crates" section of the in-game config to not open if there were no crates.
----------, Sep 28, 2019

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue causing the shift-click to open all to not work sometimes.
+ Fixed an issue causing people to put items into the reward display menu but not be able to take them out.
+ Fixed an issue causing spam in the console if a crate was set to have a hologram animation but didn't have any 'frames' set yet.
+ Fixed an issue causing the plugin to throw an error if a reward item type was "AIR."
----------, Sep 28, 2019

IGC = In-game configuration

» New Features

+ Added 'cover-block-name' to CrateConfig.YML and the IGC.
+ Added 'cover-block-lore' to CrateConfig.YML and the IGC
+ Added 'reward-block' to CrateConfig.YML and the IGC
+ Added 'reward-block-name' to CrateConfig.YML and the IGC
+ Added'reward-block-waiting-name' to CrateConfig.YML and the IGC
+ Added 'reward-block-unlock-name' to CrateConfig.YML and the IGC

Descriptions for all of these values are in the IGC, please check there for what they mean. (/scrates config -> CrateConfig.YML -> Discover Animation)
----------, Sep 23, 2019

I am officially back from summer! Updates should start coming out again... If you have any bugs and/or suggestions PLEASE join the discord and let me know! I and many others are very active on there.

» New Features

+ Rewards can now accept DECIMALS as chances! Before, when you had to make the chances higher for other rewards to make the chance smaller for one reward, now just set its chance to 0.1 or 0.01 or any decimal you'd like! Additionally, Config.YML and the in-game config now accept decimals for reward chances.
+ Added Placeholder API support! See the spoiler below for all the placeholders. Also, if your hologram plugin supports PlaceholderAPI, it will work in the crate hologram!
%specializedcrates_cooldown_[cratename]% - The remaining cooldown a player has on a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_[cratename]% - The number of virtual keys a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_crates_[cratename]% - The number of virtual crates a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_placedcrates% - The total number of placed crates on the server.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened% - The last crate the player opened.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened_rewards% - The last reward the player received.
%specializedcrates_last_player_[cratename]% - The last player to open the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_last_reward_[cratename]% - The last reward to be opened from the specified crate.
+ Added the ability to disable lucky chests from spawning when user-placed blocks are mined (additionally, added 'luckychest-allow-placed-blocks' to the Config.YML and in-game config for that). Note: It's only a deterrent. Placed block data is lost on server restart so that block-logging isn't a burden on server resources, but it should be a big enough deterrent!
+ Added shift-click to open ALL keys in hand or virtual keys. Note: this will skip the crate animation but will still play the OPEN fireworks, particles, and sounds.
+ Added 'confirm-open' and 'shift-click-confirm' values to in-game config . and Config.YML. These values determine whether the player is asked to confirm that they want to open the crate or confirm that they want to open all of the crates (respectively) by forcing them to click it again.
+ Added 'confirm-timeout' value to Config.YML which determines how long the confirmation request will timeout in, in seconds.
+ Added 'confirm-open' and 'confirm-open-all' messages to Messages.YML that are displayed when the player is asked to confirm opening a crate or all crates.
+ Can now use '/crates givekey/givecrate [crate] ALL -v' with virtual crates! (Can give a virtual crate/key to everyone online).
+ Can now tab-complete '-v' in the givekey and givecrate commands.
+ If a player's inventory is full (or fills up) when they're given a crate, key, reward, or are having items returned to their inventory from the drag and drop menu, the extras are now dropped on the floor instead of just being lost forever.
+ Added plugin metrics using bStats (

» Changes

Minor change to the format of /keys
+ Added success message for giving everyone online a crate/key
+ The in-game config now notes that the 'glow' value is the same as 'hide enchants'
+ GIVE_KEY animation now logs reward history

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue causing '[' and ']' to wrap the display name in all of the crate actions.
----------, Sep 21, 2019

UPDATE: I am still incredibly busy - I have about a month and a half left of camp/hiking... but I am really excited to get back to development on the plugin. So, just because nothing is getting fixed or added, don't fret - I will be getting to it when I get back to school! For now, a quick bugfix that people have been having issues with!

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused '[' and ']' to be around the reward hologram.
----------, Aug 14, 2019

» New Features

+ Added the ability to give the player the reward's display item instead of using kits/commands! If the value is nonexistent, it will default to "false" for both values so updating players have nothing to worry about. To do this, for each reward add the give-display-item.value and give-display-item.with-lore values... the give-display-item.value is a true/false value that means give the display item to the player when the reward is won, or not. The give-display item.with-lore value is also a true/false value that specifies whether or not to include the display-item's lore on the item. an example:
Code (Text):

  name: Diamond Sword
  chance: 3
  rarity: legendary
    value: true
    with-lore: false
+ Added the give-display-items to the in-game-config so that they can be configured in game!
+ Added the %player% placeholder for reward holograms.

» Changes

The config.yml place-creative and open-creative values now default to true instead of false (won't affect anyone who already has the plugin installed).
+ Drag and drop rewards / creating a new reward will automatically default to no commands in favor of setting the new give-display-item.value to true so that the display item is given instead and no further setup is required.
+ Commands are no longer required to have a proper reward set up (for those who only want the display-item given)

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused the in-game-config to display the reward-hologram value weirdly.
----------, Jun 11, 2019

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused an error on startup
+ Fixed an issue that caused that chat color to be stripped from action messages
----------, Jun 4, 2019

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that sometimes caused values typed into the in game config

Many many many people were having an issue where it would say that certain values were inputted improperly or were misformatted. As I expected, it was a conflict with a chat plugin. But thanks to starwarsfreak219 we have narrowed down the issue and fixed it! So the in game config should work fairly consistently now and not have that issue anymore!
----------, Jun 2, 2019

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an error on startup from the new PluginData.db file
----------, May 27, 2019

1.14+ IS OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED! It's been tested on a few servers now and everything seems to be working well!

» New Features

+ Added the capability for the /scrates givekey or /scrates givecrate command to work for offline players! It works no matter the command variation that is run. If a player is offline when the command is run, it will add it to a queue of commands to run for when the player rejoins the server. Works with virtual and physical crates/keys. (Note: a new file will appear called PluginData.db which will store the queued commands between reload and restart. Just ignore it)
+ The 'already-opening-crate' message was added to the Messages.YML. Previously, if a player tried to open a crate while already opening a crate, it would say they didn't have the proper key. Now it will play the 'already-opening-crate' message, which tells the player they can't open a crate until the other is finished opening.

» Changes

Disabled the update checker because it didn't work
+ While editing fireworks, adding a firework will return you to the in game config menu instead of waiting for 'done' to be typed.
+ Updated the messages.yml in the in game config display long messages on multiple lines instead of just cutting them off.
+ Dynamic crates no longer auto-disappear if they don't require a key (this feature will be added back in a different form later)

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed certain items not working in older versions of 1.8.8 which also prevented large portions of the in game config to not work
+ Fixed the "Discover" animation not working if no sound was set - it not works without a sound.
+ Fixed the in game config displaying the block list for minecrates as a "blacklist" when it should be displayed as a "whitelist"
+ Potentially fixed some issues with the in game config saying that a number is an invalid number, etc.
+ Fixed an issue when the discover animation would continue re-opening the inventory despite the fact it was already open.
+ Fixed the BLOCK_CRATEOPEN animation not working well with dynamic crates.
+ Fixed various other dynamic crate bugs
----------, May 27, 2019

This update should work! However it does support changes to allow for 1.14 and it's difficult to test everything - please submit any issues to me by personal message or discord!

» New Features

+ 1.14 Support! (Updated event usages, added new 1.14 materials, fixed the IGC not working)
+ Added a new format for cooldown messages! Instead of just %seconds% for an auto-formatted message, it must use %days%, %hours%, %minutes%, and %seconds% - this is to allow time formats in different languages! PLEASE UPDATE YOUR MESSAGES TO SUPPORT THIS NEW FORMAT!

» Changes

ALL Rewards are now loaded at startup as opposed to when they are being used in a crate
+ Removed 1.7 specific features

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue causing the Rewards.YML from working properly (reloading when it isn't supposed to and the back button not working)
+ Fixed an issue causing rewards to sometimes say that they are not configured when adding them to a crate
+ Fixed issues where virtual keys / cooldowns would not save properly to the IGC
+ Fixed cooldowns not being able to be longer than a few days
----------, May 1, 2019

Reminder: The sale ends tonight. It will not be coming back until we hit like 1,000 downloads (which, at this pace will take about 3 years).

» New Features

+ REALLY NOT SURE HOW I DIDN'T DO THIS YEARS AGO: BUT THE MOUSE NO LONGER RESETS TO THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN IN THE IN-GAME CONFIG (FINALLY WOW). This makes working in the in-game-config incredibly more intuitive and easy.
+ Added the ability to make all of the "open" actions (fireworks, particles, messages) play right when the OPENCHEST animation is opened. Edit the "early-open-actions" value in the CrateConfig.YML (either change it in the in game config or add early-open-actions: true under CrateType.Block.OpenChest in CrateConfig.YML)
+ Added CMI Holograms! The plugin will use CMI for holograms if it is installed (Note: Due to the nature of how CMI holograms works, for the OPENCHEST animation, attaching the hologram to the reward does not work.)
+ New message that says loading the Rewards.YML for the first time in the IGC could take a while.
+ Added ability to change the center of where the particles spawn using center-x, center-y and center-z
+ Added the ability to customize those values in-game.
+ Added the ability to use %player%, %playername%, or %name% in addition to {name} as a placeholder for player names in reward commands so that new users have an easier time of figuring it out.
+ Added the ability to generate random numbers in commands! Great if you want to give a random number of items or a random number of money, etc. To do that, use %amountX-Y% where X is the lowest amount and Y is the greatest amount).
Code (Text):

    - give %player% minecraft:diamond_sword %amount1-10%

» Changes

+ Changed how crate failures / success are logged into console: It uses colors and looks a lot nicer / more compact.
+ Changed the way that particles are stored! While a bit messier and clunky, it is far more intuitive than a list of values. It has mainly been added to allow easier expansion of customizations to particles without making the list of values longer. NOTE: all of your old particles will be auto-converted to new values. The identifier, such as '1' or '2' can be any value, it does not matter and is not used anywhere.
Code (Text):

  - FLAME, 1, 1, 1, 0, 10, ANIMATION
  - PARTICLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, ANIMATION
but is now...
Code (Text):

    type: SPELL_WITCH
    range-x: 3.0
    range-y: 3.0
    range-z: 3.0
    speed: 0.01
    amount: 100
    animation: NONE
    center-x: 0
    center-y: 0
    center-z: 0
    type: FLAME
    range-x: 3.0
    range-y: 3.0
    range-z: 3.0
    speed: 0.05
    amount: 50
    animation: NONE
    center-x: 0
    center-y: 0
    center-z: 0

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed issue preventing the Rewards.YML from reloading on /scrates reload
+ Fixed an issue causing some events to trigger while the plugin was reloading (pistons moving) and throwing errors.
+ Attempted to fix a harmless, but annoying, error causing an error to be thrown when an npc/mob crate was placed
----------, Apr 21, 2019

» Bug Fixes
+ Fixed holograms sometimes not attaching to chests
+ Fixed incompatibility with chat plugins (such as CMI)
+ Fixed issue where timing of reward hologram was off
----------, Apr 13, 2019

I've streamlined the branching of my projects, so I will likely start releasing a lot more of these very small bug-fix updates frequently in addition to working on a larger release with all the new features instead of just waiting for the large release to fix all of the bugs!

» Bug Fixes
+ Fixed an issue where the IGC reward editor would break if a duplicate reward was deleted
----------, Apr 10, 2019

For those I promised features: I have already begun working on them! I will just be pushing out bug fix releases as I come across them!

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue preventing multicrates from saving properly
+ Fixed an issue where NPCs would make sounds (hopefully this works).
----------, Apr 9, 2019

There's a lot of new features! A lot of their config values are confusion, message me if you have questions about how they work, or use the newly reworked in-game-config to customize it all!

» New Features

+ Creating new rewards auto-fills default values
+ Added new item editor to in-game-config. Customize rewards, crates, and keys with far more ease.
+ Added ability to apply 'glow' to both crates and keys
+ Added ability to add potion effects to rewards, crates, and keys
+ Added ability to add nbt-tags to crates and keys
+ Added ability to set player head name's for crates and keys
+ Added the BLOCK_OPENCHEST animation
- Added chest-open-duration value to config
- Added early-reward-hologram value to config
- Added reward-hologram-delay value to config
- Added reward-holo-attach-to-item value to config
+ Added reward-hologram-yoffset value (adjust the height of reward holo's, easily customize in-game if confused where to use)
+ Added reward-hologram-duration value (adjust the duration of reward holo, easily customize in-game if confused where to use)
+ Added ability to disable click-sound and uncover-sound for the discover animation by setting the value to 'null'

In Game Configuration
Added Drag and Drop rewards editing - drop up to 52 items into an inventory to have them auto-converted to rewards (just make sure to set commands and chance's for each)
+ Added item-editor to customize rewards, crates, and keys with EASE. Along with this comes...
- Ability to customize 'glow' in-game
- Ability to customize potion-effects in-game
- Ability to customize nbt-tags in-game.
- Ability to customize player head name's in-game
+ Added a button to display all the errors, usually displayed in console, for a specific crate in-game.
+ Complete redesign of hologram IGC
- Added ability to customize animation type
- Added ability to customize the animation speed
- Added ability to customize all of the individual frames (animate holograms from in-game!)
- Added ability to customize the reward hologram duration
- Added ability to customize the reward hologram Y Offset value.
+ Added descriptions/info to nearly EVERY value in-game so all of the confusing values for crate animations have descriptions! Including...
- Mine crates values
- Multi crates values
- Rewards
- (the new) Item Editor
- 'Defaults' section for a crate
- Every crate animation in the CrateConfig.YML
- Particles (including separate descriptions for particle animations)
- Sounds

» Changes

+ Changed the TEXT_CHANGE hologram animation. It no longer acts as a "prefix" for existing crate holograms, it now simply replaces the entire first line of a crate's hologram.
+ Improved usability for editing holograms in-game
+ Made it far easier to customize the block / worlds list for mine crates.
+ Reorganized 'the defaults' section of the crate's in-game-config.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue causing crates to throw an error on first load
+ Fixed an issue causing some of the values in the crate's 'defaults' section displaying wrong values.
+ Fixed the sound section of the IGC being named 'Particles'
+ Fixed an error log displaying the wrong value.
+ Fixed an issue causing errors if a 'chance' for a reward was less than zero.
+ Fixed an issue causing the Rewards.YML to not work when some rewards weren't being used in a crate.
----------, Apr 3, 2019

» Bug Fixes
+ Fixed an issue with first-installs not working sometimes with Citizens installed
+ Fixed an issue preventing the plugin from working if the Rewards.YML was empty

In game configuration
+ Fixed the multicrate editor not saving on close
+ Fixed an issue where new rewards couldn't be created
+ Fixed an issue where you couldn't edit rewards if they were all deleted
+ Fixed an issue not being able to delete fireworks
+ Fixed an issue not being able to edit fireworks when there were none
+ Fixed the multicrate's row-amount editor not reopening the IGC
----------, Mar 26, 2019


» New Features

+ Keys now support multiple enchantments (old, single enchantments work normally, so no need to update configs)
Code (Text):

  #This line can be 'enchantment' or 'enchantments'
    - DAMAGE_ALL;1
Code (Text):

  #This line can be 'enchantment' or 'enchantments'
  enchantment: DURABILITY;0
+ Keys now save multiple enchantments in the in-game configuration (if you don't want to edit multiple enchants in files)
+ Rewards can now have amounts! (look at the example for the player head)
+ Player heads can now be skinned with player-head-name in Rewards.YML (or in-game: an option to name the head if a Reward's display item is set to a player head)
Code (Text):

  name: 'Ztowne13s Head'
  head-player-name: Ztowne13
    - 'say hi'
  glow: false
  amount: 1
  chance: 1.0
  rarity: '1'
  receive-limit: 0
  nbt-tags: []

» Changes

+ Prevent players from setting the display type to NPC/Mob if Citizens isn't installed

» Bug Fixes

+ Misc. bug fixes
+ Updated some NPC identification
----------, Mar 25, 2019

» New Features

+ Added the ability to give rewards their own custom lore (use 'lore' in the config.yml or the ability has also been added to customize it in game so go check that out)
+ Added the ability to more easily use monster eggs in ANY version (event 1.8 - 1.12) by using only names like CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG or SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG instead of using nbt tags.
+ Added a small check to prevent non-blocks from being used as crate materials

In Game Configuration
+ Added customization to the config.yml, inv-reward-item-lore value
+ Added customization for individual reward lores in game

» Changes

+ Updated the Rewards.YML to more accurately reflect how to configure things
+ Made it a little easier to update reward commands in game with new list-editing layout

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue where the server needed to be restart/reloaded on the first install of the plugin
+ Fixed some errors while clicking crates in creative mode
+ Fixed an issue preventing multi-crates from working with cooldowns
+ Fixed the action bar effect not working in certain versions
+ Fixed an issue that allowed enderpearls to be thrown even if they were a key
+ Fixed an issue where crate keys wouldn't glow
+ Fixed an issue where any inventory would be clicked twice
+ Fixed an issue that prevented crates from being re-enabled
+ More 1.8-1.13 material name compatibility updates
+ Fixed an issue where potatoes and carrots couldn't be used as keys
+ Fixed some IGC item issues for 1.13+ versions
+ Fixed monster eggs for 1.8-1.13+
+ Fixed an issue causing the roulette animation to not work properly.
+ Other random fixes and tweaks
----------, Mar 10, 2019

» Bug Fixes

+ Something didn't work in the last update to allow 1.13 materials in your crates - that should be fixed now
----------, Feb 22, 2019

It's been a while since this plugin has updated, so expect potential bugs - please send them all directly to me.

Hey all, we're finally back. Everything should work and load properly in this new version but I had to push it out quickly so that the plugin didn't get removed from Spigot again! There may be certain bugs between versions (Monster eggs not working or titles acting weird) but I'm not sure what they are yet so please let me know if I encounter them! All of the bugs should just be things not working, as opposed to things completely breaking. For all I know though, it could all work and be just fine!

» Changes

+ Only material names are supported now, no longer supports item IDs
+ Changed some item names in the IGC

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that made it so you couldn't do certain things in the IGC if you just created a new crate.
+ Fixed so that it now works in 1.12 and 1.13! (Still works 1.7 - 1.11 as well)

IGC = In Game Configuration
----------, Feb 21, 2019

Like always, there is new features in this update, let me know if you have any issues!

» New Features

+ Added REWARD HOLOGRAMS! (Holograms that display the reward when a player wins something
+ Added reward-hologram-length to config.yml to change the length of time the hologram stays for.
+ Added reward-hologram to the crate's in game config menu under the "Holograms" (Book) tab for individual crates. Also added reward-hologram-length to config.yml in game config.
+ Added reward-hologram value to the individual crate config file. Example:
Code (Text):

  reward-hologram: '&a+ &c%reward% &a+'
    - '&5&l> &dMaster Crate &5&l<'
    - '&c--'
    - '&e&oBuy me on'

+ Added glow value for rewards (Only 1.8+). Example:
Code (Text):

  name: 'Dirt'
    - give {name} minecraft:dirt 1
  item: DIRT;0
  glow: true
  chance: 20
  rarity: common
  receive-limit: -1
In game config
+ Added the ability to delete entire crate files from in-game.

» Changes

Crate Animations
+ The glass or "filler blocks" for all animations now show a blank name.

In game config
+ All input menu's now use different colors to make extra information more visible.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue with inventories that caused miscellaneous errors.
----------, Feb 19, 2017

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates (again). I know I say this every time but bigger updates WILL BE COMING OUT SOON.

» New Features

+ You can now move items around in your inventory while a crate is open.

» Changes

+ The TEXT_CHANGE animation has been renamed to SINGLELINE_CHANGE (although your config will automatically update for this). Multi-lined hologram animations and just better animations in general will be coming out soon.

+ The ExperCrate.crate default file has been changed from the action being named PREBROADCAST to PRE_BROADCAST (Please note: this is not a change to the name, it is always been like this, it was just an error in my typing. Please make sure you use PRE_BROADCAST)

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that prevented titles and subtitles from working in 1.11
----------, Feb 15, 2017

» Changes

In game config
+ All reload messages are now standardized

» Bug Fixes

+ %seconds% should now display the correct time. It also now includes days for those who have cooldowns longer than a day.
----------, Jan 2, 2017

Sorry for being inactive so long guys... Forgive me. I should be back to putting some updates out here and there for the plugin.

» New Features

+ Added config.yml value 'require-key-lore' (This requires that the lore AND the name of the key the player is holding match the actual crates key. If disabled, only the names must be matching and you can put any lore on the keys you want.)
+ Added 'require-key-lore' to in game config.

» Changes

+ All cooldown messages that displayed time using %seconds% (end, cooldown active, start) now says "00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds" instead of simply showing how many seconds are left in the cooldown.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed the in game config from saving hologram lines weird
----------, Dec 31, 2016


» Changes

+ Colored reward names now show in actions.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused multicrates to not work (Hopefully)
----------, Sep 14, 2016

*IGC = In game configuration

VIRTUAL CRATES HAVE BEEN ADDED! To use them, simply types /crates virtualcrates. For players who do NOT have access to customcrates.admin, simply give them customcrates.crates and then they will simply be able to type /crates and it will open the virtual crate menu! The virtual crate menu is simply a MultiCrate attached to a command. To change the multicrate attached to the command, change the NEW '
crates-command-multicrate' in the config.yml to the name of the multicrate you'd like it to open.

Check out the updated config.yml at the bottom of the update.

» New Features

+ Added crates-command-multicrate value to config.yml (The name of the MultiCrate used for the /crates virtualcrates command)
+ Added virtual-crate-lore value to config.yml (Line added to lore of crate in multicrate displaying player's virtual crate count)
+ Added virtual-key-lore value to config.yml (Line added to lore of crate in multicrate displaying player's virtual key count)
+ Added crates-command-name value to config.yml (Name of the /crates virtualcrates inventory)
+ Added mc-reward-display-leftclick value to config.yml (Chose whether to display the reward menu on left or right click for multicrates)
+ Added notify-updates value to config.yml (Toggle the auto-update messages)
+ Added debug value to config.yml (For myself, enables debug logs in console)
+ Added virtual-crate-keycount value to config.yml (Toggle whether or not the virtual-key-lore value is displayed in multicrates)
+ Added virtual-crate-cratecount value to config.yml (Toggle whether or not the virtual-crate-lore value is displayed in multicrates)
+ Added opening-virtualcrates to Messages.yml
+ Added insufficient-virtual-crates to Messages.yml
+ All above values have been added to the IGC
+ Added VIRTUAL CRATES! (See italics at top of update to see how to use them)
+ Added PLAYERFILES dataholder (each player has their own file to store their data)
+ Added the %writtenchance% placeholder for 'inv-reward-item-name' and 'inv-reward-item-lore' values that displays the chance written for the reward instead of the actual calculated chance.

» Changes

+ Updated header of config.yml to say "Specialized Crates"

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused config.yml values to break when using the IGC
+ Fixed an issue that caused errors to spam in console

Code (Text):

#            _____                 _       _ _             _    _____           _                      #
#           / ____|               (_)     | (_)           | |  / ____|         | |                     #
#          | (___  _ __   ___  ___ _  __ _| |_ _______  __| | | |     _ __ __ _| |_ ___  ___           #
#           \___ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ _` | | |_  / _ \/ _` | | |    | '__/ _` | __/ _ \/ __|          #
#           ____) | |_) |  __/ (__| | (_| | | |/ /  __/ (_| | | |____| | | (_| | ||  __/\__ \          #
#          |_____/| .__/ \___|\___|_|\__,_|_|_/___\___|\__,_|  \_____|_|  \__,_|\__\___||___/          #
#                 | |                                                                                  #
#                 |_|                                                                                  #

#           Mechanic Settings           #

# How would you to store player statistics? Current options: FLATFILE, PLAYERFILES
# FLATFILE: Every player's data is stored in one single file.
# PLAYERFILES: Every player has their own file that stores their data.
#     note: MYSQL is coming soon.
store-data: FLATFILE

# What plugin status messages would you like to be logged into console?
# Options:
#  EVERYTHING - Logs successful loads and failed loads.
#  FAILURES - Logs all loading failures.
#  NOTHING - Logs nothing at all to console.
log-successes: FAILURES

# Would you like the plugin to notify you of updates?
notify-updates: true

# Is the plugin in debug mode?
debug: false

#           Crate Settings           #

# How many open inventory slots are required to open an inventory?
required-slots: 1

# Do you want explosions to destroy dynamic crates?
explosions-destroy-dynamic-crates: true

# Should the player be pushed back when the wrong key is used?
push-back: true

# Should people be allowed to place crates in creative mode?
place-creative: false

# Should people be allowed to open crates in creative mode?
open-creative: false

# How many blocks should the hologram be offset from its original place?
#    Note: This value applies to ALL crates, each individual crate can have its
#          own hologram-offset set in their respective files.
hologram-offset: 0

# Should the break effect be played when a crate is placed / created?
place-effect: true

#           Crate Action Settings           #

# Referring to the Action Bar, Title, and/or Subtitle...

# How long would you like the message to take, in seconds, to fade in?
fade-in-time: 0

# How long would you like the message to stay on the screen, in seconds?
stay-time: 4

# How long would you like the message to take, in seconds, to fade out?
fade-out-time: 1

#           Lucky Crate Settings            #

# Should lucky chests spawn when blocks are broken in creative mode?
luckychest-creative: false

# After how many MINUTES should a lucky crate despawn? Set to -1 for them to NEVER disappear.
# This is just to prevent lag from having so many lucky crates around the world.
# 1 hour = 60 minutes
# 1 day = 1440 minutes
# 1 month = 43800 minutes
luckychest-despawn-after: -1

#             Virtual Crate Settings            #

# What multicrate is run when /crates is run
crates-command-multicrate: AllCrates

# What is the name of the menu of the /crates inventory
crates-command-name: '&b&lVirtual &7&lCrates'

# If a player has both a virtual key and a physical key, should it prioritize the physical or virtual key?
prioritize-physical-key: true

# Should multicrates show the virtual key count?
virtual-crate-keycount: true

# Should the multicrates show the virtual crate count?
virtual-crate-cratecount: true

# Format for how the player's virtual keys and crates are show
#    note: This is added to the bottom of the displayed crate's lores.
# > %keys% - Amount of virtual keys
# > %crates% - Amount of virtual crates
virtual-crate-lore: '&cCrates: &f(&7%crates%&f)'
virtual-key-lore: '&cKeys: &f(&7%keys%&f)'

#       Rewards Display Inventory + Display Items       #

# Would you like the rewards display inventory to be enabled?
enabled: true

# Should the multicrate reward display inventory open on right or left click?
mc-reward-display-leftclick: true

# The format for the name of the inventory displaying the rewards.
# > %crate% - Name of the crate.
inv-reward-display-name: '&4%crate% &cRewards'

# The format for the name and lore of the item(s) being displayed in the inventory
# > %rewardname% - Name of the reward
# > %displayname% - Display name of the reward
# > %chance% - The actual calculated percent chance of winning that reward
# > %rarity% - Rarity of the item.
# > %writtenchance% - The chance that is written for that reward
inv-reward-item-name: '&e%displayname%'
  - ''
  - '&f%chance% chance'
----------, Aug 7, 2016

Virtual keys HAVE BEEN ADDED! This allows players to open crates without needing a physical key. On the downside, virtual crates have not been added. I wasn't exactly sure the best way to implement them, although I do have some ideas. Despite that, I want YOU GUYS to private message me on spigot (preferably) or anywhere else and tell me how you think they should be done best. Should it be an inventory that just lets you click on the virtual crates? Should it be a command to open virtual crates? Are virtual crates even worth my time making? Let me know!

» New Features

+ Added VIRTUAL KEYS! (Virtual crates have NOT been added yet. See above for more info)
- Use /keys to see what virtual crates / keys you have (PERMISSION:
- Simply add '-v' when using the /scrates givekey or givecrate command to give virtual keys / crates.
+ Adding the prefix PRE_ (like PRE_BROADCAST or PRE_TITLE) to an action will now run the action RIGHT when the crate is used, not after the rewards are given. (Basically like an opening message) An example for how to do this is at the bottom of the update.
+ Added the config value 'prioritze-physical-key' to decide whether the game will take the key or the, if the player has one, a physical key first when they have both.
+ Added 'prioritize-physical-key' to in game config.
+ You can now input the UUID of a player in the /scrates givekey and /scrates givecrate command so that Enjin websites are supported :)

» Changes

+ /scrates givekey AND givecrate now no longer require a name when giving one of these so that admins can give themselves crates / keys easily.
+ /scrates ! now opens the main menu of the in game config instead of throwing an error

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused /scrates help not to work.
+ More misc. bug fixes.

What a pre-action would look like in your crates config:
Code (Text):

    - 'MESSAGE, &7&lCrates &3&l> &eYou won %reward%'
    - 'BROADCAST, &7&lCrates &3&l> &e&l%player% just unboxed a case!'
    - 'ACTIONBAR, &eYou have won an award!'
    - 'TITLE, &6You just opened'
    - 'SUBTITLE, &c%reward%'
    - 'PRE_BROADCAST, &6&l%player% &7is unboxing a &cMaster Crate!'
Like always, private message me if you find any bugs!
----------, Aug 1, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue where the in game config would not save a crate's inventory-name properly.
----------, Jul 9, 2016

» Changes

+ If enabled, multicrates show rewards on left click of the crate and open on right click

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed some issues with multicrates
----------, Jul 8, 2016

*IGC = In game configuration


Particle Animations:

The SPEED and COUNT for particle animations now need to be 20 and 1 respectively to match the old animation style. Increase the count value to thin the animation and increase the speed to speed the animation up.
An example:
Code (Text):

SMOKE_NORMAL, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 1, TILTED_RINGS
CS:GO and Roulette Animations
For both the CS:GO and Roulette animations the tick-speed-per-run value has changed DRASTICALLY and now must be a value ABOVE 1. To get a smooth feel, change your tick-speed-per-run to 3 and your final-crate-tick-length to 11
An example:
Code (Text):

  inv-name: '&8&l> &6&l%crate%'
  tick-sound: BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_CLOSE, 5, 5
  tile-update-ticks: 2
  tick-speed-per-run: 3
  final-crate-tick-length: 11

» New Features

+ Added /scrates error (crate name) command that shows errors for a crate in game.
+ Added /ccrates edit to go directly into a crates IGC menu (while either looking at a specific crate or typing the crates name)
+ CS:GO can now have a close-speed in the CrateConfig.yml that makes a neat closing animation to only display the received reward.
+ Plugin now checks for inventory names that are too long.
+ Rewards now automatically enable when fully configured for the IGC
+ Things such as being in creative mode now apply the knock back affect
+ Count and speed for particle animations now affect the animations themselves. Speed is suggested to be around 20 and count around 1. To have thinner animations make the count value higher.
+ IGC now automatically updates particle animations
+ A lot of new changes for the IGC
+ Added auto update checker

» Changes

+ CS:GO and Roulette crates have changed their values a lot. Glass now no longer updates with the rewards, it updates based off of the new tile-update-ticks value.
+ CS:GO and Roulette crates no longer reset mouse and the final-crate-tick-length and tick-speed-per-run values have changed how they're used. Advised values are 11 for final tick length and 3 for tick speed per run. Also, the animation is now exponential instead of linear
+ Lengthened how long crates stay open before auto-close
+ IGC was COMPLETELY redone for the CrateConfig.YML

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed a lot of particles being offcentered and or to high / low
+ Fixed an issue that allowed people to launch themselves forever with multicrates
+ Fixed an issue that only allowed 15 rewards to be display per-crate in the IGC
+ Centered fireworks
+ Fixed a lot of miscellaneous issues with the IGC
+ Fixed an issue that prevented /scrates listhistory from displaying properly

inv-name: '&8&l> &6&l%crate%'
tick-sound: BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_CLOSE, 5, 5
tile-update-ticks: 2
tick-speed-per-run: 3
final-crate-tick-length: 11
inv-name: '&8&l> &6&l%crate%'
tick-sound: BLOCK_CHEST_LOCKED, 5, 5
identifier-block: REDSTONE_TORCH_ON;0
tick-speed-per-run: 3
final-crate-tick-length: 11
tile-update-ticks: 2
close-speed: 3
inv-name: '&8&l> &6&l%crate%'
inventory-rows: 3
minimum-rewards: 1
maximum-rewards: 8
inv-name: '&8&l> &6&l%crate%'
tick-sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP, 5, 5
fill-block: STAINED_GLASS_PANE;2
reward-amount: 1
update-speed: 2
inventory-rows: 2
inv-name: '&8&l> &6&l%crate%'
tick-sound: ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP, 3, 10
click-sound: BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_CLICK_ON, 5, 5
uncover-sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP, 5, 5
inventory-rows: 3
minimum-rewards: 1
maximum-rewards: 4
count: true
random-display-duration: 50
cover-block: CHEST;0

As always, let me know about any bugs!
----------, Jul 8, 2016

*IGC = In Game Configuration

Let me know if there are any issues with the IGC as some changes may have bugged some stuff.

» New Features

+ Added complete multicrate IGC support (it's pretty neat)
+ Added the ability to modify the auto-close and hologram-offsets for each individual crate in the IGC
+ Added a few more error messages to IGC
+ The IGC now has a few more messages that help you understand if you've misconfigured stuff. It also now tells you if the file save failed!
+ Added a feature that now reminds you how to get back into your last opened IGC menu

» Changes

+ Sounds AND Particles in the IGC now show all of their values before clicking on them so that you know what particle you're editing!
+ Redid some of the crates main menu in the IGC to be more dynamic and also support multi crates.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that preventing NPCs from being saved properly in the in game config
+ Fixed an issue that caused multicrates to break if the crates inside of them were deleted
----------, Jun 30, 2016

» Changes

For particles in the in game config, it now shows all the values of a particle before clicking on it so it's easier to find the correct particle you're looking for.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that allowed only 1 animation to play on 1 type of crate at once.
+ Fixed a similar issue that prevented the same animation from being displayed twice in different locations on a crate
+ Fixed an issue that caused the in game config to not properly display similar particles correctly.
----------, Jun 29, 2016


» New Features

+ Added PARTICLE ANIMATIONS! (Check them out HERE!)
+ Added an in game configuration section for particle animations
+ Added the ability to now tab the '!' and 'luckychest' command in chat

» Changes

+ Versions 1.10+ now use the default Spigot particle list you can see the changed particle names here
+ All default crate config files have been updated to support 1.10 particle and sound names.
+ Recoded all commands to work more efficient (No visual change, however)

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed the default message for the 'luckychest' subcommand
+ Fixed an issue that caused most error log messages in console to be inaccurate.
----------, Jun 28, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused the multicrate to take more than 1 key
----------, Jun 24, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused multicrates to not take the last key when a crate was used (essentially causing infinite use of a crate for free :eek:)
----------, Jun 22, 2016


» New Features

+ Added MULTICRATES! Visit THIS LINK to see how to use them! (Let me know if you have any suggestions for them!)
+ Removed the auto-close config value from the config and added to each individual crate. The value is true by default. (Simply add auto-close: true or false to the crates)
+ Added the hologram-offset value to each individual crate. (Type hologram-offset: .1 or whatever value you want to each individual crate if you want them to have their own hologram offset.
+ When using HolographicDisplays for holograms, any animations now run seamlessly unlike before.

» Changes

+ Changed the entire plugin to not use any NMS so that the plugin (should) work for future updates without updating.
+ Removed the tier-actions-override-defaults value to prevent confusion. Rarity tiers no override any default actions no matter what.

» Bug Fixes

+ Added support for 1.10 (shouldn't have to do this in the future hopefully)
----------, Jun 18, 2016

----------, Jun 3, 2016

fixes x3
----------, Jun 3, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused spam in console for multiple things.

----------, Jun 3, 2016

» New Features

Added the /sc shortcut to the command
+ Added /sc ! that opens you to the last config menu you were in.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that prevented non-NBT items from being saved.

----------, Jun 3, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that prevented " The Defaults" from being openable in a crate that was newly created in game, thus preventing any new crates from being created in game.

----------, May 18, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Plugin now works in Minecraft 1.9.4

----------, May 14, 2016

» New Features

Added the "key.require" value to IGC because I had forgotten to add it previously.
+ Can now delete disabled crates
+ Can now SHIFT + Left click in CREATIVE to delete a crate
+ Added a few checks in hologram deletion to prevent the plugin from breaking on load / reload
+ Displays whether or not a reward is fully configed in the Rewards.YML menu by changing it to a red dye instead of blue.
+ Added reward pages to the Rewards.YML editor and crate rewards editor to support more than 30 rewards.
+ Add per-crate permissions by adding the 'permission: (permission here)' value to the .crate file or configuring in game. Delete the value so that it has no permission.
+ Added the capability to change the permission value in the crates "Defaults" section.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused rewards to not be addable to new crates.
+ Fixed an issue that caused holograms to appear if no holograms were set.

» Changes

+ Creating crates is now different. Instead of walking through steps to create it, all settings are filled in automatically and you must go change them.
+ Changed armor stands to books in the in game config crate main menu to support 1.7 clients / servers.
+ Separated the save and reload buttons in the in game config to support more than one person working at once and saving without reloading.
----------, Apr 10, 2016

» New Features

Added the "key.require" value to IGC because I had forgotten to add it previously.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused key.require not to save.
+ Fixed an issue that caused the %reward% value to display the reward name and not display name in crate actions.
----------, Apr 9, 2016

fixes an issue in the last update
----------, Apr 9, 2016

» Changes

Static crates no longer are forced to require a key
----------, Apr 9, 2016

» New Features

Added the "key.require" value to IGC because I had forgotten to add it previously.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused fireworks to not be editable if no fireworks existed in the first place.

» Changes

Switched around the blacklist value for lucky chests so TRUE means it's a whitelist while false means it's a blacklist. (This is how it was before but I accidentally wrote the values backwards in the IGC)
+ Updated the MineCrateExample.crate file to have it's hologram, crate, and key display the Mine Crate name instead of lucky chest name.
+ Replaced barriers with red carped in the IGC in order to support 1.7 clients / servers that don't support that block.

IGC = In game configuration
----------, Apr 9, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Mine crates can now be opened without a key. (Set 'require' to 'false' under key settings)
+ Fixed a minor issue that caused in game config to not work when visiting the "Defaults" config section if the display type was anything except "block"
+ Fixed an issue that caused Slimes and Magma cubes to crash the server in 1.9 when using Citizens

» Changes

Saving rewards now saves the NBT tags in 1.9
----------, Apr 8, 2016

Because I redid the entire file saving methods, please let me know if you encounter any issues ASAP. I have tested it vigorously and haven't had issues but you never know.

Price updated to $10 - The plugin has taken up so much time and resources that with the extensive amount of features and amount of new features I pump out make the plugin worth more.

» New Features

+ Added IN GAME CONFIGURATION! (/crates config). This includes configuring EVERYTHING except crate hologram animations (I'll add this feature in sooner than later.) Because I designed this entirely from scratch, let me know if I can change anything that'd make the in game config easier!
+ Added pages to the help menu as not all commands could fit on one page. You can do /crates help 2 to access the second page
+ Added /crates luckychest (permission: customcrates.luckychestcommand). This is a command for your players to toggle on and off mine crates (lucky chests) if they're getting irritated of them.
+ Added 'luckychest-despawn-after' config value. This allows you to set how many minutes a mine crate will despawn after so that player's don't not open the crates and then they start to cause lag. Set this value to -1 to have them never disappear.

» Bug Fixes

+ Mine crates can now be opened without a key. (Set 'require' to 'false' under key settings)
+ Fixed an issue that caused mine crates not to save on reload
+ Fixed an issue that caused crates not to load if rewards were misconfigured
+ Fixed an issue that caused mine crates not to work if their block-list was a blacklist

» Changes

Holograms by SaintX has been updated to support the NEWEST version, the old version is no longer supported or compatible.
+ Plugin is now compiled in Java 1.7 to support those with older systems.
+ Recoded the entire file saving methods to support comments upon save (PLEASE MAKE ME WARE OF ANY BUGS, I CAN ONLY TEST THIS TO A CERTAIN EXTENT BY MYSELF)
+ Recoded and renamed different parts of the code so please let me know of any bugs, although I haven't encountered any.
----------, Apr 7, 2016

Sorry for the issues! Keep sending me your problems / ideas and we can continue resolving issues.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixes an issue that caused crates not to save when they are placed or allow player stats to be saved
+ Fixes an issue that caused the CSGO crate to give the player the rightmost item in the GUI instead of the centermost item.
----------, Mar 11, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixes an issue that caused the plugin to not work. (whoops :p)
----------, Mar 10, 2016

There are a LOT of new features, changes, and code fixes so I except a few bugs although I have been testing this a lot. Please DIRECT MESSAGE ME any bugs or other 1.9 support you need me to add.

This update should allow the plugin to work seamlessly for 1.8 and 1.9 so, like said above, let me know if there is any issues.

» New Features

+ Added /scrates info command
+ Added admin message it displays to admin when a crate is disabled
+ Plugin can now support multiple rewards from the menu crate
+ Can now change CSGO / Roulette speed and tick length (Simple format it now SOUND NAME, VOLUME, PITCH Note: the old way still works with only the volume)
+ Added individually customizable crate inventory names (Add '
inventory-name:' followed by the name at the top of the crate's config. If this value doesn't exist it will use the default CrateConfig.YML inventory name value)
+ Added the capability to support more than one MESSAGE / BROADCAST simply by stacking them in the actions list.
+ Added all crate animation logging to the individual crate's loading to be more clean
+ Added 1.9 potion support and 1.9 mob egg type support ( Click me to see how to set this up)
+ Added new particles DRAGON_BREATH, SWEEP_ATTACK, DAMAGE_INDICATOR, and END_ROD (They honestly look so cool :p but not they are 1.9 ONLY!!)

» Bug Fixes

Other minor bug fixes
+ Fixed the menu crate to work perfectly now!
+ Fixed an issue that caused crates to not work if Citizens wasn't installed
+ Fixed an issue that caused the plugin not to work if a used crate was deleted
+ Fixed an issue that caused the Hologram animations to not work for the Holograms plugin (Will be updating Holograms to 1.9 soon)
+ Hologram animation no longer skips over duplicate entries
+ Fixed a plethora of bugs that caused the plugin to break or files to erase if the plugin was misconfigured
+ Fixed an issue that caused CSGO and Roulette crate sounds to read the same sound config.
+ Potentially fixed an issue that caused there to be one more 'tick' sound in Roulette and CSGO crates that shouldn't have existed.
+ Fixed titles / subtitles / actionbar for 1.9

» Changes

An extreme amount of code cleanup and redoing.
+ Added more aliases to /scrates
+ Crates now disable themselves if key components such as material are misconfigured
+ Crates disable themselves if the file is improperly loaded
+ Redid animation code to make it more efficient
+ Recoded Roulette, CSGO, and Menu crates
+ Added support to History Events for Menu crates
+ Removed the unnecessary Animations.YML file from loading in as it's not used.
+ A lot of sounds have been changed in 1.9, so check them out here

» Next Planned Features

More 1.9 support and bug fixes
+ Virtual tokens
+ More than 1 crate to a block / mob
+ In game customization
----------, Mar 10, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused holograms to not work and throw errors into console if you didn't have Citizens v2 installed (whoops).
+ Code cleanup (please report if any new bugs show up, they shouldn't)

More 1.9 hologram compatibility will be coming out in the next few days.
----------, Mar 3, 2016

» New Features

+ Added the ability to use an item's ID instead of name for crate / key materials

NOTE: Some more compatibility updates for 1.9 should be rolling out in the next few days as well as some minor bug fixes I am coming across. For now, the Holograms plugin by SaintX will NOT work on 1.9 although it is updated due to him rewritting the entire API for the plugin. I will add support for this plugin back again in the next few days. As for HolographicDisplays and IndividualHolograms, we can only hope they get updated.

If you have any other Hologram plugins you want me to add compatibility for, just send me a link of PM and I can add it in.

ALSO, please make sure you give me your feedback on the NPC crates HERE:
----------, Mar 2, 2016

The plugin is 1.9 compatable howerver, at this time, most Hologram plugins won't work, so they won't show on your crates. Also, a lot of the sound names changed and an updated list is HERE


» New Features

+ Added general 1.9 Support
+ Added a cool effect when users place crates
+ Added the ability to toggle the cool effect when placing crates
+ Added NPC Crates (Requires
+ Added Mob crates
+ Added Citizens2 Compatibility

» Bug Fixes
Hopefully fixed an issue that prevented other chest plugins from working

» Changes

Reorganized a LOT of code
+ Redid some file management code

----------, Mar 1, 2016

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused the plugin to create memory leaks on servers that stayed up for long periods of time with large amounts of players on them.
----------, Feb 23, 2016

» New Features

+ Added the TextChangeHologram animation (Will make setup video)
+ Added so that crates will change their materials in the world if their materials are updated in the config (and added a little cool 'pop' for each crate when the plugin is reloaded :p)
+ Added the capability to TAB complete ALL crate commands, including commands, crates, numbers and more so that it's easier to type all of the commands.
+ Added the capability to define the worlds that mine crates (Lucky chests) work in (leave blank for all worlds).

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue that caused the plugin to break if a world was deleted in which crates existed.
+ Fixed all default crates so they have no errors whatsoever in their design
+ Fixed an issue that prevented sounds for crate-tiers from working
+ Fixed a bug that caused history events to be added for players even if they failed in opening the crate
+ Fixed an issue that prevented TNT from exploding next to crates
+ Fixed an issue that caused history events for a player to display backwards
+ Fixed an issue that caused the crates cooldown-end message to display twice
+ Fixed an issue that caused crate cooldowns to never go away
+ Fixed an issue that caused the blacklist / whitelist for mine crates to not work.

» Changes

All default crates have redone to make them unique so that people can see the potential of the plugin.
+ Redid the /scrates help menu
----------, Feb 21, 2016

» New Features

+ Added support to use the plugin Holograms instead of Holographic Displays or Individual Holograms
+ Added the ability for the plugin to function WITHOUT any hologram plugin installed (So you can use your own hologram plugins or just not have any hologram plugin installed!)
+ Added the hologram-offset value to the config (Please regenerate to see) which allows you to adjust how far up and down the hologram is relative to the crate so the holograms distance from the crate is no longer set by me!

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issues that prevented protection plugins such as Grief Prevention to be rendered as not usable.

» Changes

Reworked how the Holograms are worked in the innards of the plugin to prepare for HOLOGRAM ANIMATIONS that are COMING SOON (WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK OR SO)! Also, please report any bugs if you find any as I have redone some of the code and can only test on a small scale.
----------, Feb 15, 2016

I apologize for not having anything out for the plugin in like 4 months! Hopefully that will change and I can start updating it again and adding new features. PLEASE let me know if you find ANY bugs as I may have missed something in testing,

» New Features

Added the ability to disable / reenable crates in the config. (To do this for the configs that have already been generated, add "enabled: false" excluding the quotes to the top of the specific crate's config. Change the value to true to re-enable)
+ New crate disabled message in the Messages.yml that displays when any crate that is disabled is attempted to be interacted with
+ Added the capability to delete all of a specified crate type that exists in a world (Intended to be used to delete all crates if a crate type has been disabled)

» Bug Fixes

+ The /scrates reload command now works and properly reloads the config and plugin (Please report any bugs you find with this ASAP as undiscovered errors may occur. If there is an immediate threat posed after this command has been used and you discover a bug that threatens the well-being of your server, please restart the server or use /reload to reset the plugin and return it to normal.)

» Changes

Rewards are now ordered in the reward inventory based on their order in the config! (finally :))
+ asd
----------, Feb 1, 2016

You MUST regenerate your config.yml

» New Features

+ Added Lucky Chests that appear while mining.
+ Added the Lucky Chest has been found message.
+ Added the LuckyChestExample.crate crate
+ Prevents crates from being pushed by pistons
+ Prevents crates from being exploded
+ The ability to disable lucky chests in creative mode
+ Added the ability to allow NOTHING to be added to console
+ Added cooldown start, end and during messages
+ Added the ability to store player data in flatfiles
+ Added the ability to store player data in per-player files
+ Added crate cooldowns
+ Added player crate opening history
+ Added The /ccrates listhistory command
+ Adds a 1 seconds command cooldown between using a command and a crate and vice-versa.

To add a cooldown:
In the crate's config write:
cooldown: 300
300 is the cooldown time, in seconds.

For Lucky Chests:
Please review the LuckyChestExample.crate Crate that has been generated in your Crates folder.

» Changes
+ Minor modifications to how information is logged in console
+ Minor modifications to the organization of the config.yml
+ Prevents crate names from having a ',' or ';'
+ Changed how console logging is determined in the config.yml

» Bug Fixes
+ Fixes a bug that allowed static crates to "not require a key"
+ Fixes a bug that prevents the "failed open" message from being displayed if the push-back is disabled.
+ Fixes a bug that allowed items to be taken out of a crate

Last Note: I feel like I missed a bug somewhere but I can't think of it... If you find it, please report it to me.

----------, Aug 18, 2015

» New Features

+ Changed the CS:GO crate look, thus changing the "filler-block" variable for the CS:GO crate in the CrateConfig.yml to "filler-blocks" and now accepting a list of blocks to randomly display for the crate instead of 1 block.
----------, Jul 19, 2015

» Updates

+ Changes the code on how the CS:GO crate so that the cursor will not reset. This version is untested on 1.7.x servers but should work.
----------, Jul 17, 2015

» New Features

+ Added the feature to disable the reward display inventory
+ Added the capability to set a minimum amount of open inventory slots in a player's inventory.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixes a mandatory issue which broadcasted "tick (crate name)" to the server when a crate was opened.
+ Fixes a bug that caused the default particles, sounds, fireworks, and actions to be played when the tier-actions-override-defaults value is set to true.

----------, Jul 15, 2015

» New Features

+ Added the /ccrates reload command which will reload the entire plugin so you don't have to reload / restart the server.

----------, Jul 15, 2015

» New Features

+ Added the capability to enable and disable the auto closing of CS:GO and Roulette Inventory crates in the config with the auto-close value.

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed a bug that prevented sounds, particles, and actions to play when the Menu crate was opened.
----------, Jul 14, 2015

» New Features

+ Added the capability to change the pitch and volume of a sound by simply formatting with SOUND, PITCH, VOLUME. Note, the Pitch nor the Volume is required and can still be plain formatted as just SOUND in the config.
----------, Jul 13, 2015

» New Features

Prevents crate keys from being placed
+ Added a new message for denying the placing of crates.
----------, Jul 12, 2015

» Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that created an error loading the Config.YML which prevented any use of the plugin.
----------, Jul 11, 2015

» New Features

Adds the capability to add enchantments in the Rewards.YML to the Reward's display item

» Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that gave you the wrong item when opening a CS:GO crate

» Changes

Minor, unnoticable, code updates to rewards and how they load
+ Minor code updates to the CS:GO crates
----------, Jul 11, 2015

» Bug Fixes

Fixes a CRUCIAL bug that allowed players to place dynamic crates in world-guarded areas and other places that deny players build permissions.
----------, Jul 10, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,683
First Release: Jul 6, 2015
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
263 ratings
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