v 2.8.5 - Drag and Drop, New Animation, Drag and Drop Rewards
There's a lot of new features! A lot of their config values are confusion, message me if you have questions about how they work, or use the newly reworked in-game-config to customize it all!
» New Features
+ Creating new rewards auto-fills default values
+ Added new item editor to in-game-config. Customize rewards, crates, and keys with far more ease.
+ Added ability to apply 'glow' to both crates and keys
+ Added ability to add potion effects to rewards, crates, and keys
+ Added ability to add nbt-tags to crates and keys
+ Added ability to set player head name's for crates and keys
+ Added the BLOCK_OPENCHEST animation
- Added chest-open-duration value to config
- Added early-reward-hologram value to config
- Added reward-hologram-delay value to config
- Added reward-holo-attach-to-item value to config
+ Added reward-hologram-yoffset value (adjust the height of reward holo's, easily customize in-game if confused where to use)
+ Added reward-hologram-duration value (adjust the duration of reward holo, easily customize in-game if confused where to use)
+ Added ability to disable click-sound and uncover-sound for the discover animation by setting the value to 'null'
In Game Configuration +Added Drag and Drop rewards editing - drop up to 52 items into an inventory to have them auto-converted to rewards (just make sure to set commands and chance's for each)
+ Added item-editor to customize rewards, crates, and keys with EASE. Along with this comes...
- Ability to customize 'glow' in-game
- Ability to customize potion-effects in-game
- Ability to customize nbt-tags in-game.
- Ability to customize player head name's in-game
+ Added a button to display all the errors, usually displayed in console, for a specific crate in-game.
+ Complete redesign of hologram IGC
- Added ability to customize animation type
- Added ability to customize the animation speed
- Added ability to customize all of the individual frames (animate holograms from in-game!)
- Added ability to customize the reward hologram duration
- Added ability to customize the reward hologram Y Offset value.
+ Added descriptions/info to nearly EVERY value in-game so all of the confusing values for crate animations have descriptions! Including...
- Mine crates values
- Multi crates values
- Rewards
- (the new) Item Editor
- 'Defaults' section for a crate
- Every crate animation in the CrateConfig.YML
- Particles (including separate descriptions for particle animations)
- Sounds
» Changes
+ Changed the TEXT_CHANGE hologram animation. It no longer acts as a "prefix" for existing crate holograms, it now simply replaces the entire first line of a crate's hologram.
+ Improved usability for editing holograms in-game
+ Made it far easier to customize the block / worlds list for mine crates.
+ Reorganized 'the defaults' section of the crate's in-game-config.
» Bug Fixes
+ Fixed an issue causing crates to throw an error on first load
+ Fixed an issue causing some of the values in the crate's 'defaults' section displaying wrong values.
+ Fixed the sound section of the IGC being named 'Particles'
+ Fixed an error log displaying the wrong value.
+ Fixed an issue causing errors if a 'chance' for a reward was less than zero.
+ Fixed an issue causing the Rewards.YML to not work when some rewards weren't being used in a crate.