VIRTUAL CRATES HAVE BEEN ADDED! To use them, simply types /crates virtualcrates. For players who do NOT have access to customcrates.admin, simply give them customcrates.crates and then they will simply be able to type /crates and it will open the virtual crate menu! The virtual crate menu is simply a MultiCrate attached to a command. To change the multicrate attached to the command, change the NEW ' crates-command-multicrate' in the config.yml to the name of the multicrate you'd like it to open.
Check out the updated config.yml at the bottom of the update. » New Features
+ Added crates-command-multicrate value to config.yml (The name of the MultiCrate used for the /crates virtualcrates command)
+ Added virtual-crate-lore value to config.yml (Line added to lore of crate in multicrate displaying player's virtual crate count)
+ Added virtual-key-lore value to config.yml (Line added to lore of crate in multicrate displaying player's virtual key count)
+ Added crates-command-name value to config.yml (Name of the /crates virtualcrates inventory)
+ Added mc-reward-display-leftclick value to config.yml (Chose whether to display the reward menu on left or right click for multicrates)
+ Added notify-updates value to config.yml (Toggle the auto-update messages)
+ Added debug value to config.yml (For myself, enables debug logs in console)
+ Added virtual-crate-keycount value to config.yml (Toggle whether or not the virtual-key-lore value is displayed in multicrates)
+ Added virtual-crate-cratecount value to config.yml (Toggle whether or not the virtual-crate-lore value is displayed in multicrates)
+ Added opening-virtualcrates to Messages.yml
+ Added insufficient-virtual-crates to Messages.yml
+ All above values have been added to the IGC
+ Added VIRTUAL CRATES! (See italics at top of update to see how to use them)
+ Added PLAYERFILES dataholder (each player has their own file to store their data)
+ Added the %writtenchance% placeholder for 'inv-reward-item-name' and 'inv-reward-item-lore' values that displays the chance written for the reward instead of the actual calculated chance.
» Changes
+ Updated header of config.yml to say "Specialized Crates"
» Bug Fixes
+ Fixed an issue that caused config.yml values to break when using the IGC
+ Fixed an issue that caused errors to spam in console
# How would you to store player statistics? Current options: FLATFILE, PLAYERFILES
# FLATFILE: Every player's data is stored in one single file.
# PLAYERFILES: Every player has their own file that stores their data.
# note: MYSQL is coming soon.
store-data: FLATFILE
# What plugin status messages would you like to be logged into console?
# Options:
# EVERYTHING - Logs successful loads and failed loads.
# FAILURES - Logs all loading failures.
# NOTHING - Logs nothing at all to console.
log-successes: FAILURES
# Would you like the plugin to notify you of updates?
notify-updates: true
# How many open inventory slots are required to open an inventory?
required-slots: 1
# Do you want explosions to destroy dynamic crates?
explosions-destroy-dynamic-crates: true
# Should the player be pushed back when the wrong key is used?
push-back: true
# Should people be allowed to place crates in creative mode?
place-creative: false
# Should people be allowed to open crates in creative mode?
open-creative: false
# How many blocks should the hologram be offset from its original place?
# Note: This value applies to ALL crates, each individual crate can have its
# own hologram-offset set in their respective files.
hologram-offset: 0
# Should the break effect be played when a crate is placed / created?
place-effect: true
# Should lucky chests spawn when blocks are broken in creative mode?
luckychest-creative: false
# After how many MINUTES should a lucky crate despawn? Set to -1 for them to NEVER disappear.
# This is just to prevent lag from having so many lucky crates around the world.
# 1 hour = 60 minutes
# 1 day = 1440 minutes
# 1 month = 43800 minutes
luckychest-despawn-after: -1
# What multicrate is run when /crates is run
crates-command-multicrate: AllCrates
# What is the name of the menu of the /crates inventory
crates-command-name: '&b&lVirtual &7&lCrates'
# If a player has both a virtual key and a physical key, should it prioritize the physical or virtual key?
prioritize-physical-key: true
# Should multicrates show the virtual key count?
virtual-crate-keycount: true
# Should the multicrates show the virtual crate count?
virtual-crate-cratecount: true
# Format for how the player's virtual keys and crates are show
# note: This is added to the bottom of the displayed crate's lores.
# > %keys% - Amount of virtual keys
# > %crates% - Amount of virtual crates
virtual-crate-lore: '&cCrates: &f(&7%crates%&f)'
virtual-key-lore: '&cKeys: &f(&7%keys%&f)'
# Would you like the rewards display inventory to be enabled?
enabled: true
# Should the multicrate reward display inventory open on right or left click?
mc-reward-display-leftclick: true
# The format for the name of the inventory displaying the rewards.
# > %crate% - Name of the crate.
inv-reward-display-name: '&4%crate% &cRewards'
# The format for the name and lore of the item(s) being displayed in the inventory
# > %rewardname% - Name of the reward
# > %displayname% - Display name of the reward
# > %chance% - The actual calculated percent chance of winning that reward
# > %rarity% - Rarity of the item.
# > %writtenchance% - The chance that is written for that reward
inv-reward-item-name: '&e%displayname%'
- ''
- '&f%chance% chance'