+ Added 'fallback-reward.permission' and 'fallback-reward.reward-name' values to rewards. When both of those values are set to something and a player has the fallback-reward.permission permission, they will receive the fallback-reward.reward-name reward instead of the reward they've won. (Also added to the in-game config)
+ Added the 'lucky-chest.require-permission' value to crates. When set to true, players won't find crates unless they have the crate's permission. (Also added to the in-game config)
+ When a reward menu is opened from a multicrate, and then closed, it will now reopen the multicrate instead of just closing the inventory.
+ Fixed a duplication glitch with multicrates if you close the inventory and shift-clicked an item out simulatenously
+ Fixed an issue that was thrown into console when reloading, occasionally.
+ Fixed DYNAMIC crates not opening immediately when placed
+ Fixed STATIC crates being placeable even without the proper permissions