Reminder: The sale ends tonight. It will not be coming back until we hit like 1,000 downloads (which, at this pace will take about 3 years).
» New Features
+ REALLY NOT SURE HOW I DIDN'T DO THIS YEARS AGO: BUT THE MOUSE NO LONGER RESETS TO THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN IN THE IN-GAME CONFIG (FINALLY WOW). This makes working in the in-game-config incredibly more intuitive and easy.
+ Added the ability to make all of the "open" actions (fireworks, particles, messages) play right when the OPENCHEST animation is opened. Edit the "early-open-actions" value in the CrateConfig.YML (either change it in the in game config or add early-open-actions: true under CrateType.Block.OpenChest in CrateConfig.YML)
+ Added CMI Holograms! The plugin will use CMI for holograms if it is installed (Note: Due to the nature of how CMI holograms works, for the OPENCHEST animation, attaching the hologram to the reward does not work.)
+ New message that says loading the Rewards.YML for the first time in the IGC could take a while.
+ Added ability to change the center of where the particles spawn using center-x, center-y and center-z
+ Added the ability to customize those values in-game.
+ Added the ability to use %player%, %playername%, or %name% in addition to {name} as a placeholder for player names in reward commands so that new users have an easier time of figuring it out.
+ Added the ability to generate random numbers in commands! Great if you want to give a random number of items or a random number of money, etc. To do that, use %amountX-Y% where X is the lowest amount and Y is the greatest amount).
Code (Text):
- give %player% minecraft:diamond_sword %amount1-10%
» Changes
+ Changed how crate failures / success are logged into console: It uses colors and looks a lot nicer / more compact.
+ Changed the way that particles are stored! While a bit messier and clunky, it is far more intuitive than a list of values. It has mainly been added to allow easier expansion of customizations to particles without making the list of values longer. NOTE: all of your old particles will be auto-converted to new values. The identifier, such as '1' or '2' can be any value, it does not matter and is not used anywhere.
+ Fixed issue preventing the Rewards.YML from reloading on /scrates reload
+ Fixed an issue causing some events to trigger while the plugin was reloading (pistons moving) and throwing errors.
+ Attempted to fix a harmless, but annoying, error causing an error to be thrown when an npc/mob crate was placed