Sale ✅ 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭕ SpecializedCrates ⭐ 25+ Custom Crate Animations ⭐ Create Custom Animations ✅ icon

Sale ✅ 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭕ SpecializedCrates ⭐ 25+ Custom Crate Animations ⭐ Create Custom Animations ✅ -----

ItemsAdder, MMOItems, Oraxen Supported! ⭐ Find Crates By Mining ✅ Save Items From In-Game To Rewards

You MUST regenerate your config.yml

» New Features

+ Added Lucky Chests that appear while mining.
+ Added the Lucky Chest has been found message.
+ Added the LuckyChestExample.crate crate
+ Prevents crates from being pushed by pistons
+ Prevents crates from being exploded
+ The ability to disable lucky chests in creative mode
+ Added the ability to allow NOTHING to be added to console
+ Added cooldown start, end and during messages
+ Added the ability to store player data in flatfiles
+ Added the ability to store player data in per-player files
+ Added crate cooldowns
+ Added player crate opening history
+ Added The /ccrates listhistory command
+ Adds a 1 seconds command cooldown between using a command and a crate and vice-versa.

To add a cooldown:
In the crate's config write:
cooldown: 300
300 is the cooldown time, in seconds.

For Lucky Chests:
Please review the LuckyChestExample.crate Crate that has been generated in your Crates folder.

» Changes
+ Minor modifications to how information is logged in console
+ Minor modifications to the organization of the config.yml
+ Prevents crate names from having a ',' or ';'
+ Changed how console logging is determined in the config.yml

» Bug Fixes
+ Fixes a bug that allowed static crates to "not require a key"
+ Fixes a bug that prevents the "failed open" message from being displayed if the push-back is disabled.
+ Fixes a bug that allowed items to be taken out of a crate

Last Note: I feel like I missed a bug somewhere but I can't think of it... If you find it, please report it to me.

----------, Aug 18, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,684
First Release: Jul 6, 2015
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
263 ratings
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