» New Features
+ Added economy support using Vault. Use the 'cost' value in the crate's config file to specify the cost it is to open the crate. This works for normal opening, multi-crates, and shift-clicking to open all. AGAIN, this REQUIRES Vault.
+ Added the ability to color the REDSTONE, SPELL_MOB, SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT, and NOTE particles! To do this in-file, see the example below. Use the color.red, color.green, and color.blue values to specify the RGB of the color. (NOTE: The redstone only works on 1.13+)
+ Added ability to resize redstone particle. Use redstone-size to specify the redstone dust size.
Code (Text):
range-x: 1.0
range-y: 1.0
range-z: 1.0
speed: 0.01
amount: 1
animation: NONE
center-x: 0.0
center-y: 0.0
center-z: 0.0
red: 123
green: 255
blue: 0
enabled: true
redstone-size: 1
+ Added in-game config to all the coloring and redstone sizes.
+ Added ability to strip the display-name of an item when it's won as a reward similarly to how the lore can be stripped. Also added in-game config for this.
» Changes
+ Reload messages now display the time to reload in ms.
+ Reloads are no longer delayed and should be faster.
+ Added a little more detail to the reward displayer error in console.
» Bug Fixes
+ Fixed an issue that caused some crates to not load when placed in a different world (typically created with multiverse).
+ Fixed an issue that caused a sorta 'refresh' when selecting an item from a list selector in the in-game config.
+ Fixed an issue that caused some config.yml values to have their color stripped when inputted into the in-game config.