Like always, there is new features in this update, let me know if you have any issues!
» New Features
Holograms + Added REWARD HOLOGRAMS! (Holograms that display the reward when a player wins something
+ Added reward-hologram-length to config.yml to change the length of time the hologram stays for.
+ Added reward-hologram to the crate's in game config menu under the "Holograms" (Book) tab for individual crates. Also added reward-hologram-length to config.yml in game config.
+ Added reward-hologram value to the individual crate config file. Example:
Code (Text):
reward-hologram: '&a+ &c%reward% &a+'
- '&5&l> &dMaster Crate &5&l<'
- '&c--'
- '&e&oBuy me on'
Rewards + Added glow value for rewards (Only 1.8+). Example:
Code (Text):
name: 'Dirt'
- give {name} minecraft:dirt 1
item: DIRT;0
glow: true
chance: 20
rarity: common
receive-limit: -1
In game config + Added the ability to delete entire crate files from in-game.
» Changes
Crate Animations + The glass or "filler blocks" for all animations now show a blank name.
In game config + All input menu's now use different colors to make extra information more visible.
» Bug Fixes
+ Fixed an issue with inventories that caused miscellaneous errors.