Sale ✅ 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭕ SpecializedCrates ⭐ 25+ Custom Crate Animations ⭐ Create Custom Animations ✅ icon

Sale ✅ 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭕ SpecializedCrates ⭐ 25+ Custom Crate Animations ⭐ Create Custom Animations ✅ -----

ItemsAdder, MMOItems, Oraxen Supported! ⭐ Find Crates By Mining ✅ Save Items From In-Game To Rewards

v2.8.10 - Finally Back!
I am officially back from summer! Updates should start coming out again... If you have any bugs and/or suggestions PLEASE join the discord and let me know! I and many others are very active on there.

» New Features

+ Rewards can now accept DECIMALS as chances! Before, when you had to make the chances higher for other rewards to make the chance smaller for one reward, now just set its chance to 0.1 or 0.01 or any decimal you'd like! Additionally, Config.YML and the in-game config now accept decimals for reward chances.
+ Added Placeholder API support! See the spoiler below for all the placeholders. Also, if your hologram plugin supports PlaceholderAPI, it will work in the crate hologram!
%specializedcrates_cooldown_[cratename]% - The remaining cooldown a player has on a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_[cratename]% - The number of virtual keys a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_crates_[cratename]% - The number of virtual crates a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_placedcrates% - The total number of placed crates on the server.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened% - The last crate the player opened.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened_rewards% - The last reward the player received.
%specializedcrates_last_player_[cratename]% - The last player to open the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_last_reward_[cratename]% - The last reward to be opened from the specified crate.
+ Added the ability to disable lucky chests from spawning when user-placed blocks are mined (additionally, added 'luckychest-allow-placed-blocks' to the Config.YML and in-game config for that). Note: It's only a deterrent. Placed block data is lost on server restart so that block-logging isn't a burden on server resources, but it should be a big enough deterrent!
+ Added shift-click to open ALL keys in hand or virtual keys. Note: this will skip the crate animation but will still play the OPEN fireworks, particles, and sounds.
+ Added 'confirm-open' and 'shift-click-confirm' values to in-game config . and Config.YML. These values determine whether the player is asked to confirm that they want to open the crate or confirm that they want to open all of the crates (respectively) by forcing them to click it again.
+ Added 'confirm-timeout' value to Config.YML which determines how long the confirmation request will timeout in, in seconds.
+ Added 'confirm-open' and 'confirm-open-all' messages to Messages.YML that are displayed when the player is asked to confirm opening a crate or all crates.
+ Can now use '/crates givekey/givecrate [crate] ALL -v' with virtual crates! (Can give a virtual crate/key to everyone online).
+ Can now tab-complete '-v' in the givekey and givecrate commands.
+ If a player's inventory is full (or fills up) when they're given a crate, key, reward, or are having items returned to their inventory from the drag and drop menu, the extras are now dropped on the floor instead of just being lost forever.
+ Added plugin metrics using bStats (

» Changes

Minor change to the format of /keys
+ Added success message for giving everyone online a crate/key
+ The in-game config now notes that the 'glow' value is the same as 'hide enchants'
+ GIVE_KEY animation now logs reward history

» Bug Fixes

+ Fixed an issue causing '[' and ']' to wrap the display name in all of the crate actions.
----------, Sep 21, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,684
First Release: Jul 6, 2015
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
263 ratings
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