(Abandoned) [Animated Tab] - TabList icon

(Abandoned) [Animated Tab] - TabList -----

A free alternative tablist with fewer options (This is only designed to modify tablist)

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  • Now supports 1.21.1 version
    • From now a message will be shown to the console telling that "this future version is not supported at the moment", since most of the beginner users don't know what is exception, ensuring that github issues won't be filled with errors
Bungee version was not tested, only checked the codebase for compilation errors
----------, Aug 12, 2024

Since I invest less time in the development of this project, there are few changes during the months due to the long constant absence from home. I keep an eye on the releases of the minecraft version and try to support it as soon as possible. Alpha builds are still available on the Github Actions page

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  • Now supports 1.20.6 and 1.21 versions
  • Improved update downloader, from now it won't wait forever for the file to be downloaded from the service when the plugin booting up if there was an error while retrieving data
    • (developer interest only) The improvement was made to print error code if there is any, for example the file to download is exists in remote servers, so the response code should always be HTTP_OK (200), to make sure copying files won't block the thread from continuing the operation, which is performed asynchronously and lost 1 CPU thread because of the infinite waiting
  • Removed BLANK type from possible number format from objectives, since this type is like the objective should not be displayed at all, #510-comment
  • Improved and fixed groups ordering with luckperms weighting system
  • Now TPS and tps-overflow variables will be refreshed after 3 seconds instead of every 4 milliseconds
yea, don't expect features to be added since 70% of the users were switched already to another tablist plugin, and as I said I am not invest too much time on this, also thinking about getting rid of bungee version
----------, Jun 24, 2024

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With this release, TL won't support 1.20.3 version of minecraft, because .4 is released on the same day with critical patch.


  • Now supports 1.20.4 servers
    • Now with this release tablist objectives appearance can be changed with number format option, more info here
  • Fixed exception when some method did not existed
  • Fixed exception when scoreboardTeam packet collection was empty, #457
  • Fixed for spectator players that gray colour is still appeared (hopefully) when the option is enabled in config, #407
  • Fixed Bungee component related changes
  • Made another fix for group sorting (hopefully works now), #430, #339
----------, Dec 8, 2023

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  • Now supports 1.20.2 servers
  • Improved fake players skin fetching from servers, now you can safely request any skin with player names or uuid and from now it won't freeze your server waiting for the operation, unless you specifies --force argument when setting skin for a specific fake player.
  • Fixed some reported errors on legacy versions when using tablist objectives
  • Completely removed hide players feature, #427
    • This feature caused many many unfixable issues, which can not be fixed in plugin side (as far as I know), but honestly I don't want to bother with this again, there is no proper way of removing players from tablist without causing any side issues.

      For example this feature now caused an issue when one of the player moves far away from another player and approaches back, both player were disappeared

      No plugins are using this approach (at least I didn't heard any), so it makes no sense to keep this up with many bugs.
  • Improved loading of ping and tps conditions
  • Fixed high network data usage (high network traffic) on Paper and Folia servers where new schedulers were implemented before
  • TabList can now boot and stop properly without error, most of the issues were fixed in this version, for example when the server is stopping
    • With these improvements, new variable added for folia-only servers: region based TPS
      You can use these variables only within tablist, see the available placeholders listed here
  • Now if LuckPerms installed, the parent's prefixes will appear when synchronising groups through Vault instead of just some random colours
  • Fixed an NPE error when removing tablist objective on player quit
  • Added extra variables for TPS, so now you can specify for example to show the TPS measurement within 15 minutes, for the listed placeholders visit this
----------, Sep 22, 2023

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  • Fix when plugin did not booted on legacy versions, users reported this into review section
  • Fix when sometimes globalgroup did not displayed
  • Added option to use luckperms's weight for sorting or not
  • A few config comments have been clarified for better understanding
  • Improved objects loading which fixes the issue when changed object type to another and after reload it didn't displayed
  • Fixed when plugins used minimessage as dependency and recognised that kyori Serializer's is exist, #420
----------, Jun 22, 2023

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  • Fixed displaying health objective (again)
    • This might be a client side issue or not but to resolve this issue in plugin, I increased player's max health -> set health to max -> and restored back to the base value to make sure no one complaining about it
  • Added initial and untested Folia support, #419
  • Fixed an NPE error when reading scoreboardTeam packet
    • Some plugins making bad changes to these packets which shouldn't be that way, so to resolve we added extra conditions
  • Fixed an uncommon CME error which was impossible to reproduce (some users had the chance to catch it)
----------, Jun 12, 2023

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  • Now supports 1.20 versions
  • Fixed groups appearance using luckperms weight
    • If you're using luckperms and configured weights for your groups from now the higher group will appear first if there are inheritances as per the documentation says
  • Fixed wrong parameters for scoreboard objective in legacy versions which caused console errors
  • Fix when random option had no effect with interval, #411
  • Fix TPS placeholder didn't displayed correctly with sizing option, #412
  • Fixed a long time issue with name tag overriding
    • If you used TabList with a nameTag editor plugin the name tag above players dissappeared
  • From now you will be able to use Minimessage format in tablist or in groups
  • Hide players related fixes:
    • Players body and skin disappeared when this option is enabled, #408, #402
  • Improved tablist header/footer loading
    • From now all the per world, per group ... sections will be cached on plugin load state instead of loading everything on player join. Also, now you can separate each per group, world and player sections with "name, name2, name3" (commas)
  • On player quit the current set objective wasn't unregistered and kept forever in the world files, now this fixed
----------, Jun 10, 2023

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  • Fixed repeated ClassCastException errors occured during tablist updating, #397
  • Some extra conditions added related to Vault groups finding
  • Fix unwanted character appeared at the bottom of footer
  • Fixed the ordering of ping logical condition
  • Fixed Chat message validation failure error when using hide players on 1.19+ versions, resulted in players being kicked when typed something in chat, #394
----------, Mar 28, 2023

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  • Updated to 1.19.4
  • Fixed EncoderException in bungee when updating groups, #377
  • Made some attempt fixes related to spectators can not pass through blocks, #385
  • Fixed NoSuchElementException when joining to the server, #380
  • Starting from 5.6.9+ version of TabList, it will not run on freshly released minecraft versions, each major versions requires small/large code changes, so for example this TabList version won't boot up on future release 1.20
  • Fixed reported errors on legacy 1.18 and lower versions
  • Removed the delay when starting the scheduler task of groups updating to start immediately after a player joined
  • Hex colors from other sources were incorrectly formatted, so it could not be displayed on the tablist, this fixed
  • Fixed the ordering of TPS logical node to format the higher value first
  • Added playerName argument for fake players setskin
    • This argument is to set skin from an offline player's name if it was on the server before
    • To retrieve directly from a web request use --force next to this argument, but after executing this command the server can hang
  • Added option to do not count vanished players with online players variable, this includes %bungee-online% and %player-server-online% placeholders, #392
  • Added gradient formatter, #388, documentation
----------, Mar 20, 2023

This is a hotfix release to fix error when one of the header or footer is empty in configuration. Every time before release I always forget something
----------, Jan 2, 2023



  • Improved tablist toggling feature
  • Removed ProtocolLib support, now we're using packet injector to listen to specific packets when receiving
    • With this change we've been fixed the following long-time issue:
      • When switching game mode between spectator to creative the player is invisible and required a reconnect to the server to reappear. This was reproducible when hide-players option is enabled in config, #251
  • Fake players fixes:
    • Fixed when renaming fake players it wasn't renamed, instead just removed from the config
    • Now the display name of fake players will appear after rejoining to the server
    • Fixed when display names of fake players disappeared after reload
    • Fixed after reload of the plugin the fake players list was removed from the file making it impossible to edit
    • Fixed displaying ping score when it was set from command, #316
  • Fixed parsing json texts in legacy versions
  • Now the health objective will be visible on the playerlist
    • When joining to the server the health objective did not displayed properly just an empty space, now we're forcing the player health to be set to the current
  • Fixed nameTooLargeException when loading groups on legacy versions
----------, Jan 2, 2023

This is a hotfix version to fix startup and compile issues. Now the plugin will working again with legacy Java and minecraft versions.
----------, Dec 12, 2022

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  • Added support for 1.19.3
  • Reworked NMS packet sending, now we're accessing NMS classes directly instead of depending on reflections to make the process a bit faster. The reason of why we decided to make this because almost in every major release of minecraft having class naming changes which is pain to implement using reflections and long process to find something. This does not affect the legacy versions, they work in the same way with reflection, as it would be quite lengthy to implement as well. Maybe we'll switch later.
  • Removed the star (*) character from the TPS value if the value higher than 20.0
  • Tablist objective refreshing can now be set to 0 to disable refreshing automatically
  • Limited fake players name to 16 characters as the client does not allows more
  • Fixed issue when the colour of ping/tps was not the proper one
  • Added some API documentation for tablist methods for developers
  • Optimized TPS value rounding, now the tps formatting will be done with fast rounding calculation to reduce overhead of strings
  • Fixed when animations did not worked in cases where an animation was specified in the texts itself
  • Fixed when hex colours did not worked from other plugins
----------, Dec 11, 2022

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  • Fixed issue when global group did not assigned to players without Vault installed
  • TabList now supports Purpur afk status
  • After executing /tl player or group command did not printed anything
  • Added option to measure server performance if the server is under heavy load
    • With this, we can achieve a small server performance improvement (not much), if the server is currently under heavy load. TabList will cancels all currently running processes, if the value is set, let's assume 15.0, when this value is reached by TPS, TabList will start cancelling all its processes. Once these have happened, TabList will not restart its processes if the TPS has reached an optimal value, so it must be done manually, by reconnecting to the server or by reloading the plugin. We need such an option because TabList's processes run very quickly in the background and use a lot of resources, especially the slower running processes.
  • Tablist objectives did not get loaded when the reload command was performed so it remained the same value as before, this fixed
  • Removed the delay from tablist refreshing scheduler to start updating tablist immediately, also this interval got a maximum value.
  • Added option to control if the name tag visibility should be followed or not, #351
    • By following is meant that if a scoreboard team is created in which the visibility of the name tag is hidden, so the tablist with groups will be hidden or always visible if the option is disabled.
----------, Sep 4, 2022

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After a long outage, a newer version has been released that includes the following changes:


  • The entire project has been converted to Gradle mainly because Maven was too slow in downloading the dependencies for this resource.
  • Updated to 1.19
  • Name tag visibilities with ALWAYS status that has been created using team command will now be ignored by the groups so it will not hides the name tag for players.
    • Also fixed issue when name tags was still overridden by groups
  • Improved assigning global group to players
  • Global group will be assigned when:
    • the option in config is enabled and the player do not need to have a normal group (the global group will be assigned instead)
    • the option in config is disabled and the returning prefix/suffix is empty
  • Added option for groups to order afk players individually in player list
  • Removed hide-group-when-player-afk option due that there is already an option to not show groups if a player is in afk.
  • Added the ability to display json in tablist header/footer and in groups prefixes/suffixes
  • AFK formatting now supports placeholders
  • Fixed when removing group from player through permission plugin it will not updates their group
  • There were some TPS loss when some PAPI placeholders used somewhere like %server_total_chunks% which was performed on synchronous thread and caused lags which was fixed. #345
  • Fixed when per-world tablist displayed the first player content for everyone on the server #348
  • Removed %player-uuid% variable
  • Added %player-server-online% variable to display the amount of online players
  • Updated to 1.19
----------, Jun 12, 2022

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  • Temporarily fixed when some enum class was not existed in 1.8 versions (rare behaviour), #315
  • Made some refactoring for fake players
    • Now the fake players will be displayed for players after joining to server
    • From now every fake player will be saved per player to do not conflict with other players, for example one player see FP1 but the other one does not see FP1 in other world
  • Fixed the issue when in some circumstances the groups ordering was broken for specific players as the players data lost when trying to sort all players in tablist.
    • Fixed the issue when the ordering of players was broken when kicked multiple players
  • Resolved deadlock when parsing tablist header/footer and displaying
  • Now users can also display global group without any other group specified, #317
  • Allow to display groups when enabled per-world-playerlist option, #328
  • Added the possibility to use symbols in afk format
  • Updated to 1.18.2
  • Deprecated %server-online% variable due that there are already %bungee-online% which will not causes thread lock (server hangs)
----------, Mar 4, 2022

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  • Updated to 1.18.1
  • Replaced enable option with none type in tablist objectives
  • Fixed when ScoreboardTeamConstructor not found in Mohist servers, #279 (actually, not really wanted to support)
  • Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when the line content can be empty in config files, #307, #312
    • Fixed when the configuration keys and comments re-ordered and comments was duplicated upon reload
  • Refactored and reworked tablist objectives for 1.13+ versions, #292, #304
    • This rework was implemented for the following reasons:
      • There were several problems that could not be easily reproduced without deep testing. The first is summarized in issue #304, which throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when another thread tries to change the Map/List keys.
      • The other barely reproducible exception is ConcurrentModificationException, which occurs when we try to modify the score on an existing objective on an asynchronous thread and this score modification performs more than 2 list key modifications within the synchronized block, which waits until the process is complete. It is likely that this problem can be reproduced with an older type of CPU that does not properly support multithreading.
  • Fixed when name tags was always hidden when using tablist groups
  • Properly implemented per world groups for sharing same list of players, following this comment behaviour: #291 (comment)
  • Implemented ping formatting
  • Fixed NPE error when the header and footer can be null and we tried to get the next header, but failed.
----------, Jan 2, 2022

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  • Fix when Global dependency was not included to the built bungee jar
  • Small optimization for objects when parsing custom objective
  • Fixed when some of placeholderapi placeholders must be performed in synchronous thread especially when using non thread-safe Bukkit API
  • Fix when migrating from old time or date to a new format was not worked so it caused to use the default one.
----------, Dec 6, 2021

  • A repeating console error has been fixed when initializing groups. The issue was that a reference is not initialized in 1.18 versions.
----------, Dec 2, 2021


This release includes support for the recently released version 1.18. Also, this project has now been converted to a multi-module project to make it easier to support software that has not yet been added. The file download format also changes. From now on, each update will have a ZIP archive uploaded with TabList plugins for different software. If Bukkit specifically works only on Bukkit (I mean Spigot) and its forks.

  • Fixed issue when a player left and the ordering of groups was broken
  • Updated to support 1.18 versions
  • Fixed when setting the skin for specific fake player it does not really worked, #284
  • Fixed issue when the scoreboard objective of ping or custom is already existed, #289
  • Fixed the issue with groups when the global group of tab name is not applied to normal groups
  • Most of the code refactored to make it more readable and optimized
  • For players the groups will be displayed properly from now
  • Improved converting legacy text into json when sending packets
  • Now the hex colours works everywhere
----------, Dec 1, 2021

Compare changes

  • Fixed UnknownHostException when user's host does not allow to open stream to check for plugins updates. I mean it will be ignored to avoid future issues
  • Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException and text colouring issues
    • Some of colours for example &o&l does not really worked and users can't use # (hash) character as many times as they wanted to.
  • This release includes some optimizations to run this resource lag-free. This report was detected using the Spark resource. For example, on each server tick checked to see if 5 resources existed and were enabled, which was a bit slow.
  • Added %fake-players% variable to show how many fake players added
  • Now all the messages strings will be loaded at the plugin load state so it will not retrieves the strings every time from config.
  • Added ability to specify which of the player list need to be shared in worlds
  • Now the %online-players% variable can count the fake players too if the option is enabled under fake players.
  • Fixed NPE when the player groups retrieved from Vault can be null
  • Fixed CME when the scoreboard teams is immutable and we tried to set the name tag visibility
  • Moved the newly downloaded releases to update directory as the server will replaces these updates on startup. The old releases directory will be removed on the startup of the plugin if exist. So you can now safely enable download updates option in config
----------, Nov 6, 2021

After 2 months of suffering, there is finally another release with many bug fixes mainly that have occurred in previous versions.

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  • Removing spectator gray colour from players now works
  • Implemented delayed refreshing for some placeholders to avoid performance losing.
  • Removed option to show value greater than 20.0 tps, instead we added a new placeholder called %tps-overflow%, which will displays tps higher than 20.0, currently available placeholders
  • Hex colour fixes/improvements:
    • Fixed when essentials nicknames didn't displayed the hex colors
    • Fixed when hexadecimal character without RGB interpreted as color
    • Fixed when some random colour codes displayed and there was a conflict between essentials and luckperms prefixes
  • Fixed when in multiple worlds the groups does not get verified
  • Fixed - name tag visibility enum constant does not contain name field and errors was came up in console
  • Fixed when hex colors does not really wanted to display at afk status
  • Fixed asynchronous scoreboard objective creation
  • Fixed groups sorting issue including after the 10th player
  • New update notification will not be printed to operator players anymore
  • Fixed - downloading file from github failing everytime
  • Fixed when tablist does not got hidden again after vanish
  • An attempt to fix flickering issue for groups when a player is afk (untested)
  • Fixed when permission based tablist not really worked
    • Specifying permission name moved to a string key instead of the actual section key, as the name of the permission recognized as a new key value.
    • By default operator players have all permissions, but from now the tablist permissions will only work if the permission is set and the value is also set to true.
  • Now the groups permission will be initialized with a default empty value to do not cause NPE
----------, Sep 14, 2021

Compare changes

  • Added StaffFacilities resource as a dependency for retrieving vanish status
  • Fixed multiple NullPointerExceptions that was caused to do not display the tablist.
  • Improved displaying fake players
    • Now player placeholders can be used in fake player's display name, #201
  • Fixed NPE when a static clause tried to re-call its own class again from another class, but thrown an error.
  • Now player's name tag will be set according to scoreboard teams, so players/owners can hide their name tags or do whatever.
  • Support for 1.17
    • Tablist, player groups, fake players should work from now.
  • Fix when players was sorted to the bottom of list even if sortLast is not enabled
  • Now afk players priority will be increased every time if a player is afk if there are more than 3 players in AFK, so they will be sorted to the bottom of the player list, not unordered.
  • Improved toggling tablist for specific players
    • Switching tablist visibility for all players instead of strong-referencing each players now it will be cached in a logical statement, in other case players can toggle individually or for target players.
----------, Jun 28, 2021

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  • Fixed when animations displaying was too fast, so it caused to break the current behaviour.
  • Fixed when tablist objects such as ping or custom incorrectly displayed values like 0 or not a real value.
  • Fixed NoSuchMethodException that caused for the plugin to not even load at startup.
----------, May 2, 2021

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There was no update for about 4 months, but now here it is mostly with performance improvements.


  • Refactored the "half of the project"
  • Improved players cache handling, now it is only cached one time to avoid memory leaks
  • Fake players changes/improvements:
    • Now fake players display name can contain white spaces from command
    • Removed display name limit, now you can have up to 16+ characters
    • Fixed when fake players does not have skin set when command is performed. #213
  • Fixed "nag author asynchronous" problem that occured when the plugin is in the state to disable, but some of the task can't be cancelled, now we forcefully interrupts those.
  • Fixed some configuration options not loaded
  • Removed tab-completion sorting (which is slow operation)
  • Tablist groups improvements/changes:
    • Added option to assign global group to normal groups
    • Fix when assign option is disabled and normal group is not displayed
  • Removed synchronized block when iterating animations
    • This will improves the animation speed a bit and not freezes the thread.
  • Fixed issue when health tablist objective not worked, instead displayed numbers or nothing. #214
  • Improved hiding players from tablist
  • Removed player permissions tracking mechanic, which is caused more issues than reloading. Actually, it is not mechanic its trash
  • Fix displaying additional characters like "&&" before this the result will be nothing, #222
  • Fixed infinite loop while iterating over animations and some user have %anim:% tag but never replaced.
  • Removed entirely of modifying final fields for example in groups.
    • With the release of Java 16, it has become almost impossible to modify the final properties. We have completely got rid of modifying the final properties, so there are no more "illegal modification" error messages at startup.
  • A bit refactored the PlayerList, this will fixes issue when a player is in vanish mode, but the owner performs reload command and vanished players are visible.
  • Added != (not equal) operator to conditions
  • Improved sorting of afk players to the bottom of the player list.
  • Now the config properties will be loaded once at plugin startup
  • Removed thread-blocking synchronized statements
  • Miscellaneous improvements
----------, Apr 30, 2021

Compare changes

There was no update for about 4 months, but now here it is mostly with performance improvements.


  • Refactored the "half of the project"
  • Improved players cache handling, now it is only cached one time to avoid memory leaks
  • Fake players changes/improvements:
    • Now fake players display name can contain white spaces from command
    • Removed display name limit, now you can have up to 16+ characters
    • Fixed when fake players does not have skin set when command is performed. #213
  • Fixed "nag author asynchronous" problem that occured when the plugin is in the state to disable, but some of the task can't be cancelled, now we forcefully interrupts those.
  • Fixed some configuration options not loaded
  • Removed tab-completion sorting (which is slow operation)
  • Tablist groups improvements/changes:
    • Added option to assign global group to normal groups
    • Fix when assign option is disabled and normal group is not displayed
  • Removed synchronized block when iterating animations
    • This will improves the animation speed a bit and not freezes the thread.
  • Fixed issue when health tablist objective not worked, instead displayed numbers or nothing. #214
  • Improved hiding players from tablist
  • Removed player permissions tracking mechanic, which is caused more issues than reloading. Actually, it is not mechanic its trash
  • Fix displaying additional characters like "&&" before this the result will be nothing, #222
  • Fixed infinite loop while iterating over animations and some user have %anim:% tag but never replaced.
  • Removed entirely of modifying final fields for example in groups.
    • With the release of Java 16, it has become almost impossible to modify the final properties. We have completely got rid of modifying the final properties, so there are no more "illegal modification" error messages at startup.
  • A bit refactored the PlayerList, this will fixes issue when a player is in vanish mode, but the owner performs reload command and vanished players are visible.
  • Added != (not equal) operator to conditions
  • Improved sorting of afk players to the bottom of the player list.
  • Now the config properties will be loaded once at plugin startup
  • Removed thread-blocking synchronized statements
  • Miscellaneous improvements
----------, Apr 30, 2021

Compare changes

There was no update for about 4 months, but now here it is mostly with performance improvements.


  • Refactored the "half of the project"
  • Improved players cache handling, now it is only cached one time to avoid memory leaks
  • Fake players changes/improvements:
    • Now fake players display name can contain white spaces from command
    • Removed display name limit, now you can have up to 16+ characters
    • Fixed when fake players does not have skin set when command is performed. #213
  • Fixed "nag author asynchronous" problem that occured when the plugin is in the state to disable, but some of the task can't be cancelled, now we forcefully interrupts those.
  • Fixed some configuration options not loaded
  • Removed tab-completion sorting (which is slow operation)
  • Tablist groups improvements/changes:
    • Added option to assign global group to normal groups
    • Fix when assign option is disabled and normal group is not displayed
  • Removed synchronized block when iterating animations
    • This will improves the animation speed a bit and not freezes the thread.
  • Fixed issue when health tablist objective not worked, instead displayed numbers or nothing. #214
  • Improved hiding players from tablist
  • Removed player permissions tracking mechanic, which is caused more issues than reloading. Actually, it is not mechanic its trash
  • Fix displaying additional characters like "&&" before this the result will be nothing, #222
  • Fixed infinite loop while iterating over animations and some user have %anim:% tag but never replaced.
  • Removed entirely of modifying final fields for example in groups.
    • With the release of Java 16, it has become almost impossible to modify the final properties. We have completely got rid of modifying the final properties, so there are no more "illegal modification" error messages at startup.
  • A bit refactored the PlayerList, this will fixes issue when a player is in vanish mode, but the owner performs reload command and vanished players are visible.
  • Added != (not equal) operator to conditions
  • Improved sorting of afk players to the bottom of the player list.
  • Now the config properties will be loaded once at plugin startup
  • Removed thread-blocking synchronized statements
  • Miscellaneous improvements
----------, Apr 30, 2021

  • Improved fake players handling
    • Now you can change the display name of the fake player
    • Removed sub permissions for fake players, like setskin, add ...
    • Added argument for fake player to rename if it misnamed
  • Fixed asynchronous nag issue when stopping server and the schedulers can't cancel somehow
  • Fully removed tabname option and command. Only 1% of servers used this option. This is also because tablist groups already do the same thing as with tabnames.
    • With this remove, now you can customize the player original name in tablist, so you can insert "prefix + customName + suffix" formats
    • Please look at documentation page to understand how to create a group
  • Fix when default config get reseted everytime
  • Temporary been fixed client error when scoreboard teams are broken somewhere, now we uses only tab names
  • Setting prefixes/suffixes moved to meta formatting commands
  • Fixed when global groups not accepts placeholders
  • Fixed tablist objects not updated after type change from config
Project built with 1.16.5 version, you can freely use this version or old versions.
----------, Jan 16, 2021

Only few minutes from 2021! (31.12.2020 - 23:55)

  • Fix when some format and hex color not worked correctly
  • Fixed coloring header/footer
  • Now global group can now be assigned to other groups
  • Fixed ConcurrentModify exception for groups
  • Added default permission to per permission tablist, this fixes the problem where operator players would have received two types of tablists at once, which caused flicker.
  • Now other plugins can overwrite tablist if it disabled from worlds or somewhere.
----------, Dec 31, 2020

This version introduces a new component wich provides custom fonts in your tablist.

  • Fix for essentials nicknames colors are replaced to "nothing"
  • Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException when tps size is higher than the string length, #190
  • Fix when global group still applied to players even they had groups
  • Fix flickering issue when there is some text after tps or ping placeholder and the new line is broken.
  • Fix thread freeze when removing player groups
  • Fix when group is not restored after vanish status
  • Added font component to use custom fonts in tablist
----------, Nov 27, 2020

Your configuration (config.yml) will be updated automatically if you installed this plugin before.

  • Fix for multiple hex colors not works with/without nicknames
  • Tabname can now check for regex patterns for better match and restricting tab names from users.
  • Improvements related to commands handling, fake players and some other things.
  • Fix for tablist glitching player placeholders for everyone, #183
  • Now the plugin does not schedules multiple async task for each player, instead schedules only one to improve the server performance.
  • Some additions/fixes in fake players:
    • Now you can set ping latency with /tl fakeplayers setping
    • Now you can set fake players skin using /tl fakeplayers setskin
    • Improved setting skin uuids to config, now it separated with ";"
    • Fix when duplicated fake players were added to playerlist when reloaded
    • Fix when fake players can't be removed for some reason
  • Fix NPE related to retrieving vault groups, #186
  • Conditions changes:
    • Now tps conditions sorted in ascending order to match the correct value
    • Ping conditions is also sorted in descending order
    • Simplified the tps & ping color formats, so now it is more understandable
  • Now global prefix only assigned to players if don't have any group prefix set for player
  • Added 1.16.4 support
  • Fix CME when iterating over animations, but the thread is not done yet
  • Fixed when hex colors not worked correctly with groups
  • Added per-permission based tablist header/footer
  • Fix luckperms verbose logging when checking permissions/vault groups multiple times in repeating scheduler.
----------, Nov 16, 2020

This version introduces a new way of updating the main config. You don't have to do anything with config, just install this version. Your config.yml will get overwrited with missing values and comments.

  • Fix for modifying final fields in 12+ java versions, #178
    • With this now this plugin supports java 9+ versions (still supports 8)
  • Added option to define whatever the tps can be highest than 20.0
  • Some fixes when removing tablist groups from player
  • Fix for ConcurrentModificationException when the thread is not done at all on bungee servers
  • Now you can set the fake player skin to tablist using real player uuids.
    • Added /tl fakeplayers setskin argument to set skin for fake players (requires online mode server)
  • Trying to fix nametag modifying on bungee networks, #179
  • Fix when used hex colors it not worked, just returned the last code
----------, Sep 20, 2020

Config changes:
- config.yml


  • Add customizable tps & ping color formats with logical operators
  • Fix error for Vault when not installed
  • Added support for PremiumVanish, #172
  • Fix for skin reset in tablist when using groups, #171
----------, Sep 11, 2020

Well, new release with some features and groups rework.

Config changes:
- config.yml

Who likes memory bar?



  • Fix for hideplayers view-distance issue
  • Added global group to display for all players
  • Added %memory_bar% variable to display the current server memory percentage. (Supports 1.16+ hex colors)
  • Fixed issue when someone removed groups section
  • Fix issue when removing spectator color from tab in 1.8 servers
  • Improved group prioritizing when some players get highest group even the player does not have
  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException on linkedlist when switched jdk to hotspot (how)
  • Some improvements in bungee related to run a scheduler
  • Fix when the player tablist not loaded after switched between servers (bungee)
  • Reworked the whole group handling, so now its better.
    • This rework may fix these issues:
      • For example when you have a scoreboard plugin and disappeared when tablist groups refreshed.
      • Nametag plugins can now modify the player name tag above player, so it does not removes it.
  • Some improvements in tabname
    • Now supports cmi nickname
  • Removed group animation option, we don't need anymore. It causes some confusions for users who don't know what is animation. Also the repeating task caused timings report issue.
  • Another fix for multiple animations, when required to reload the plugin multiple times, but this not correct.
----------, Aug 30, 2020

Well, new release with some features and groups rework.

Config changes:
- config.yml

Who likes memory bar?



  • Fix for hideplayers view-distance issue
  • Added global group to display for all players
  • Added %memory_bar% variable to display the current server memory percentage. (Supports 1.16+ hex colors)
  • Fixed issue when someone removed groups section
  • Fix issue when removing spectator color from tab in 1.8 servers
  • Improved group prioritizing when some players get highest group even the player does not have
  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException on linkedlist when switched jdk to hotspot (how)
  • Some improvements in bungee related to run a scheduler
  • Fix when the player tablist not loaded after switched between servers (bungee)
  • Reworked the whole group handling, so now its better.
    • This rework may fix these issues:
      • For example when you have a scoreboard plugin and disappeared when tablist groups refreshed.
      • Nametag plugins can now modify the player name tag above player, so it does not removes it.
  • Some improvements in tabname
    • Now supports cmi nickname
  • Removed group animation option, we don't need anymore. It causes some confusions for users who don't know what is animation. Also the repeating task caused timings report issue.
  • Another fix for multiple animations, when required to reload the plugin multiple times, but this not correct.
----------, Aug 30, 2020

  • Fix custom tablist object always being %level%, @Nety
  • Fix for NPE when the plugin not loaded correctly, #163
----------, Aug 2, 2020

This release includes new PlaceholderAPI support, and also its still supports for old versions, if you're using.

Config changes:
- config.yml


  • Improved hex color match, so you don't need to use <>
  • Re-added ability to have more animations in another list (somehow this has been removed, string compares)
  • Fixed when the hex colors not displays the proper color
  • Added CMI support, for afk and vanish
  • Added new PEX support for checking permissions
  • Improved toggling tablists, after server reload and the player toggled to on her tablist it's not displayed.
  • Added option to specify tps-size
  • Fix for bungee tablist when switching servers
  • Fixed when the animations stopped working on bungee networks
  • Fix when the tablist not works on 1.13.1 versions
  • Improved and corrected config comments, @Nety
  • Now you don't need to add another argument for setting prefix/suffix
    • Improved setting prefix/suffix, now you can use spaces
  • Async task can't cancelled on plugin stop
----------, Jul 30, 2020

Config changes:
- config.yml

  • Added option to use the set of tab name in groups (if have)
  • Maybe? Fixed when spectator players can't go through blocks
  • Fixed error on old versions, when the groups not works
  • Now you can use hex colors in 1.16+ versions
  • Improvement when there are no players on server, but the task is started and this causing some timings report
  • Optimized per-world handling
  • Improved per-player groups and tablist to work correctly
  • Now you can use hex colors in bungee
----------, Jul 2, 2020

Config changes:
- config.yml

  • Fix issue for other plugins prefix is overwritten when removing tablist groups
  • Fix bad path of time & date formats
  • Fixed group assignments, to get the correct team for the player
  • Added an option prefer-primary-vault-group to prefer using the players primary Vault group or not.
  • Added ability to make the spectators visible in tablist (Requires ProtocolLib)
  • Changed blacklisted-players config option to restricted-players
  • Fix issue when the task is cancelled and started it again when a new player joined
----------, Jun 5, 2020

Config changes:
- config.yml


  • Fix issue when the player get random prefixes from tablist
  • Reworked the team handling to work with each players
  • Now you can use double placeholders in custom objective.
    • This will replaces the "." dots from the string and will parses into a integer.
  • Fixed when the player only receive the default group
  • Fix issue when the tablist objectives not displays the correct values when using a scoreboard plugin, #135
  • Fix ClassNotFoundException when the RenderType is added in 1.13.2
  • Reworked the config loading to make sure we're loaded all setting from config
  • Added option to sort afk players to the bottom of player list, #146
  • Some fixes related to old versions like 1.8 when using tablist groups.
  • Fix NPE when the player server are null during server connect
  • Improved per-player tablist handling, to work with each players
    • Now you can use ", " for multiple players & servers
----------, May 19, 2020

In this release "maybe" should fixes that issues, when the user have a scoreboard plugin installed, and this plugin breaks the tablist groups, including sorting.

Config changes:
- config.yml

  • Removed options: use-vault-group-names & use-displayname
    • These options has been removed. The reason is to users are using both nickname and chat displaynames option which is displays white names in tablist. The vault group names is removed, but this still can be used in groups, just use the permission plugin group name.
  • Removed default permission when there is no permission set in file.
  • Improved release downloader (again) to do not attempt to download again and again the downloaded file.
  • Now the priority numbers will increasing automatically after the last group
  • Now you can use essentials-nickname with prefixes and should works when using sort-priorities
  • Fixed error when the team names are longer than 16 and throws error.
  • Removed option to change between types in groups
    • Now both types are working when we using sort-priorities or any things.
  • The dependence on scoreboard plugins when groups do not work may have been improved.
  • Fixed error when the fake player name is longer than 16.
  • Now the plugin mustn't handles the name tags(this plugin is for tablist)
  • Now there is no limitation in prefixes/suffixes.
----------, May 5, 2020

Sorry guys, but the last version is broken when downloading the new release from github and this caused on server startup. It is recommended to use this version.

  • Added more methods to API
  • Reworked the whole tablist handler to work with per-player
  • Removed the old tablist section that found in main config. Not supported anymore
  • Fixed critical error when the plugin tries to download the new release from github.
  • Fixed issue when the per-group tablist not works on world change
----------, Apr 23, 2020

There are some options to add and fix in this release. The conflict with scoreboard plugins has not yet been fixed because there may be many other bugs that cannot be fixed if we use some other option.

Config changes:
- config.yml: https://github.com/montlikadani/TabList/commits/master/config.yml

  • Added option to sync plugins groups to add to tablist groups.
  • Improved release downloader
  • Improved commands registration on startup
  • Added option to count vanished staff players in %staff-online% placeholder
  • Fixed when the hide players from tablist option not works
  • Fixed issue when the spectators can't go through blocks
  • Fixed issue when the players are invisible
  • Fix errors when using protocol changer plugin
  • Now the essentials nickname can be used with scoreboard type
  • Removed option use-default-tab... from tablist file
  • Moved multiple-worlds to the section name, separates with ", " to display one tablist to other worlds.
  • Now the tablist objects running in asynchronously to prevent server performance lost.
  • Improvements in some commands
  • Renamed removeplayer -> removegroup
  • Now setting prefix/suffix will not disappear after some seconds
  • Now you can create groups with setprefix/setsuffix commands
----------, Apr 21, 2020

This release should fix that issue when player can't join to server through bungeecord.

  • Fixed critical issue when the players can't join through bungee
  • Now if the player have prefix and nickname set and currently is afk, then it will remains the set of format.
  • Fixed plugin not starting issue when someone renamed the file
----------, Mar 28, 2020

,,Many" features have been improved in this release, and some new options have been added.

The plugin is now open source. The reason here

- Config.yml changes

  • Fixed some placeholders are not display the correct value.
  • Setting prefix/suffix commands should works now.
  • Now supports Waterfall as server software.
  • Changing worlds now the groups will not be updated for player. The refresh task will update it.
  • Fixed some issues with groups on bungee networks.
  • Fixed issue when sometimes the tablist is not presented in worlds, because of Multiverse-Core.
  • Fixed issue when the user toggled tablist for all players and sent a lot of messages.
  • Fixed flickering issue for groups (bungee)
  • Ignored future errors when using max players placeholder (bungee)
  • Fixed issue when a player have more than 1 vault group or inheritance, will not show the given tablist group to him.
  • Some improvements for updating tablist objects.
  • Added sub-command argument to toggle for all online players and for specific player. (bungee)
  • Reworked the tablist & groups handling to prevent more issues. (bungee)
  • Added option to hide every players from tablist
  • Now cancels the tab refreshing task, to reduce performance on toggle
  • Removed bypass-operator option from groups, it was inappropriate for users and confused. (This is the reason why peoples don't read comments)
  • Fixed issue when the groups are not removed from tablist when reloaded.
  • Removed players section from groups, due to confusion. The player names are still usable in groups.
  • Finally the group sort now works with a minor change.
  • Added release downloader to download plugin updates.
----------, Mar 27, 2020

This update has been delayed because I am currently working on the Sponge tablist plugin to support this server type (software). There are only a few fixes in this release to run the plugin without errors.

Config changes: commit
bungeeconfig changes: commit
API changes: commit

  • Added option to use the system default time zone for time placeholders.
  • Fixed issue when the random option not worked for tablist.
  • Fixed issue when the fake players are not removed from the tablist when the plugin disabled.
  • Fixed some issues with groups when cancels the update and won't displays on tab.
  • Fixed issue when some placeholders won't work with custom variables.
  • Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException when using tablist headers/footers on bungee versions. #114
  • Some reworks for tablist handling, to prevent more issues.
  • %staff-online% placeholder will not show the placeholder its name, now displays 0 if there are no staffs online.
----------, Feb 1, 2020

Config changes:
- config
- bungee config
- groups file
- animcreator file
- tablist file

  • Added sort-priorities to the groups. (Now it works)
  • Added option to randomize the animations.
  • Added %light-level% placeholder to show the light level in the player location.
  • Added option to remember and save to a file or remove the toggled tablists at server restart.
  • Added option to set world names in the per-world section, to display the same tab for the set of worlds.
  • Fixed tabname blacklisted issue, when only checked the last text from the list.
Fixes (Bungee/Bukkit):
  • Fixed some issues with time & date, so it not shows the current time.
  • Added support for 1.15+ servers.
----------, Dec 25, 2019

As more than 1 month passed without an update, some known bugs were fixed and the file size was reduced.

Config changes: https://github.com/montlikadani/Tab...0acf662#diff-0f1be8eec416e71c28b41efb0544df26


  • Added option to show/hide the group if a player afk for afk-status.
  • Added option to randomize the header & footer texts in tablist.
  • Important fixes for groups not show for other players when the task scheduler has started.
  • Fixed issue for 1.8 servers when the tablist not showing and throwing errors.
  • Fixed issue when the per world playerlist not work correctly.
  • Fixed issue when reloading the plugin it does not reloaded the animations so it not replaced.
  • Fixed duplicating fake players in player list when another player joined.
  • The tablist loading is now even faster when scanning the software.
  • Fully recoded the fake players handling, so the file size was reduced.
----------, Nov 14, 2019

Config changes: https://github.com/montlikadani/TabList/commit/366a1e2fe6daa4840f9b27d238408c7a1cba82fc


  • Fixed NPE when generating new config files on server startup.
  • Fixed issue when the groups are not work correctly when setting up.
  • Optimized tablist refreshing.
----------, Oct 1, 2019

In this new release, a change has been made that all the options in the tablist have been moved to a new file from the config.yml file because many users have not found the settings in it. Plus, there has been a patch update to the tablist that will no longer freeze, display a blank field, or playing double animations. It is worth upgrading to this version.

Config.yml changes: this commit


  • Added option to disable groups in the specified worlds.
  • Added option to use the essentials nickname with the set of groups. (Required namer changing-type)
  • Fixed console spam, when the essentials plugin not found, but the option is disabled in config.
  • Fixed tablist animation started double sending & flickering, when a new player joined.
  • Fixed issue when the groups are not removed from players.
  • Fixed issue when the namer changing-type is not work for groups, so caused issues with scoreboard plugins.
  • Fixed NPE when tried to save the fake players to a file. #104
Fixes (Bungee):
  • Fixed issue when a player joined to the server, tablist showed, but if other player joined, the tablist will not display anymore.
  • All tablist options have been moved to tablist.yml, will still be available in config.yml, but will be deprecated and will not be updated.
  • Set prefix/suffix sub-commands now works again.
----------, Sep 25, 2019

Config changes: https://github.com/montlikadani/Tab...06e597b#diff-0f1be8eec416e71c28b41efb0544df26
Groups changes: https://github.com/montlikadani/Tab...06e597b#diff-f1e4b43dc3bfc1c29c68c177053d44da


  • Added option to set the time zone for time and date placeholders.
  • Fixed UnsupportedOperationException when tried to toggle the tablist.
  • Fixed tablist objects are flickering when a player joined.
  • Fixed issue when the players group does not supported the placeholderapi placeholders.
  • Should fixed issue when the groups are not removed from tablist when reloaded or stopped the server.
  • Some tab-complete fixes, when does not included the player names to list.
  • Fully removed the name-tag-visibility option. (Reason: This is not tablist related option. For name tag editing use NameTagVisibility)
  • Tablist/groups and objects tasks will stop updating if there are no players available on the server, to prevent tps loss.
  • Optimized the tablist ping & custom objects, to prevent memory leak issue.
  • Simplified the groups creating in file due to users don't know what is op.
----------, Sep 7, 2019

This late update was delayed because planned to recode the custom object, but it doesn't seem to be needed. More below ˇ

For users who using the tablist objects:
If the ping or custom objects are not work correctly, report to me on PM, discussions or GitHub pages.

Configuration changes:

- Bungee
- Bukkit

  • Added support for my RageMode minigame plugin, to cancel updating tablist.
  • Added tps placeholder format - to format the %tps% placeholder, when the amount is lower than 20 or other.
  • Added argument for /tl toggle all to toggle the tablist for all online players.
  • Added option to display the afk status in player list when a player is afk.
Added (bungee):
  • Added tablist groups with animations. This is not Bukkit handled groups this is the Bungeecord componentBuilder, that can makes the tablist more useful.
Fixes (bungee):
  • Some fixes related to tablist updating.
  • Fixed NPE when the PEX is installed and try to get the user, but not find.
  • Fixed NPE when a player not found in the list and throws error.
  • Some fixes related to updating all features when a player connected.
  • Fixed issue when some users using 1.8.5 and below versions the metrics changed some objects and causing the problem. (1.8.5 and below versions the metrics are disabled), #88
  • Fixed issue when tried to change the color in tabname, does not included.
  • Fixed issue when disabled all related to prefixes/suffixes options in config, but if reloaded the plugin then reseted the player name in tablist.
  • Fix NPE when the players section are null.
  • Fixed minor issue when reloaded the plugin and tabname is enabled, it changed the player list name to the original.
  • Fixed NoSuchMethodError when the isCancelled() method are not found in 1.11 and below versions. #91
  • Fixed IllegalStateException when the player team already unregistered.
  • Removed /tl disable command - It will broke the plugin when disabled
  • Removed hideme sub-command, it was unnecessary because it can be hided from tab when player vanished.
  • Toggled tablist are now saved (when plugin disabled) in a file to remain the toggles.
  • Now if the name-tag-visibility is empty in configuration then the nameTag does not changed.
  • Some changes related to per-world-playerlist to work correctly.
  • Renamed %servername% placeholder to %servertype%
  • Fully recoded the groups option. (Some options such as name-tag-visibility will not work)
  • Now the chat are not formatted by this plugin, because the bukkit scoreboard overwrites it.
  • Tabname command will register if the plugin starts, without if the option disabled.
  • API methods have been expanded to make coding easier.
----------, Aug 15, 2019

  • Added option to configuration to use vault group names in groups file to ignore permission checking when using vault.
  • Added softdepend SuperVanish to do not count the vanished players in online-players placeholder.
  • Fixed issue when a player hide from tab and unhide itself then can not add back the player to tab.
  • Fixed issue with fake players are not able to remove from tab when the player is in the game.
  • Removed sort-priority value from groups file. The reason is not work correctly and have a lot of problems with it. (Soon will be added again), sort priorities available only in the players group.
  • Now the /tl fp list command can not format other name in the list.
  • Some improvements for tab sending to player.
  • In the API the fake player are not be able to create or remove, just use FakePlayer.
----------, Jun 14, 2019

  • Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException when a name is disabled in tabname.
  • Fixed NPE when registering a new class but not find. #78
  • Fixed issue with ping-object when a player has nickname, then the objects has not updated anymore.
  • Fixed error when finding the Essentials plugin, but not find and tried to register the event, but not success. #79
  • Fixed issue when the prefix/suffix is still was stay in the tab when disabled the plugin.
Fixes (Bungee):
  • Some improvements with schedulers and NPE problems.
Other (Bungee):
  • Now if any string is empty or not found, it will not send a blank message.
  • Changed 17 symbols, because these symbols are not in UTF-8, so was not work. New symbols: Symbols
  • Plugin updated to 1.14. (WARNING! CraftBukkit is not tested!)
----------, Apr 27, 2019

  • Added option to groups file, when the player is operator of that server, then gets that group when the boolean false. - This fixes a randomly choosing group.
  • Added animation to groups + can be enable in configuration file. (Animations can be configured in animCreator.yml file)
  • Now the health objective shows the health symbol and not the level.
The new TabList​
[​IMG] ​
----------, Apr 10, 2019

  • Added /tl setpriority command to sort the prefixed players in tablist.
Fixes (Bungee/Bukkit):
  • Improved %server-time% and %date% placeholders when used the deprecated version, then throws an error, so it not work.
  • Fixed a problem when executed /tl rl command it does not loaded the animations.
  • Fixed NoClassDefFoundError when PlaceholderAPI not found. #77
  • Fixed issue when changed the name of the world/group or other in config, and wants to reload the plugin, then the player is still get the last tablist.
  • Fixed problem with changing the tablist, when the player was teleported to other world.
  • Improved the Bukkit server name placeholder when used, because the plugin used the deprecated version, but this outdated.
  • Fixed NPE when groups section not found and throws an error.
  • Removed remove-npc-names-from-tab option. - It didn't remove the NPC names from the tablist, but the player names, so it was buggy for Citizens.
  • Now the tablist can be use such as string or string list.
----------, Mar 31, 2019

  • Added option to configuration to ignore vanished players when using %online-players% placeholder.
  • Added option to config to hide player from tab when afk status is true.
  • Added per-group to per-world tablist. - To use per group tablist in per world.
Added (Bungee/Bukkit):
Added (Bungee):
  • Added %max-players% placeholder.
Fixes (Bungee):
  • Fix when a player joined to the server it does not show the tab.
  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException when used the ping-tab objective and the groups.
  • Fix for set the ping-tab for player when list name not found, but if player list name is disabled, throws an error.
  • Some fixes with player hiding from tab, when used old versions e.g 1.8 then not hide the player so throws error.
  • Fixed when the plugin checked the version, for some reason the scanner was not recognized by any version of Java so it caused a problem. #76
  • Fix NPE when a string not found in the messages file.
----------, Mar 8, 2019

  • Re-added the custom objective. (doubled numbers "2.1" do NOT work)
  • Added %vanished-players% placeholder to list all vanished players. Requires Essentials
  • Added commands to set prefix for player: /tl setprefix/setsuffix <player> <prefix/suffix>
  • Added a command to remove player prefix/suffix: /tl removeplayer <player>
  • Fixed all players who were online in the server, got one of the groups so it wasn't right. #65
  • Fix when a player changed nickname and tablist groups is enabled then modified the group prefix/suffix to essentials nickname. #70
  • Fixed when you used the %online-players% placeholder and Essentials is installed, then not count the vanished players.
  • Now don't need the "_" in /tabname command to make a space, because it can be without it.
  • Now tabname supports PlaceholderAPI placeholders & symbols. #67
  • Other tablist fixes for freezing. - When a player joined the server, the tablist freezed so stopped the task and started it again.
  • Removed log-to-file function. - It didn't help much to solve the problem.
----------, Jan 20, 2019

  • Added per-player to per-world tablist. - To use per player tablist in per world.
  • Added %date% placeholder + customizable in configuration.
Added (Bungee):
  • Added %date% placeholder + customizable in configuration.
  • Fixed the health-tab not working correctly.
  • Fixed the default-color when enabled and reloaded the plugin, then the player does not get the color, so it not work.
  • Fixed when you used 1.13 versions and change prefix-suffix, then your name does not change to the specified color, so it not work properly.
  • Fixed tab-complete not work correctly.
  • Now work the tab-complete for gets the fake player when you type /tl fp remove command.
  • Plugin now on Maven project. (the old was incorrect and could not fix)
  • Removed custom-object type, not work properly. (Soon it will be added again.)
----------, Dec 30, 2018

  • Added some methods to API. changes
  • Added group sort priority. - To sort the groups on the tab. (Under testing...)
  • Ok, added PlaceholderAPI placeholders to groups. (If you wanted this, do not ask me why 16 and 64 characters are max. Because the Spigot gave so much and can not do more.)
  • Now checking the color codes in /tabname command to disable the specified word.
  • Now ignoring the remove-npc-names-from-tab boolean, when the Citizens plugin has installed.
  • Now the fake player name support for colors.
  • Now if any string is empty or not found, it will not send a blank message.
----------, Nov 24, 2018

  • Added use-essentials-nickname boolean to tabname & groups. - To change player tablist name to essentials nickname. Requires Essentials
  • Fixed the operator player doesn't get the group, so it not working for op players.
  • Fixed some bugs in API code. changes
  • Fixed file creation problems when the user executed something tablist command.
  • Now animations can be created more easily in a file. (You can use %anim:animationName% placeholder for animation.)
  • Lower lag reduction. (I changed the older scheduler, which does not lag on Spigot versions, only Paper.)
----------, Oct 29, 2018

Added (Bungee):
  • Added new animation to tablist. + You can use \n placeholder to adds a new line.
  • Added custom variables section. - Create custom message variable.
  • Fixed FileNotFoundException when the update-checker boolean is enabled. #52
  • Fixed Vault softdepend error.
  • Fixed not changed the groups for player, so it not working.
  • Removed unnecessary API code.
----------, Sep 22, 2018

  • Added %exp-to-level% placeholder.
  • Added API for developers. See APIs
  • Added boolean to see the default tab if the player, world & group names not specified. #50
  • Added /tl hideme command. - To hide yourself from the other players.
  • Added per-group tablist. (Requires Vault)
Added (Bungee):
  • Added new placeholders: %bungee-online%, %bungee-motd%, %player-country%.
  • Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException problems.
  • Fixed some issues with per-world tab.
  • Removed disable-for-ops boolean. - It has been very annoyed by the users.
  • Now if the groups refresh interval 0 does not refresh the groups.
  • Now if the player vanish, the player will not be seen in %online-players% placeholder. (Requires Essentials or EssX)
----------, Sep 17, 2018

  • Fixed if the tablist refresh interval set to 0 and the hide-tab-when-player-vanished was enabled, then not hided the tab.
  • Updated PlaceholderAPI to the latest version.
  • Updated to Bukkit/Spigot 1.13.1 version.
  • Now the ping working on CraftBukkit & Spigot versions.
  • Now the tablist works on CraftBukkit versions. #46
----------, Aug 27, 2018

  • Added hide-tab-when-player-vanished boolean to tablist. - To hide the tab when the player vanished. (Requires Essentials or EssX)
  • Fixed NullPointerException of unregistering groups. #44
  • Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException of unregistering tab. #396, #44
----------, Aug 19, 2018

  • Added ping-placeholder-format function. - To change the ping placeholder color in the tablist. (good, medium, bad)
  • Added sort priority to per-player group. - To sort the player.
  • Added /tl fakeplayers list command. - To list the fake players.
  • Added hide-group-when-player-afk boolean to change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist. - If a player afk the group hide from tab. (Requires Essentials or EssX)
  • Added hide-group-when-player-vanished boolean to change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist. - If a player vanished the group hide from tab. (Requires Essentials or EssX)
  • Improved tabname check, when the player joined the server.
  • Fixed the group timer did not count seconds but minutes.
  • Fixed custom value unregistering when the plugin has disabled.
  • Fixed NullPointerException problems.
  • Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in tablist when set the tab line to 1. (#43)
  • Fixed the permissions were checked at all times. #41
Fixes (Bungee):
  • Fixed NullPointerException problems.
  • Removed plugin update permission.
  • Removed %online+1% placeholder. - It was unnecessary, because it already exists.
  • Removed player-name-type string in change-prefix-suffix. - It was unnecessary.
  • Now, the prefix & suffix in version 1.13 can have 64 characters.
----------, Aug 18, 2018

  • Added name tag visibility function to change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist.
  • Added per-player prefix & suffix.
  • Added per-player tablist.
  • Added custom value tablist object type to configuration. #18
  • Added use-external-scoreboard boolean to change-prefix-suffix. (This was because many people did not function properly in group prefix & suffix settings.)
  • Fixed when the plugin has disabled, then has not removed the group from the player.
  • Fixed when turned off the tab and reloaded the plugin it has not update other functions.
  • Removed player uuid from names.yml file. - It was unnecessary.
  • Updated to Bukkit/Spigot 1.13 version.
  • Now the groups refresh interval in seconds.
  • Now, the prefix & suffix in version 1.13 can have 32 characters.
----------, Jul 30, 2018

  • Added blacklisted-players string list to configuration. - To disable the tab from the player.
  • Fixed if the header or footer is empty, throw a long bug into the console when used PaperSpigot version. #38
Added (Bungee):
  • Added disabled-servers string list. - To disable tab in the specified server.
  • Added blacklisted-players string list. - To disable the tab from the player.
  • Added %ram-used%, %ram-max%, %ram-free% placeholders. Placeholders
Fixes (Bungee):
  • Fixed when the turned off the tab and reloaded the plugin has removed the toggle task.
Removed (Bungee):
  • Removed text animations. (New animations will be added later.)
  • Removed %max-players% placeholder. - It does not show the max player list.
----------, Jul 18, 2018

Added (Bungee):
  • Added /tablist toggle command. - To toggle on/off the tab.
  • Added %player-language% placeholder.
  • Fixed when the %prefix% placeholder not find in the messages throw a long bug into the console. #37
  • Fixed some exception error.
  • Fixed when the turned off the tab and reloaded the plugin has removed the toggle task.
  • Removed message-enable booleans. If the message is empty not send the message.
  • Changed ping-tab & health-tab to tablist-object-type. - Simplified version of the ping & the health tab.
  • Now you can only use the /tl toggle command to not have it on/off but just type it.
----------, Jun 27, 2018

  • Added BungeeCord support.
  • Fixed could not save/load the names.yml file.
----------, Jun 20, 2018

  • Added +10 symbols. Symbols
  • Added changing-type string to change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist. - If scoreboard, max. character is 16, if namer, then unlimited character.
  • Added player-name-type to change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist. - Modifies the player name or display name on the tab.
  • Added symbols to groups. Symbols
  • Fixed could not remove the prefix & suffix from the tab when reload the plugin and the change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist boolean was enabled.
  • Fixed when the ping-tab was false and the plugin reloaded, not cancel the update task and re-showed.
  • Fixed when the change groups is set to true and not found the file, has send a long error to the console. #30
  • Updated PlaceholderAPI to the latest version.
----------, Jun 16, 2018

  • Fixed does not show the tablist to other players for just one player. Thank you everyone! #31
  • Fixed when the header and the footer (in the per world) were only 1 row, throw a lot of mistakes into the console.
  • Fixed the tps always show 0.0, so it not working. (again)
----------, Jun 6, 2018

  • Added version checker to configurations. - If the version number abandoned.
  • Fixed the remove npc from tab if was enabled has removed the fake player from tab.
  • Fixed when the change groups is set to true and not found the file, has send a long error to the console. #30
  • Fixed when the header and the footer were only 1 row, throw a lot of mistakes into the console. #25, #29
  • Now that the header is empty but the footer is not empty then display the tab (or vice versa).
----------, May 30, 2018

  • Added fake players functions. - Fake players in tablist.
  • Added blacklisted players string list to health tab. - To don't show the player health in tab for the player.
  • Fixed when the tablist interval is set to 0 has disabled the tab, but should not have.
  • Fixed when the tablist is disabled set the empty text in tab.
  • Fixed the tps always show 0.0, so it not working.
  • Fixed when the plugin is disabled, groups have not been deleted from the tab.
  • Fixed when the plugin was reloaded, the tabname is enabled and there were names in the file but they were not displayed on the tab.
  • Updated PlaceholderAPI to the latest version.
  • Now the configurations successfully creating it when reload the plugin.
----------, May 14, 2018

  • Added support for tablist.* permission. - To access for all permissions.
  • Added per world tablist.
  • Fixed not show dot in fps, but with a comma.
  • Fixed some config loading problems.
  • Removed tablist.seetab permission. - It was unnecessary and not show the tablist when reload the server.
----------, Apr 28, 2018

  • Fixed everyone saw their own prefix but the other players did not see it. (again) Reported: @Kevin14231
----------, Apr 13, 2018

  • Added disable-for-ops boolean to groups.yml file. To disable prefix & suffix in op players.
  • Fixed the prefix & suffix did not appear outside the staff for the default group.
  • Fixed everyone saw their own prefix but the other players did not see it.
----------, Apr 12, 2018

  • Added tablist.onlinestaff permission to plugin.yml file.
  • Fixed can not set more group.
  • Changed tablist.staff permission to tablist.onelinestaff.
----------, Apr 11, 2018

  • Added enable/disable boolean to change prefix & suffix in tablist.
  • Added groups refresh interval to configuration.
  • Added per world player list.
  • Fixed prefix & suffix not showing when the health tab is enabled. #13
  • Fixed tablist has frozen when the player left. Reporters: @zR4zzer , @Essver
  • Fixed the permissions always check whether there is a player. #12
  • Fixed can not set group to change prefix & suffix in tablist. #313305
  • Fixed does not removed the tablist when the plugin is disabled.
  • Removed %group% placeholder.
  • Updated PlaceholderAPI to the latest version.
  • Minor changes for PAPI registering.
  • Moved groups to groups.yml file.
----------, Apr 9, 2018

  • Fixed doesn't show the scoreboard when using the group prefix and suffix. Reported by: @Nachtaktiv
  • Fixed did not delete from the tablist the group's prefix and suffix when the player left.
----------, Mar 31, 2018

  • Fixed the plugin did not start and sent a bug to the console. #11
----------, Mar 27, 2018

  • Added group prefixes and suffixes. - You wanted that, I did it. :)
  • Fixed always check the tablist.staff permission to see if it is in the configuration.
  • Updated PlaceholderAPI to the latest version.
----------, Mar 27, 2018

  • Fixed not find the task, so it will mistake. #8
  • Fixed did not show the tab when the player joined the server in 1.8.x versions. #6
----------, Mar 20, 2018

  • Added new animation type. - The old one has thrown a lot of mistakes.
  • Added custom variables section. - Create custom message variable.
  • Fixed the tab did not show when the player joined the server. Reported by: @XxDawnsusxX
----------, Mar 15, 2018

  • Added /tabname command.
  • Removed nick functions. - There were a lot of mistakes.
  • Changed name of the nick-names.yml to names.yml file.
----------, Mar 13, 2018

  • Added %tps% placeholder.
  • Fixed PaperSpigot lag error. Post
  • Fixed did not load the tab interval when execute /tl reload command.
  • Fixed write a long error in the console when the player joined the server. Issue: #4
  • Updated PlaceholderAPI to the latest version.
----------, Mar 6, 2018

  • Added new command: /tl toggle <on;off> - Toggle the tab.
  • Added new placeholders:
  1. %server-time% + time format
  2. %server-ram-free%
  3. %server-ram-max%
  4. %server-ram-used%
  • Fixed when the server started and joined a player to the server but did not display the tab. #3
----------, Feb 25, 2018

  • Fixed the prefix does not show on the tab in the player's name.
  • Updated PlaceholderAPI to the latest version.
----------, Feb 16, 2018

----------, Feb 14, 2018

  • Added player ping in tab. - The ping indication next to the player's name.
  • Added permission to have the tab visible to the player. (tablist.seetab)
High fixes:
  • High fix when more than 2 players joined the server increased the server's slowdown and resulted in server drowning. Reported by: @HazyCraft
  • Fixed when the server and plugin started, but there was no player on the server, the tab was still visible, so a small server lag.
----------, Feb 8, 2018

  • Added displayname & tablist default color.
  • Added 30+ symbols. Symbols
  • Added remove npc name from tab boolean.
  • Added nick enable boolean.
  • Fixed nick continues to spread. - The color in the nickname continues to spread.
  • Fixed the player left the server and rejoined, twice as many updated the tab.
  • Fixed when rewrote the update speed of the tab animation, reloaded the plugin, but did not do anything with the tab.
  • Fixed NPC names in tab. - You can now disable and enable the NPC name on the tab. Thanks @jake1579
  • Fixed all tasks stopped. - It has stopped all tasks that run on the server only.
  • Fixed time interval 0 not disable the tab. - When it was set to 0 on the timer, it did not disable the tab.
  • Changed default-color to displayname & tablist.
Removed :
  • Removed command wait time.
----------, Jan 26, 2018

  • Added animated tab.
  • Added support for console commands. (/nick, /unnick)
  • Added other-player-changed-nickname-enable boolean & other-player-changed-nick-message string.
  • Fixed the tab-enable was false, it did not disable it.
  • Fixed /tl get command nick not found and send error. - No nickname found and sends a bug to the console.
  • Fixed disabled-worlds not disabled. - It did not disable the worlds that were given.
  • Removed update-ticks interval.
----------, Nov 24, 2017

  • Added blacklist-nicknames stringlist. - Here's a blacklist of nicknames.
  • Added enable-color-code chat & tablist boolean. - The color codes can be used for nicknames (chat and tab).
  • Fixed unregistering health tab.
  • Fixed updating tab. - It does not update the tab.
  • Changed enabled-worlds to disabled-worlds.
  • Changed main-info-tlcommand-on-default to default-can-see-plugin-information boolean.
  • Removed enabled-worlds stringlist.
  • Removed auto refresh. - It was unnecessary.
  • Removed some spaces & code.
----------, Nov 17, 2017

  • Bug fixes.
  • Updated config files.
  • Added /unnick all command. - It resets all nicknames to the original.
  • Added enabled-worlds list. - Which worlds can use the tab.
  • Added new placeholders:
  1. %ip-address% - Ip address.
  2. %mc-version% - Minecraft version.
  3. %motd% - Server motd.
  • Fixed update ticks int has not updated. - It did not update the update-ticks function when you typed /tl rl.
  • Added health tab boolean.
  • Fixed /unnick command. - Deleted all nicknames in the file.
  • Added +10 symbols. Symbols
  • Added clear player nick on quit boolean. - If the player has left the server, it will delete the nick name.
  • Added new command /tl get [player] - Get player nick name.
  • Fixed plugin permissions & commands.
  • Added update checker - notify when an update is available. (In console)
----------, Oct 31, 2017

  • Bug fixes.
  • Updated config files.
  • Fixed default nick color - When it was false when it did not show the colors when it gave it color.
  • Added /nick & /unnick aliase: /nick [player] <nick name>, /unnick [player]. Thanks @XxpartythunderxX
  • Added change displayname - Enable to change player display name.
  • Fixed bug: 1.9 did not show the tab.
  • Fixed tab auto update - You have not updated the tab.
Tested Minecraft versions: 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x
  • Other bug fixes.
----------, Aug 31, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 307,404
First Release: Aug 24, 2017
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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