This late update was delayed because
planned to recode the custom object, but it doesn't seem to be needed. More below ˇ
For users who using the tablist objects:
If the ping or custom objects are not work correctly, report to me on PM, discussions or
GitHub pages.
Configuration changes:
- Added support for my RageMode minigame plugin, to cancel updating tablist.
- Added tps placeholder format - to format the %tps% placeholder, when the amount is lower than 20 or other.
- Added argument for /tl toggle all to toggle the tablist for all online players.
- Added option to display the afk status in player list when a player is afk.
Added (bungee):
- Added tablist groups with animations. This is not Bukkit handled groups this is the Bungeecord componentBuilder, that can makes the tablist more useful.
Fixes (bungee):
- Some fixes related to tablist updating.
- Fixed NPE when the PEX is installed and try to get the user, but not find.
- Fixed NPE when a player not found in the list and throws error.
- Some fixes related to updating all features when a player connected.
- Fixed issue when some users using 1.8.5 and below versions the metrics changed some objects and causing the problem. (1.8.5 and below versions the metrics are disabled), #88
- Fixed issue when tried to change the color in tabname, does not included.
- Fixed issue when disabled all related to prefixes/suffixes options in config, but if reloaded the plugin then reseted the player name in tablist.
- Fix NPE when the players section are null.
- Fixed minor issue when reloaded the plugin and tabname is enabled, it changed the player list name to the original.
- Fixed NoSuchMethodError when the isCancelled() method are not found in 1.11 and below versions. #91
- Fixed IllegalStateException when the player team already unregistered.
- Removed /tl disable command - It will broke the plugin when disabled
- Removed hideme sub-command, it was unnecessary because it can be hided from tab when player vanished.
- Toggled tablist are now saved (when plugin disabled) in a file to remain the toggles.
- Now if the name-tag-visibility is empty in configuration then the nameTag does not changed.
- Some changes related to per-world-playerlist to work correctly.
- Renamed %servername% placeholder to %servertype%
- Fully recoded the groups option. (Some options such as name-tag-visibility will not work)
- Now the chat are not formatted by this plugin, because the bukkit scoreboard overwrites it.
- Tabname command will register if the plugin starts, without if the option disabled.
- API methods have been expanded to make coding easier.