(Abandoned) [Animated Tab] - TabList icon

(Abandoned) [Animated Tab] - TabList -----

A free alternative tablist with fewer options (This is only designed to modify tablist)

v5.5.3, Long awaited update
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There was no update for about 4 months, but now here it is mostly with performance improvements.


  • Refactored the "half of the project"
  • Improved players cache handling, now it is only cached one time to avoid memory leaks
  • Fake players changes/improvements:
    • Now fake players display name can contain white spaces from command
    • Removed display name limit, now you can have up to 16+ characters
    • Fixed when fake players does not have skin set when command is performed. #213
  • Fixed "nag author asynchronous" problem that occured when the plugin is in the state to disable, but some of the task can't be cancelled, now we forcefully interrupts those.
  • Fixed some configuration options not loaded
  • Removed tab-completion sorting (which is slow operation)
  • Tablist groups improvements/changes:
    • Added option to assign global group to normal groups
    • Fix when assign option is disabled and normal group is not displayed
  • Removed synchronized block when iterating animations
    • This will improves the animation speed a bit and not freezes the thread.
  • Fixed issue when health tablist objective not worked, instead displayed numbers or nothing. #214
  • Improved hiding players from tablist
  • Removed player permissions tracking mechanic, which is caused more issues than reloading. Actually, it is not mechanic its trash
  • Fix displaying additional characters like "&&" before this the result will be nothing, #222
  • Fixed infinite loop while iterating over animations and some user have %anim:% tag but never replaced.
  • Removed entirely of modifying final fields for example in groups.
    • With the release of Java 16, it has become almost impossible to modify the final properties. We have completely got rid of modifying the final properties, so there are no more "illegal modification" error messages at startup.
  • A bit refactored the PlayerList, this will fixes issue when a player is in vanish mode, but the owner performs reload command and vanished players are visible.
  • Added != (not equal) operator to conditions
  • Improved sorting of afk players to the bottom of the player list.
  • Now the config properties will be loaded once at plugin startup
  • Removed thread-blocking synchronized statements
  • Miscellaneous improvements
----------, Apr 30, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 307,502
First Release: Aug 24, 2017
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
206 ratings
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