(Abandoned) [Animated Tab] - TabList icon

(Abandoned) [Animated Tab] - TabList -----

A free alternative tablist with fewer options (This is only designed to modify tablist)

TabList Update v4.1
  • Added /tl setpriority command to sort the prefixed players in tablist.
Fixes (Bungee/Bukkit):
  • Improved %server-time% and %date% placeholders when used the deprecated version, then throws an error, so it not work.
  • Fixed a problem when executed /tl rl command it does not loaded the animations.
  • Fixed NoClassDefFoundError when PlaceholderAPI not found. #77
  • Fixed issue when changed the name of the world/group or other in config, and wants to reload the plugin, then the player is still get the last tablist.
  • Fixed problem with changing the tablist, when the player was teleported to other world.
  • Improved the Bukkit server name placeholder when used, because the plugin used the deprecated version, but this outdated.
  • Fixed NPE when groups section not found and throws an error.
  • Removed remove-npc-names-from-tab option. - It didn't remove the NPC names from the tablist, but the player names, so it was buggy for Citizens.
  • Now the tablist can be use such as string or string list.
----------, Mar 31, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 307,404
First Release: Aug 24, 2017
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
206 ratings
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