(Abandoned) [Animated Tab] - TabList icon

(Abandoned) [Animated Tab] - TabList -----

A free alternative tablist with fewer options (This is only designed to modify tablist)

Compare changes

  • Fixed UnknownHostException when user's host does not allow to open stream to check for plugins updates. I mean it will be ignored to avoid future issues
  • Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException and text colouring issues
    • Some of colours for example &o&l does not really worked and users can't use # (hash) character as many times as they wanted to.
  • This release includes some optimizations to run this resource lag-free. This report was detected using the Spark resource. For example, on each server tick checked to see if 5 resources existed and were enabled, which was a bit slow.
  • Added %fake-players% variable to show how many fake players added
  • Now all the messages strings will be loaded at the plugin load state so it will not retrieves the strings every time from config.
  • Added ability to specify which of the player list need to be shared in worlds
  • Now the %online-players% variable can count the fake players too if the option is enabled under fake players.
  • Fixed NPE when the player groups retrieved from Vault can be null
  • Fixed CME when the scoreboard teams is immutable and we tried to set the name tag visibility
  • Moved the newly downloaded releases to update directory as the server will replaces these updates on startup. The old releases directory will be removed on the startup of the plugin if exist. So you can now safely enable download updates option in config
----------, Nov 6, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 307,502
First Release: Aug 24, 2017
Last Update: Aug 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
206 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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