Your configuration (config.yml) will be updated automatically if you installed this plugin before.
- Fix for multiple hex colors not works with/without nicknames
- Tabname can now check for regex patterns for better match and restricting tab names from users.
- Improvements related to commands handling, fake players and some other things.
- Fix for tablist glitching player placeholders for everyone, #183
- Now the plugin does not schedules multiple async task for each player, instead schedules only one to improve the server performance.
- Some additions/fixes in fake players:
- Now you can set ping latency with /tl fakeplayers setping
- Now you can set fake players skin using /tl fakeplayers setskin
- Improved setting skin uuids to config, now it separated with ";"
- Fix when duplicated fake players were added to playerlist when reloaded
- Fix when fake players can't be removed for some reason
- Fix NPE related to retrieving vault groups, #186
- Conditions changes:
- Now tps conditions sorted in ascending order to match the correct value
- Ping conditions is also sorted in descending order
- Simplified the tps & ping color formats, so now it is more understandable
- Now global prefix only assigned to players if don't have any group prefix set for player
- Added 1.16.4 support
- Fix CME when iterating over animations, but the thread is not done yet
- Fixed when hex colors not worked correctly with groups
- Added per-permission based tablist header/footer
- Fix luckperms verbose logging when checking permissions/vault groups multiple times in repeating scheduler.