Added ping-placeholder-format function. - To change the ping placeholder color in the tablist. (good, medium, bad)
Added sort priority to per-player group. - To sort the player.
Added /tl fakeplayers list command. - To list the fake players.
Added hide-group-when-player-afk boolean to change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist. - If a player afk the group hide from tab. (Requires Essentials or EssX)
Added hide-group-when-player-vanished boolean to change-prefix-suffix-in-tablist. - If a player vanished the group hide from tab. (Requires Essentials or EssX)
Improved tabname check, when the player joined the server.
Fixed the group timer did not count seconds but minutes.
Fixed custom value unregistering when the plugin has disabled.
Fixed NullPointerException problems.
Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in tablist when set the tab line to 1. (#43)
Fixed the permissions were checked at all times. #41
Fixes (Bungee):
Fixed NullPointerException problems.
Removed plugin update permission.
Removed %online+1% placeholder. - It was unnecessary, because it already exists.
Removed player-name-type string in change-prefix-suffix. - It was unnecessary.
Now, the prefix & suffix in version 1.13 can have 64 characters.