This release includes new PlaceholderAPI support, and also its still supports for old versions, if you're using.
Config changes:
- Improved hex color match, so you don't need to use <>
- Re-added ability to have more animations in another list (somehow this has been removed, string compares)
- Fixed when the hex colors not displays the proper color
- Added CMI support, for afk and vanish
- Added new PEX support for checking permissions
- Improved toggling tablists, after server reload and the player toggled to on her tablist it's not displayed.
- Added option to specify tps-size
- Fix for bungee tablist when switching servers
- Fixed when the animations stopped working on bungee networks
- Fix when the tablist not works on 1.13.1 versions
- Improved and corrected config comments, @Nety
- Now you don't need to add another argument for setting prefix/suffix
- Improved setting prefix/suffix, now you can use spaces
- Async task can't cancelled on plugin stop