Last update of player warps This will be the last update unfortunately as player warps is now going premium! You can find the new resource here.
Fixed category issue
Added better command handling
Added a new placeholder [has_visited] this just shows if they have visited (make sure to enable visits menu) and it will not work for warp owners.
Added an info command
Double check that the economy is working properly instead of throwing an error.
Fixed heads in 1.20.2
Added better library management
Also added the ability to change short number formats.
The ability to change the delay of teleport cross server in the config.yml
When teleporting, always eject passengers from the player even when the option "keep-passenger" is false. If option is true, behaviour will still stay the same. (eject, teleport, add passengers again.)
Added the ability to add managers to your warps!
Added right click to go back in the sorting item
Fixed lock warps being buggy in the menu
Made sure that the "all" option isn't pointless when being set
Fixed category issue
Fixed versioning issue for prereleases AND also fixed startup error in pre2
Fixed versioning system plus fixed opposite category.
Updated frameworks and added some cool performance stuff
Added per world warps YAY!
Added group worlds
Added ranks for free cost of warp setting
Added a new library management system interally
Updated OlziePlugin, this fixes folia servers.
Updated OlzieMenu, this fixes anything on arclight servers
Added a condition placeholder for visits
Cleaned up a lot of other code
Added support for chest sorting plugin
Added more proper checks for warp costs
Fixed tab complete for open command
Added a %cmd% placeholder for all the configs
Added a lot more other changes
Updated all the frameworks
Added restricted-categories, restricted-players, restricted-worlds to renting
While this is also a bug fix update, to resolve a bug i've added a new placeholder modifier "cost_raw". This should now fix an issue with the confirmation, change your config.yml to use this for the new condition placeholder for confirmation
Fixed a possible issue with players duplicated being in the same list
Updated framework
Added a feature where if the max category was set to 1 or lower then the old category system would take place.
When getting the warps icon, it now clones it instead of modifying the item 60+ times.
Now adds unique columns for names to PREVENTS any warps that might have the same name. Any servers that already have duplicated warp names will need to remove them.
Tidy the code
Added a removal delay to pending warps on mysql
Fixed PAPI on plugin reload
Added placeholder-condition to purge
Fixed sorting cooldown
Try to add some sort of queue schedule system for the sponsor.
Fixed warp discord not working - you now need to use % instead of []
Fixed errors throwing when using /pwarp reload twice in a row attachment:
if u wanna grab gui data only, run it as async for sqlite data
Added more scheduler stuff to the AP
Dont unready on GUI close
Setowner command
Fixed the sign flashing in 1.20
Take into consideration for paper servers with 1.12 and below
Fixed MySQL driver for 1.8 servers
Add action on click for page icons
Fixed sponsor items
Sign checks
New event API
Added %category% to commands
Fixed double coloured warps, the heck?
use PDC when can
Fixed invisible warp names
Parse placeholders before colour, fixed locked section i think
Ignore banner meta
Fixed expansion manager throwing an error
Cleaned up a few codes in the framework/libraries
Fixed bug with percentage-cut
Fixed getting locations in chunks
Fixed issue where if you had warp signs enabled it would stop from any block breaking if player didn't have permission
Also fixed folia support. I don’t know if this will work or not, you test it.
Rename command now allows the player to rename the warp their warp to the current warp name (to allow editing just colours)
Recoded addon implementation
Fixed error coming up if replacer list is empty
Added first and line prefixes for descriptions
now using BasicItemMeta from framework
Fixed title placeholders being parsed through PAPi before they was being replaced
Added preload method to expansion API
Changed worldguard integration to flags
Added a new vanish action tag
Used fallback method for setting textures
Fixed mywarps perm
Fixed needed page items
Added teleport wait per rank
Added more variables in menu commands
You are not able to provide time and reasons for bans
New schedule system, instead of having old executors running
Fixed command options being very weird when parsing
Added server sorting
Made hex only limit to 255
Added AdancedMarkets support to WG
Added support for Pl3xmap V3
Added a proper way to make it so a category is marked as all. By adding "all: true" to a category
Added sort cooldown optional
Fixed enchantments not working for versions below 1.13
Made /pwarp reload actually reload the blacklisted regex's
Performance wise for menus should be better for loading over 1k+ warps
Fixed an issue where item currency would be used even though the amount set to -1
Fixed some other known bugs and issues with prompt category
Fixed managewarp title not working
Fix placeholders identifiers that have _
Fixed placeholder in title
Attempted to add support for skin restorer (only if skin handler is offline)
Added teleport tax
Made already sponsor message more specific
Async menu checks
Fixed reset command for mysql users not using cross servers
Added min values
Added removal of rates in the rate menu
Prepared for removal of apache commons
Fixed sponsor warps
Recoded the menu implementation
Fixed issues with chat not working properly due to chat priority
Fixed signs not being broken properly
Added a feature to enable short formats
Fixed startauction error if you dont have it enabled
Added signs right click and shift + right click
Added visitedplayers menu
Added banned players menu
Recoded the menu icon implementation
Implemented multiple categories! A warp can now be in multiple categories
Updated a lot of PAPI placeholders
Added support for banner meta
Added maximum amount for rate
Also added an option in config where a player can only rate a warp once
Hello everyone, the first update of the year! We hope you enjoy
Fixed visual glitch with skull updating
Updated api
Added a rate menu
Only split chat_wait with a chat action
Added API changes
Fixed purging confirmation
Added discord integration
Added Lang API
Cooldowns save on restart
Added %warp% to remove message
Added use-custom-icon to sponsor warps
Placeholders in commands are now in a certain order to prevent conflict
Maven deployment system is now properly working
Added rate rewards
Fixed hex not stopping properly
Added condition tag to actions
Added close commands
Added pw.rate.papi and pw.desc.papi - can only put papi placeholders in those descriptions.
Added %warp% to open and close actions
Added warp cause to the API
Made it so its only required to have pw.warp.sign to teleport via signs.
Made some GUI changes
Might of fixed an issue with sponsors being set at the same time. Not sure?
Added purge timers per category
Fixed MySQL Updater
Added [has_password] placeholder
Added ability to add spaces and colours to your warps. It will use a character replacement system for spaces
We realized we haven't released an update for almost 6 months! Here is some exciting features and loads of bug fixes for the Christmas Holidays! Wowww!
Added an option for players to only be restricted to their player name, the only downfall for this is that it will not change when they change their name.
Added permission "pw.warp.delay.move" to disable movement checks on delay
More error checking
Fixed an issue using "NaN" when parsing double in command input, woah didnt even know about this
Fixed category getWarps not working for all
Fixed bypass permission not working for disabled worlds with /warp reset
More consistent warp complete for commands if they have the bypass permission for that command
MyWarps back menu is now more consistent and takes you to category menu
Potential skull fix when changing to ONLINE_BUKKIT
Fixed 1.19 skulls not working
No longer need for using search tag
Fixed description issue causing it to break the entire menu
Used multi-threaded locks for getting generated keys in insert methods
Fixed issue with items currency pw
Fixed GriefDefender unloading before player warps
Added config API
Added price free limit
MySQL no longer requires strict yaml rules for checking ports as an int
Added gradients
Can now play custom sounds
Teleport sounds now support custom sounds
Updated framework & Methods
Updated API consumer
Added polish translation
Made [owner] for skulls show the viewer when using -view
Added help to the tab complete
Added %viewer% to lore and name to show the view of the gui
Updated bluemap API
Added [viewer] to the gui titles
Allows PAPI placeholders to return colours
Added category item swapper
You can either now use "slots" or "slot" in the menu config
Removed GUI page cooldowns (category swapper and refresh still have a cooldown for now)
Added a item placeholder for my warps menu according to your warp limit and available limit
Added specific warp menus to open command
Added keep-passengers-vehicle
Fixed placeholders while /pw reload
Automatically add categories to command
Added MiniMessage
Fixed /pw list saying no page when there isn't any warps
Added description blacklist
Fixed the search in favourite and visitedwarps Specific permission messages
Added option for "dangerous-ignore-update-inventory"
Description wrapping better
Added an option to fully disable the rate requirement
Now fully removes warps from the category if they dont have permission to view that category
Fixed an error being thrown if visits purge wasn’t using the correct format
Updated framework to make it so that the key results are reversed to make commands more accurate to the item if you have two or more items in the same slot
Fixed sponsor warp and other menus not opening up the confirmation menu
Made pw.cost.bypass bypass teleporting costs
Added [sort] to page titles
Fixed search item not working
Added [displayname] to icon lores
Fixed [prefix] and [suffix] showing Chat plugin not found if server warp instead of n/
Added search in all possible page menus now
Support for paces in open options, use a speech mark wrapper
Added confirm.yml to configuration update ignore list
Added world types to configuration update ignore list
Removed visual NBT data to prevent plugins from conflicting the items in my menus
Added random sort type.
Added iridiumskyblock support
Made it so all addons can be optional instead of all
Added pl3xmap/squaremap descriptions
Removed pbv when checking for items in inventory
Added repeating commands/broadcasts to sponsor warps while that warp is being sponsored (ads?)
Stopped throwing errors if you have the player warp menu disabled (why would you?) with category prompt open
Fixed an issue with sponsor warps not being removed if warp was owned by the server
Added pw.cooldown.sponsor to bypass sponsor cooldowns
Added %warp% to economy messages
Fixed icon remove command not working properly with arguments due to the item in hand setting
Fixed ban permission not being in the pw.commands
Added unbreakable tag
Fixed automatic sponsor slots acting weird
Added debug to vault expansions
Fixed rate average with empty rate stars
Altered the mywarps menu to be more "user friendly" with open options syntax for other players to view warps
Added cooldowns to pages, i thought i did this but it was only the refresh button. Please owners, don't kill me for not adding a toggle. Its for your performance safety!
You can transfer warp to players if they're offline when you have confirmation disabled. If you have confirmation enabled, they will need to be online still
Added option for a required permission to open the menu via base command
Added rate conditions
Added whitelist & ban checks for rate commands
Added a search option in the open command
Fixed close tag saying unknown command in console
Fixed [owner] for spigot servers. Wow, spigot you're buggy.
Added blacklisted slots for warps
Fixed set ranks price not working as intended with the new name
Fixed the search item not able to have multiple slots
Fixed enchantments not working on menu items
Added %warp% support for some menu commands
Residence teleporting fixed
Fixed lock command options
Added all placeholders support for names
You can now teleport players to warps using console
Fixed conversion manager
Added console only database command
Fixed menu cache resetting
Added options for empty rate stars
Added pages to the list command
Option to change how skull skins are handled
Updated inventory on removal of items, this stops duplicating items from menu in creative mode using offhand
Max amount warps check before confirmation check
Added saberfactions support
Added crashclaims support
Added "" bypass permission. Bypass warp safe check, (Still appears if warp is unsafe via gui though)
Added automatic sponsors.
Moved all the expansion stuff to a different file, so many people requested this
Fixed cooldown checkers for visits
Fixed the wrong cooldown permission for teleporting
Auto update restarter changed
Changed the plugin.yml to use the new changed permissions
Fixed commands not working on clickable items in some menus
Colours now work on variables that are changes on menu open
No longer throws an error if an item is outside of the inventory index
Fixed %permission% not working in some inconsistent messages within the framework
Expansions manager error
Redone menu framework listener to reduce lag?
Added a optional argument for lock command to stop toggleable. `/pw lock <warp> <true/false>`
Fixed potential error throwing on name replacer
Fixed superior skyblock addon not loading properly
Adding specific prices for renting per rank
Added confirm TP gui
Added support for KingdomsX
Added support for Landlord4
Painfully added interactions with /pwarp list
Fixed error being thrown when fetching skins for players that don't exist
Fixed an error when trying to inject permissions in command framework for reasons
Added an option for you to be able to completely wipe the past visits in the database for visit purging
Added min-ranks-cost to the blacklist updater
Fixed error when reload
Added a option to ignore op limit permission
Added a option to view warps for another player
Added some new placeholderapi variables
Added so admins can now cancel sponsor warps with pw.admin.delsponsor by right shift clicking it
Fixed sponsor invoices not working with decimals properly
Fixed dynmap not updating the warp name properly when you rename the warp
Changed how the sponsor configuration is in the GUI
Added bypass permissions for cooldowns
Added a required abstraction method for Expansion
Added more java documentation, sorry for being lazy. I wont next time.
Added huge API updates and massive changes.
You can now change what the maximum amount of auctions looks like.
Cache regex patterns, what was i thinking?
Added random tp command.
Conversion manager changes.
Added a lot more debug for major to be able to help investigating in the future.
Fixed an issue where items would just not appear in the menu when using item tags.
You can now view other players 'warp amount via /pw amount <player> with pw.amount.others
Addon manager now only installs expansions that require an update instead of everytime.
Tab completion for the open command for open options syntax.
You can now set the teleport command to separate sub-command by setting teleport-command-name: "" to a proper name.
Added sort to all the other menus apart from visited warps.
Fixed an error when using older versions for nms
Fixed buying slot at the same time
Fixed some crashing exploits
Fixed removeall command throwing array oob exception
Fixed the conversion manager for players to now convert properly
Fixed the /pwarp command not opening menu if open menu is enabled and override is enabled
Fixed menu interaction
Added a sponsortime placeholder for PAPI
Added commands for sponsored warps when they're sponsored and available
Cleaned up addon manager error messages
Filter server warps in the warp GUI
Allowed variables in managewarp item names
Update api
Added not-banned message for when trying to remove a ban when they’re not banned
Reduced ProtocolLib code for search signs and now using spigot API, now works for 1.18 clients now.
Built squaremap into pl3xmap addon
Revamped the addon loader to be able to load multiple addon implementations from one jar
Updated plugin framework
Updated grief prevention API
Updated husktowns API
Changed some default configuration to reduce confusion
Added %permission% placeholder for no-permission
Added minimum amount for costing
Fixed an issue with having visits enabled but without any warps throwing an error
Fixed the event API abstraction class name
Fixed the category event API not being implemented properly
Changed the papi placeholders for selecting modifiers for specific warps
Fixed data file for myql users
Fixed [warp] not working in visitedit menu
Fixed \n not working in safe placeholder but others were working
Added a option to intherit the category icon
Added sponsor placeholders to papi (check docs)
Fixed sponsor warps not working if you had it enabled in the main GUI
Added reminders for renting warps
Fixed renting not working after when using /pw reload
Fixed being able to create warps as empty by adding just colour codes in it, thus resulting in not being able to remove the warp as well
Added a check for player being null in protocolib event receiving?
PlaceholderAPI reloads no longer breaks placeholders from PW
Added an option for you to be able to disable giving money back to the player when warping
Fixed confusion in the GUIs with skulls, version mix-up
Fixed an error that you may get with timers "Timer already cancelled...", now using ExecutorService instead.
Added an option for you to disable the managewarp menu
Fixed how player warps detects numbers in commands
Added a isowner placeholder
Added default prompt category
Updated to using 1.18 dependency and added support
Allowed skulls to work with offline servers using SkinRestorer
Added menu checks if menu was disabled for some menus instead of throwing error
Fixed owner pay not working no matter what for item economy
Fixed locked items not using the warp placeholders
Added husktowns support
Fixed an error when using reload command with mysql
Fixed concurrent issue with getting a warp on startup (repeat of errors)
You can now use /pwarp removeall <server/console> so remove all the warps owned by the server
Fixed not being async when getting data for menu
Fixed not setting offline messages in object
Fixed my warps spam pages using too many resources
Fixed configurations not loading from correct folder if you have nested folders
Fixed not creating data.json if you're running mysql and have purged visits x days enabled
Fixed plugin reload not removing the server from the database
Fixed a bug where it wasn't ignoring the -1 for the item economy, could also cause duplication bugs where it would give the item instead of taking the item, this was only caused in 6.10.1.
Fixed search signs not working on 1.16.5, but added a option to "fix-sign-flashing" if you're on 1.12 or below
Fixed an error being thrown on warp renting if you didn't have any warps on your server
Wow! We have probably the biggest update changelog ever produced by Olzie Development. We really hope you enjoy our updates, we've worked really hard as the team and community to make this the most stable build ever updated on spigot. Thank you!
Fixed config updater resetting configuration sections like "ranks-pay".
Recoded the open command, now uses an entire new option system (read the docs).
The ability to specify a required permission to sponsor a warp.
Recoded the entire way warp visits work, you can now purge warp visits. So you can have a total amount of visits and a purged visits, (purged every x days).
Cleaned addwarps command (mainly for negatives to allow -result > static).
Fixed how sponsor warps checking out of sync cache works.
Added %displayname% placeholder to all messages that %player% uses (only works when online, otherwise will show players name if offline).
Fixed search menu not opening properly.
Fixed menu framework not ignoring clicks in the players inventory.
Fixed signs clicking if you didn't have protocollib, a error would of been thrown instead of a message.
Added PlaceholderAPI support the warps in the warp menu (some placeholders may not work if the player is offline, not my fault).
Fixed where the sign items would reset every config update.
Fixed warp renting showing up as they couldn't afford it, even though they could.
Now executing vault auctions sync like withdrawing.
Fixed managemenu not replacing [warp].
Fixed commands not be used on the right item when they're being overridden.
Fixed commands not working in the main menu.
Added an option in the config.yml for players to bypass warp passwords if they're the owner.
Fixed 1.8 support not working for messages.
Fixed visits cooldown not working due to me missing an "s" in the string.
Added a new debug log level system.
You can now specify needed items for you to teleport to a warp.
You can now choose if players need to have "pw.set" for /pw set, disabled by default in the config.yml.
Fixed a bug with /pwarp reload not closing the gui before startup sequence is called again.
You can now add aliases to your commands in the config.yml.
1.17 users now use the proper minecraft nbt tag system for items.
Also moved the server option for databases to avoid confusion, you may wanna update that.
Improved menu performance by miles.
Fixed other advanced item meta not applying to skulls.
You can now use ranges in slots, for example "0-8".
Fixed some warps being unsafe due to some of the new air, you can now mark what will be safe at the players head (potential suffocation)
PAPI placeholders can now be used in menu titles.
Fixed NPE throwing when creating a warp through the API with a null callback (mainly pw addons).
Fixed multiple addons being enabled in the config.yml causing to ignore some addons depending on the order it was checking
Added a option for you to disable page items if there is no valid page. For example it wont show the previous page if you're on page 1
Fixed an issue if you had MySQL enabled, then disable it. it would throw an error using /pwarp reload
Fixed sponsor warps not working if you had a chat plugin making the warp have colour when you type it in chat
Added more commands to the config.yml for setting & removing warps.
Fixed some errors occurring when using tab complete in console.
Optimised skulls, now loads async while the menu is open and doesn't need the player to log onto the server for it to appear properly.
Introduced searching for the mywarps menu.
Cooldown properly now working for sorting items (still loading inv).
Fixed refresh spam page lag.
Ability to change server warp skulls in lang file
Fixed players inventory getting updated all the time for not even my menus.
Added !color tag to chat_wait action.
Adjusted how signs were placed on the client side to prevent some issues.
Add an option to be able to set set warps in either a member or owner region for worldguard
Fix option "amount" not working for some clickable items
Fixed open command not working for categories with spaces
Fixed an issue where if you didn't have legacy startup in console before pw loaded it would do it when opening search signs
Added action tags, check the docs for more info
You can now add custom world names to make them look more prettier to the player in the world type section.
Added %reason% to the permission message so the player knows why they dont have permission.
Fixed an error when setting a warp using the /pwarp set <warp> server command.
Added an option to be able to teleport to warps using signs just like EssentialsX' sign system for warps.
Fixed economy balance getting async
Fixed flashing signs on search for some mc clients
Fixed incorrect usage of this.connection in manager
Fixed config updater not adding escaped slashes
Fixed config updater for configuration sections, duplicating them if they didn't exist
We are back with another huge update for Player Warps, we hope everyone has enjoyed their summer break and we hope you enjoy this update too!
Fixed config updater not escaping the \n in lists
Fixed an issue with the menu updater not updating item names if only the item name was changed
Fixed a bug if you used the sound action it would also dispatch that as a server command
Fixed a bug if you had the category menu disabled, it'll not auto complete the other menus
Fixed mywarps updating on lock
Fixed an issue with mysql server not updating properly in updater
Fixed the getPlayers ConcurrentModificationException
Fixed an error in the search menu for MySQL users
Fixed BlueMap errors
Fixed the expiring functions (never expiring) if they expired when the server was offline
Fixed /pwarp removeall concurrent errors
Fixed world loading after playerwarps would cause warps not to load at all
Fixed lands erroring on deletion
Fixed the sign warp event
Fixed rate rounding
Fixed my warps menu not updating with password update
Fixed an issue with the tab complete on the description command if you changed the "set" sub command in config
Added JSON formatting (check the docs on how to use it)
Added the ability to specify the lore and named needed when required to use an item for economy
Added the ability to move the sponsor warp items to the player warp menu
Added ability to add NBT data to items
Added the ability to add enchantments to items
Added to be able to open menus for other players
Added automatic server detection for mysql (no longer need to list them)
Added the the ability to set a default teleport price per category
Added an option to be able to change the password max length
Added an addon API for PW
You can now enter \n in the description for it to go onto the next line
Now using my new framework
Now using an entire new addon system woah
Now using the new cdn for my webserver to fix some servers not being able to connect to it
You can now choose on how to format your dates in player warps
Changed ids and limits to long.
Changed how purging worked, now uses commands instead of just removing the warp (more flexibility)
Grief prevention events have now been altered
Updated the PlotSquared V6 API again...
Pl3xmap errors have been fixed
You can now use regex in blacklisted name
Open the visit edit menu when right clicking a claimed sponsor warp
Fixed an issue with the sorting cooldown when disabling some sort types
Fixed an issue if you're using MySQL sponsor warps could be overridden
A complete recode of the GUI system and caching. Uses less memory!
Now supports offline messages
Set owner command now has a confirmation to the receiver ~ does change command syntax
Ability to change the formatter for numbers
Ability to change the locked icon with more itemmeta
Now using an entire new converter system (also add a new plugin to the converter)
Configuration Sections are now less delicate and so are configuration strings
Removed the deprecation of setWarpDate in the Warp object
Fixed an issue if you had multiple slots with commands not executing
Fixed where variable was not replaced in the left/right commands during execution
Fixed an error on loading when the plugin tries to get the warp name for a warning log on loading
Fixed converter creating the server column for mysql bungee users
Fixed left and right click commands being wrong syntax
Config updater now uses " instead of '
Hello, another update from the Olzie Development team comes again! This is probably one of the biggest updates you've had in a while. Enjoy, here is the change log:
* Fixed unsuccessful renting messages not working
* Improved performance when loading menus
* Map addons now remove locked and whitelisted warps from the map
* Loads menu when the warp safe checker is finished
* Recoded the entire API structure
* Fixed switching to sort types when they're disabled
* Recoded the entire renting checker
* Added [rent_due] placeholder to check when the next rent is due
* Allow admins to add favourite warps to another player /pw favourite <warp> [player] ~ needs `pw.admin.favourite`
* Added 1.17 support
* Added cooldown specific warps option to config
* Fixed Residence addon
* Async safe checking now updates menu
* Fixed description with user putting colour codes not going on the next line
* Fixed GriefPrevention auto delete
* Fixed an error when removing warps in bulk
* Added an option to be able to also keep vehicles the player is riding
* Updated the API
* Storing for warps is now different, uses an id instead of the warp name. Easier to track especially for updating cache across servers
* Fixed an issue with trying to auto complete with /pwarp rate if you have a server warp on your server
* Fixed a bug where if you have a warp in visited warps the favourite gui would be openable even if you had no warps in there
* Added tab complete to the /pwarp favourite command
* Fixed an issue with the warp limit purge error if the player was offline
* /pw addwarps is now supporting offline players
* Change the icon name per menu
* Fixed how addons checker now works with multiple addons enabled
* Added [locked] and [password] placeholders to the mywarps gui
* Fixed an issue if you had a scheduler timer and you reloaded the plugin the instances would be conflict
* Added %cooldown% in the cooldown messages to know how long is left
* Fixed an issue with visited warps menu throwing errors
* Fixed tab completing when reloading
* Fixed where players could open a lock category via cmd
* Fixed events for plot squared v4
* Made it so warps you dont have access to (category locked) dont appear in auto complete
* Fixed thread abuse
* All menus now use the base placeholder getter
* Added translatable "N/A" lang
* Added left/right click specific commands (check docs on how to use it)
* [desc] is now supported with all menus.
* Added support for \n in lores
* Added a more better command syntax shower instead of a help command
* Updated the config updater to improve the accuracy of updating the config
* Added the ability to add multiple slots (check docs on how to use it)
* Added restricted worlds to the remove-days purge
Here is another update from the Olzie Development crew, thank you for choosing Player Warps. Our team is working as hard as possible, your support is very appreciated, enjoy!
Fixed the PlayerWarpCreateEvent not cancelling the messages if the event was cancelled by another plugin
Fixed password expire time
Fixed menu not loading async
Fixed confirm not ignoring -1
Fixed addons still creating the warp
Added caching to teleport price to reduce delay instead of fetching loads of requests to your permission plugins
Fixed confirmation teleport not ignoring -1
Fixed menus not working in spectator
Fixed warps not being marked as unsafe in 1.13+
Fixed warps (even connected to mysql but not a network) being always safe
Fixed error when tab completing on reload
Fixed warp signs
Added PlotSquared V4 support
Added sort cooldown
Added pw.admin.disabledworlds
Optimised page sorting
Added 1.7 support
Added support for placeholders to use on category items
Updated bentobox API
Few bugs
Changed URL#openStream to HTTPConnection#inputStream
Fixed teleport price with the "owner-pay" conflict
Fixed conflict with the essentials warp command
Changed how configuration loads files (you can now create your own Lang files and plugin will still work if site is down)
Fixed residence support
Commands are now always overriding other plugin's commands
Altered the connection method
Added support for 1.8 searching
Made it so the DatabaseManager is loaded after the config is updated
Fixed reset cost not ignoring -1
Fix updating the warp safe checker
Added cooldown for sponsor warps in config.yml
Multiple language system
Added support for Pl3xMap
Fixed warp payer error
Added password expiration time
Ignored LuckPerms UUID lookup errors
Fixed auto updater
Fixed some issues with item cloning
Fixed an issue with griefprevention auto deleting
Added an official API (
Added support for LandsAPI restrictions
Added a rename cost
isValid timeout
Added UltimateClaims Support
Added Residence Support
Added no limit permission purging
Another update for Player Warps is here! The Olzie Development team have been working for a few weeks to make this update the best yet. We also wish everyone a Happy Mothers Day (uk). Also, we hope you enjoy the update. (There is a lot of changes)
- Fixed colours not being properly removed
- Added a option to make pw.warp to require a warps name for a player to teleport
- Added permissions to categories in the GUI
- permission for category now listens to command
- Cant teleport to warp if you dont have access to the category
- Fixed the reset command not checking for a vault eco plugin.
- Made it so you can add a dynamic name using [owner] for a skull.
- Reconfigured the manage warp menu (delete it to regenerate if you wish)
- Fixed some small MySQL bugs and issues
- Fixed some general bugs
- Added MySQL arguments in the config
- Added sponsored warps
- Fixed map issues (BlueMap and Dynmap markers not working)
- Made it so you can customise the warp sort type names in the GUI
- Added a rate cooldown
- Fixed chat wait cancel
- Added force teleport
- Fixed where the warp starts in sorting method
- Fixed [banned] not being replaced when you have colours on the line
- Added support for FactionSX
- Fixed configuration updater with replacing ' with "
- Now using new command framework
- You dont need an eco for item checking
- Fixed errors with not having a valid default category
- Fixed MySQL connection being closed too often
- Fixed an issue with world caching loading
- Added a database converter. Transfer to MySQL -> Sqlite and back.
- Added an option where you could set a the min price for a confirmation to appear
- Added an option to be able to change when the player needs to pay again in the pay list
- Added %player% to lore in items in the gui
- Added PAPI support in item lores
- Fixed the back button not working if you have disabled the category menu
- Added a option to change the sub sub commands "set", "remove" and "list"
- Added PlayerWarpRentEvent to the api
- Added an option in the config to keep passengers
- Added a way to revert the worldguard addon
- Added support for Purpur GUI
- Fixed an issue with the managewarp GUI throwing errors due to invalid placeholders
- You can now execute actions in the GUI if there are no warps.
- Fixed reset cost
- Fixed GUI issues
- Actions now use the custom send method.
Thank you so much for using Player Warps, it means so much to the Olzie Development team. I know we haven't released an update for a while. This update is a huge one and loads of features have been recoded!
I hope everyone enjoys this update and Happy New Year!
Added permissions for commands pw.admin.command to bypass for any warp
Added cost for re-setting a warp
GUI refresh doesn't break anymore
Fixed some issues
Being able to teleport to your warp if it is locked via /pwarp <warp>
Rename command now removes colours
Using the new PlotSquared listener API
Icon setting, tool durability is now always 0
Manager now uses isClosed if isValid is not available in runtime (outdated SQLite?)
Added a new action [chat_wait] message:command [chat_wait] is it will send the message to the player, then whatever they enter can be used in the command with the variable %value%
Added player side variables liked [banned]
Added search option (search warps either via the full player name or similar warp names)
Added favourite warps
Added a extra menu when right-clicking a warp for "managing your visit" - rate warps, favourite via a menu
Added a filter sort option player side instead of global
Added ban features, hurray! /pwarp ban <set/remove/list> <warp> [player]
Added CustomModelData to item creation, so now you can do custom-model-data: DATA
Added safety precautions if a warp owner is null or if a location is null it will refuse to load, you'll no longer get any errors. But you will get spam if you have debug on
Added the permission "" to bypass the renting of a player warp.
Fixed an issue where you could have two warps with the same name by adding color codes.
Removed the sponsor message to follow the spigot guidelines, i contacted the spigot support personally and it is against their TOS. People was just complaining about the message appearing, it was actually toggle-able in the config. But its still against the rules. So its been removed.
(This was just a short update as i had to release it ASAP)
This update has been released early since loads of people are obtaining errors. This update was meant to be released on
19 April as that is our anniversary of this plugin, and this is also the biggest updates ever!
"pw.admin.category" you can now set any warp's category
Added data backups, everytime the server stops a backup of the data.yml is taken to
Fixed an error groups and suffixes
Fixed an error with MySQL startup
Added teleportation commands to the config.yml
Added teleport/set cooldowns to the config.yml
Fixed the reload command
Added a glowing option to gui items
Fixed back/previous buttons in "My Warps" menu
Added remove confirmation
Re-set command
Rename command
Added owner command
Add SQL support for warp rates
Change how data is stored (Don't worry, I've added a converter to convert the old data to new data. But when the plugin first starts up, the data is converted then server will restart automatically. Don't worry about this!)
Added option for a player to not be able to rate their warp
Fixed the delete event for addons not working even though you've enabled them.
Fixed some caching bugs that were including in the MyWarps GUI, this was a hard bug to find. But i found it.
Fixed an issue where if a player was in a bed they could obtain items that is in the GUI. (This is for most plugins as the InventoryClickEvent is ignored while in a bed.)
Added custom textures and owners (for skulls) in the gui.yml
Added new PlaceholdersAPI (
%pw_warps%`, `%pw_warps_<position>%)
Fixed lores not being updated in the SQL GUI for all the other servers (I spent 5 hours on this...)
Removed the description colours in the config and replaced it with a permission
Fixed an database error where if i add a new section to the data.yml it would give people errors if they don't reset their data.yml.
I've added PlaceholderAPI Support in ALL lang messages in the lang.yml.
Set `purge` and `remove-days` to false in the config as default.
Finally made a change to the config updater to stop whipping the categories and items in the gui. The way i setup the config updater is to make sure it ignores those but it never ignored it for some reason. (It does mess the comments round that section. I'm going to try and fix it, but it isn't very important)
You can now do `/pwarp open <all category name>`
Fixed teleporting and setting prices due to change of the new eco system with ranks being involved.
(I'm also working on the new MySQL Bungee download website. If you get an error when it downloads just join our discord and you can manually download it in the #announcements)
Added a fix where if you was using the default Bukkit permission system every time a person would teleport to your warp or create a warp you would get a error from vault.
Fixed an error where if the data.yml was not already created there would be errors everywhere because the data.yml did not contain any of the needed configuration sections.
Fixed where if you renamed the "all" category it would spit an error out every time the GUI was updated. The ALL category is now decided from the first category in the list.
I'm sorry for releasing so many updates this day, hopefully this is the last update. The 4th update today. I'm destroying these bug fixes! Wow!
Fixed an error where if a warp category name was changed in the gui.yml and a warp had the old category name it would spit an error every time the GUI was outdated. The plugin now chooses the default category if the category name was changed.
Added a new permission
pw.admin.nopurge this bypasses any type of warp purge.
Fixed this issue again where warps didn't load when the plugin starts up. I've had this issue so many times with so many different players. I hope this is fixed for once. Its driving me crazy
Fixed an issue where some warps did not load during startup.
Fixed an issue where you rate the warp in the command but the capitals where not exact the plugin would refuse to load the rest of the warps (You will need to delete the rates for that in the data.yml for it to never happen again)
Fixed an issue where the
/pw removeall command was not added to the CommandRegisterUtil. This is now fixed.
Added the an option in the config to allow players to set their icon to any item by putting the item name in the command. If the option is enabled then it will get the item off from their hand.
(If the option is disabled you can tab the items if needed in the command)
Fixed the config updater not updating any configs because the value was null for some reason.
Wow! This update is a big one!
Recoded the config updater (it kept changing the configs even though it didn’t need to, it resolved in config loss and errors).
Added a new version of PlayerWarpBungee, if the plugin disabled and the connection wasn’t connected it would cause an error (You don’t need to update PlayerWarpBungee it does it automatically).
For MySQL support now made it so it imports all the warp data (descriptions AND visits to the database).
Fixed where if you open the PlayerWarp GUI it didn’t do anything .
Fixed where importing the data on restart would cause the server to lag when playing until the import is done.
This is the update that you people have been waiting for a long time, and I've been wanting to add it but i didn't know how it would work at that point.
I have been working on this MySQL database feature for a few days now. The way i have done it massively unique that other plugins.
You might be thinking why the plugin has only gone up 4kb, well you'll find out when you look in your plugins folder what is doing all your SQL processing.
Please read the config on how the database feature works and what will happen and what it will effect. Enjoy.
I've also fixed an issue where if you had multiple warps in the GUI it would appear as one warp with a stack. This is now fixed
This finally adds warp purging, if a player is offline for x amount of days their warp will be removed upon plugin reload (/pwarp reload or server restart).
Also another warning i am working on a recode of PlayerWarps to manage to add MySQL support (MySQL support only works with bungee servers though) so wait for the next update to hopefully be that
Added a command for server owners to give players more warps.
This is very useful if you want to sell warps on your store, but what happens if a player already has 2 warps?
Well this command gives them the warps you selected AND the warps they originally had.
Fixed the gui.yml config updating, this was because there was same fields named "lore" but in different config sections. I've changed the pane materials to a different lore. This should now fix the errors and your gui.yml fucking up.
This also fixes the next page glitch in 1.13-1.14 where the other page was not loading.
This fixes an error where PlayerWarps couldn't load a warp because you deleted a world where Minecraft stores UUID -> name. Because PlayerWarps saves warps as a UUID to get their name PlayerWarps converts UUID to name from the world.
If you delete the world PlayerWarps will not load that warp until the player logs back on.
This also fixes an bug where i recoded the GUI but forgot about the "location" variable not working. Here is a fix for that too.
I have also found a bug with the Config Updater, i will work on it. Do not worry. But this update does not need a config updater to work, so enjoy!
Finally, added world support. This means players can only set warps in x world. The plugin will automatically migrate your config.yml to the latest version.
Added a fix from upgrading to that version. It only updated the config.yml. Not the lang.yml too. If you just put this plugin into your server. It should do everything for you. Here you go!
Wow, this is update is a big one. We have a lot of features, last update was slacking. Here we go!
Suggestions Added: • Player Warp Descriptions, players can now do
/pwarp <warp name> <desc>. They can only do this if they own that warp. Admins have perms to bypass and do it for any warp with the permission
pw.admin.desc • Ability to toggle sub commands in the config.yml
• To add lore's to the panes
Bugs Fixed: • If you had /pwarp open disabled. But you did
/pwarp open it would show the help AND the about command.
• Fixed tab completions
• Fixed where if you had no warps, and did
/pwarp list in console. You'll get a error
• Optimized code, lowers the capacity it was getting high. Okay?
• Making everything possible async. Meaning the plugin should be working faster.
• If you were on 1.8 the TabComplete wouldn’t work, causing the plugin to crash.
4.2.0 has now been released. I don't have much to show you. But man, this feels good. There were quite alot of bug fixes in this version. I am still fixing loads of the bugs haha. Anyway enjoy!
Tab-Completion. Hell yeah!
When you remove a warp in the console it would say "Warp does not exist" when it did.
Setting warps with colors.
If you had world guard on, but you didn't have the correct version. It would crash the plugin.
Config Updater, some users had corrupted config files after the change
Players could set a warp twice with the same name.
This removes the debugging, every time you teleport to a warp.
Anyone who wanted to know what this debugging was for. It was for me testing the new feature for checking the blocks below the warp to check if it was safe or not.
If you are using PlotSquared the latest version it fixes an error with the API. This should now work! If you are using an old version of PlotSquared, Make sure you update to the latest version of PlotSquared
This finally adds auto-config updates haha. I knew everyone hated that they had to update their configs. But now it does it automatically! Some people didn't reset their configs and they had A LOT of errors. So now it will auto-update and you won't get any errors (about configs)
This fixes null/maxpages. (aka if two players had the GUI open)
This also fixes that if there were more pages added on, but a player had the GUI open, they could take the items out. Fixed that!
Wow, this update. Yeah, this update took me a lot longer than I thought. But I am very happy with the outcome. Finally! Again, the GUI has been recoded. 3rd times a charm, right? Yeah, I've tested, tested, tested, test. The GUI no longer has glitched with clicking the "next page" and "previous page".
Recoded the GUI
Fixed an error when teleporting to a warp.
Fixed taking out skulls.
Wow, this update. Yeah, this update took me a lot longer than I thought. But I am very happy with the outcome. Finally! Again, the GUI has been recoded. 3rd times a charm, right? Yeah, I've tested, tested, tested, test. The GUI no longer has glitched with clicking the "next page" and "previous page".
Recoded the GUI
Fixed an error when teleporting to a warp.
Fixed taking out skulls.
This fixes visits not going up.
This fixes the "refresh" button spazing out the GUI
I do know about the SHIFT + click to get the heads, I've only been able to replicate this once on my friend's server. If you could, could you confirm this for me. Thanks!
Thank you so much for all the support, the likes, reviews and the downloads! So I'll always be bringing these types of updates. Alright, this update is a big one again haha.
You will need to reset your lang.yml and config.yml! Or just compare them and add the new configuration changes to your old config!
This update
Fixes askyblock, griefprevention support
All plugin support now works together, meaning you can have them all on at once.
Also minimized code, cleaned it up. (capacity is going down )
Fixed the unsafe detector
Fixed the max character for setting a warp
This update
Economy support
You can now blacklist names
You can now disable the panes from the bottom in the GUI
Thank you so much for 400 downloads, this means the world to me. Lol and the reviews
. Thank you, everyone! This makes me want to do more for the plugin.
This fixes the error if you were on 1.14 it would give a nice error saying that something was null.
I've also added particles and effects when a player teleports!
I've also made the config.yml neater (in different configuration sections)
Okay, so I've removed the permission
pw.limit.0. Because now you will need
pw.limit.<number> to set a warp. So if you don't want your players to set a warp don't give them the permission.
Just fixed some code, nothing much. Trying to make the plugin as light as i can in the code. Just minimized the code, trying to get the plugin capacity as low as possible.
This fixes a few bugs when you get a message while the GUI is open %prefix% would just %prefix% not the actual prefix. Also fixed the griefprevention bug too
Also added a new variable [visits] in the gui! For this to function you will need to add the following to your config.yml under the settings section!
Code (Text):
# Should the vists only be counted once per player, or be counted every time a player teleports to it. This is HIGHLY recommended as true so players cannot farm it.
protect-boost-visits: true
Mistake in the config and code. This is for the unsafe-block true. It should be false in the original version of the config. And it if was disabled it would be enabled.
Wow, this update is a big one! I've got a lot to explain, so this update includes a lot of config.yml and lang.yml changing! So let's get straight into this!
Update saying out of bounds exception: -3
If you set a message to '' it will still send something. Fixed.
Remove permanent debugging that could not be removed by anyone
A prefix variable
When a player teleports to your warp, you get a message
You can now change the main command
You can now add aliases to your command
You can now use %cmd% in the help section
You can now toggle the unsafe-block feature
Added more customization and more messages!
Changed the %name% variable to %warp% in the teleport message
Yeah, you will need to reset your config.yml and your lang.yml for these changes to work and not give any errors!
Also a big thanks to
@valsmidhanc for giving me these ideas and bugs. I also do know about the Grief Prevention bug, don't worry this should be fixed in the next update.
We also have a discord server, where you can; report, suggest and talk to me about this plugin.
This fixes where the plugin thinks there is an update. But there isn't, this should fix that. Sorry about that people, I just cant do HTTPS requests lol.
This is a half recode of the plugin, this should fix; memory leaks, performance. This is also better, becuase i can add more features to this plugin without a struggle!
Also made it if you set "time-expire-unsafe" to -1 in the config.yml it will disable the click again to teleport to a unsafe warp.
I've finally added a feature for unsafe blocks, so if any blocks you have listed. The player cannot teleport to them unless the player clicks again to verify! Also fixed some commands, that wern't working and some null pointers.
If you have any problems join our discord!
You will need to reset your config.yml and lang.yml or:
Please add the following to your config.yml in the settings section:
Code (Text):
# The plugin will check before they warp to see if the warp is unsafe, these are the blocks that get checked below the warp.
# Valid material names:
- MAGMA # This is a 1.12+ block, so this wont work for 1.11- so remove it :)
# How many seconds, show the timer expire for the unsafe warp. This means how many seconds do they have to click
# the warp again to teleport to an unsafe warp. Recommended is 3.
time-expire-unsafe: 3
Please add the following to your lang.yml in the errors section:
Code (Text):
warp-not-safe-command: '&cThis warp is not safe. If you want to teleport, type in the command again.'
warp-not-safe-gui: '&cThis warp is not safe. If you want to teleport, click again.'
Fixed /pwarp reload in the console, it wasn't actually reloading the configs.
I just realized when you teleport to the warp in the gui it actually doesnt send the message you're teleporting like /pwarp <warp> does. Should be fixed.
Also added a better colour scheme due to some complaints. (Even though its fully customizable)
Fixes the bug when you click "refresh" it would put you onto the first page. But it thought you were on the original page so when you click the arrow it would mess everything up. fixed.
This is why you shouldn't rush updates out.
Yeah, I made a mistake so when you went to a warp it would say it wouldn't exist when it did. That is now fixed. You do not need to change anything just download and you are good.
If you had askyblock enabled it wouldn't send any messages
Fixed that you can only set a warp in your own island.
Following Configs have to be reset:
or just add the following in your config.yml:
# Do you want to enable griefprevention support?
# You need griefprevention installed for this to work!
enabled: false
not-in-claim: '&cSorry you can''t set a warp here, &cYou aren''t in a claim!'
dont-own-claim: '&cSorry you can''t set a warp here, because you don''t own this claim.'
Made with love <3
If you love this plugin, please leave a review! <3
Askyblock support has been added.
The following files have to be reset:
or add the following:
Code (Text):
# Do you want to enable askyblock support?
# You need askyblock installed for this to work!
enabled: false
not-in-island: '&cSorry you can''t set a warp here, &cYou aren''t on a island!'
dont-own-island: '&cSorry you can''t set a warp here, because you don''t own this island.'