Fixed an database error where if i add a new section to the data.yml it would give people errors if they don't reset their data.yml.
I've added PlaceholderAPI Support in ALL lang messages in the lang.yml.
Set `purge` and `remove-days` to false in the config as default.
Finally made a change to the config updater to stop whipping the categories and items in the gui. The way i setup the config updater is to make sure it ignores those but it never ignored it for some reason. (It does mess the comments round that section. I'm going to try and fix it, but it isn't very important)
You can now do `/pwarp open <all category name>`
Fixed teleporting and setting prices due to change of the new eco system with ranks being involved.
(I'm also working on the new MySQL Bungee download website. If you get an error when it downloads just join our discord and you can manually download it in the #announcements)